At this moment, the creatures of the other three realms raised their heads in a daze, aloft, and the incomparable Supreme God Realm descended with a gesture visible to the naked eye!

This is its rank in the world tree!

Endless chaotic seawater poured in, assimilating into the glorious God Realm!The space barriers of the God Realm are shattered like a mirror!


Another shocking explosion!Hundreds of millions of living beings watched the God Realm fall blankly, one-third of the God Realm fragments broke away, being wrapped by the Destroying Star and falling continuously!

God King Yuer made a decisive decision, calling on all the surviving gods to activate the rules, reconnect the laws of the gods, and restore the original rules!

Streams of chaotic sea water and disasters and sins all sink with the fragments of the God Realm!

The two-thirds of the God Realm that survived in this way can barely stop falling and collapsing, barely hanging above the strange world, and can no longer look down at the lower realm, high above!

The laws of the fallen gods merged into the falling fragments of the God Realm, and the fragments that already contained the Star of Destruction appeared even more terrifying and dark!


The fragments of the God Realm kept falling, as if they were about to sink into the abyss of the world forever. At this moment, whether it was a powerful God King or an immature child, one-third of the God Realm could easily be seen falling.

Countless people and gods have been silent, and on the forum, every netizen has not spoken out for a long time.

No one knew that things would turn out like this!Xianyu has gathered the power of faith for decades to ignite the divine fire, successfully condensing the godhead of art and art.

However, the mountain god Anderson rushed to snatch it!When Aphra fell, Xianyu opened Hill's magic box and released all the evil in this world!As a result, the origin of the world has changed drastically, and the rules have been polluted.

Countless pains such as jealousy and hatred befall every creature, and no one will live forever!A group of ancient gods who were seriously injured were instantly devastated by the catastrophe!

Gilga blatantly murdered the gods, and the ancient god of fire, Hepheus, personally descended to suppress it.

Gilga is gone!However, the last blow caused the Doom Star in the depths of the Chaos Sea to crash into the God Realm!

How many powerful gods fell in the collision, Gilga fulfilled his long-cherished wish, and finally pulled down the lofty God Realm!

"Even if Gilga dies in battle, he is still the king of a generation! He is the unique hero king!"

The fragments of the God Realm wrapped in the Star of Destruction, and the endless chaotic seawater continued to fall, passing through the strange world, across the atrium, and finally reached the bottommost giant kingdom.

This is a wonder that has never been seen since the birth of Hill Great World, the fall of a world!Brighter than any fireworks in the world!

True gods, elves, dryads, giant dragons, humans and other creatures of all races raised their heads blankly, watching the dark fragments of the God Realm pass by.

In the dimly lit kingdom of giants, dwarves or other dark groups watched a world fall in shock.

Even the long unborn Titan also opened his eyes, staring blankly at the fall of a part of his old opponent.

In the end, the fragments of the God Realm fell to the bottom of the World Tree and became the lowest step cornerstone of the World Tree. The dark, humid, and chaotic seawater surged endlessly inside, and the whole world was soaked with all the malice of the entire Great Hill World.

Even the gods don't want to and can't step into it. After staying here for a long time, the light of the gods is obscured, and the soul of the gods sinks.

The world at the bottom of the world tree is called: Underworld!

The burial place of the gods, the destination of all things, and the end of all souls. From then on, the souls of countless dead creatures drifted down the trunk of the World Tree, and finally fell into the underworld.

Afterwards, the soul light turned into the source of Dao Dao, turned into fertilizer and returned to the root of the tree, and returned to Lahil, the source of all things.

Dust to ashes, dust to dust, all living beings were born from Rahil, and finally returned to Rahil's embrace, this is the birth of the underworld.


Jiang Ping opened Genesis, and the fourth page had already been updated.

Hill Calendar, Atrium World, Sumerian Dynasty 66.

The player Xianyu gathers the power of thousands of beliefs, ignites the divine fire on Yinsong Mountain, condenses and artistic godhood, and the mountain god makes a sneak attack.

Afra blocked, Gilga killed the gods, the gods came to the courtyard, and Aphra, the weapon made by God, fell.

Xianyu opened the Hill's magic box, and all the malice in this world bloomed out. From then on, the gods are no longer superior, and there are also life, old age, sickness and death, and all living beings are equal.

Gilga fell, and when he was dying, he shot the final arrow, the star of destruction crashed into the God Realm from the Chaos Ocean, and the Chaos Sea turned into a world-destroying flood and poured into the God Realm.

