Most of the other fragments of the Nine Realms were swallowed by the abyss, and some of the rest were divided by the Elemental Realm and the Great Desolation.

The prehistoric sage used his supernatural powers to create infinite world dams using world fragments as materials.The two camps made a big move, and the four mythical images of the elemental plane were divided up.The Great Desolation and the World Tree each occupy three heads, and the abyss invades the elemental world of the earth and transforms it into its own plane.

The two sides continue to enter a new confrontation.From time to time, there are armies of magic, immortals, and gods attacking each other.Immortals, gods, and demons fell frequently, and even the main god level, the Daluo Jinxian level, and the master of the plane often died together.The Three Worlds War promotes development. "In this war, the biggest winner is the World Tree."

Afterwards, Hongjun and others figured it out, thinking that the World Tree was amazing, it was ahead of raising eyebrows, and it might only be the last step away from transcendence.

"There is a common enemy at present, and the last step is not so simple. World Tree is naturally powerful, but there are too many karma to undertake."

The abyss of a small meal is committed to causing internal and external destruction, and from time to time disturbs the turmoil in the prehistoric and other realms.The World Tree accepted the blessing of Chuangjie Mountain, and Rahil's consciousness began to wake up. The moment she woke up, she needed to consume a lot of spirituality.The omen is the return of Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, as the backbone against the abyss.Link formed his own hero team and became a subordinate of the World Tree, a force that cannot be ignored in the Genesis Mountain.

The forum was still bustling with people, Jiang Ping recovered the creation energy and original points, and felt that he had a clearer understanding of the mysteries of life and the truth of the world.He asked Silly Girl to monitor the movements of the worlds, maintain a good balance, and maintain the struggle.After that, I ran to the moon to retreat.

People go to high places, and the earth can no longer satisfy Jiang Ping's appetite.

The moon is quiet, and there are satellites shuttle from time to time, and Huaguo's lunar rover digs the soil and works automatically.Jiang Ping found a crater and began to retreat and practice.During the practice, I noticed that the spiritual world of the demiplane vassal on the mother planet has also begun to change slowly, and it will soon enter the 30th version, and the breath is very strange, a bit of an abyss and depravity.

"In reality, there are also abyss believers. A group of people try the ritual of summoning the abyss in the game for longevity and transcendence." Jiang Ping knew it in his heart, and silently took out the Genesis retreat.

Soon, January has passed, and the game continues to maintain a lively atmosphere. The worlds are fighting fiercely. Every time there is a breakthrough, the next time it is quickly brought back.In addition, in reality, the supernatural elements are getting stronger and stronger, not only in the order camp, but some people who are reborn in darkness are the masters of the planes, and even the outstanding ones are unscrupulous, and they are about to be promoted to the Abyss Demon God. , proclaimed himself the Lord of the Abyss, and started to do things.

The major official forces naturally couldn't see it, so the first head-on battle between Hot Weapon and Extraordinary began.This time, many big shots realized that the times were different. Unknowingly, the extraordinary possessed the strength not to be afraid of conventional weapons, but tactical, strategic heavy weapons, and small nuclear bombs were deadly threats.And the launch of this kind of national weapon is often predicted in advance, as long as you are careful, don't be watched in the wild and you will be fine.

After a fierce trial and battle, the public only felt that superhero comics reproduced reality, people confronted tanks, airplanes, and cannons head-on, moved mountains and seas with every gesture, and could generate electricity, drive darkness, and invisibility, etc.

When the believers in the abyss became more and more crazy, preparing for the abyss summoning ceremony unscrupulously for their belief and influence, a nuclear bomb of justice finally came.

Now the people of the abyss faction are honest, and there are also crazy radicals who want to make troubles. They lurk secretly, and the assassination is hard to guard against.The overwhelmed big shot formulated a strategy of using the extraordinary against the extraordinary, and spent a lot of money to invite the sky and Wutian to take action, destroying several important strongholds in the abyss. In reality, he calmed down for a while, but many people knew that it was like a game. , but rubbing in the dark.

