Vivienne feels that whether it is for fun or for the future, following him is the most promising!

Xiaoxiao is very precocious and sees through the essence of many things.

Jiang Ping himself was surprised that a little girl could be so bold.

"Uncle Luo, you won't really chase Vivienne away, will you?" Alice was also a little anxious, this was her only playmate of the same age.

Although they looked down on me a bit at first, they soon got along with each other, and naturally they still have friendship in the past few years.

Vivian, who was struggling constantly, heard her old enemy pleading for her, and her anxious face was slightly comforted.

"Stop stabbing you a few times in the future!"

She thought to herself, this weird maize was too kind to Alice, which made Vivienne jealous since she was a child!

Jiang Ping threw Vivian, who seemed like a disturbed piglet about to be slaughtered, into the carriage, before Vivian jumped out of the car in a hurry.He opened his hands again to catch her and press her back.

"Don't worry, I'm not taking you back, I'm going to see the King of Conquerors, just to see this legendary king."

Sitting on the steed, Jiang Ping patted the unconvinced horse with his hands, and the horse naturally knew what its master meant.


Two white dragon-shaped air currents touched each other from the nostrils, and the divine horse Tada started to move.

"Haha, uncle, you are finally willing to listen to me for a while."

In the carriage, Vivienne poked her head forward, strands of pale golden hair fluttering in the wind, and her small face was full of pride.

"Vivienne, this is so dangerous." Alice advised later.

With a piece of grass in his mouth, Jiang Ping continued to drive the horse, "In the Warring States Period, the war spread for more than 200 years, so many heroes were born, and mixed-race existences of gods and men were born, but none of them were characters.

Now the King of Conquerors is considered a talent.It would be good to see how different he was from the old Gilga. "

Jiang Ping commented to himself.

Hearing what he said, the two little guys felt that his tone was very loud, as if they had seen the hero king Gilga.

"Uncle, stop bragging. Rumors about you seem to have spread in recent years. The King of Heroes was born 200 years ago before you." Vivian said with her hips akimbo, her eyes filled with envy.

"It's a pity that I was not born 200 years ago, and I didn't have the chance to meet the strongest human being in history! He is the Prince Charming in my heart!

Rule the entire atrium of humans, establish the first unified dynasty, and kill the gods!Slash the God Realm!It completely meets my expectations for a hero!

It's so handsome!Every time I read Gilga's epic, I am in awe of the strongest king. "

Vivienne completely turned into a fan girl, uttering the words of chasing stars, Jiang Ping turned around with a smile, "I am riding a big brown and red horse, do I count it as the prince of the red horse?"

Vivienne gave Jiang Ping a disdainful look, and said to the little ghost:

"Uncle, you don't look down on yourself, you don't look clean, you drink all day, your appearance is terribly ordinary, I couldn't find you on the street several times.

I admit, you are very mysterious and a little strong, but you are far from the hero in my heart!You're not my type. "


Jiang Ping smiled and continued to drive the strong horse under his seat. The big brown-red horse looked back at the three of them, hum, boring mortals can't even recognize me.

"Vivienne is wrong. I have also read Gilga's Epic. Although the King of Heroes is strong, he is domineering and domineering by nature. I prefer Uncle Luo's approachable character."

Alice objected unconvinced.

"It's not in vain to hurt you." Jiang Ping drove the red horse away with a smile.

In fact, Jiang Ping asked the two lolita to call him brother at first, after all, he didn't look much older than them.

However, I don't know if Vivienne has a special complex, she always calls her uncle, Jiang Ping is called old, and even the good Alice is led to bad.

Vivienne glanced at Alice, "You know how to speak well for uncle, and you can't tell that at a young age, you can flatter more than my aunt's subordinates."

Suddenly Vivian stretched out her upper body, shaking Jiang Ping, who was driving the horse in front of her, with both hands.

"Uncle, let's go to Yongwang Mountain! There seems to be a 1-meter-high statue of Gilga there. It is called No. [-] in the Atrium. I want to see my idol, uncle"

The cuteness method was used again, and Jiang Ping's head was full of black lines.

"Didn't you murmur before that you wanted to see the King of Conquerors?"

"Don't look at it, don't look at it, what is the King of Conquerors, it looks better than my King of Heroes. Hey, uncle, you turned around, are you planning to go to Yongwang Mountain?"

"No, I think it's more convenient to send you back."

"Ah?! Uncle, I was wrong, let's go to see the King of Conquerors"

Another different chuckle sounded.

In this way, the driver slowly drove to the distance with the car full of laughter.

