The appearance of characters also made the apes begin to record history. Jiang Ping took the time to look at the murals in the cave.

The first mural is a symbol of 1 ape-men living under the sacred tree, which is the ancestor of all ape-men in later generations.

The second mural shows a red dragon devouring an ape-man, and the surrounding ape-man has no ability to resist, so they can only flee desperately to be slaughtered by the giant beast.Probably because of the outpouring of true feelings, this mural vividly depicts the desperate expressions of the apes.

The third mural is a giant of light that radiates light all over his body. At his feet is the leader of the apes kneeling. The leader takes the spear of fate with both hands. There are still flames and stone slabs floating around him.

The fourth mural shows the leader of the apes holding the Spear of Destiny, leading the apes to kill giant beasts, which symbolizes that the apes have become stronger since then.

"These four murals should be the initial history of the human race in the original world, but I don't know whether they can be preserved in a million years." Jiang Ping found that although these four murals are very simple, the spirit contained in them is moving.

"With the help of these three treasures, the ape-people should develop very quickly." Jiang Ping continued to look at the ape-man tribe, and at this time the ape-people had a disagreement.

Because the giant beasts near the sacred tree were hunted down, the explosive population of the ape-man made food scarce again. The leader Wuma wanted to lead the people to migrate, but others were worried that without the protection of the sacred tree, the ape-man would be killed under the attack of the extraordinary giant beast. Genocide!

Chapter 9 Dragon Slaying King! (Please collect and ask for a recommendation ticket)

In the end, Wuma led a few elites to rush out, and all kinds of powerful giant beasts sneaked up on them along the way. Fortunately, the apes cooperated with each other to besiege the attackers, and with the sharp spear of destiny, even giant beasts that could use extraordinary power could not please them. fruit to eat.

On the way, the apes kept recording the enemies they encountered and the nearby landforms. However, even though the apes were so careful, they kept reducing the number of people along the way. When Wuma looked back, there were only dozens of brothers following him, Despair also appeared in his heart.

Just as he was about to lead his brothers back, unexpectedly, a pathfinder ape-man in front of him suddenly ran cheerfully.

Wuma walked forward quickly, and saw that in front of the trees, the front was bright, a huge river was rushing continuously, countless giant beasts and birds were drinking in the river, and a big fertile fish jumped out of the river from time to time.

There is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright!Unexpectedly, there is such a fairyland on earth, where food is abundant and water is inexhaustible, it is simply born for apes!

Wuma was overjoyed, and gathered his brothers to start looking for a suitable place to build a house, and at the same time sent people back to the base camp to report the news. In the end, except for some seeds left in the central ancestral land, most of the ape-men migrated to this fertile land.

Since then, the ape-men no longer have to worry about food, and even have spare energy to store salted fish, and the number of ape-men has skyrocketed every year.

Moreover, living by the river also allowed the appearance of pottery, which greatly enriched the daily necessities of the ape people. Among them, they found the talisman used for counting, which is similar to the stone tablet talisman of truth.

This made Wuma very excited, but unfortunately, he still didn't understand what was recorded on the stone slab. He just vaguely guessed that the slate should be a more efficient digital recording method.


With a loud noise, the overlord Deinosaur within a hundred miles was killed by Wuma. At this time, Wuma was no longer young, about thirty years old. Over the years, he worked hard and continued to grow and grow the group.

But he also discovered his own limitations. Although he was invincible with the Spear of Destiny, the threat of the giant beast with extraordinary power was still too great.

Coupled with the faint decline in physical fitness over the past few years, Wuma was a little worried.

Suddenly one day, he discovered that extraordinary creatures are not born powerful. Many creatures are weak when they are born, but become stronger as they get older. Among them, apart from the natural power of blood, their breathing method also plays a role. To a great effect!

"We apes are born weak, but we are good at using all things in the world!" Wuma immediately found inspiration, so he sent people to keep approaching the extraordinary creatures, and began to imitate the breathing method of breathing in and out of spiritual energy.

"That's right, I learned so early on how to learn the breathing method of other creatures, and if I go on like this, I can quickly transform it into a practice method suitable for the human body."

Jiang Ping poured the happy water into his mouth with a "gulu, gulu" and happily watched the Wuma organize people to secretly learn the breathing method.

When the ape-man sorts out and transforms the breathing method suitable for human body repair, maybe he can try to practice it himself. After all, he is said to be a creator god, but in fact, he has only 5 combat power in the three dimensions!

The most brilliant breathing method in the original world before was Lashiel's, but she is a tree!I am a human being, so I can't beat it when I practice it!