The god king Yule gathered the power of the gods to stop him, was seriously injured, and the gods fell. The star of destruction fell with a third of the gods, and gradually fell to the bottom of the world tree, turning into a dark underworld. The world forms a cycle, and the world tree is slightly upgraded.

The oldest Sumerian dynasty of the Zhongting people was destroyed. After one king, in the 66th year of Guozuo, a new era came.

Jiang Ping sighed after reading it: "Everything has a destination!".

When the young Gilga found three pieces of divine iron from the Jedi, he forged the Deviant Sword that affected his life, and he was destined to bring about the birth of the underworld one day.

ps: Why do some people say that the deviant sword is given by the protagonist, it is the god-given iron, and Gilga found the materials by himself to create an exclusive artifact. By the way, Gilga's posture is the posture of a sword.

Chapter 139 The Wave of the New Era [9/10 Subscribe! 】

"The world has entered the next era!"

At this moment, I don't know how many people said this sentence in unison.

On the crown of the sky, Jiang Ping looked down. The supreme God Realm has fallen. Although it is still at the highest level of the world tree, it is not fundamentally different from other worlds.

Can no longer look down on the common people!

The accidental opening of Hill's Magic Box made Jiang Ping never expect that all malicious things will appear in this world, and all beings are equal, whether it is the gods on high or the Titans born with supernatural powers, they will all be pulled into the starting line of "mortals".

God is no longer God. Although he still has the strength far beyond ordinary people, he is no longer eternal life.Just as immortals have three calamities, five calamities and nine calamities, now the divine way also has calamities!

Xianyu and Gilga join forces to pull down the gods from the sky.

"Rachel, how are you feeling?"

Jiang Ping spoke softly, the wind on the crown of the sky was more noisy, and the height was extremely cold, with a companion in the same company, Jiang Ping felt that he would not be so lonely.


Rahil's clear eyes flicked across the lower realm, and everything was clear in her heart. This is the world she carried and bred, and she was very clear about what happened just now.

"The fight is endless, why do they like fighting so much?"

Rahil frowned slightly, and looked at the omniscient God in her heart with a puzzled expression.

Jiang Ping chuckled, "It's your nature. You have a weak personality, but you like to stay quietly in one place."

Jiang Ping got up and stretched slightly, "This journey has come to an end for now."

Hearing this, Rahil felt a little bit reluctant. Although he didn't like running around, the master came here once in a thousand years, but he wanted to leave again.

There is no never-ending banquet in the world, and it was the first time in Rahil's life that he felt the feeling of parting.

After all, Rahil has not completely walked out of the body, and now he is relying on Jiang Ping's divine power to maintain it, and he cannot leave the body for too long.

Jiang Ping looked around, and there was a sea of ​​green in his eyes, and a treetop in high spirits was standing straight in the center.

He looked down and saw that the God Realm below was in chaos, and the surviving gods were pale and tidying up the broken God Realm, and they were constantly repairing the laws of the God Realm.

God King Yule sat cross-legged on the throne, listening to the report of Hephas kneeling below with cold eyes.

In a strange world, Obi was wearing leather armor, standing on top of an ancient tree, looking at the atrium world below with clear eyes.

Beside him, the figures of elves occasionally flashed by. The world has undergone such great changes, and this group of fun-loving groups are also uneasy.


In the colorful fantasy forest, a green tree of life with luxuriant branches and leaves is swaying gently, and the bright light rain sprinkles from the branches, as if lamenting the fall of the gods and the division of the gods.

In the atrium world, gunpowder was everywhere, and the huge Sumerian dynasty fell apart.

The oldest and strongest dynasty of mankind was suppressed by Gilga. When he fell, it fell apart in an instant.

The general trend of the world, the long-term division must be united, and the long-term unity must be divided.

City-states rose up one after another to resist the tyranny of the dynasty. In the royal city of Uruk, a group of dynasty ministers took the opportunity to control the power of the corps.

However, the generals in the corps also have ambitions, and a civil strife is inevitable. One by one, the strong start to fight!

They were all suppressed by Gilga before, but now the peak that is on their heads has collapsed, and the world is at their mercy!

A hidden legend was born, and they also joined the battle!The belief in conferring gods created by Xianyu has a far-reaching impact, allowing the strong to act!This is a shortcut to break through the barrier between man and god!


