But Qi Lili didn't know, she shook her head and said softly, "Sorry, I didn't see who they were."

Chen Yu stroked Qi Lili's forehead and said, "It's okay, you don't have to feel sorry, I'm honored that you can talk."

Afterwards, Chen Yu placed Qi Lili on the ground. In order to make her lie down more comfortably, Chen Yu spread out a straw mat before he dared to put Qi Lili on the ground.

This made Lu Fei and Yan Jie see it again.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that this Qi Lili has a good relationship with you, she deserves your concern, she's gone to the bone." Yan Jie teased.

Chen Yu ignored it, his gloomy face was full of seriousness, and even his eyes showed signs of solemnity, and he was serious when he opened his mouth.

"I want to go to the mine to have a look, so that I can find other survivors, what do you think?"

Chen Yu stared at the other two while speaking, wanting to ask them for advice.

But both of them looked worried.

"Isn't that good? We don't know the dangers in the mine yet."

"And Qi Lili is also injured, there is an injured person on our side, it is impossible to run away with her."

"There is another main reason. Due to the flood caused by the rain, the water in the mine may not recede so quickly, and it is useless to go down."

"Well, yes, if there is another heavy rain, won't it be trapped in the mine by the flood?"


The two of you spoke one after the other, but Chen Yu listened to the two of them calmly, and when there was a gap, he pressed his hand to signal for silence, and then said, "Okay, I have listened to your suggestion, I decided I was going to go in and have a look."

The faces of the two beauties froze, their pretty faces were snow-white!

Chapter 47 Mine!

After talking to Chen Yu so much, he didn't listen to a single word. Instead, he became more and more determined to explore the mine.

But looking at the surprised expressions of the two, Chen Yu also gave an explanation.

"First of all, I have checked the weather. It will not rain again in the next few days. You can rest assured about the flood. As for the danger in the mine, Yan Jie and I came out of the mine. Do you know anything about it? At least, secondly, Qi Lili, I don't intend to let her be with me, I want to find someone to guard her here."

After Chen Yu finished speaking, he paused, and added, "The last and most important point, since Qi Lili saw survivors being rushed into the mine with her own eyes, then I have to go and see, as a tour guide, I must To ensure the safety of every passenger, it is a principle to see people when they are born and corpses when they die.”

Chen Yu spoke like a leader, which made the other two unable to refute, and even affirmed Chen Yu's thoughts in their hearts.

"Okay...okay...then how do you arrange it?"

Even Yan Jie, facing such a serious Chen Yu, had to show a look of awe.

Chen Yu thought a little, but finally decided on the plan.

As the two said, no one knows what dangers lie in the mine, and Chen Yu agrees with this.

Therefore, for safety's sake, Chen Yu would no longer let Lu Fei follow him, but chose Yan Jie and his companions.

Secondly, Chen Yu checked the cockpit of the plane. Although the things inside were a bit messy due to being washed away by the flood for a long distance, they could be restored to their original appearance after careful cleaning.

In this way, Lu Fei and Qi Lili can be used as a safe haven and shelter.

Of course, the materials of the aircraft head cabin are all very cutting-edge technological products. It is self-evident that the degree of strength is self-evident. Even if it is broken, it is still very hard. After so many rolls, no damage can be seen. The cockpit of the plane can almost be used as a camp for the next few people.

As long as there is no large-scale disaster like a flood, even if a wild beast comes, the cabin of the plane can guarantee the safety of Qi Lili and Lu Fei.

So far, the next four people have no objection and unanimously agreed to Chen Yu's plan.

Afterwards, Chen Yu also packed up his things in the cockpit of the plane and made a simple adventure bag, which also included a first aid kit. In need of first aid.

In order to be able to ingest food, Chen Yu also brought a bit of snake meat from a giant python. Fortunately, Chen Yu found a lighter and engine oil in the cockpit of the plane, which saved a lot of time for starting a fire.

Furthermore, there are no trees in the mine, so it is not easy to drill wood to make fire.

With a lighter and engine oil, this problem is easily solved.

After the plan is completed, although the sky is not early and it is approaching dusk, in order to find the survivors as soon as possible, the sooner they are found, the more hopeful they will be saved.

Therefore, Chen Yu quickly made a few torches, tied several branches together with vines, wrapped cloth around the tops of the branches to tie them, and finally poured engine oil on them, ignited them, and finally held them together with Yan Jie. A torch, accompanied by stepping into the mine.

Before leaving, Chen Yu kissed Lu Fei on the forehead, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

This kiss really made Yan Jie on the side feel very sweet, until the two walked into the depths of the mine, Yan Jie kept teasing from the side, "You can, after coming to the desert island, not only will you not lose , pay back your blood for a profit?"

Chen Yu gave Yan Jie a contemptuous glance, and pretended to be angry and said, "Why don't you lose money, I have paid for it, okay?"

Chen Yu's words immediately made Yan Jie raise her brows, and her originally cold face was completely interested in Chen Yu.

"The dedication you mentioned, shouldn't it be...your strength...and that?"

When Chen Yu heard it, he couldn't react at first, until he suddenly thought of it, looked at Yan Jie in surprise, and couldn't believe that this cold and cold policewoman had such a reversed side.

"Okay, okay, I'm joking."

Seeing Chen Yu's appearance, Yan Jie stopped teasing her and said seriously, "Speaking of which, there are so many forks in the mine, and the bottom area is so large, is there any way you can find the survivors?"

This question is also what Chen Yu is racking his brains now.

But then, seeing the water beach on the ground of the mine, Chen Yu thought of a way, and said at the same time: "There is no way, but we can determine the direction in which they will be washed out according to the direction of the water flow."

"The direction of the water flow?" Yan Jie asked inexplicably.


Chen Yu looked around and explained, "If, as Qi Lili said, the survivors were washed in by the flood, then the direction of the survivors is the same as the direction of the flood, then the direction of the flood must be It flows from a high place to the ground. If there is no frontal obstruction, they will only flow forward. Only when they encounter a fork will the water flow diverge. In this case, we have been walking straight since we came in, so I think If we go on like this, we will definitely find traces of survivors."

Yan Jie nodded, affirming Chen Yu's statement, but there was only one point, "But how can you be sure that you won't be rushed into the fork?"

The reason why Yan Jie said this is not without reason.

Looking at this mine now, there are no plants, no animals, just lifeless gray-black ore stone walls. Due to the late weather and the privacy of the mine, it is dark here, and even in the dark, Chen Yu and Yan The torch on Jieshou can also illuminate a lot, and you can see that there are many holes on both sides of the mine.

Yan Jie's words come from this.

You must know that even if the flood is a direct current, it is not certain that the objects washed away will not have a different flow path, not to mention people who can swim, if they struggle in the flood, they may not follow the direction of the direct current of the flood , being washed to the branch line of the water flow. In the mine, the branch line is equivalent to a fork.

But Chen Yu only searched on the avenue, not in the fork, which made Yan Jie suspicious.

But hearing Yan Jie's rhetorical question, Chen Yu also gave an answer.

It turns out that if it is a large-scale flood, people cannot struggle in the flood and produce different trajectories. Moreover, the more violent the flood will first follow the physical phenomenon of flowing from high to low, this is why the higher the The more water guns sprayed out by pressure, the more they can form a straight line, because they are powerful, so they will not shoot to the other side.

Chapter 48 What's the situation!

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