Chapter 78 The Shame of the Fourth Natural Disaster!

The green trees cover the sky and the sun, and players wake up from different places. They excitedly clenched their fists, feeling the power of this new body!

I couldn't help shouting at the sky, how fresh the air is here, and how blue the sky is, it makes people want to live here forever!

"Ah♂breath of freedom♂!!"

Something went wrong with this roar.

Although the Great War has ended for many years, there are still countless monsters lurking, and the different adventures of the players have begun

A young man excitedly broke a tree branch and used it as a sword. He couldn't help but want to venture into this world!Thinking of the answers submitted on the test paper, he wanted to show off his skills in the human kingdom immediately!

Suddenly, the nearby bushes shook and there was a rustling sound.

The player was startled, and quickly took a defensive posture. This is a different world, who knows what monsters and monsters will appear?

After seeing it clearly, it turned out to be a strange creature similar to ooze jelly!


The player laughed, isn't this the creature that he encounters at the beginning of every game?It seems that the opening of this different world is the same as the game!

"Isn't this Mengxin's experience pack, a good friend of Caiji, the weakest monster slime in history?"

He laughed and walked towards the slime, and then poked the slime's body with his fingers, and his fingers suddenly seemed to be immersed in jelly, which was very strange.

This blue slime seemed to understand the player's words, and was bouncing unhappily.seems to be rebutting.

Players are having fun again, are you still not satisfied with the demo?

Let me start to test my own skills. This player is extremely agile, and he has long wanted to try it.

Thinking about it this way, the player raised his hands up the wood in his hands, intending to understand it with one blow.

Seeing that he was about to attack, the blue slime turned red slightly, and suddenly before the player noticed, the whole slime jumped up, directly surrounding the player's head!

The feeling of suffocation deeply compelled the player, and he immediately tried his best, dancing with hands and feet, trying to shake the slime away!

Unexpectedly, Slime's whole body is so limp that he has nowhere to use his strength. Although he is weak, he can't even pull it now!Soon there was a bang, and the player lay dead

After devouring the player's body, the blue slime mutated, and it suddenly became smarter!

A giant blue mimic?No. drilled out of its brain.

"Player? Different world? Adventure? Game?"

After the slime uttered a bunch of unfamiliar words, it slowly began to change into the same face as the player just now, except that the hair color was still blue, and a dull-haired tentacles on the top of the head deeply betrayed it.

"From now on, my name will be Limru, and I will become the strongest slime ever!"

Speaking of which, the slime transformed into a chubby body again, bouncing and walking towards the depths of the forest, and another legend was born


The TV remote control fell to the ground, Jiang Ping looked at the TV screen, he was a little silly!

"Am I chasing a new show just now? Isn't this the talent I have chosen thousands of times? How come I was buried in the belly of a monster within 10 minutes of appearing on the stage?

I chose a safe place for them that is very close to the human race, and there are no dangerous beasts around, and he still died in the hands of slime! "

Shame, really shame, too much shame to the player, and shame to him as the Creator, after all, he chose it himself!

Logically speaking, a ten-year-old child could trample a slime to death with a little attention, but who would have thought that this player named Feng Tian Qingyu would be so useless!Or is the opponent's slime too strong?

In Zixu City, a young man sits in front of the computer in a room stupidly, staying for a whole day, and he doesn't respond when his parents ask him to eat.

When he first received the invitation letter, he felt that he was the protagonist of the story, but he didn't expect that before he took the first step to conquer another world, he would already be on the street!

Or die in the hands of the weakest slime!

Full of grand plans and great achievements are stillborn, happiness comes too suddenly, and accidents come too suddenly!

"No, you can't be so cheap this kid, and you can't make me laugh alone!"

Jiang Ping made up his mind and dedicated this video to the top of the Heavens and Myriad Realms: World Tree section!

On the forum, seeing a new video appeared, everyone was shocked and couldn't help clicking to watch it. Only a few people noticed the introduction of the video:

There is a player named Feng Tian Qingyu who has died in the hands of slime within 10 minutes of setting foot in the game world. I hope others will learn from this and cherish this hard-won opportunity!