The flames of war raged, and the people in the city-state were shocked to find that they were not as good as being under the rule of a tyrant!

One after another, strong men forcibly recruited soldiers, and the people were dragged to become strong men, and slaves became standard cannon fodder on the battlefield.

Prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people suffer.


A girl in white armor killed the enemy in front of her with a single sword. She retracted her sword and looked around the chaotic battlefield, letting out a long sigh.

She suddenly thought of a sentence: Suppose there were no orphans in the world, how many people would be called emperors and how many people would be called kings!

Now that Gilga has fallen, all the evils in the world have been attributed to his life. The hero king recorded in the history books is also a cruel and heartless tyrant.

The long sword returns to the fire, and the girl walks away on the battlefield of disputes


The sound of the hammer beating kept ringing in the oppressive kingdom of giants. A dirty human youth wiped off his sweat and looked at his work with satisfaction.

Now and then he took out a charcoal pencil and drew on the bark, and soon he had the dwarves hammering out strange accessories.

The simple and honest dwarves were extremely obedient to this foreigner, and they kept beating each other happily. The dwarves wondered why the human leader has been more and more sleepless recently, and even slept a lot less. Since the birth of the underworld, the time spent by the stove getting longer

Peng, Peng

The tall Titans stood up and gathered in the Giant Palace. The tallest Frost Giant nodded as he watched the coming Giants. The Titans began a rare meeting in a thousand years.

In the dark underworld, remnants of souls are wandering in confusion, and a never-ending River of Styx below is constantly flowing. It pulls the lost lambs, and finally merges into the bottom of Rachel

Jiang Ping's eyes see through the five worlds, he feels the wave of the times, and a new era is coming.

Jiang Ping looked back at the slightly reluctant Rahil, and reminded with a smile: "Rahil."

Lahille nodded lightly. At this moment, her body was already glowing with green light. It was obvious that the main soul was uncomfortable after being away from the body for too long, and a heavy sleepiness had already flooded her heart.

She looked at the newly born underworld below her eyes, the corners of her mouth suddenly raised, and her body turned into a rain of green light, swaying into the body of the world tree.

The World Tree was faintly shaken, the main soul returned to its place, and it was faster to sort out the laws of heaven and earth.

"A new era is coming, I should update the game."

Jiang Ping was talking to himself on the crown of the sky. He was on vacation at Hill World recently, so he didn't know what was going on in the forum.

Thinking this way, Jiang Ping glanced at the chaotic world, stepped out, time and space moved, and when he reappeared, he was already a small village in the countryside.


Jiang Ping opened his notebook and looked at it. The forum was still in full swing, but this time it was not about various discussions, but a deep sense of sadness.

"It's unbelievable, Aphra fell like this! I still don't believe she is dead! Her strength is comparable to Gilga!

Gilga's death blow nearly destroyed the God Realm!Gods fall!Afra should be no worse than him! "

"Whoa, it's useless no matter how strong Afra is! The gods have left a self-destruction program on her! Even if she can compete with the main god, it's useless!

Pity my goddess!It seems that Vulcan Hephas is not dead yet!If I enter Hill's world, I will absolutely avenge her! "

"Hey, Aphra fell to save Xianyu, and Xianyu got the Hill's Box that he had dreamed of at the last moment, but he didn't keep it for himself, but opened it without hesitation!

When all the evils in this world come, the rules of the God Realm will be polluted, and the gods will not be above them!Salted fish is a revenge blow!After all, the gods paid an unimaginable price because of their arrogance! "

Someone mentioned Salted Fish, this big guy's achievements in Hill World are really not small!

His name will be engraved forever under the stars!There is also a path of faith and godhood left for the latecomers!Hill calendar always has his own chapter!

One after another, netizens began to call the big guy, but there was no response at the moment.

In Huaxia Wuyou City, a young man in his 20s opened his moist eyes, and the things in front of him were blurred. He reached out his hand to touch it, and two lines of dirty tears flowed down.

"A part of my life was buried in the atrium world." The young man murmured.

There was no trace of regret in his heart, maybe the gods wouldn't kill him if he didn't open the magic box.He may still be in the atrium world, carrying the world's most precious treasure with him.

But the youth still felt that he had to do something no matter what, even if it was just the most insignificant act!

Because he is human.

Chapter 140 World Tree: Golden Age! [10/10 please subscribe! 】

The lower right corner of the computer in front of him flickered, and the young man clicked on it.

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