And when Jiang Ping left the retreat in January, his own cultivation had reached the peak, standing on the peak of the epic, which was equivalent to the transformation of emptiness and distraction in the immortal way, and was one step away from the Mahayana.After creating the world several times, the God of Creation of Light was consummated, Jiang Ping's evil thoughts were bred into a black pill, and the God of Destruction of Darkness was about to be born.The whole moon was plunged into darkness, and people on the earth felt panic in the face of the sudden total lunar eclipse.

There is no warning, if it is before, it may be regarded as an unsolved mystery of the universe.

But when Chaofan appeared in the world many times, and when there was a big event not long ago, no one thought it was a fluke, and sent satellites and rockets to investigate the truth. In the end, there was no solution. Many people felt a fire in their hearts, instinctively felt uneasy, became anxious Coupled with the extraordinary hard-rocking hot weapons before, it made everyone pursue the extraordinary power.

Jiang Ping returned to the earth, and it was late autumn at this time. In the country house, the maple leaves were bright red, and the silly girl guarded the home with peace of mind, taking care of the responsibility of feeding Xiaojin and Xiaobai.

"Congratulations Dad, you are only a hair away from the great evolution." The silly girl threw down the bait and greeted in celebration.

Jiang Ping nodded with a smile, "I want to condense the God of Destruction of Darkness."

When the two gods are complete, one's own path is determined, one can evolve rapidly, and even become a god from the ground.

The silly girl was puzzled and asked if he was going to destroy the world again?

It is well known that only when the world is destroyed can the greatest fruit be reaped.

Jiang Ping shook his head. He had a better plan. In the next time, he carefully studied Hong Huang's neglected method of proving the Tao. He spent a lot of time and simulated it with Genesis, spending precious original points to practice. Genesis' rigid wisdom They all realized that he was going to do something big.

One week later, at night, everything was quiet, the fishing fire in the countryside, Jiang Ping was lying on his right side, in an auspicious posture, and slowly fell into a deep sleep

What is the dream?Derivation of the spiritual subconscious?

After cultivating to a certain level, it is natural that there will be no dreams, but now, in the eyes of silly girl, Abba's spirit is very active,

His powerful spiritual power is like a cloud of mist, simulating the explosion of the universe, in which the gods of the sky, the gods and demons of chaos, the gods of chaos, etc. are born,

Suddenly, it was turbulent and turbulent, and the chaos disappeared, but a world similar to comprehension, with pavilions, towers and pavilions, painted pillars and carved beams, and millions of aborigines evolved into tens of millions, billions of people.

Suddenly, another strong wind blew up, disturbing the human world, and the World-Exterminating Nian Beast descended, opening its mouth to swallow the human world.

People who were living happily ran away in a hurry, and turned into thoughts to return to Nian Beast.It is also illogical and has a different style of painting. It looks like a robot that ran out of a slice of radish came to kill and violently beat up the Nian beast.

The two fought unsuccessfully, and another big flood came, washing everything and recovering thoughts.

Silly girl watched silently from the sidelines, complaining in her heart that maybe her father wanted to go to the bathroom.The dream that followed was strange, the thoughts were chaotic, the world was destroyed, the prosperous world was in trouble, and there was no logic at all.

Sometimes when the development is going well, monsters with different painting styles come in and wreak havoc. If you are lucky, there will be heroes transformed by kindness to rescue.Unlucky, the World of Warcraft is completely destroyed, and the screen changes, and the World of Warcraft turns into a kitten again, snuggling up to a young man and keeping healthy in a rural home.

I don't know how long it has passed, and there is no concept of time in the dream.Sha Niu recorded everything silently, and Genesis was shining, helping Jiang Ping practice the way of proving the Tao.

In the end, it was finally reduced to a relatively stable fantasy-like world. The world is relatively small, and the number of creatures at best is only hundreds of millions. However, although the sparrow is small, it has all five internal organs. Two sides, two lands.

"According to Abba's plan, we need to select a group of players to test the worldview."

Sha Niu quietly exited the world compiled by mental power, flew to the notebook, and began to compile a new announcement, preparing to launch a new game.

So an hour later, the heavens and myriad realms appeared on the forum: Little Twilight Realm.The introduction announcement said: "This game has just been developed, and it is an experimental product. This version is a public beta version. If there are illogical bugs, please don't worry. It is normal. Select a wave of players to test the quality of the world.