But Jiang Ping suddenly thought that there seems to be no extraordinary energy in reality? "Genesis, do you think I can practice the breathing method after the transformation of the ape-man?" Jiang Ping asked.

"There is almost no extraordinary energy on this planet. If you only rely on the breathing method to practice, you will only be physically stronger in your whole life, and it is impossible to cultivate extraordinary power." Genesis replied.

"However, the master has the identity of the Creator God and can absorb the aura of the small world. However, the aura of the small world is rarely fed back to the master. Only after the catastrophe of the era can he receive a large amount of aura feedback."

Jiang Ping thought about it, so to speak, even if he got the superb breathing method, it is still difficult to practice, and there is only a slight effect. If other people don't have Genesis, they will not be able to cultivate anything in their lifetime!

It is estimated that due to long-term inactivity, the more you cultivate, the more you will suffer from kidney deficiency. It seems that the biofeedback of each catastrophe is the big one!

Jiang Ping intends to secretly learn the breathing method transformed from ape-man. At this time, Wuma has already started to practice the human breathing method that gathers thousands of giant beasts and has been transformed by elders.

As Wuma practiced day and night, with occasional revisions, the human race's ancient breathing method was gradually perfected, and he could clearly feel that the traces of thin spiritual energy in the sky were being absorbed by him faster, and his body was also slowly changing. powerful!

Wuma passed on his modified breathing method to his tribe, and he found that the younger he was, the better the effect of practice, so he ordered every newborn child to practice as long as he was sensible!

Ten years later, the number of ape-men has exceeded [-]!They lived separately on both sides of the big river, and the river was named by them: Huanghe, also known as the mother river!

At this time, Wuma, who was in his forties, was patrolling the territory. His prestige had been getting higher and higher over the years. Wuma was not only superb in martial arts, but also had the admiration of any ape-man. They respected this leader sincerely!

Suddenly Wuma looked up at the sky, and he shouted loudly: "Attention all personnel, the red dragon Fahuoshi is attacking, the old, young, women and children quickly hide, and the young warriors take up their weapons and follow me to meet the enemy!"

As the leader shouted the warning, the ape-man tribe rioted, but they quickly hid in an orderly manner. Some young warriors held spears and gathered around Wuma.

Over the years, with the development of the ape-man, some powerful extraordinary creatures have also noticed that they come to sneak attacks from time to time, some succeed, and some are besieged by the ape-man and fall!

Among them, the red dragon Farjosh is the most powerful!Every attack caused a lot of casualties to the ethnic group!

Wuma looked angrily at the approaching red dragon, before the red dragon approached, he shouted: "Shoot!"

Immediately, the soldiers behind him kept throwing spears, bang!boom!Most of the stone spears couldn't break through the defense, and a small part attacked the red dragon's eyes and other weak spots. After suffering from pain, Fahuoshi looked angrily at the little bug below.

How did these ape-men become so powerful in just a few years?The red dragon breathed out angrily, but the soldiers rolled around tacitly.

The red dragon, whose height was lowered due to the attack, suddenly felt uneasy. When the red dragon turned his head, he saw the surrounding apes wrapping their feet with thick ropes.


The red dragon raised his feet angrily, but unexpectedly these straw ropes were made of vines from the sacred tree, they were so strong that he couldn't stop swinging them!

The soldiers pulled on the straw rope tightly. Although many people were thrown out, there were still people rushing forward and continued to hold on to the grass rope.

The Wuma holding the Spear of Destiny stood up in front, "Dragon, you are bloodthirsty by nature. I don't know how many of my compatriots have been devoured. Today I will do justice for the heavens and avenge my compatriots!"

The red dragon was restrained, the strongest flying power could not be used, and the dragon's breath had just been used up, so he couldn't use it for a short time, but his power was infinite, the red dragon shook its head violently and sent the Wuma flying.


Wuma was smashed to the ground, forming a big pit. Just when the soldiers were worried about the safety of the leader, Wuma walked out as if nothing had happened. After practicing the breathing method over the years, not only did other people become stronger, but also his own strength developed. Earth-shaking changes!

Suddenly, a trace of hot blood flowed from the face of the red dragon covered in scales, which was injured by the collision between the two just now!The red dragon looked angrily at the spear in Wuma's hand.

"What kind of weapon is this!" He asked Wuma angrily, this spear could easily injure himself, is there such a sharp weapon in the world?

"Haha!" Wuma laughed loudly, "This is an artifact bestowed by the God of Creation, named the Spear of Destiny! This spear will be bathed in dragon blood today! You are doomed today!"

