Turning off the fire to collect the juice, Jiang Ping looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.

Although it was the first time to refine medicine, it went smoothly unexpectedly. I didn't expect that I had a talent for refining medicine!

After the potion had cooled down for 10 minutes, Jiang Ping carefully poured it into a bowl, but after adding so many ingredients, half of the bowl couldn't be filled!

Jiang Ping could only comfort himself, concentration is the essence, thinking of Lian Shan's pain after drinking the medicine, Jiang Ping shivered slightly.

I just wanted to ask Genesis if it could cut off the pain, but then I thought, can I get double the life span, so I can't bear such a little pain?I don't know how many people in the world hope to exchange their full worth!

Gritting his teeth, Jiang Ping took out a towel and prepared to put it in his mouth. Then he drank half a bowl of golden potion in one go, just like drinking medicine when he was a child.

As soon as the longevity potion entered his stomach, Jiang Ping felt his stomach hurt like a flame!pain!pain!

He just wanted to yell, but immediately bit the towel tightly, and drops of sweat came out of his head. He was obviously in great pain, but he was full of energy.

At this time, the cells in Jiang Ping's whole body seemed to be forced to transform!And this change obviously cannot be completed in a short time.

When Jiang Ping took the medicine and transformed, the original world continued to develop rapidly. After being reborn, Lianshan regained its glory and once again unified the human race to climb to a higher peak. This time, there are human figures in every corner of the original land.

The giant dragon was almost killed by the human race because of its treasures!

The former overlord of the sky is almost extinct now, and can only survive in a corner!

On the way, the human race discovered that there was a group of ants that were smaller than themselves. Although this kind of ant that devoured everything looked small, it was powerful and murderous, attacking other creatures when it saw it.

The human race wanted to communicate with them, but found that they couldn't communicate at all. The devouring ants seemed to have no self-awareness, and just completed their duties regularly.

Lian Shan personally negotiated with the devouring ant, but the other party still turned a blind eye to the attack, and the guard stabbed him to death with a spear.

"Wang, I just said that this strange creature has no intelligence at all, so why waste your tongue."

Lian Shan looked at the corpses of the ant tribe with a frown. If they were really ignorant, why were their buildings so exquisite that even the most outstanding architects of the tribe were amazed? What was their civilization like?

Although he has all kinds of doubts about the devouring ants, there are still many mysteries in the world waiting for him to explore, so Lian Shan can only force his doubts and leave.

What he didn't know was that an ant queen about four meters long was slowly devouring the missing human warriors thousands of meters deep underground.

"Human race? Such a powerful race, they are so lucky to have been enlightened!" The queen ant narrowed her eyes, slowly digesting the knowledge she got from the human race's brain.

The three god-given treasures?

Flame is obviously not suitable for his own group. It seems that if he finds a way to get the other two treasures, if the Spear of Destiny is in the hands of the king, then he will seize the Slate of Truth!

The queen ant was secretly thinking to see if she could use the treasure bestowed by the gods to explore the realm of the gods!

However, the strength of the human race also made her taboo. She decisively ordered her subordinates to act in a low-key manner and continue slowly. At the same time, she slowly preyed on the strong human race in secret, and let her devour their corpses to obtain the next evolution!

Gradually, as more and more human beings were devoured, the Queen of Devouring Ants slowly began to evolve, and her head was getting closer to the human face. At the same time, she also understood all the knowledge of the human race, and even slowly began to introduce new ones.

But as the clansmen gradually disappeared, the human Wang Lianshan thought that they just died in the wild normally. After all, the original world was extremely dangerous. Although the human race was strong, there were also countless giant beasts in the wild.

One is in the light, the other is in the dark, the human race has no idea that there is a huge monster lurking underground

Chapter 13


Jiang Ping got up and let out a mouthful of foul air. At this moment, he felt sticky all over his body. When he took a closer look, he found that his clothes were soaked. Jiang Ping simply took off his clothes and took a bath.

wow wow

The comfortable hot water flowing on Jiang Ping's body took away not only the dirt, but also the fatigue after transformation. Jiang Ping felt better than ever at this time. Looking in the mirror, there was no trace of wrinkle on his smooth face, and the skin all over his body changed. Delicate.