Signed by: Chuangshi Group 002 number assistant. "

Whether it is the launch of a new game or the number two character of Genesis, it has aroused heated discussions.Soon someone was selected to enter the Little Twilight Realm, and other players from the heavens also cast their eyes, but after listening to the explanation of the players who entered it.

The monks who are Zhang Er can't figure out their heads. The world view and population of the Little Twilight Realm are not comparable to other worlds, but the expressive power is surprisingly strong. Besides the main planet, the outer starry sky also reflects stars and stars who don't know whether it is real or not. The false starry sky is destroyed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The whole world is in an unstable state. What's even more strange is that some players are doing business in the Eastern Continent and learning from the Great Sect.

The sect sometimes degenerates into a demon unreasonably. The original ancestor was one of the masters who opened the sky, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a demon again, devouring his disciples and grandchildren.In all kinds of things, the players inside and outside were surprised.Many people realize that this world is unusual, and some abyss players want to repeat the old tricks and locate the space-time coordinates of the small dusk world, but they encounter a dimensionality reduction blow.

At the end of time and space, there is an unknown number of feet tall, with black energy burning all over its body, the blood-eyed World Exterminating Demon God stretched out a hand and slapped towards the abyss, grabbed a thousand abyss planes with one palm, crushed them into the original energy, and fed back the spiritual power To "Little Twilight Realm".

This matter shocked all time and space!

In the prehistoric world, Hongjun Zulong and others wake up, Lahil wakes up ahead of time, and opens one eye. The supreme gods Cook and Link are silent, and the elemental king reappears in the world. restrain yourself.Frightened by the abyss, he ran away with a whimper, and unscrupulously confessed and killed the player who offered his advice.

"Shocking news! The great cancer of the heavens and the world, the abyss suffered a great loss, a thousand planes were crushed and exploded, and the vitality was greatly damaged! The final boss of the Myriad Realms series, the dark God of Destruction, Mishishen, appeared!"

The next day's news was about this matter, and major official media reported it one after another. Today's major events in Myriad Realms are not limited to the Internet, but have penetrated into all parts of society.

Around His appearance, people inside and outside started heated discussions to study what the appearance of the God of Destruction symbolizes, the end and destruction?The firmament is troubled and fearful of him.The existence of the Little Twilight Realm is even more simple and blurred.

Some players in the Twilight Realm saw the God of Destruction return to this realm, collapsing into violent monsters, demons, etc.What's even more amazing is that the Little Twilight Realm recruits players on a night-by-night basis. Many people want to explore the truth of this realm, which may be related to the origin and truth of the Ten Thousand Realms.Because no matter how you look at it, it is an unfinished world.

Bugs often appear. Players feel that the logic of the Twilight Realm is contradictory more than once. When they gather people to take risks and fight monsters, the original monsters are automatically disbanded, and the map is confused for a while, turning into clouds and disappearing.

Moreover, the development of this world is a bit unconstrained, and the expressive power of the top bosses is completely inconsistent with the world view.The worst thing was that one night of the public beta, the world shook, and a monstrous flood came inexplicably, without any logic, and there was no news at all. Even an oss who seemed to be able to open the sky and destroy the world was washed away by the flood.

It directly made the public beta players feel uncomfortable, feeling that they were cheated to death.This puts a layer of mystery on it.Someone boldly speculated that the players might have entered the dream of an incredible existence, otherwise, why would there be so many contradictory logics and bugs, some positive saints and negative bosses are all thoughts, and even the starry sky above their heads is in the Continuous evolution process.

"Isn't this the Brahma-like legend in the myth?"

This guess gained a lot of support, and after seven rounds of public testing, the Little Twilight Realm was temporarily closed.Jiang Ping woke up after sleeping for seven nights.The method of proving the Tao in the dream he learned has been improved to an unimaginable level beyond the original Amitabha. After all, Amitabha is not such a big hand. He can create and destroy the world, attracting players to test the world.

"The rudimentary form of God of Destruction has been born, and the next step is to slowly perfect the Dream Realm, and launch a special game Twilight Realm in the future to accumulate the resources of God of Destruction. As for now, let's solve an urgent problem first."