Wuma roared, and continued to rush towards the red dragon. The red dragon fought back angrily. Soldiers were constantly thrown into the sky, but Wuma evaded flexibly and took advantage of the opportunity to attack!

The two powerhouses had a shocking battle, and the Red Dragon was at the top of the continent. Except for the mysterious God Tree, no one could overwhelm him. Today, with the help of the clansmen, Wuma was able to contend against it !

The other extraordinary creatures looked at the battlefield in shock, and couldn't believe that the ape-man who was trampled to death in the past had such strength!The Rahil Divine Tree also dropped its branches to watch this shocking battle.She also didn't expect that the ape-man, who was protected by her in the past, would not be wiped out, but today he has such a strong strength.

This battle was far beyond anyone's imagination. The battle lasted for three days and three nights. Soldiers continued to replenish and continue to trap the red dragon with straw ropes. When the red dragon wanted to breathe out the dragon's breath, Wuma took the opportunity to attack the reverse scale on the neck with a spear. , almost let the red dragon block a mouthful of flames in his throat!

The water of the Huanghe River on the edge was transpired by the flames of the red dragon, making a sizzling sound, and countless fish and shrimps that had no time to avoid it floated on the surface of the river.

Finally, at dusk, as the Wuma turned into a streak of light and pierced the eyes of the red dragon, this epic battle came to an end!The Wuma bathed in the flames of the dragon's blood and was reborn, and the legendary red dragon Fahuoshi fell down with a huge body.

"The evil dragon Fajoshi is dead!" Wuma yelled, covered in blood and holding a spear. At this time, he was standing on the hill-like corpse of the red dragon,

He looks like an ancient god!

The extraordinary monsters peeping around also looked at Wuma in shock, and ape-men appeared from all around, cheering victory together, praising the heroism of the leader Wuma, "The king of men is mighty!"

Gradually, these words resounded throughout the world, announcing the birth of the human race to all things!A powerful race will appear between heaven and earth!They do not rely on innate divine power, but rely on weapons in their hands and acquired learning!

"Human King!"

"Human King!"

"Human King!"

On this day, the first generation of King Wuma was born after bathing in dragon blood!

The ape-man responsible for recording history laughed and watched the birth of the King of Man. He couldn't help carving with a stone knife, and recorded this picture of the King of Human Slaying the Dragon, so that future generations can know about this epic battle!

ps: Seedlings ask for collection and recommendation tickets

Chapter 10 From ape to man! (seeking collection and recommendation tickets)

Jiang Ping nodded as he watched the birth of the first generation king.

"From apes to humans, this group can now be called a human race! This human king is indeed good, and his cultivation is not in vain. Now, with the sharpness of the Spear of Destiny, he can actually challenge the giant dragon at the top of the food chain. But"

Jiang Ping turned to look at the other side of the earth again. The strength of the human race has increased the pressure on other monsters, and they are not vegetarians!

Each one is born with supernatural power and extraordinary wisdom. In terms of combat power and wisdom, they are no worse than the newborn human race. However, they are weak after all. If they don't unite, Jiang Ping can almost see the end of other creatures in the original world, replicating the life of the ape-man on earth. The road to rise!

Killing the giant beasts that are powerful enough to threaten him, and taming those that benefit him from generation to generation, but looking at the devouring ants who just explored the corner, for some reason, Jiang Ping felt that the human race would not be so easy to dominate.

In the original world, with the birth of the human king, the blank Genesis reappeared. The original calendar: the Middle Ages, glaciers melted, all things revived, and creatures created by gods ruled the world. The Spear of Destiny, the Seed of Fire, and the Tablet of Truth.

He also imitated learning the breathing method of all things, successfully slayed the evil dragon, bathed in the dragon's blood, obtained the second life, and became the first generation king.Deep in the ground, the queen ant was not satisfied with the darkness, and began to set foot in the earth, and the devouring ants began to show their ferocity.

After reading the words of Genesis, Jiang Ping pondered: "It seems that the protagonists of this generation of heaven and earth are the human race and the ant race."

Although the human race in the original world is very different from the one on the earth, and basically cannot be defeated by eight poles, Jiang Ping still has a good impression of the human race, otherwise he would not personally help. It is not certain who will win the deer!

"Maybe the last world overlord is not from these two races, and it is very possible."

Jiang Ping observed the original world, and didn't intend to continue to intervene. He had already given the human race a cheat, and it was best to let them develop on their own.

Although it seems that the human race and the ant race are the strongest now, who knows if there will be a stronger race in the future?

With the beheading of the red dragon Fahuoshi, the human race established its dominance, and the power of the human king Wuma shocked the earth!

