Silly girl was curious, wondering whether her father would recreate the world, and followed along.

"Cough cough."

The four-corner wooden table and the simple bed in the bedroom, which had been dusty for a long time, were covered with a layer of dust. After all, he hadn't been here for half a year.At first, after the night when Jiang Ping picked up Genesis, he fused different biological bloodlines here to study how to give birth to extraordinary races. Now Jiang Ping is about to restart.

"Dust cleaning technique."

As Jiang Ping snapped his fingers, a circle of colorful ripples visible to the naked eye spread around him, like a breeze blowing, rolling up the dust in the room, and there were still some blood spots left here.

"The abyss is like a special huge creature with the world as the unit, but its head is mushy, full of chaos and killing."

Jiang Ping thought about the properties of the abyss, and he glanced at the silly girl who was flying curiously, "As for the silly girl, isn't her predecessor, Gaia, also a special creature with a planet as the unit? It has evolved into a universe-level creature. Looking at many things from another angle, it is very novel.

Can he also create world-class creatures? "

This is not Jiang Ping's Arabian Nights, but he already had an idea in his heart. Wasn't the earliest world tree, Rahil, the earliest world-class creature? !

Now instead of fighting alone with an assistant, Jiang Ping recruited the silly girl and asked, "Silly girl, do you think the biological form of the world tree can be replicated?"

"world Tree?"

Silly girl's wings stopped decisively, and she instinctively recalled the sacred tree she saw in the low-latitude time and space not long ago, "No matter which world there is a legend about the world tree, this is the evolutionary end of plant life. Plants Department of life is destined not to fight, with a serene and peaceful personality, good at benefiting other creatures.

Abba, there is also a world tree in the world you created. Although it has evolved to a high degree, it has not yet reached its limit.If you want to replant a new world tree, you can only cut off one branch of her at most.But without the branches of the world tree, even if it is nourished with divine power, it will lose some kind of magical power, and at most it can only grow into a tree of life.

Do you want to cultivate another world tree? "

"No, I just want to learn from the body structure of the world tree and the abyss to create low-latitude creatures with the world itself as the unit."

Jiang Ping began to pull out a lot of information, so that Sha Niu can find common ground from the evolution of billions of creatures. This is a huge project.

He opened the book of Genesis again, and the pages of the book rustled. In addition to the recorded chapters of creation and the myth of the destruction of the world, there are also incredible figures of creatures that are permanently engraved in the long river called history.

Original points: "2000"

This is the collection of points contributed by the Abyss after the Blackwater plane was sacrificed into the Abyss, after countless fights, and Hill's few contributions, Journey to the West.Since it is necessary to create a world-class creature, it is naturally necessary to use it.

But it was just an experiment at the beginning, Jiang Ping snapped his fingers here, and in an instant, a burst of nine-colored brilliance flashed, and the silly girl suddenly felt that she was no longer in the original bedroom, and the surrounding area was much more open, the size of a football field.

"Since we want to study, we naturally need an atmosphere."

Jiang Ping smiled, and began to borrow the mythical field to shape the utensils needed for the experiment. It has to be said that the origin of all things is the same.After reaching a certain level, one can see molecules, and can use molecules to form different utensils.

If you don’t waste the original points, don’t waste the original points. Jiang Ping simulated the low-latitude space-time sea and created a crystal glass pavilion. In the glass pavilion, create a low-latitude space-time environment, pure nothingness, and storms that blow from time to time. To survive in such an environment, and even to live with gusto, requires at least the strength of the Great Dao in the prehistoric world.

"What creature needs to be modeled in the first place?"

Chapter 526 Chaos Worm

"Silly girl, what kind of animal do you think has a simple structure but can evolve all things?" Looking at the crystal glass pavilion that has been vacuumed to simulate a low-latitude space-time sea, Jiang Ping asked silly girl without thoughts.

Silly Girl's two bright eyeballs rolled around, as if she was extracting information about various creatures from her brain, she suddenly remembered the abyss worm she saw just now, "Abba, the will of the abyss hatches worms in the most important plain of the abyss , because the body of a worm can transform into various forms of creatures.

