"Who killed Anderson? Even the Titans have to pay the price!"

"The power of the God Realm cannot be challenged! It seems that the peace of tens of thousands of years has been broken!"

"No matter who it is, no one can provoke the God Realm!"

One after another, the huge spiritual consciousness awakened and converged, and the gods who left a heavy mark in the history books were communicating.

They understand the laws of the world, directly absorb the information in the void, and soon know everything!

"It turned out to be him! When did Gilga become so strong? The artifact in his hand makes me shudder!"

"Aphra has betrayed! She dared to take action against the creature that made her! Ask Lord Hephace for instructions! God's punishment will be sent down!"

"Hmph! What about the protagonist of the era? Can he still turn the world upside down under the suppression of absolute strength? Aren't we the gods also the protagonists who maintain the order of the world and are in charge of a law?

Since Aphra has rebelled, we will personally suppress it! "

"Do you believe in gods? The power of faith of all beings has allowed an ant to rise to the same level as us. It's really incredible. The human race has become the first group in the atrium? I can't imagine that the weak group of the past has come to this point!"

At this moment, the God Realm is in turmoil, and powerful ancient gods are communicating with each other. They have been asleep for a long time, and they are a little puzzled by the rapid development of the new era.

There are so many novelties in the world, and even mortals have opened up a path to the God Realm!

In the consciousness of the gods, everything is predetermined as early as birth.

Gods beget gods, dragons beget dragons, and the son of a mouse is born with the ability to make holes, so he can only survive in the sewer all his life.

Now seeing that mortals can continue to be strong to their point, the gods feel uneasy!


Nine beams of light piercing the sky shot down from the God Realm, and nine true gods descended to earth!They didn't appear directly through the gate of the gods, because they might be attacked when they crossed the two realms!

The mountain gods have all fallen, and the nine gods dare not take it lightly!

Although the mountain god is only the lower god who is responsible for guarding the gate of the gods!

"Is the battle of the gods coming? Is the atrium going to be turned upside down?" Human legends stared blankly at the nine divine lights piercing the sky.

The majesty of the true God cannot be violated!This is the rule engraved deep in the soul of all creatures!

Apart from Gilga, which strongman would dare to propose "Killing God"?

Only he, the number one king of mankind, dares to kill gods with a divine weapon!

Except for the titans who were born with the gods, who dares to challenge the God Realm?

You know, even the Titans were defeated!The kingdom of giants has fallen to the lowest level of the world tree!You will never be able to enjoy light and warmth, and your magic power is also the most scarce!


In the deepest part of the forest of elves, beside a fountain of life, an ancient tree of life swayed, and a beautiful goddess in green clothes with a face resembling Rahil woke up.

The elf goddess Avril is also the goddess of life. She is the ancestor creature of the same era as the ancestor god and the ancestor giant. She awakened consciousness only after being worshiped by the elves.

It is said that she is inextricably related to the great Lahier. It seems to be a branch of a different species separated from the world tree Lahier. Her strength is unfathomable. Even the god king respects her, and the main god also calls her senior. .

Because of her, the elves escaped from the control of the gods and titans, and were able to live peacefully in nature.

It is also because of her that the gods and giants do not act recklessly in the strange world, making this world a safe haven for many weak and small groups.

At this time, Avril, the goddess of life, woke up from the long time. She looked at the nine divine lights across the sky and sighed.

"It's another bloody battle. I don't know if this world will be involved this time."

The outside world is in full swing, and netizens are nervous about Xianyu and Afra!

"Oops! Oops! Gilga actually killed the mountain god! Now the God Realm won't let it go!

If he died at the hands of a giant titan, the gods would still hold their noses and admit it. After all, they are old enemies, but now they are insulted and beheaded by ants, and they will take revenge no matter what!Otherwise, where is the majesty of the gods?How to subdue all races? "

Netizens jumped up and down like rats in a hot pan!There are still very few people who are worried about salted fish, and most of them are worried about Afra!

