Another Abyss player Can Qiushuangxu, who had already gone offline in advance and was eliminated in seconds, said: "I didn't hear any strange sounds, it was just because of the psychological depression caused by the color of the environment, worms, etc. I think the producer chose us to enter Becoming an abyss worm and wanting us to evolve into a powerful abyss monster will definitely not harm us.

The abyss is raving, the abyss is watching, He must have helped us solve it, after all, how can you lose your life playing games?Don’t worry about this, you should grab the quota first, and solving the intensive phobia in advance is the kingly way. "

The words of Can Autumn Shuang Xu reassured everyone, and many keyboard warriors who were slow to enter laughed, "You girls are fragile in heart, why are you afraid of mere bug nests? If I go in, I will definitely evolve into a super monster and kill to the bottom of the abyss , become the overlord of the plane!"

What they don't know is that there are not a few people who were eliminated by the environment at the beginning. Men and women are equal. Many male players are also frightened, or their mental fluctuations exceed the limit. They are forced to retreat and collapse in front of the computer desk.

Or they were too frightened to react, and stood frozen in place, watching their bodies being bitten by their compatriots, eating them piece by piece.

As for the others who can barely endure, the first big problem to be solved is how to control the body of the abyss worm. They have to control the body of the abyss worm within an hour. Worms, enduring physical discomfort, gnaw and devour their fellow humans alive.


There are still many talents among the 1000 players in the abyss. Driven by huge profits, let alone worms, even maggots, even a large number of warriors have tasted them. At least an unknown netizen named Lao Ba not long ago, just for the sake of popularity , to attract the audience, to perform in public.

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Chapter 523 Abyss Observation Log

On the Wanyuan Plain, among the dense worms, there is a weird worm with two black horns on its head and two arms and sharp claws. It is the player Luo Tai. He survived for 3 hours and ate almost a hundred of them. compatriots.

He also felt that the worms were not so difficult to eat if he ate too much. On the contrary, he spent more time hunting his compatriots each time.Many strong worms are strong and strong, and some have evolved into one-meter-long worms. When wrapped around their bodies, they will be hugged by death, and their brute force can tear the bull demon apart.Mrs. Luo called this kind of worms that have initially surpassed ordinary worms: second-order worms.

Relying on wisdom and unscrupulous means, Mrs. Luo developed smoothly in the plain, and heard from time to time: "Ding, evolution point +1, +2"

"First add evolution points to the attack, the fastest killing worm at the first time, now the monsters encountered are getting stronger and stronger, and many worms have evolved in different directions. It is very dangerous to encounter a strange worm that can spit mucous membrane just now. , at this stage, we must first ensure that we can live for a long time."

Mrs. Luo thinks that the current abyss is not so much an evolution game as it is a strategy development game. It doesn't depend on how brave or ferocious you are. There are far more players in the abyss than you can fight!

It depends on how long you can live, the dog is king!As long as you keep living, you will eventually get evolution points.

Under frenzied killing, the evolution points can indeed be collected quickly, but they often die very quickly.The biggest advantage of the players is that they are not bewitched by the ubiquitous will of the abyss, and they will not kill each other in a flash, but will see the strength of both the enemy and the enemy.

Among the 1000 players who traveled through at the beginning, there was also Lengtouqing, who had already endured nausea and swallowed worms forcefully. He chose to evolve his own teeth at the beginning, whether it was for attacking or quickly biting corpses.

But in the end, he was surprised to find that the evolution of teeth made him a monster with a giant mouth that could only open [-] centimeters, but the nutrients in his body were taken away. Compared with the giant mouth, he looked very weak, and more importantly, You can't escape fast!

"Didn't I evolve into a glutton?"

Lengtouqing inexplicably thought of a legendary evil beast whose body only served its mouth. He was indeed brave and good at fighting, but his evolution was not complete, he was too partial, and his giant mouth was very eye-catching. He was being targeted by hundreds of abyss worms That moment sealed his fate.