"I'm rejuvenated." Looking at his appearance in the mirror, Jiang Ping smiled.

At this time, he looked like a 16-year-old teenager. Taking the longevity potion this time, he completed a huge transformation!

The greatest effect of the longevity potion is to activate cells and transform the whole body. At this time, Jiang Ping vaguely felt that his cell activity had greatly increased.

"What is my limit lifespan now?" He couldn't help asking Genesis.

"According to your current physical condition, if there is no accident, it is enough to live for 200 years." Genesis replied.

Jiang Ping couldn't help laughing, this is a lifespan of more than 100 years!People without thought, he must worry about.

It can be said that as long as Jiang Ping puts the longevity potion up for auction, the exorbitant price of tens of billions can be easily auctioned!

How many top rich people are flocking to them, from ancient times to the present, so many emperors are fatuous in their later years, isn't it because their lives are not long?

From this point alone, Jiang Ping can be said to have surpassed everyone, but Jiang Ping has no self-protection power at present, and it is impossible to put up such a spiritual item for auction. Now he almost treats money like dung.

After the transformation, Jiang Ping was very happy. He looked at the original world again. This time, Lianshan entered the old age of the second life again. Can he surprise himself?

In the second life of Lianshan, most of his energy was devoted to the study of the tablet of truth. Although the main body of the tablet was taken away, an unknown number of talismans were engraved in it, and everyone could recite the Nine Nine Songs.

Even because it was handed down by the Creator God, other powerful monsters also recited it every sentence.

"One one gets one, one two gets two, one three gets three." The singing voice spread throughout the primordial world, and countless creatures were trying to figure out the mystery.

Gradually, the use of the multiplication table was explored one by one. Is it just a simple counting method?Many people don't believe it, including Wang Lianshan, there must be deep meaning in it!

When studying "Nine Nine Songs" all over the world, a major event happened. Lianshan found the split tribe, but unexpectedly, the treasure of the town, the truth slate, had already disappeared!

When he heard the bad news, it is said that Renwang's blood rushed, his whole head was shocked with a bang, and the whole person was stunned by the anger!

From then on, Lian Shan's health deteriorated day by day!

Wu You, who ran away back then, had already died of old age, and no one wanted to hold him accountable!

"The unworthy descendants are ashamed of their ancestors! They even lost the treasure bestowed by the gods!" After waking up, Lian Shan shed tears!

This is the king of people!I don't know how many scars I have suffered in my life, and I have never bowed my head to complain. He even broke the door of life and death, developed the longevity potion, and lived a second life!

Lian Shan turned gray all night, and then gave an order with red eyes: "Notify the whole world, no matter which ethnic group you are in, as long as you find the slate of truth, the human race will protect him forever, the ethnic group will never die, and life will be worry-free!"

He paused, gritted his teeth, and said, "If you find out that you have hidden a treasure, you are the enemy of the entire human race! Our clan will do everything in its power to recover it!"

Following the human king's order, everyone knew that the God-given treasure, the Slate of Truth, had been lost, and the promise of the human race moved the hearts of many groups.

Other strong races also have their hearts pounding. If their own race gets the treasure, can they surpass the human race and dominate the land?

The entire primordial world vibrated, a series of killing disputes began, and the strong human race almost went crazy, but they never expected that the slate of truth is thousands of meters deep underground!

Deep underground, in the grand and exquisite nest, the queen turned her compound eyes and studied the tablet of truth for several months.

"One one gets one, one two gets two", are these tadpoles just a way of counting?It should contain some truth in the world.

The always wise Queen Ant was also confused. The strong human race had studied it for so many years, and she couldn't understand it alone. In the end, she could only treasure the slate and take it out from time to time to study and figure it out, hoping to find out the mystery.

Is it anything left behind by the Creator God?Not to mention anything else, just the material alone, the queen ant let the hardest metal soldier ants attack, but she couldn't leave any scratches on it!