After all, her good looks are heaven-defying, her heart is kind, and she has not yet awakened her humanity. She is the king of Hill's popularity!

Even the popular king of the Heavens and Worlds series of games!There are hundreds of millions of fans around the world!

The derivatives of the Afra series are sold well both at home and abroad, and are enduring!

"Gilga is too reckless! Miss Afra is involved here!"

"Stupid! If Gilga doesn't act, the mountain god will spread rumors in the God Realm and inform the main god. The result is the same!

The root cause of the problem is that the gods don't pay attention to all races at all!They think highly of themselves, and they don't look down on anyone except the titans of the same age!

Otherwise, Xianyu would not be deprived of his godhood by the mountain god just after he was promoted to a god, causing so many troubles! "

Netizens continued to analyze and gradually found out the root of the problem!

"Everyone! Do you think the World Tree game will be the same as Honghuang, with the setting of catastrophe?

That is, every time there are a lot of strong people, the world will be catastrophe, and the biological energy will be recovered? "One netizen thought anxiously.

As soon as these words came out, many people felt chills. Everyone knew the horror of the catastrophe. Gods are no longer gods, and immortals are no longer immortals. All powerful creatures will be involved in it, and the world will be turned upside down!A bad one will even return to chaos and nothingness!

, after a while of silence, Meng Loli spoke:

"It seems that no matter which world in the heavens and myriad worlds, there is something similar to the catastrophe. The last time the prehistoric Dragon and Han Chu catastrophe came, this time the great world of Hill may have begun as well."


Woohoo, will Miss Afra be in danger?Let her escape quickly!The farther you escape, the better!Better run to the kingdom of giants!

Although the conditions are a bit poor, it is impossible for the hands of the gods to reach out to this world! "

"Hurry up and summon Yaoyao girl! Let her take Xianyu and Aphra away! Anyway, Gilga is on top! After escaping to the kingdom of giants, it is impossible for the gods to chase after the world of giants!"

Everyone hurriedly summoned Yaoyao, she was a war correspondent and the only person on the scene who kept traveling between the two worlds.

After a while of ding ding dong dong, Ri Xiayao quickly went offline to watch, and after a glance at ten lines, she replied with a wry smile:

"It's too late! The nine gods have arrived! Aphra refuses to leave Gilga alone, not to mention that the God Realm should have a way to restrict her.

Xianyu also refused to leave, he said that the incident happened because of him, and no matter what, he could not leave the people who helped him and escape!

My soul sensed the depressing breath, and the catastrophe of Hill Great World has come! "

Chapter 132 Gilga Kills God! 【Please subscribe 2/10】

The nine divine lights piercing the sky appeared in the former site of Yinsong Mountain in an instant!

However, before the nine gods appeared, Gilga stepped out.


He held the sword in both hands, and swung the deviant sword violently!

At this moment, the three blades of the Deviant Sword turned faster and faster, and the huge wind pressure made Xianyu feel depressed for a while!

Boom boom boom!

A streak of sky across the sky appeared, and strands of chaotic breath spread from the black and red cracks. Gilga's slash shattered the space and directly hit the chaotic sea!

The nine rays of divine light that hit at such a high speed stopped in vain. The gods burst into divine light and waved their own laws to block this blow!

"Gilga, is this what you are capable of?" A middle-aged god shrouded in divine light scattered the sword energy with a wave of his hand.


However, the next moment, 5 gods were already driven into the space-time rift by the sword energy!

The face of the middle-aged god changed in vain, "Segmentation tactics?"

He and the other three gods looked at each other, and suddenly they shot together!

They are also very taboo about the protagonist of the atrium!

"Gods? You have been dusty for a long time, and you have been isolated from the world for too long."

The four true gods attacked together, but Gilga was still talking calmly, seeing a thick beam of divine light from the four gods attacking together with destructive laws.