Jiang Ping, who had quite a lot of original points, made another big move. Since the creation of the world was simulated in his dream, Jiang Ping's cultivation has been improving rapidly, and he has initially left the assistance of the creation of the world. In order to accumulate more energy and experience, he accelerated the speed of the creation of the world. .

Jiang Ping led Sha Niu to create another peaceful world in the low-latitude time and space, which was isolated from the abyss and other worlds.

"For the first time in this world, it should be established on the Hongmeng list."

He began to formulate the rules of origin, and what he said followed suit. A golden god list was condensed in the chaos, and the word "Hongmeng" was written, but the silly girl's eyes were weird.

Behind the Hongmeng list is the real name life menu.This world is defined as the heavens and myriad worlds: the gourmet world, the most original rule is: "Everything in this world is edible, and the highest way to prove the Tao is to leave a name on the list of menus. The names of dishes are limited, and most of them only One quota."

Jiang Pingyan followed suit, and a magical world full of childishness and flavor slowly unfolded. There are black mountains condensed with chocolate, sand and stones like candy, and magical medicine results. Burger set and more.

The clouds here are made up, and the rivers are made up of cola, juice, etc. The creatures here are delicious, and they only evolve to look better and taste better in this life.The exercises they practice are to automatically cook themselves and make their meat more delicious. The highest goal is to leave their names on the Hongmeng list and leave their names in history with their ethnic groups.

There are different personalities on the Hongmeng List, the strongest and most in demand is the staple food category, which in the eyes of native creatures in the gourmet world has the highest comprehensive requirements, and the body must be large enough.In addition, there are liquid beverages, as well as appetizers, soups, marine products, meat, etc. The list is numerous, and all things are committed to evolution.

"This is the most beautiful world I've ever created." Jiang Ping sighed, giving the highest blessing to this colorful world that can be eaten without hands, and can even be eaten after chasing cows.

"This world should be peaceful forever, only to promote mutual evolution, free from external interference and erosion, and never fall into darkness."

A blessing from the God of Creation sprinkled down, establishing the supremacy in the food world, free from the interference of the abyss, etc.Soon, a brand new game was launched All Heavens and Myriad Realms: Food World.In the announcement, the producer enthusiastically introduced the situation in this world and the highest goal of the Hongmeng List, and also invited people with big brains, rich imagination, and cooking experience to join.

"I knew that heroes have their uses, and those who have amazing talents in combat and cultivation can travel through, and the life department also needs it."

A group of players rushed to the food world excitedly. The selection of players in this world is much more relaxed than others. As long as your brain is big enough, you can enter with amazing imagination.The players who traveled through were shocked. There are delicious food everywhere, the soil is soft bread and meat floss, and the rocky sand is made of candies and preserved fruits.

"Fuck, everything in this world is edible, and every creature has a gourmet cell. The blue sky and white clouds, the earth and the yellow river are all made of food. This is simply a paradise for foodies! I love it. The highest goal in this world is to stay on the golden list of Hongmeng." Famous! Constantly evolve yourself, and practice the recipe method to advance to the most beautiful creature."

The details of the gourmet world were live broadcasted, which aroused heated discussions among the crowd. Many people felt that this was the world they dreamed of.The daring Abyss players want to repeat the old tricks and look for the direction of the gourmet world, but they are told that this world is blessed by the Creator God, and they keep their own land and enjoy eternal peace.

The gourmet world is under great development, and the other four worlds are all blown away.The abyss was hit hard last time, and it was defeated again and again. A mythical elephant in the elemental world was beaten back, and the allied forces of the prehistoric and world trees hit the mainland of the abyss.

At a critical juncture, the deepest part of the abyss began to fluctuate violently, and the chaotic consciousness began to save itself. The master of the plane was amazed, and the players of the abyss had a hunch that the abyss was about to enter the next version.In addition to the Abyss Demon Emperor and Demon God, the real Lord of the Abyss must also be bred!During its gestation, it also displayed its unique skills to instigate the internal situation of the enemy army.

In the prehistoric period, Yuanshi Tianmo rebelled and tortured a pangolin from that year, and the Tianmo Cult made a comeback.Some people taught the Eight Immortals to be born in Yingjie to quell civil strife.In the world tree, Rahil has achieved great success, and a new fruit is born from the root, which is called: the realm of poison and mist.