Worms crawled up his eye sockets, trying to get in and eat his brains.There are also sharp-toothed bugs that climbed onto the weak body and kept getting in, getting in and being dismembered.

Luo Tai added points in a very comprehensive way. Following his deep self-consciousness, he added horns to his head, covered scales on his skin, and stretched out slender limbs from his worm body. The original worm body turned into a plump and cute one. The tail maintains the balance of the newborn humanoid body.

Adhering to the principle of giving up rather than being reckless, Mrs. Luo sneakily attacked and killed second-order maggots that had evolved into different shapes and could be called the tyrants of the small area.

It seemed that he had killed the 1000th worm. Anyway, with a familiar reminder sound, Mrs. Luo knew that she had passed the initial test.

"Ding, congratulations, player Luo Tai, after the cruel competition, you have gained a glimpse of the abyss consciousness, evolved into a first-order demon species, left the first layer of the plain of the abyss, and continued to explore the abyss plane. New The journey has begun, I wish you a pleasant journey."

An inexplicable force enveloped Luo Tai and forced him to leave the first floor. Luo Tai's body covered with scales began the most important evolution at the same time. A majestic force was reshaping his body. Based on the foundation of previous evolution, even His inner thoughts were shaped into a brand new demon species.

"Fighting in Wanyuan Plain for a day, I succeeded!"

Mrs. Luo couldn't help but cheered up on the forum and said that the competition of Abyss players is within the threshold, once crossing into the Ten Thousand Abyss Plain, it will be an endless fight. He can pass the test initially, relying on his own caution and a little bit of luck.Of course, the first layer just out of the embryo is still the beginning. If you want to gain a foothold in the abyss, you must at least integrate the so-called heart of the abyss and officially become a player of the heavens.

Death is the normal state in the Abyss Plain, and the Myriad Abyss Plain is the embryo that hatches thousands of demon species.

Mrs. Luo's success shocked everyone who was discussing the abyss, and someone immediately asked: "How many worms have you killed? Can you eat so many? Will you not feel sick?"

Mrs. Luo chuckled, "Not much, not much, the more careful you get to the back, although the abyss has no concept of time, but in my mind, it is only one day. On the way, I probably swallowed 1000 abyss monsters." Worms, some have high evolution and some have low evolution.

As long as the benefits are big enough, let alone a mere bug.After eating, it became smoother and smoother, and I didn't feel sick.Loyalty, everyone: The first rule of the abyss: [Compared to killing, your first consideration is survival].The biggest advantage of our players is not to be confused by the consciousness of the abyss, and to be able to stay awake at all times. "

"Congratulations, Mrs. Luo, you are the fastest advanced in our first batch, and you rely on unscrupulous and unscrupulous methods. I am still fighting with worms in the Wanyuan Plain. Are you still in the plain?" The abyss player who was fighting for crossing asked, they couldn't accept eating bugs at first, and they were one step behind.One step late, one step late.

"Evolved to a certain level, it should be said that I was kicked out after being able to destroy the order of the Wanyuan Plain. I am currently sinking, step by step into the abyss. Continue to live with you, I feel that the heart of the abyss must be below. The announcement said Now, only by merging with the heart of the abyss can you become a bigger soldier and a qualified player from the heavens."

Mrs. Luo is not stingy about sharing, although there are bound to be many frauds and betrayals in the abyss.But innate is the consciousness of earthlings, and it must be the best alliance.What's more, I can also make money with the help of the live broadcast room I opened. For safety reasons, I can not withdraw it at the abyss stage, and I can choose to store it on the forum account.

Everyone is also very curious about the mutant world of Abyss, especially Honghuang and Hill players.Soon a special live broadcast room called "Abyss Observation Log" was born, and millions of people frantically poured in.

"Hi everyone, I'm Mrs. Luo."

