The four kings were ignorant at first, but after carefully exploring the world, they found that they were all land, ocean, hurricane, and flame.

"The world is such an environment, but why am I the only creature?"

Although the four kings have strong innate power and can also integrate with the plane, they are like a child holding a sword, knowing what it is but not knowing why.In their cognition, the world is like this, and they don't find it surprising.

Over a long period of time, by coincidence, the Four Great Kings all came up with the idea of ​​breeding their own people.The idea didn't come out of the blue.In the thoughts of the four kings, this is a sudden thought that arises in loneliness, but at a deeper level, it is the secret promotion of the elemental world, a necessity in the accident.

Races are ultimately their own creations.

Thus, in the elemental plane of the earth, giant elemental creatures of various systems, such as rock giants, cave monsters, and big rock snakes, were born.

In the elemental plane of water, gentle river gods of water, spiritual ice monsters, and snowmen appeared one by one, and the blue world became lively.

In the plane of wind, mischievous wind elves are born in the endless wind, and there are also creatures that embody the law of wind, such as speed birds, lightning eagles, etc.

In the plane of fire, there are even more bursting flames, limited by its own elements. Compared with the beautiful and calm water elemental creatures, the lava trolls and magma pythons in the plane of fire obviously have a bad temper.However, the Emperor of Fire also had this temper, and he quickly used his force to rule the tribe.

In order for the tribe to vent out the power accumulated over time, the Fire King ordered people to cast his own palace.It was a majestic palace made of a whole red crystal mountain, standing in the center of the most terrifying sea of ​​flames.

"From the very beginning, their respective attributes have been determined, the violentness of fire, the unpredictable water, the thickness of the earth, and the agility of the wind."

Jiang Ping and Sha Niu watched all this quietly. It is still the beginning of the world. These four elements will create their own unique culture.

"Now their fighting style and architectural style are full of wild and primitive atmosphere." Sha Niu commented, "I believe that with the passage of time, the intelligent races of the four elemental planes will also develop their own civilization. But Before that, first they have to withstand the test of the world itself."

No matter which world has its own catastrophe, soon, the rapidly growing four elemental races discovered the changes in the world.

On a sudden day, the law was trembling, the membranes of the world were in turmoil, and strange ripples were spreading. Many unlucky elemental life forms were affected and turned into powder immediately, without even screaming.

"What's going on here? Has our world been attacked by other creatures?"

The four elemental kings woke up immediately, and they felt that the whole plane was shaking. They didn't know the source, but they only felt panic in their hearts.

Not long after, the inexplicable ripples stopped, and the world itself shifted a bit.

"The mutation comes from outside the world, what is outside the world? Are there other different worlds besides us?"

After this change, the elemental kings finally began to consider this issue. This time the change was also recorded in history as "The First Elemental Tribulation": the origin is unknown, and it seems to be outside the world.

Only Jiang Ping, who was standing outside, had a strange expression on his face, and the silly girl helplessly stretched out her little hand to cover her forehead. Isn't this just the four little elephants saying hello to each other?The elephant's back squirmed, and the four long trunks greeted each other in series, and the world on the back shook, creating the so-called elemental calamity.

"After that, the four elephants gathered together, wouldn't it be a catastrophe for your era?"

Jiang Ping waits and sees, the four mythical elephants are not peaceful masters, not only will they greet and communicate with each other every once in a while, but also the quadruplets will get together every once in a while to connect with each other.Needless to say, the four brothers have a very good relationship.

Chapter 531 The Epoch Catastrophe of the Elemental Plane

The emergence of the elemental catastrophe made the comfortable four elemental races feel a sense of crisis. During the long evolution of the Ming Dynasty, Jiang Ping saw that many races with great potential were going to destruction because of their own comfort. The emergence of the catastrophe made them seek innovation .

What is beyond the world?The radical fire king is the first to march out of the world, a raging flame madman, a lava giant running on the earth and magma, exploring the end of the world.Limited by their worldview, shouldn't the world be a sea of ​​fire in their minds, full of scalding elements of fire?

After a long period of exploration, the fire elemental creatures gradually discovered the clues of the membrane of the boundary wall. On the way, the elemental calamity happened twice again, which made the fire elemental creatures bravely explore. The original fire king has the power to control the plane. In order to open up the world, the flame giant walked along the weak space nodes of the world explored by the tribe.

With all his strength, he swung a burning blow, the space was burned down, and the self-protection consciousness of the world itself was suppressed by him, and fell to the extreme. Finally, the fire king broke the world's membrane, and he saw a corner of the truth in the void in a glimpse. , the gigantic idol that fills all the field of vision, interpreting the power of the gods like a mountain, and the grace of a god like the sea.

The world he was in was carried by a god, not only himself, but he also saw the adjacent three realms!

"The world is not unique, we live on the backs of idols!"

The Fire King announced this great discovery to his people, and the fire giants and magma beasts were boiling, beating their chests frantically.

"Conquer, war, burn, flame!"