This world is very magical, filled with mist for many years, in which creatures can gather and scatter into clouds, with strong malice, and a world lord, but his appearance shocked the Supreme God, Angel and others, it turned out to be wearing a black dress With the appearance of Rahil, whose divine power is only under the supreme god, the world tree has another supreme being, but it does not make the gods happy.It's too weird.

It wasn't until Cook went to the world of mist to find out the whole story, "The mother goddess is about to be promoted, and now she is gradually leaving the world. This is the world formed by the malice in her heart and the fusion of toxins and impurities in her body. Although the attributes are different, they belong to the same world. boundary."

Only then did the gods understand, but Cook didn't tell part of the truth, which was stimulated by the abyss and disturbed by poisonous insects.The sign of the world tree is to abandon everything.

Soon, news came from the gourmet world that the local creature, the Snow God Ox, defeated several powerful enemies and became the No. [-] meat in the Hongmeng list.

When the golden list in the chaos appeared, the whole world was amazed, and the infinite vision appeared.The players shouted that there is one less quota, the food industry is crazy, and the competition is even more cruel. One of the players found another way. He had a big brain and traveled thousands of miles. It also goes deep into the ground to create a unique cooking method.

When other players choose to evolve, and even go to the ocean to promote fish and fresh fish, he chooses to transform himself into a liquid creature, swallowing thousands of fluids with gourmet cells, and finally evolves into a centuries-old soup spirit that contains thousands of delicacies and has a rich history. When he was promoted, there were rainbows everywhere, and thousands of bubbles spread in the food industry.

The Hongmeng Gold List reappeared, and the spot for soup was occupied.

Meat: Snow God Beef

Soup: century thick soup

Staple food

"Quota are limited! Hurry up and grab your spot!"

The gourmet world is known as a place bestowed by the gods, and is sought after by everyone, and all things compete to be on the supreme gold list.

"Come on, silly girl, try this ice cream beef."

On the dining table, Jiang Ping forked a piece of beef with a snowflake texture, and he bit down and chewed it with a silly sound, his taste buds exploded. It is indeed the winner of the meat that has been contested for hundreds of millions of years in the food industry, it is really extraordinary.

Jiang Ping picked up the century thick soup again, took a sip, and all kinds of flavors burst out in his tongue buds. He seemed to see the grassland, where the wind blows the grass and sees the cattle and sheep, and the lion leads the lions to roar.In a blink of an eye, it was snow-capped mountains and highlands again, with white snow fluttering.

Jiang Ping couldn't help but praise the soup that filled the vast land with a mouthful. What's even better is that they don't need to do it themselves. The recipe method they practice is essentially the method of cooking themselves, and it is mature when it is completed.

Accepting the perfect food world, Jiang Ping asked Sha Niu to assist him, and he once again submerged in the practice of proving the Tao in his dreams.

In the evening, the Little Twilight Realm opened again, and the world view was different again. It was a fairy-like world, filled with fairy gates and monsters. Some beta players found that the Twilight Realm was unknowingly much more stable, and the stars outside the realm became clearer and more stable. Some even ran boldly When I went to the outside world, I found that the leading star had been evolved, and there were alien creatures.What does this mean?

Everyone doesn't understand, there is an expert analysis on the forum, maybe the small characters in the Little Twilight Realm are about to disappear.And when the dawn approached, the public beta players knew that they were going to be forced to quit again. This time, the shut-down server was repeated. Everyone saw the arrival of the dark God of Destruction who crushed a thousand layers of abyss planes. His appearance symbolized the end of all things. Creatures and objects of the void are bundled together.

On the bed, Jiang Ping opened his eyes, waking up from a dream and the world was shattered, his eyes had an indifferent expression, becoming more and more unfathomable.

In the following time, the real time is approaching the cold winter, coupled with the huge changes in the past year, the spiritual world attached to the reality, the extraordinary world, and the super-dimensional game, making this winter even more bleak.

The abyss revived, a group of abyss players performed a summoning ceremony on the earth, and began to counter-invade the real plane with the help of the half-plane spiritual realm. He couldn't get through with his real body, and even his own tentacles of consciousness couldn't perceive it.