The sunset is infinitely beautiful, and the dim sunlight just shines on the two smiling faces in the carriage

ps: It’s Dazhang again, more than 1w has been updated today, full of sincerity, please subscribe, monthly ticket support.

Chapter 145 The Wind Blows


On the vast yellow sand battlefield, gusts of wind rolled up the sand all over the sky, blinding people's eyes.

The heroic fighters were fighting desperately, and the two sides were divided into two camps.

One party wears black armor and holds up shields and sabers. Every 100 people join together to form a small square formation, and the small square formations are matched with each other to form a huge behemoth.

The morale and strength of the thousands of troops merged together, roaring like a ferocious beast.

The other side was wearing white battle armor, and the holy priests were protected among the soldiers. Priests in white chanted prayers, and the breeze carried warmth around the soldiers in white.

A tall and mighty man was wearing a bright red cloak and black and red battle armor, standing on the back of a ferocious and mighty red dragon.

The brawny man stood high in the sky, staring down at the opponent's enemy.


The red dragon chanted loudly, frightening the White Legion into a commotion, and the priests were forced to interrupt their chanting. From the center of the White Legion, a man wearing a platinum battle armor and a divine sword inlaid with dozens of wind gems slowly walked out. .

He looks handsome, and there is a breeze wherever he passes, leading all the dust for him. The handsome young man looks up at the tyrannical red dragon.

"Dahl! Do you really want to be an enemy of the Land of Wind? Do you really want to challenge the gods?"

"Ha ha"

A burst of hearty laughter came from above the red dragon, "Silken, you are not qualified to challenge me to swear an oath, you should call your father over here, otherwise your Kingdom of Wind will be defeated this time!"

Silken frowned. He is the son of God, a man of heaven and heaven, blessed by the gods. According to common sense, as long as he does not refuse to suppress the hidden divinity in his body, he can become a demigod-level powerhouse through normal growth.

Now this mighty King of Conquerors looks down on him so much?Silken snorted coldly and drew out the sword in his hand with a clang.

He pointed his sword at the mighty King of Conquerors high above the sky, "Dar the King of Conquerors! My Father God abides by the covenant between the gods and the court, and will not carelessly kill human heroes, but if you take the initiative to attack! For the majesty of the gods, he will personally Descend! But I see, without Father God's action, I can take the head of you impertinent person myself!"

"Flowers in a greenhouse after all."

Before the battle between the two armies, an ordinary carriage stopped not far away, and the yellow sand kept coming, which made the two girls speechless. If they had known this, they would not have come to eat the dirt.

"Uncle, you say that this son of God, Silken, is a flower? Hasn't been destroyed by wind and rain?" Vivienne covered her eyes with her small hands, slightly opened a slit between her fingers, carefully opened her blue eyes, and looked at the handsome man in the distance. God-man hybrid.

"I've heard rumors about this Son of the Wind God, and now his strength is at the epic level. He has eaten a lot of spiritual materials to stimulate the hidden divinity in his body. He didn't completely abandon and suppress the blood flowing in his body like the King of Heroes.

He is also the only heir of Fengshen. Although it will be difficult to break through the bondage after the divine blood is activated, at least he is still very strong now! "Vivian told the information of this son of God like a treasure.


Silken turned into white light and rushed towards the King of Conquerors, but was intercepted in mid-air!

Like an arrow, a young man holding a silver spear directly killed Ziwei Fengshen's son back!

Silken felt insulted. No matter what he said, he was the son of a god, but the other party was so insulting!Even without moving my real body, an unknown person dares to challenge me!

Silken swung the Excalibur, and the sword flowers fell like raindrops, enveloping the young man with the gun continuously!

However, I saw a little cold light coming first, and then the spear came out like a dragon!

The silver spear turned into a silver dragon, and continued to charge towards Silken. Silken activated his Fengshen talent, his figure continued to speed up, and his movements became more and more agile to be able to stand against this young man.

One inch long, one point strong.

This unnamed young man has a long spear that is more flexible than his hands. Every time he kills it, Silken is terrified. The spear god domain is even more difficult for him. The wind god domain tried his best to suppress it before Silken could react.

call out!

The blue blood washes the silver gun, and the young man holds the gun in both hands and turns into an afterimage to kill Silken. Silken's face is shocked, and at the critical moment, he activates his own blood, and the sword crosses his chest!


The tip of the silver spear was piercing the center of the sword body. This thrust was too terrifying. The young man kept pushing towards Fengshenzi. Silken was covered in battle armor and volleyed in the air, and gusts of wind blew up.

The two faced each other for a full minute in the middle of the battlefield, and Silken was forced to retreat 1 meters!