After losing the treasure, the human beings went mad. In order to prevent the human race from finding out the truth, the ant queen decisively ordered the ant colony on the surface to withdraw, abandon the surface base that had been operating for a long time, and return to the dark depths to hide.

The strong human race set off a bloody storm all over the world, even the depths of the ocean were affected, and the whole world was stained red with blood. Jiang Ping felt that the points used to create the longevity materials had been restored.

He didn't expect that the stone slab that was just made at random would cause such a catastrophe, almost comparable to the catastrophe of the Little Era.

It's a pity that no one got the slate of truth in the end. The aging Lianshan can no longer defy the sky this time. The biological body is resistant to the medicine. The longevity potion can only be taken once, and it is useless to take more.

Before he died, he told the next generation king to retrieve the treasure!

The third generation Wang is named Cangnan. He is quite intelligent. Like Lianshan, he has studied the tadpoles on the truth slate for many years.

It is precisely because of his profound understanding of Jiujiuge that he was able to defeat many opponents and ascend to the throne of the king. After Cangnan ascended the throne, he vigorously repaired the relationship between his allies.

In his later years, for the slate of truth, Lian Shan had enmity with countless powerful clans in the mainland, causing the power of the human race to decline greatly. Cangnan adopted a policy of recuperation. His understanding of the slate of truth is that the important thing is the knowledge contained in it, not the slate itself .

He has devoted his whole life to the study of Jiujiuge, combined with the insights left by countless predecessors, gradually, a little truth is brewing in his belly.

It's a pity that it didn't happen overnight. For decades, he has been thinking from a young age to an old age. His white hair is sparse and sparse, and he has lost a lot of hair. Even if he takes various precious medicinal materials all year round, it is useless.

He became bald, but not stronger.

On this day, he walked to the bank of the Huang River thinking about it. He looked at the flowing river and sighed: "I have been doing nothing all my life, and I am almost dying of old age. I haven't understood the Jiujiu song. I am really ashamed of the trust of my people."

Suddenly, he saw an old man sitting on a rock next to him, as if he was carefully looking at the rushing river.

Cangnan asked suspiciously: "Old man, there is nothing on the Huanghe River, what are you looking at?"

The old man looked up at him and said, "I'm looking at why the river water stays from a high place and why it gathers in a low-lying place."

Cangnan laughed loudly, "It's not the simplest truth that water flows downhill. Why don't you even understand this?"

The old man also laughed, "I said you, you are not young anymore, why do you think it is only natural for water to flow downhill, there must be something we don't understand."

Cangnan was startled in vain, blessed to his heart, and immediately said: "I hope a wise man will teach me."

The old man said slowly: "I don't have anything to teach you, it's just that the sun rises and sets, and spring, summer, autumn and winter are not taken for granted. There are various reasons for this.

I see the Jiujiu song you just chanted. In my opinion, the world is like the numbers in the Jiujiu song. The world is composed of numbers. "

Cangnan suddenly felt his head booming, and suddenly realized, "The simplest phenomena in the world have various trajectories to follow, and all of these can be solved by numbers. Jiujiuge is the simplest formula for calculating truth!"

With Cangnan's epiphany, he sees the whole world differently. In his eyes, the simplest changes all contain unchanging truths. He just wanted to thank the old man.

When I looked up, was there anyone there?Cang Nan looked around blankly, not knowing if the scene just now was a fantasy he had been thinking about day by day, or if it was a real person.

Suddenly he knelt down to thank heaven and earth, and finally knelt down to the mother river.

Jiang Ping hid beside him, and smiled when he saw Cang Nan's movements, "The seeds have been given to you, and it's up to you how far you can go."

Jiujiu Ge can be traced back to the ancient Fuxi, which contains part of the truth of the world's changes. From these few simple numbers, the law of the decline and death of all things can be deduced in the end.

Then Jiang Ping turned his gaze to the depths of the ground.

"These little guys are not restless anymore. It seems that the two races are destined to have a battle to determine the ownership of the original world."

Chapter 14 Human Race vs. Devouring Ants (Please collect and recommend tickets)

After the Hui people in Cangnan led the people to comprehend the mysteries of heaven and earth, summed up all natural phenomena, and used numbers to solve problems in the world. Gradually, the human race changed with each passing day.