The war of elemental aggression broke out. The fire elemental creatures have a bad temper and are full of aggression. They first opened up the adjacent air elemental plane. This is a blue disordered world. There is only endless wind between the sky and the earth. .

The strong wind gave birth to their own beasts, creatures, and races.

The King of Wind, who was fused with the hurricane, was awakened by the invasion of foreign enemies, so on the elemental plane of wind, in the sky above the Burning Legion, there was a sudden gust of wind howling.

In the sky, the strong wind gathered into a huge human face, the face was majestic and solemn, and it was roaring, "Ignorant outsiders, don't retreat!"


The destructive hurricane spewed out from the face of the Fengwang man, and thousands of flame creatures were extinguished immediately, like candles in the wind, vulnerable to Tianwei.

However, the Fire King behind the Burning Corps also discovered immediately that what he returned was a golden flame that could burn the void.

The war between the two major elemental planes has officially begun. Relying on the plane to which they belong, elemental biological energy is continuously produced and even revived.Therefore, the battle between the fire element and the wind element is extremely fierce.

The wind helps the fire, and the wind elemental plane is coveted by the strong fire element, so they dare to take the initiative to attack. Naturally, they have something to rely on.

The speed of the wind is extremely fast. Whether it is the most common wind elf or a kite-like swimming fish creature, they are more agile and changeable than attacking, but they are restrained by the flame, because the flame can burn with the direction of the wind , the two different energies are attacking each other, the flames are more aggressive, and the native wind elemental creatures are retreating steadily.

If it weren't for the fact that they took advantage of the terrain and summoned the Storm Corps several times to destroy the Burning Corps, the land of the wind creatures would have lost even more.

Even so, the hurricanes in various places still weakened a lot unconsciously, and the scorched earth increased, and the revival of the wind element became slower and slower. The location of the scorched earth is where the invasion of the fire plane is located.


Unknowingly, the elemental calamity came more and more frequently, and I don't know if it was affected by the battle between the two worlds.Creatures on the four major elemental planes already have complete defenses against the elemental catastrophe, and no longer suffer heavy losses like they did at the beginning.

Most of the wind elemental plane was scorched, and the wind king was attacked by the fire king several times to burn the source, causing the wind elemental plane to be suppressed.Just when the Burning Corps was planning to occupy the Air Plane in one go, and then eat away at the other two planes, reinforcements came from the Air Plane.

The huge wind tunnel appeared, which was opened by the lord of the plane, the wind king himself, and the flood flooded out of the wind tunnel, quickly submerged into the scorched earth, and regained the lost ground.

In the blue flood, there are also water elemental creatures of different shapes that look like liquids.It is the reinforcements of the water plane!

The queen of water also understands the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, let alone in terms of attributes.The violent and aggressive Fire King is a natural enemy of the peaceful and peaceful Water Queen.

With the help of the water plane, Feng Wang recovered the overall situation in time. On the contrary, the Burning Corps was defeated like a mountain, and the advantages accumulated in the early stage were continuously lost.

The wind and water merged, and water storms connecting the sky and the earth appeared, and the weak flames could not evaporate the water dragons that reached the sky.The Fire Lord was defeated, but the first elemental war was not so simple.

No one expected that the earth, water, wind and fire, the first elemental plane of earth is the most powerful. Not only are they huge, but they also have the strongest control over the power of the plane.Both flames and geomantic omens are restrained by it, immovable like a mountain, and towering giants of earth combine to form the world's dams, create moats, fill the flames, intercept rivers, and suppress hurricanes.

Your big brother is still your big brother, the participation of earth elemental creatures let the kings of the three planes know who is the boss.

The form of the earth king is an earth-yellow emperor crocodile with a sacred peak on its back. Its every move is as if the sky and the earth are trembling, and it can change the sky and the earth.

And just when the situation was moving towards the unification of the elemental world on the earth plane, a sudden accident came.

In recent years, the elemental calamity has come more and more frequently, because everyone is in war, and everyone is on guard against the elemental calamity, so they don't focus on it.

"Our world is carried on the back of four idols, and our compatriots are born. The elemental calamity is caused by the vibration of the idols."

This is information recognized by everyone, and therefore the four elemental kings ignored the reasons for frequent elemental calamities, and focused on unifying the elemental world.

But they don't know that all these are signs of the coming catastrophe of the era. Every 1 years, like one or four brothers will gather together to bond with each other, and what follows will be the four giants on their backs. The elemental world collides and merges!


The catastrophe of the era came so quickly that the elemental creatures who were fighting were caught off guard, and the four elemental kings who were fighting each other did not notice it. They only felt that their control over the plane was constantly being weakened, and the single-element law was disordered.

The four planes are colliding and compatible. They have the same origin, and the membranes of the world do not exclude each other, but continue to spread like a tide.

The fusion of the laws of the alien plane immediately caused the single-element creature to scream and die.The body of the flame creature collapsed and exploded.The water biochemically turns into a puddle of poisonous water, lifeless

"Too bad, the elemental catastrophe turned out to be the harbinger of the final catastrophe, but it's a pity that we only focused on the battle and neglected the most important world changes!"