In front of the camera is a strange creature with two sharp horns and humanoid scales. He is explaining to everyone in the dark, "According to the information I have learned so far, this is the second layer of the abyss, and the last Near the entrance of the abyss, you can see the overlord race of the second layer in front of you."

As the live broadcast camera rotated, netizens saw a monster with a height of 6 or 7 meters and an ugly face slowly approaching.

The monster looked down at the weak Mrs. Luo, and asked in a low voice, "Are you the little guy who just came down from above?"

In front of the monster, the thin Mrs. Luo was like a three-year-old child facing an adult. He nodded hurriedly and asked tentatively, "I wonder if you are that abyssal demon god?"

"Abyss Demon God?"

The monster said strangely, stretched out his strong right hand, and Mrs. Luo grabbed him before he could react, "I'm just the most common demon in the Demon City, since I caught you, then you are me!" slave."

After all, the devil has already grabbed Mrs. Luo's head and walked away. From the looks of it, as long as Mrs. Luo resists a little, what awaits him will be a head burst.

"Dear netizens, this is the rule of the abyss. The powerful can bully the weak at will. Weakness is the original sin!"

Mrs. Luo didn't dare to resist at all, and was taken away by the devil with a helpless face. He was mentally prepared for the next fate.

And then, as the camera turned, the netizens understood what the second-tier demon city looked like.

Tens of thousands of dirty holes have been dug out of the charred mountains, and dirty demons live in them, and you can see a lot of 18x things from time to time.

Or the weak demon was broken off by a powerful adult demon alive with black and blue arms, and roasted on the flames, or couldn't wait, and bit down with blood.

And the weak and weak Mrs. Luo is undoubtedly the bottom of the demon city. The hardships along the way are unspeakable for the earthlings. It is normal for the arm to be broken alive, and she has to bathe the demon. If it is not possible to reduce the pain, Going out to the earth for some fresh air from time to time, Mrs. Luo felt that she might not be able to hold on.

He often cheered himself up in his heart: "You can even eat a thousand worms on the Wanyuan Plain, let alone tortured by demons? Turn off the camera and go offline, aren't you still whole?"

During the days of suffering in the Devil City, he took the opportunity to find out a lot of information. It turned out that the demons that grew up on the Wanyuan Plain would be divided into different spaces because of their own xinxing problems.

Although everyone is bred by the abyss consciousness, in order not to be overly watched by him and to maintain their own independent consciousness, the higher the overall strength, the stronger the comprehensive strength, and the weirder and crazier the lower the monster.

At present, the bloody battlefield on the third floor is the cruelest. From time to time, seriously injured demons return from the third floor, and then are eaten by intact demons.

Mrs. Luo heard that this is a battle with the devil hell on the fourth floor.

"Cunning and treacherous devils, weak but best at sowing discord, even the metal monsters from the steel fortress on the sixth floor have come to attack us."

The demons are whispering, Mrs. Luo, who is being squeezed crazily, is waiting to betray at any time, and thousands of netizens on the earth behind her are also making suggestions.Demons are very powerful, but they also have disadvantages, or the disadvantages of all abyssal demons. Sometimes they will go crazy from time to time because of the gaze of the abyss consciousness. This is Luo Tai's opportunity.

Among the initial quota of 1000, many died because they could not accept the challenge of Wanyuan Plain, and their quotas continued to be snatched away.The quality of the second batch of players coming in is obviously much higher, at least they won't scare themselves to death because they can't accept the maggots.

There are even many official people among them!They have undergone trials of blood and fire, killed fat worms carefully, obtained evolution points one by one, and added points under the design of the team behind them, and strange monsters began to appear one by one.

Mrs. Luo is anxious. If this is the case, wouldn't her early advantage be ruined?For the sake of strength, he will do whatever it takes!He came from a humble background on the earth, he has suffered all the hardships in the world, and finally obtained the fate of heaven, how can he continue to sink?