Gilga took a step, and the golden field spread out from under his feet, and the four gods rushing at a high speed felt that the surroundings were golden.

They looked serious, cautiously looking at the golden void around them, and no longer ventured into it.

The powerful blow to Gilga from the original attack kept getting weaker and slower. When it reached him, "Peng!"

"Let this king show you what the domain of the new era is! God Killing King Domain!!"


Thousands of golden weapons instantly appeared behind Gilga, and a golden light curtain descended!The faces of the four gods changed drastically. They sensed the brilliance of divinity on the golden sword, golden halberd, and golden gun!

With so many weapons besieging, even if each one can only draw a trace of scars, they will fall!


Gilga pointed domineeringly at the Deviation Sword.

Thousands of golden weapons shot at the four gods high in the sky like arrows!


Streams of golden light appeared, piercing the sky one after another, and the faces of the four gods changed drastically. They didn't know how Gilga extracted the divinity from so many artifacts.

Dangdang Dangdang!

All the divine powers of the four gods spewed out, and the Dao Dao came down. They joined hands to lay down a sky-blue shield. The huge sky-blue shield surrounded everything like a dome of heaven, but at this time they were continuously broken by bright golden streamers!

call out!

Occasionally, the golden sword cut through the real body of the god, and cut out drops of brilliant blood.

One of the weakest female gods was in trouble, and she even stabbed her between the eyebrows with a sharp gun!


The eyes of the other three gods are about to burst, and a god is about to fall before touching Gilga's real body?

Gilga is still in the mortal realm at this time, but why is it so contrary to common sense?What exactly is his field?It can suppress their divine power!Otherwise, it wouldn't be so embarrassing!

call out!

At the critical moment, a platinum chain suddenly emerged from the golden field, clang!In an instant, the sky lock was entwined on the killing spear, and rescued the goddess Lala at a critical moment.

A drop of divine sweat dripped from the forehead of the goddess named Camila. At this time, the divine spear was only one finger away from the center of her eyebrows, and she could even feel the sharpness of the divine spear's tip!

The godhead deep in the brow is trembling slightly!

Gilga looked back at Aphra, "You want to stop me?"

With a hook of Aphra's slender fingers, the platinum sky lock wrapped around the gun and left.

"As an enemy of the God Realm, you have no chance of winning. I am indeed created by the God Realm. It is indeed disrespectful to attack the gods. I will personally go to the God Realm to accept the crime."

Xianyu on the side became anxious, "Aren't you courting death by going to the God Realm now? Since the gods use you as a weapon! Why do you treat them as your parents! Just break with them directly!

At worst, turn the world upside down and escape to the kingdom of giants!On this world tree, the gods are not covering the sky with one hand! "

Gilga's face didn't change at all, and the golden weapons kept shooting at the four gods in the sky.

call out!

The weakest goddess uttered a sharp cry, and Camila looked at Gilga full of hatred. The little mortal insulted her so much!It is even more about destroying her godhead!

"Aphra! You take the godhead of this new god and dedicate it to us now, and then take the head of Gilga. I will definitely intercede for you in front of Lord Hephas, and forgive your previous rebellious act!"

After hearing this, Xianyu was instantly furious, and cursed directly:

"You old hag, with your low strength, you still want to oppress others! You think everyone is as shameless as you! You don't know what the truth is!"


Aphra sighed softly, hooked her two fingers, and the sky lock swished back into the void, without making any further moves.

call out!

The next moment, the four gods were dumbfounded, and a vast golden light curtain rose behind Gilga!

Ten thousand golden weapons slowly drilled out from the light curtain, and Gilga looked at the four gods with cold eyes.

"God of ignorance, let it fall!"

In an instant, like a golden rain falling from the sky, the remnants of the battlefield could only see the brilliant golden light shining, and the blades of the swords were shot at the four true gods like ten thousand swords returning to their ancestors!


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