Seeing the son of Fengshen's face turn pale, a wind blade with a length of 5 meters shot out from the white army!

This magical technique was so swift that even the King of Conquerors had no time to rescue him. Fortunately, the gun-wielding young man turned his silver spear backwards.

With the gun barrel as the fulcrum, the whole person turned into an arc to volley in the air, only then could it barely avoid this sneak attack.

"Hmph, as the archbishop, he actually made a sneak attack himself!"

The King of Conquerors stood on top of the red dragon, his clothes rumbled, and his bright red cloak was as beautiful as the sunset. He waved his hand fiercely, and the next moment the black army rioted.

Thousands of huge monsters in a phalanx continued to attack the army of the Kingdom of the Wind, and spears spit out from the dense shields.

This is not only the connection of the soldiers, but also the connection of spirits and spirits!Hundreds of thousands of soldiers are attacking the enemy line like a whole beast!


On the other side, the elite fighters of the White Legion holding battle knives, after receiving the blessings of divine arts from behind, only felt that their bodies were much lighter, and their weight seemed to be unbearable.

This is a standard battle formation. Among the forces in the atrium, the strongest is the principality with the backing of the gods, and they have one state religion.

The two camps clashed, and the warriors of the Kingdom of Wind were extremely agile, accompanied by gusts of wind. However, the army of the King of Conquerors was as motionless as a mountain, like the hardest tortoise shell. Although it was slow, it was constantly advancing!

The roar of battle, the clanging of swords and guns, the screams of dying, all kinds of voices came and went, and the priests waved the brilliance of God to kill the enemies in front of them.

However, even with the blessing of God, the army of the Conqueror King actually has the upper hand, constantly devouring the warriors of the Kingdom of Wind.

"The King of Conquerors is really extraordinary, and he is destined to be engraved in the long river of history just by virtue of this battle technique." Jiang Ping poured dirty wine into his mouth while watching the battle from the corner of his eye.

"Oh?" Vivian was rather curious, she looked at both sides of the battle strangely, "I didn't expect this Fengshen's army to be useless. Although the King of Conquerors has a rough appearance, even I can see how powerful he is in training the army." .”

It's rare for Vivienne to praise others, and she can't judge people by their appearance. The King of Conquerors refuses to submit to the gods and chooses to fight by himself. Although it is difficult, every piece of land is conquered by himself, and he is worthy of his name.


At this moment, Alice sighed softly, and her eyes with very different pupil colors floated across the cruel battlefield.

"It's pitiful to the fighters on both sides. People always say how cruel Gilga was 200 years ago. However, in today's world, the people live even harder."

Her ears heard wailing, and the wailing was full of farewell to her lover, parents, and children.

Her eyes seemed to see the souls of the soldiers who died in battle again, wisps of dead souls that ordinary people could not see, and that could only be captured by the gods floated howling and floating on the battlefield, and finally sank to the ground. The bottom of the world.

Where do you come from? Where do you go.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, don't stay what should go. Everything will return to the arms of the great Rahil." Alice suddenly thought of this proverb circulating in the great world of Hill.

All living beings are born from Rahil, even God Kings and Titans are no exception. In the end, no matter how strong the existence is, they will face death, and all living beings are equal.

"The advantage of the army is that it can unite with each other and condense into one force. Previously, the city-states ignored this point. It is naturally good to have great power in one body, but there is a reason for the existence of all things. Just relying on the battle formation, the conqueror is enough to occupy a large area of ​​territory. "Jiang Ping commented while drinking turbid wine.

Looking at the two girls, they saw that the battlefield was irreversibly falling to the King of Conquerors. At this time, the King of Conquerors was still on the back of the red dragon and did not make a move, as if he was waiting for something.

There are legendary strongmen below, and even three epic masters fighting fiercely. I have to say that this young man with a silver gun is amazing, and he is not weak at all by himself alone.

"The wind is blowing." A strand of Jiang Ping's black hair fluttered in the wind.

The pale golden hair of the two girls also danced in the wind, and they looked at the uncle curiously, as if something was different.

The king of conquerors at high altitude suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance, "The wind is coming"

He couldn't help touching the King's Sword on his waist with his right hand, squatted down gently and stroked the epic red dragon with his left hand.

"Hey, old man, if we don't become the protagonists of the epic this time, we will be the fools of the fable."


The red dragon Shok became more restless and irritable, and his bright red wings flapped faster.

"But someone has to take this step. The King of Heroes 200 years ago was able to do it, which means it is not insurmountable. Let me conquer Wang Daer and create another epic of killing gods today!"

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