The death of the red dragon also gave the human race a great gift. The dragon's body is full of treasures. Its scale armor is invulnerable to swords, guns, water and fire. Except for the Spear of Destiny, the human race can no longer find a weapon to break the defense!

There is no doubt that the dragon scale will be the strongest armor, and the dragon meat is extremely tender, but except for the most powerful warriors who can eat it, most of the tribe can't bear the energy contained in the dragon meat.

As for the dragon's blood, it is even more aggressive. Even the human king risked his life to fuse. Except for him, no one can withstand the power of the dragon!

There is no way, the strong human race can only seal up the precious dragon blood, and wait for the next human king to use it. After bathing in the dragon blood, the human king Wuma regained his youth, and he stood at the pinnacle of life again. Expand the number of tribes.

The land is so big, the human race expands, and other extraordinary monsters also begin to resist!

"Human King Wuma, don't think I'm afraid of you!"

The Griffin King looked at the Human King angrily in the sky.Flying around it are griffins, and there are other giant tigers and beasts under its feet.

King Wuma raised his spear high, and behind him were fully armed warriors.


With the roar of the King of Kings, the two sides immediately collided, and there was no room for retreat in the race battle!

No matter how brave the human king is, he still has a headache for the monsters in the air. This is an inherent advantage!

As long as the creatures on the ground leaked a slight flaw, the creatures in the air could catch them. Heroic warriors in full armor kept dying, and Wuma swung the Spear of Destiny with red eyes. In the end, the two sides retreated, each leaving with the corpses of their clansmen, and both sides suffered losses!

Time flies, the white horse has passed, and the king Wuma is already gray-haired. Over the years, he has worked hard to lead his tribe to expand the territory and fight against extraordinary creatures. It can be said that he has been fighting for most of his life. However, Wuma has become more and more powerless over the years. .

Wuma stared blankly at his head full of white hair, his clansmen of the same generation had long since died, and his lover was buried with his own hands!Wuma knew that if he hadn't been bathed in dragon's blood, he would have grown old already!

"I'm already 300 years old this year, and it seems that I'm entering my old age." Wuma laughed at himself.

"Whatever the King of Man says, you hold the Spear of Destiny, and you will surely lead us to become stronger forever."

A wise man next to him couldn't help saying, under the leadership of Wuma, the human race has grown from a precarious situation to one of the strongest races now, and his achievements have made every tribe in awe!

"Who in the world can survive? I can live two lifetimes, surpassing most people. Even if the lifespan of a powerful giant dragon is much longer than mine, it will eventually die of old age after a thousand years." Wuma shook her head with a smile.

"My life is worthy of the human race, let's start preparing for the selection of the second-generation leader!"

The wise man of the human race next to him was shocked, but in the end he hesitated to speak, and immediately retreated to gather other tribesmen.

Wuma looked at the earth from a distance, at this time the sun was setting, and the golden sunset glow shone on his face. Wuma's life was like the setting sun, and he was about to step into eternal night.

Does he really have no regrets in his life?

"I'm afraid only you can be eternal in the world." Wuma murmured, and he thought of the God of Creation who appeared in his dream back then.

Wuma has been exploring the land for many years. When he reached the end after going through untold hardships, what he fell into was a boundless ocean. Is the God of Creation somewhere in the land?Or above the sky, or in the depths of the ocean?

"I really want to see you again." Wuma said to himself, he didn't want to ask the God of Creation about the way of longevity, but he wanted to ask himself whether he could complete the task he gave back then!

Wuma stroked the Spear of Destiny lightly, and soon he made a decision.

When Wuma returned to the central ancestral land, the news that the human king would abdicate shocked the human race. I don't know how many people were heartbroken, and even some strong men secretly grind their hands.

The sacred tree Rahil is still full of spring, as if she can survive forever, even though she is the king, Wuma still respectfully bows to the sacred tree.

He knew that without the protection of the sacred tree, there would be no human race now, and maybe he would have died long ago!

Legend has it that the central sacred tree has the same lifespan as the heaven and the earth. She is not only the first creature in the heaven and the earth, but also the seed of the creation god himself!The sacred tree still survived after several catastrophes. If there is anyone in the world who knows the God of Creation, then it can only be her!

Looking at the sacred tree that covered the sky and the sun, Wuma was still in awe even though he had seen it countless times. He asked softly about the location of the God of Creation, and only after a long time did a voice appear in his mind.

"I spent most of my life in deep sleep. After several times of nirvana, I have forgotten a lot. I don't know more about the Creator God than you. He doesn't exist in this world. I only know that when the catastrophe of the era comes Only then can he appear in the world and cast vitality in the new era."

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