But it does not affect the corrosion of reality by the abyss. With the help of negative energy, a new abyss consciousness is beginning to be bred. The heavens and worlds: the realm of the mind 30 version is coming,

This is a major event that affects the world. The outraged supernatural beings of the official United Order faction began to encircle and suppress the players of the abyss. Many well-known masters of the plane were killed, but the new abyss consciousness has already summoned its own believers in the realm of the soul. , the land of ancient Egypt, the revival of the mummies in the pyramids, the reappearance of the Death Army in the desert,

In England, vampires attack people and animals in the dark, werewolves howl in the full moon, and ghosts walk in the night in the island country

The legendary dark creatures appeared one by one, the fear in people's hearts was drawn out, urban legends, and weird secret talks came one by one.People were shocked to find that, in the face of such super creatures, ordinary firearms are very ineffective, and the silverware and holy water that are said to restrain them are somewhat useful.

The status of the transcendent became more and more lofty. One day, Nisakayao crossed hundreds of ghosts on the streets of Tokyo, killed Daitengu and Shuten Doji, and was known as the female sword saint.As for Cang Qiong and Wu Tian, ​​they are also known as the leader-level figures. They are strategic figures in the judgment of certain agencies, able to resist bullets, and their souls can travel through the network.In addition, the School of Magic and Guidance founded by Ning Tianjiao has also received much attention.

In the prehistoric world, there are demons and demons in troubled times, people teach their children to go out of the mountains to fight, Shushan Sword Immortals, and the line of Emei began to rise.Many people began to settle, wanting to seize the merits of this era.

But no one expected that the biggest victor of the Era was an inconspicuous pangolin. He endured humiliation and betrayed the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon again, devoured the Heavenly Demon at a critical moment, and turned into a new Era Demon. The heels are simple, far from being comparable to those with great supernatural powers. Some people have speculated that maybe it is only for a heavenly immortal.

Later, for some reason, it seemed that the pursuit of the gods failed, and the pangolin gave up on itself, plunged into the abyss, and counterattacked the prehistoric.

A saint-level existence transferred to the abyss camp, causing chaos in the world, the abyss shook, and an abyss lord with a chaotic body was born. The battle became more and more fierce. There were many casualties in all walks of life. Even saint-level existences, including the newly-emerged Link, were killed more than once and revived several times.

The reality and the time in the game passed each other. After waking up from the dream again, Jiang Ping stared blankly at the faint morning light outside the window. The aura on his body was ancient and far away. Before he knew it, the legend had broken through, and the God of Destruction of Darkness was conceived and matured.

The one-time copy of Little Twilight Realm was promoted to Twilight Realm.

On November 2020, 11 in the earth calendar, the great you created the God of Destruction of Darkness, the experiment was successful, and you were initially able to create a small world without the assistance of Genesis.

The pages of the book were rustling, and there was a trace of melancholy between the writing.

"Abba, you've become a stranger." Silly girl flew into the room, always feeling that her father was getting farther and farther away from her.

The corner of Jiang Ping's mouth curled up suddenly: "I'm still me."

He knew that he was only one step away from creating the chaos of his own self to break through the most important hurdle and become a god.

The three-dimensional true god.

At some point, everyone discovered that the forum had newly launched the mature Heavens and Myriad Realms: Twilight Realm, and another group of people went in to find a breakthrough.

The protracted battle has scarred all walks of life. Unknowingly, the Nine Saints have come together in the prehistoric world, the sub-sages have appeared frequently, and the quasi-holy ranks are like crucian carp crossing the river. The huge world is a hundred times the size of the original.All living beings are immersed in the power, only the most peak group of people are silent.

The fruits of the nine worlds of the World Tree have matured, and Chuangjie Mountain has become its most solid foundation.

All the worlds perform their duties, the gods hang in the sky to maintain order, and the god of the underworld maintains the world cycle at the root.

Everything was going in a good direction, but in the Fountain of Life, Wei Wei'an felt a tingling pain in her heart. Suddenly, she raised her head, and the first withered yellow leaf dropped from the tree of fate, and there was a rush of footsteps not far away. It was Alice, she turned pale and tremblingly said:

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