Tens of millions of netizens clicked on the video to play. In the video, a player just appeared in a different world. He couldn't help shouting happily. When he saw the slime appearing, he deliberately provoked him, and then rushed to the street.

Everyone was silent for a few minutes, and then there was laughter resounding through the entire online world!

"Haha, which sand sculpture is this? After finally entering another world, he died in the hands of slimes. If you died in the mouth of other beasts, I don't blame you, but it's really haha"

"This player is the disgrace of the fourth natural disaster. I announce that Feng Tian Qingyu has been expelled from the player status and sentenced to a lifetime ban from playing games!"

"I'm not talking about you. Where is the slime staying? Why are you poking him? Just because he's cute?

Then why do you want to kill people later?This fully proves the truth that if you don't die, you won't die. "

"The current situation in the world is unclear, and it is not surprising that there are any monsters and ghosts. Seeing monsters that don't want to run away, they even take the initiative to provoke them.

This result is not unexpected, other players should take this as a warning and cherish the opportunity!Don't be the object of ridicule by netizens all over the world! "

This 3-minute funny video is completely popular all over the Internet!

At first, everyone was staring at the ten players to open up wasteland to see what kind of world this World Tree game is like, but within a few minutes, one of them was eliminated!

And the death was so dramatic, which made many failed netizens gloat.

Someone even ridiculed: "When you think you are the protagonist of the game, you never think that a slime on the side of the road is the real protagonist!"

It is said that when Feng Tianqingyu logged into the forum, he was taken aback by everyone's cordial greetings. Since then, he stayed away from electronic drugs and never played a game again in his life!

Yu Sheng trembled when he saw soft things!

The other nine players also saw this player's tragedy. Look, it is not terrible to die in the game, after all, they are still alive and kicking in reality!

The most frightening thing is that if you die, you will be whipped to the corpse, and if you kill someone, you will have your heart punished!

The rest of the players are obviously much more cautious. Each of them is a cautious brave man, taking one step and three steps, not daring to underestimate this world!

In the world of Hill, after careful groping, Haruka Kusaka walked out of the forest excitedly along the footprints, and a simple but majestic giant city appeared, the wheels of history rolled forward, and the trend of the times was mighty

Soon some players introduced them live on the forum.

Bibi: Look at the pictures, I'm not bragging, really, I can live 50 more years in this world!

The environment here is so good, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, it is so beautiful!Based on the information currently available.

The epic battle in the game promotional video took place ten thousand years ago, known as the Battle of the Giant Gods, and it was because of this battle that the power of the gods and giants was greatly reduced.

The gods and the Titans fell asleep and recuperated one after another, causing other groups to rise one after another. For example, the dragon clan was unwilling to be treated as a daily snack by the Titans, and began to split and defect. Some dragons have already turned to the gods.

The elves live in a strange world, and now there are elves and gods born. I heard that the world is much richer, and all kinds of ancient ethnic groups live peacefully there.

And what we are in now is the largest world, which is located in the middle of the world tree, connected to the God Realm at the top, and connected to the Kingdom of Giants at the bottom!

It is the atrium!

Chapter 79 The Player's Journey (Please recommend)

The atrium is also the cause of the battle of the giant gods. This largest world was conceived by the World Tree himself, and it is located in the center of the World Tree.

This world is called the Great World of Hill, and it is carried by the great world tree La Hill. It is currently known that the world has the God Realm, the Elven World, and the strange world. Many powerful ethnic groups are also in this world. , Atrium, Kingdom of Giants.

One thing worth noting is that according to the oldest records in the world of Hill, there is an endless and violent chaotic sea outside the World Tree, and the one who planted the World Tree is the God of Creation!

When hearing this, someone really noticed something was wrong!

"How come there are legends about the Creator God, just like the prehistoric world?"

"Maybe they are all a god! And this great god is the producer of this Heavens and Worlds game!" Some netizens boldly speculated.

"In that case, this god is really terrifying. If it is known so far, there are already two great realms. I don't know how many more, maybe there will be something in the future.

The heavens and the world: Mount Olympus, the heavens and the world: the dog head of the world of the gods. "

Player Bibi said again: "It seems that the world tree Lashiel has gone through endless years before it was born in this world!