I think that if you are the first to do experiments, to test whether ordinary organisms can breed thousands of species, then you can use it to accumulate experience first.When there is enough data harvested, it can be improved. "


Thinking of the fat and writhing worms, Jiang Ping thought deeply. This kind of creature, like the body of a snake, is very developing.It can grow horns, grow feet, evolve into a creature that generates electricity, and grow fins to become a marine creature.In terms of adaptability, it is indeed very strong.And the tenacity is also good.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ping caught a fat little bug from three meters deep outside the house, white and fat, like a young silkworm.Lying in Jiang Ping's palm, twisting and turning.

He started to use his strength, and a mysterious and mysterious mana mixed with the mysterious good fortune joined the white worm.In an instant, the body of the worm in the palm began to develop rapidly, and in a blink of an eye it broke out of its cocoon and became a butterfly. The butterfly wanted to spread its wings and fly high, but it died in a blink of an eye.Its life circulates in Jiang Ping's thoughts.

"fall back."

Jiang Ping uttered the truth, and what he said followed suit. This little insect that had just reached the end of its life seemed to be reversed in time. The scene just now was reflected and reappeared. The essence is brewing.

"Abba, what are you observing?"

Seeing Jiang Ping using the power of time to study bugs, Sha Niu asked curiously.

Jiang Ping stared at the white cocoon in his hand, and said: "I was thinking, in our macrocosm, this kind of bug has gone through a complete life just now. But in the microcosm, maybe it's just a world of cells in the bug. .”

He turned his head and looked out the window thoughtfully, and saw the red dust curling up from outside the laboratory, "There are 40 billion cells living on this cocoon. And there are only 70 billion human beings on the entire earth. For the microcosm, one The era has passed."

Silly girl's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she couldn't wait to say: "Abba, I want to witness the life of the microcosm with my own eyes, and I want to see how they lived through an era."

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Ping nodded. Sha Niu's identity is special, and it is just right for her to observe and record the microcosm.

Jiang Ping summoned Genesis with his right hand, and let people go to the microcosm of the present world. He still needs the help of Genesis.


Genesis turned, and one after another inconceivable talisman carried the message that the silly girl had turned into an extremely small one, and the light river of the message was thrown into the cocoon in Jiang Ping's left palm.


Sha Niu entered the universe of bugs, and Jiang Ping also began to catalyze its birth and growth.

The macroscopic and microscopic concepts of time are different, just like the lifespans of ordinary human beings and the earth are different.The second the planet wakes up is already ten lives for the creatures living on it.

Therefore, Jiang Ping only accelerated for a moment in the macrocosm, but in the eyes of the observer Sha Niu, it was already a change of era and the beginning of the universe.

As the worms "lived", the observer Sha Niu saw the magnificent scene of the universe's first opening, and everything began to recover, and the slightly larger cells condensed and rotated, turning into pieces of life, and the extremely small cells Born enthusiastically.

As the bug moves towards the peak of its life, the microcosm inside it becomes more prosperous. Hundreds of millions of cells live according to their rules, forming different

Cell society, between different cells, such as human white blood cells, red blood cells, etc.They are also fighting in the battlefield called "Bug Universe".

Every moment in the microcosm, tens of thousands of cell warriors die in battle. After the death, the dead cells will be engulfed by new cells, turned into nutrients, or rejected as waste.

Sha Niu is just an observer traveling through the universe, and cannot directly penetrate into the society of cells, but she has also gained a lot.They are living freely in an unimaginable posture.

Just as human beings do not understand life like the sun, cells do not understand the existence of human beings.For them, everything they are in is the whole world.

"Abba started to speed up."

Silly girl saw that the speed of the universe of the cells is accelerating, of course the cells in it are not aware of it, but their actions are speeded up countless times, the process of killing, death, birth, and destruction is also speeding up rapidly, no matter which universe has a lifespan , are increasing in entropy.

Therefore, when the cells are regenerated more and more slowly, and even after the last dead cells, the metabolism slowly starts to stop, and the silly girl knows that the lifespan of this universe has come to an end.

In the macroscopic world, Jiang Ping accelerated the worm in his palm. At this moment, the worm did not turn into a butterfly, but slowly began to age. Its signs of life became weaker and weaker, and soon it completely stopped wriggling, lying quietly. in his palm.A peaceful death.

"Silly girl, what's the matter?" Jiang Ping got in touch with her secretly through Genesis.

"Abba, are the bugs in the outside world dead? This universe has fallen into silence. There are dead cells constantly, and no new cells are born. When placed in the star world, the stars begin to dim and go out. I feel a billion The cry of ten thousand cells."

Silly girl's words came, and she witnessed the birth and destruction of this universe as an observer.