After finding an opportunity, the surrounding demons were madly fighting and mating. Without hesitation, he fled to the bloody battlefield at the risk of being thrown into a hot pot by the demons. On the way, he lost another tail. Fortunately, his limbs could be regenerated. At the last moment, he jumped into the space-time vortex and arrived at the bloody battlefield of endless dead bodies.

Passed into a coma while crossing the plane, Mrs. Luo was forced to go offline, and analyzed his intentions and ambitions and future evolutionary direction on the earth. He felt that if he wanted to overtake in a curve and obtain the heart of the abyss of the Lord of the World, he had to do what no one could do!

You know, the heart of the abyss is the certificate of the abyss, as long as you act carefully, you don't have to worry about falling into eternal killing.Your name will also be engraved on the bottom of the abyss, even if you fall accidentally, you will still be resurrected, although each resurrection will deepen your corruption by the abyss consciousness

"I need a strong backing."

Mrs. Luo had a general idea. The bloody battlefield on the third floor could lead to different planes. The heart of this plane was broken and became the best battlefield and space channel on each floor.The order is chaotic and the law is disordered.

After waking up in the abyss again, Mrs. Luo did not hesitate to look for clues leading to the devil's hell, and he wanted to defect to the devil!

"No, Mrs. Luo, haven't you just stepped out of the tiger's mouth and into the lion's den? Why don't you go to the weak plane and compete for the heart with the newly born abyssal demon?"

Everyone couldn't understand Mrs. Luo's intentions. What happened to him in the Devil City these days was difficult for everyone to describe, and he had no integrity, that's all he could say.

Mrs. Luo did not make much excuses, but continued to update the "Abyss Observation Log", "I have ventured out of the second-level demon city, escaped the pursuit of the demon slave master, and I have successfully entered the abyss battlefield—the bloody battlefield.

After a while of deliberation, I decided to overtake in a corner and take refuge in the devil hell on the fourth floor, dance with the devil and become one of them.Crush it, Mr. Morality! "

Everyone who read this diary was baffled. They didn't know what Mrs. Luo was thinking. Wouldn't it be death to make a deal with the devil?

Mrs. Luo is very human, stubborn, and does not listen to everyone's persuasion, but bumps headlong into the devil's hell.

Devils that can change form are more cunning and cruel than real devils. If the devil is torturing you physically, breaking your thighs and arms from time to time, grilling and swallowing you alive in front of your eyes.Then the devil will hit you mentally.

Most of them have two horns and are either human or half-human.And Mrs. Luo intentionally modified her body before entering the fourth floor, making her figure become upturned and upturned, extremely charming, and the sharp horns on her head were intentionally bent to make her less threatening.

The phase is born from the heart, even the end of the small tail becomes a ? shape, the face becomes coquettish and charming, and the eyes change into pink hearts from time to time.

"Ma, Masaka."

Seeing Mrs. Luo's new form, netizens immediately felt that something was wrong, it was really bad.Could it be that he became perverted during the previous torture in the demon city?

Soon, in the live broadcast room of "Shenyuan Observation Log", Mrs. Luo started her "bed dominance" of overtaking in curves.

A pair of jade arms is a pillow for thousands of people, and a little bit of red lips is tasted by thousands of people.

Luo Tai, who had evolved into a new form, began to survive in the fiercely competitive devil hell. He had discovered long ago that it is not necessary to eat the corpse of a devil to obtain evolution points. There are many roads leading to the end of the road.

Relying on the knowledge on earth and her own innocence, Mrs. Luo chose the shortcut of selling her ass.

"Then please."

In a devil's cave, with charming eyes like silk, pink hearts in her pupils, and slightly flushed body due to emotion, Mrs. Luo pouted, looking back at the big man behind her.

The big devil let out an "ah" and couldn't stand it anymore. He rushed up instinctively. After a night of fierce "fighting", he was completely drained, his body was bent and lifeless.