Rahir is the mother of all things in this world of Hill, the source of all things, other players pay attention!

Don't say any swear words that insult Rahil, otherwise neither the gods in the sky nor the giants in the ground will let you go!This is the biggest taboo in this world! "

The other eight players took the time to see it, and quickly thanked them. After understanding the world view of the game, they probably have a position.

Netizens also know at this time that in this era, the gods heal their wounds and the giants retreat.

It was during this golden time that the human race proliferated and occupied many territories of the atrium world.

However, this world is generally regarded as the era of city-states. Even if there are alliances like alliances, there are still no countries born.

There are also many strong people among human beings, relying on their inventions and creations, there are also super-standard spiritual things such as paper and magic devices, which are completely inconsistent with the era of the city-states on the earth.

The human beings are also strong now, and they can barely maintain their existence in the atrium, but the tug-of-war with all kinds of strange beasts still occurs frequently.

In Boulder City, a young man wearing a shabby cloth robe stood in the center of the square holding a sharp sword high: "I, Xilin, start from this city and start my journey to conquer the world!"

He answered in detail on the answer sheet, and submitted a grand blueprint for the producer on how to conquer the magical world.

As for the examination papers filled out by some other professional Zhengzhi family, why Jiang Ping didn't choose, hehe, I understand.

The other passers-by looked at the young man who was uttering outrageous words in a funny way, but they didn't take it seriously. However, Xilin turned around and walked towards the central city lord's mansion without hesitation. He did what he said, and he had a detailed plan!

"Yes, this player finally acted according to his plan."

Jiang Ping nodded, pressed the remote control and began to look at the other players.

Nihong Sakura girl, Haruka Kusaka is currently apprenticed to a well-worn man.

"Haha, little girl, I didn't mean you, but you have thin arms and legs, and you still want to learn sword fighting?

Or go home and learn how to raise a doll! "This big man is full of muscles, and the scars show that he is not in vain, but a real warrior.

Rixia Yao frowned: "Your Majesty, you really look down on women too much. As the saying goes, people should not be judged by their appearance. You can't judge a person's inner meaning just because of his appearance. Please give me a chance!"

After the little girl bowed deeply, the big man rubbed his head in confusion:

"I'm a rough person, but I've never heard of people not being judged by their appearance, but what do you mean you don't agree with what I just said?"


The big man casually threw a slightly lighter sword to her, "Since you have said so, so that you can take my five moves, I will accept you as my apprentice!"

Haruka Haruka happily responded, but immediately looked troubled, "Can you not use some kind of mysterious energy, just rely on the strength of your body."

The big man was stupefied again, and he danced and danced a few times before he could barely understand:

"Could it be that what you're talking about is the battle qi I cultivate? Battle qi originates from the power of nature all over the world, and is absorbed and concentrated by different people.

Refined into different energies, and the power of nature all comes from the great world tree. "

Although the big man was surprised that Ri Xiayao was so big and didn't practice anything, he still agreed to her request, and the two held swords 4 meters apart.

The big man felt that this might be the time when he was confused the most times in his life. Ri Xiayao's legs were slightly bent, but the sword was not drawn out, and his whole body was like a bow about to bounce.

But seeing Ri Xiayao's weird posture and eyes, the big man got a little serious, and he approached slowly with a sword in one hand.

35 meters, 3 meters, 25 meter!

At this time, Haruka Kusaka shot like lightning.

The secret technique is to cut together!

Across the TV screen, Jiang Ping was almost 100% sure that these words must have appeared in Ri Xiayao's mind at this time!

It's too late, it's too soon.

This big man really crawled out of the battlefield, his eyes were piercing, and he instinctively responded, Dang!

The epee in the middle of the body blocked this move.

The ultimate move was blocked, and Haruka Haruka did not hesitate to retreat again. She knew that it was far from possible to compare with this big man with strength.

Although her physical fitness is beyond imagination in this world, she still has self-knowledge!

A contest of strength and agility

Other people on the street were also attracted by this huge difference in the battle. During the confrontation, Haruka Kusaka kept flying like a swallow.

And the big man is based on the earth, like a mountain, responding to all changes with the same.

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