Soon she turned into a river of light and flew out of the worm's corpse, and after being illuminated by the light of Genesis, she turned into a wandering silly girl again.

As soon as Sha Niu came back, she took a deep breath and happily flew around Jiang Ping's head. "Abba, you don't know that the second we spend here is already a lifetime of a billion-trillion microcosm. It's incredible. Many things in the world are very novel from a different perspective."

Jiang Ping nodded with a smile. He blew a gust of wind gently, turning the insect in his left palm into fly ash and dissipating it in the world again. Its remains can also become substances that nourish other living things.

"Essentially speaking, the little worm just now is no different from the world tree, the abyss, etc. I want to create a living creature that carries the world, and I used the worm as a model to experiment at the beginning."

When Jiang Ping returned to the laboratory, he began to borrow his own mana, carefully mobilizing 1, 10, and other traces of original points to create insect eggs in the simulated low-latitude crystal view. Under his careful care, the power of good fortune The influx.Small wriggling bugs appeared in the Crystal Pavilion.

The little bug was wandering in the sea of ​​time and space, and before Jiang Ping was happy, unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, before swimming for a long time, the little bug's movements became weaker and weaker, and soon it was blown into powder by the sudden space-time storm.

The silly girl looked at it with heartache, "They are too weak, let alone absorbing the power of nothingness and nourishing their own world, they can't even survive. After a while, I will be assimilated by the low latitude."

Jiang Ping nodded slightly, "It seems that it is not appropriate to invest in bugs from the beginning. At least a certain survivability is required."

After knowing the reason, Jiang Ping recreated a petri dish in the laboratory. In this petri dish, there are a hundred small bugs with an original score of 1!

Each petri dish contains the feed of the power of the world. Jiang Ping wants to see if one or two of the next hundred world worms can evolve to the limit and survive in the sea of ​​low-latitude time and space without his own help.


Charming nine-colored worms emerged from the eggs, and they looked around curiously. In their chaotic cognition, everything around them was already everything.

The small space is as warm as a mother's body, and there are feeds that can be eaten everywhere around it.

The worms devoured the power of the world one by one, and their bodies began to undergo different evolutions.

Jiang Ping set up different environments in one hundred petri dishes. When the nine-color worms grow to a certain level, they need to adjust their body evolution according to the environment.And one hundred environments together form the low-latitude space-time sea.

For example, in a petri dish of lava in a sea of ​​fire, as the worms devour the world more and more and grow bigger, the sea of ​​fire it is in becomes wider and hotter, and the environment grows with the worms And grow.

The scalding fire poison forced the nine-colored worm to transform into a body that could resist the flames.

There are also glacial petri dishes, in which the nine-colored worms can only evolve into a large amount of fat to resist the cold.

There is also a kingdom of infinite light and a dark space. The nine-colored worms in the dark petri dish have directly evolved their own eyes.

In the precarious environment, worms that had eaten up the world's feed began to die one by one. Jiang Ping had no choice but to stretch out his hand to recycle them. These are precious resources.Putting it under the World Tree is enough to make Rachel rejoice.He puts his hopes on the worms that are still alive.

As time went by, Jiang Ping and Sha Niu became more and more disappointed, but among them, a worm living in an extremely dangerous environment with space cracks everywhere lived the longest.It completely evolved itself into a space worm.

"That's it, it can evolve again using the space worm as a template."

Jiang Ping's eyes brightened. Although the first 100 nine-color worms were wiped out, his experiment went a step further.

The environment of the petri dish he set up is part of the time-space sea, and now Jiang Ping re-injects 10 points, and re-enacts it with the space worm template saved by Sha Niu.

This is a crystal worm that seems to be transparent, and its body is not too big compared to its siblings. It wanders unsteadily in a quiet space.

The space blade that struck from time to time didn't cut it in half, because it was space itself.There is ease between activities, as free as a dragon entering the sea.

"To overcome the difficulties of space, we still need the power to survive time."

Jiang Ping accelerated the flow of time in this petri dish. The low-latitude space-time is chaotic, not as orderly as in the world. Therefore, if you want to soar in the low-latitude space-time sea, you must have the ability to resist the space-time storm.


The violent power of time began to wash away, and this transparent worm that did not need space began to age and slow down at a speed visible to the naked eye.There is even the power of the past time spreading again, the terrifying power of the past can make this bug degenerate into a cocoon form, degenerate into primitive molecules.

