Li Dan is angry with you, hatred value +400!


Chapter 17 Things are going as he planned

The numerous system prompts made Chu Feng feel extremely comfortable!

Sure enough, leaving a name next to Sun Yulong's body was the right choice!

In the blink of an eye, Chu Feng gained a full [-] hatred points!

Plus the [-] hatred points contributed by Granny Mei earlier!

Now, Chu Feng has [-] hatred points!

In the system mall, there are a wide variety of products!

Chu Feng must think carefully about what good things should be exchanged for!

Of course, before exchanging goods, Chu Feng has to check the things he brought back from the treasure house in Niutou Village!

Previously, Chu Feng was trapped in the underground passage of Niutou Village, and he directly ignited a T-shaped explosive bomb!

After the explosion blasted the underground passage, it also blasted the treasure house!

At that time, Chu Feng used several boxes of gold and silver treasures to lure the people in Niutou Village to rebel!

However, most of the treasures in the treasure house were taken into the system warehouse by Chu Feng!

Taking out more than a dozen large boxes from the system warehouse, Chu Feng intends to check them one by one!

However, at this time, hurried footsteps came from outside the room, Chu Feng waved his hand, and put those boxes into the system warehouse again!

"Master, something is wrong!" Old man Yang pushed open the door and hurried into Chu Feng's room, "There seems to be a big fire on the side of Niutou Mountain. Sun Chengyun, the owner of Niutou Village, brought people over for some reason. In the stockade!"

"What are you afraid of him doing?" Chu Feng snorted disdainfully, "It's none of our business that Niutoushan is on fire, we are not afraid of the shadow being crooked!"

"That's what I said, but..." Old man Yang was crying, not knowing what to say!

Heifengzhai is really ill-fated!

In the morning, a self-proclaimed king Zhang Yuande led people up the mountain!

Now, Sun Chengyun, the owner of Niutou Village, is coming with men in a menacing way!

Chu Feng straightened his clothes and strode out!

Sun Chengyun, a burly man, rode a tall horse and led more than 100 people into the Black Wind Village!

The members of Heifengzhai held various weapons and tried to stop Sun Chengyun and his party!

Sun Chengyun and his party came here in a bad manner, and they saw that the war was about to break out!

Chu Feng appeared at this time, and he bowed his hands to Sun Chengyun, "Uncle, why did you bring someone into my Black Wind Village?"

"It seems that there is a fire on Niutoushan, why don't you take people to fight the fire?"

"Could it be that you want us to fight the fire?"

"Niutou Village and Heifeng Village are brothers. If Niutou Village encounters misfortune, we, Heifeng Village, must help each other!"

"Little ones, hurry up and prepare the tools for filling the water, let's help Niutou Village put out the fire!"

Chu Feng raised his arms and shouted, but no one responded!

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like Sun Chengyun and his party came to Heifengzhai for help!

"Chu Feng, stop being hypocritical, we won't let you do it!"

"That is, you murdered people and set fire to our Niutou village. Today, we want you to pay in blood!"

The members of Niutou village glared at Chu Feng angrily, and shouted that they wanted to kill for their lives!

Such a situation made Chu Feng puzzled, "You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Don't slander me with murder and arson!"

The people in Niutou Village are still insulting Chu Feng with their tongues!

At this time, a man dressed in a Confucian robe and looking like a scholar stepped forward.

Jia Hongcai: Niutou Village has five masters.

Cultivation level: Profound Soul Realm first level!

"Chu Feng!" Jia Hongcai asked Chu Feng expressionlessly, "My Niutou village was burned, and the young master was hanged on the gate of the village, and the murderer Chu Feng was left in big characters next to it. You must give us an explanation!"

"Young master was hanged?" Chu Feng was very surprised, "Is Sun Yulong dead?"

"Hahaha..." Chu Feng couldn't help laughing!

Seeing everyone in Niutou Village staring at him angrily, he restrained his smile in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I'm so excited!"

Jia Hongcai became angry with you, hatred value +500!

Wang Ergou is angry with you, hatred value +400!

Lin Tiesheng is angry with you, hatred value +200!

Li Dan is angry with you, hatred value +400!


Chu Feng's words aroused the anger of many people, and he gained [-] hatred points in an instant!

He restrained the corners of his mouth, and hurriedly explained, "Everyone, I'm sorry, I used to meet Sun Yulong when I went down the mountain to drink flower wine. That guy always robbed me of my money and bullied me, so I learned that he is dead. Can't help but laugh..."

"Ahem, let's get down to business!"

"Although I don't understand why my name appears in Niutou Village."

"But I think this must be a misunderstanding, after all, I am a well-known waste!"

"If I have the ability to kill Sun Yulong, why should I wait until now?"

That's right, Chu Feng is indeed a waste that everyone knows can't practice!

Not to mention Chu Feng, even if the members of Tiheifengzhai go to attack Niutouzhai, it is absolutely impossible to succeed!

Therefore, although Chu Feng's name appeared in Niutou Village, in fact, Chu Feng had nothing to do with the burning of Niutou Village and the killing of Sun Yulong!

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