New inventions appeared every day. They smelted ore, made metal weapons, and successively created crossbows and trebuchets.

Humanity has crossed from the Stone Age to the Iron Age!There are even strong ones who integrate mathematical formulas into their exercises, use the big world to create a small world, and use their bodies to simulate natural phenomena. It has to be said that there are many capable people, and many of them have succeeded.

In the past, the strong human race fused blood and could breathe fire and spray, but they only knew it and didn't know why.

After such a study, it was discovered that which organ of the body stores energy, and finally ignites and activates it through the throat to emit flames. The original cultivation method has been further improved!

Jiang Ping didn't expect to give a seed, and they unexpectedly gave him such a big surprise. Jiang Ping practiced the mathematical king's breathing method, and the effect was a hundred times better than before!

However, to practice this kind of exercise, the prerequisite is to be good at mathematics, physics and chemistry. Jiang Ping sighed: "If you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world."

However, Jiang Ping also keenly discovered that his own practice is different from the people in the original, and he always feels that the subtleties are a bit out of place. It's okay to practice now, but he may have big problems when he becomes more advanced in the future.

After careful consideration, I realized that the laws of the two worlds are a bit different, but this still has infinite potential!

If this mathematical technique is deduced to the extreme, it will use a special spiritual frequency to perceive the world, and use mathematical energy formulas to absorb energy from different substances.

It is even possible to open different dimensions, absorb higher energy, and finally transcend the world.

After thinking about it carefully, Jiang Ping realized that if that step is really achieved, there will probably be creatures that transcend the world, and even break through the dimension and enter the third dimension where he is!

If they think about it carefully, if they break the dimension and see the God of Creation so dumbfounded, what if they jump up and hit their knees?

"Genesis, do you think they will eventually create exercises that can break the dimension?" Jiang Ping immediately asked.

"According to calculations, it is impossible. The potential of the original world is limited. It is impossible for them to create the exercises you want. It is so simple to break the dimension and transcend the world."

Genesis directly and completely denies it, "And the master doesn't need to worry, you can directly control the life and death of the creatures you create. To them, you are still the omniscient and omnipotent creator god, not to mention that as long as a detached creature appears,

Then the energy fed back to you is beyond imagination, and it can almost make you evolve into a higher dimension instantly, and my body may evolve accordingly. "

The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny. It is not so easy to make the fake come true, smash the vacuum, and break the dimension.

However, Jiang Ping also understands that if there is a fierce person who breaks the dimension, then I am afraid that he will get a huge harvest, and the Genesis itself may evolve!

I don't need to worry about the appearance of a detached person, but I am afraid that he will not appear!

However, according to Genesis, I am afraid that there may not be a detached person in several worlds, and this goal is still far away from me.

The third generation Wang Cangnan also surprised himself. Although not as big as the second generation Lianshan, his potential is higher. However, in the original world, after taking the longevity potion, Cangnan still inevitably enters his old age.

The fourth generation king is about to ascend the throne. Before he died, Cangnan was still thinking about who was the old man he met in his first life in his later years?

Is he real or fake?Finally, he ordered the historian to record in cursive script: Three generations of kings passed by the Huanghe River, met an unknown old man, penetrated the slate of truth, and realized that everything in the world has laws.

The historian spoke highly of the third human king. It was recorded in the history books that his personal achievements were far inferior to those of the previous kings of the two generations, but his development of the ethnic group was far superior to that of the previous kings!

Under his leadership, the human race not only recuperates, but gradually grows in strength, and even leads the reform of the race!Completely understand the mystery of the God-given treasure of the Slate of Truth!

The development of the human race is in full swing, and now the earth is full of human cooking smoke. Other groups are either tamed, or go far away, or sneak overseas, and even the current human race has begun to set foot in the bottom of the sea!

However, the ant queen Bertha began to notice the changes in the human race, and she ordered the ant clan to emerge from the surface again. This time, the ant queen showed her strength to the world, and all the races in the original world were shocked!

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