No power can remain unchanged for a long time, and Jiang Ping has no intention of breeding worms that can live forever.

Therefore, after time has accelerated tens of millions of times, the space worm that was still alive and kicking just now died of old age. When he was about to recycle it, he was suddenly stopped by the silly girl.

"Look, Dad, its corpse is moving." Sha Niu widened her eyes, looking at the corpse of the worm in the space-time petri dish in surprise.

Jiang Ping looked over, and sure enough, the corpse in the time-space petri dish was squirming at this moment, a small worm was born from the corpse, looking at the strange world in confusion, and with its new birth, the original worm corpse has been weathered, and the remains Not a drop left.

"Its point set is still 10. Energy conservation remains the same?"

Jiang Ping was surprised by this accidental discovery. He never thought that this worm, which was mutating in the direction of time and space, could be "reborn".

This kind of rebirth is like the lighthouse jellyfish on the earth, but it just inherits the energy of the previous life. The real core and soul consciousness have long changed.

This bug aroused Jiang Ping's great interest, and he began to inject more energy to create a more dangerous petri dish, and kept getting closer to the real low-latitude space-time sea.

And on the way, this bug couldn't resist the increasingly dangerous environment, and was completely destroyed several times. Fortunately, Jiang Ping asked Sha Niu to record its structural template every time. Even if he lost his rebirth talent during the evolution process, he It can also be reprinted.

Indulging in the experiment, watching an incredible creature slowly grow and perfect in his own hands has a special sense of accomplishment. When Jiang Ping finally succeeded in researching a worm that can live in the chaotic space-time storm, more than half a day has passed.

"That's it!"

Jiang Ping happily fished out a fat newborn worm in black and white that was wriggling lazily from the petri dish.He began to carefully put the worm into the crystal glass pavilion.


Traveling to a wider time and space, the black and white worm seemed very excited, using its innate skills to continuously drill holes in nothingness, and travel through hundreds of millions of miles along the holes.It wants to find a companion, but unfortunately this is doomed to be in vain.

It is the only creature in the entire virtual crystal glass pavilion, and it is lonely.

After an unknown amount of time, in the boundless time and space, the worm died of old age.After death, I don’t know how long it has passed, under the watchful eyes of Jiang Ping and Sha Niu, a new "self" was bred on its body, and a new worm began to continue wandering in nothingness, and it did not inherit the memory of the previous life , apart from certain substances that make up the body, it has no relationship with previous lives.

Even it will be excited because it finds the hole dug in the previous life, thinking that it has a companion.

"Abba, congratulations, you have successfully cultivated a world-class creature that can survive in the sea of ​​time and space." Silly girl happily looked at the black and white worms wandering in the crystal pavilion. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but now the most difficult problem has been solved. She asked: "What kind of world do you plan to cultivate in its body? What kind of creature?"

The success of the experiment made Jiang Ping smile, "Call it: Chaos Worm, because it is the first one, let it be free. Don't toss it anymore. With its template, I can evolve creatures in other worlds." Very convenient."

Jiang Ping picked up the Chaos Worm from the simulated crystal pavilion. In its sight, everything around it seemed to be broken, and an incredible force surrounded him and soared up.

Jiang Ping put it in the real low-latitude space-time, where the real battlefield is.


When the chaotic worm felt free again, it only felt that the surroundings were vast and not as oppressive as before. It recovered from the panic, wandered instinctively in the dimension of time and space, and drilled out wormholes that could pass through. Come and swim.

And the circles of space-time waves generated by the chaotic worms also spread to the distance, causing the abyss, world tree, and Honghuang who were on their way to catch strange things.

Chapter 527 The Insect of Nothingness

The vast low-latitude space-time sea is not comparable to the simulated crystal pavilion. This lucky chaotic worm is moving freely and uncomfortably, digging out wormholes with its talent, and these have become shortcuts for latecomers.

The IQ of Chaos Worms is not high, they just act according to their instincts.When it touched the space ripples of the Dao Dao, it had already attracted the attention of the three existing world overlords, especially the Abyss, which had been in a state of hunger, like a mad dog smelling the smell of meat.

The footsteps that were rushing to the wilderness stopped unconsciously, but the chaos worm was not clear about the unknown danger, and it had not encountered other creatures.In its thousands of lives it has died alone.The law of survival in the sea of ​​time and space is not clear.

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