The Emperor Crocodile of Earth stopped its movements and looked in shock at the constantly changing color of the sky, their vision lowered.The people of the tribe are perishing, the four elemental kings let go of their prejudices and ambitions, and start to jointly drive the origin of the four realms, and do their best to save the people of the tribe.


The four elephants gather together, and the four curved trunks are like whips driving the sky.

For the creatures above, it was a catastrophe. In the infinite brilliance, under the desperate support of the four elemental kings, the original four-element family preserved less than one member of the tribe, and the price they paid was that they fell into eternal sleep.

I don’t know how long it has passed. For the four elephants, it may be just a moment, but for the surviving elemental creatures, it is as long as the era of the night, the laws of disorder and chaos, different energies intertwined, the environment is too harsh, and there are constant single-element tribesmen die.Just when they thought they couldn't support it, one day they finally discovered that the four worlds began to separate

"A new era has come, and perhaps a negligible tremor in high dimensions is a devastating earthquake in low latitudes."

Jiang Ping looked at the four elephants that started to disperse and said, just like human beings don't care about the ants they trampled to death while walking.The four gods didn't even consider the cellular-level creatures on their backs.

"But after the disaster, there is still something left."

Sha Niu said that she saw the middle ground of the four major elemental planes that were gradually separated, a special chaotic zone created by the intersection, where the chaos of laws was a forbidden area for elemental life, but it gradually gave birth to the protagonist of the second era.

"After all, they are special planes, and their main purpose is to help other material worlds. Otherwise, it's useless to make a fuss about one-third of an acre of land." Jiang Ping commented calmly.

The two wait and see, waiting for people from other small worlds to touch this special plane and establish contact with the special elemental creatures in it.

Chapter 532 There Are Three Others As Powerful As Me

The four elemental kings fell into a long slumber, the mythical elephants separated again, and an elemental king was born, who was born to be the king of energy and life.

Gathering together the earth, water, wind and fire has the power to recreate the heaven and the earth.

The Second Era of the Elemental Plane was destined to belong to him.

It is easy for him to unify the four planes of water, wind and fire, and the king of elements puts the focus on outside the world.

According to the records of the First Age, he observed the four elephants that carried their world, living horrors!

"What's under the elephant? What kind of creatures are they?"

The king of elements was puzzled. After groping, he found that the elephant was standing on the back of a vast black land.

The world is moving, not the elephants are moving, but the earth is moving!

In the vast void, a giant tortoise crawls slowly, and the elemental world is performed above.

I don't know how long it has passed, a student from Hill was experimenting with summoning, drew a wrong symbol, and accidentally opened a space door.

Behind the space gate is a magical world separated from the world tree. A wind elf whose life deconstruction is completely different from Hill's creature came out curiously.

Not long after it was born, it was accidentally involved in the turbulence of space, but when it reappeared, it was a brand new world.

This is the physical world.

"What kind of life is this?"

It was summoned by a boy wearing glasses, just to complete the summoning task assigned by the school.

But I didn't expect to summon a strange creature by mistake.

Hill's world is very big, and the boy obviously doesn't know what earth-shattering event he has done.

"That's the end of my studies."

He muttered, connecting with an unknown elemental elf.

The next day, he took the elemental creatures to school.

When the classmates in the school brought their summons one after another, his elf stood out from the crowd.

"What kind of creature is this? I haven't seen it in the Encyclopedia."

"Should be a relative of the goblin?"

The students talked about it, and circled around the mysterious little guy, and the naughty student even poked it with his hand.

The elf was so scared that he quickly hid behind the little master and looked at them timidly.

"Could it be a brand new species?"

The female teacher in charge of this subject did not expect that the tail of the crane in the class would summon such a gadget.

Her experience is richer, and she searched the Encyclopedia of Biology, but she didn't find any similar creatures!

Soon, the news of the new creature summoned by the Elementary Magic Department spread throughout the school, and even the principal was alarmed.

And when he saw it, things were getting worse!

This is completely different from the elves known to Hill so far. It is full of wind and wind, and its structure is completely different from Hill's creature, but it is not rejected by the world and can dive into the depths of space.

Not a god, not a demon, not a dragon, not a human!

In just one day, the news continued to be uploaded, and finally reached God's Domain!

The Goddess of Magic liked the new little guy very much, so she went down to study it herself.

After some exploration, she concluded, "This is a creature that is completely different from our world. It lives in an elemental plane that is separated from the material world."

"There are three others as good as me."

The wind spirit said weakly, as if in order to increase confidence for itself, it puffed up its chest and said:

"Our four elemental kings are born, you'd better not bully us. The elemental kings are very powerful!"

Of course it is powerful, the master of the entire great world is already comparable to the Supreme God in terms of personality.

The goddess of magic reported the discovery of the new world, and many main gods were very interested.

Some are hostile and feel that they can try to invade.

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