On the second day, Mrs. Luo instinctively licked her tongue, left the cave full of energy, and began to look for the next target

"Congratulations, player Luo Tai, the evolution point has reached 100000, and you have successfully integrated the heart of the abyss on the 125th floor. Please rename this plane."

After a long time, after Mrs. Luo received the news, he had evolved into a qualified ultimate succubus, who could drive male creatures crazy just by standing there, and in this battle for a new plane, he was even more powerful. It was by stepping on the corpses of hundreds of powerful demon overlords, with the support of the devil hell, provoking, provoking, alienating and betraying, and finally successfully obtained the heart fusion.

Mrs. Luo, who has an extremely hot body and two cute corners on her head, blinked her pink love eyes, and spit out like silk: "Let's call it [Desire Paradise]."

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the latecomers who need to work harder. The player [Luo Tai] has been favored by the abyss, and has officially become one of the masters of the abyss plane, and has obtained the official player qualification of the heavens."

This is a system announcement echoing in the abyss plane, and it is also the first world announcement. It frightens the little bugs that are constantly wriggling on the Wanyuan plain.

Chapter 524 Sharp Sword Sharp Eyes

"Desire Paradise? Mrs. Luo actually created this plane?"

This world announcement of the number one in the abyss has awakened many people on earth inside and outside the world. Mrs. Luo is the first batch of selected abyss players. Besides him, there are survivors among the first batch of 1000 players, but He just got rid of the fighting in Wanyuan Plain and barely passed the initial test.

Traveling into the deeper layers of the abyss, I am currently struggling to survive in the various killing planes. From the ordinary demon species to the master of the plane that merges with the heart of the abyss, the road and the collection of evolution points are the real test. Now, so In a short period of time, Mrs. Luo has overtaken the car on a curve, and achieved the ultimate goal of the players in the abyss.

The reminder of the announcement made the Abyss players struggling in hell feel more urgent. The Abyss is developing and perfecting, and the monsters have not yet mutated completely. Now is the early stage, and it is easiest to get the Abyss Heart.

In the future, the various planes will be divided up by powerful abyssal groups. If you want to successfully find the heart of the abyss and successfully integrate them, how easy is it?I'm afraid that after the evolution of the abyss is over, no new planes will be born!

"Isn't it too unscrupulous? Just rely on the support of the devil hell?"

Many people are not ashamed of Luo Tai's way of getting on the road, but they have to say that he has indeed taken a shortcut to the sky, becoming a race that cannot be ignored in the abyss, especially a race that can provoke relations.

"It doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat."

Luo Tai is not ashamed to broadcast live in [Abyss Observation Log], "Only ♂ people understand ♂ people. After a hundred years, everyone will only remember that I am the Lord of Heaven and the God of Succubus, and they will not remember how I came to power. Compared to becoming a handful of dust a hundred years later, I would like to become a demon."

"??Many people try but only I succeed??"

"?? I long for a worthy opponent??"

"...a sharp sword, a sharp eye..."

" stab fast, to stab hard..."

"??My sword is ready??"

"??You move too slowly??"

"??They dare not fight back??"

"??I order the netizens to fencing with me quickly!!!??????"

Mrs. Luo broke the pot and completely disclosed her orientation on the Internet. For a while, the "Abyss Observation Log" was filled with "Yooooo!" and "????????".

It has to be said that the trend of the new era is like a tornado that comes and goes without a trace. Many people do not reject it, but support Luo Tai in the impetuous world.

"Just be yourself, no regrets!"

" a traditional art of our human beings, and its origin can be traced back to BC. Mrs. Luo, I love you! Once you succeed in everything, it's just that you take a different path!"

What era is it now?In the age of money worship, netizens only valued the result and didn't care about the process.

Encouraged by netizens, Mrs. Luo is determined to make the 125th layer of the abyss, the Heaven of Desire, a plane beyond heaven. He is not ashamed, but rather interested.I am enjoying it, laughing at the rude overlords surrendering under my skirt one by one, isn't this difficulty an alternative kind of preaching?

"Ahem, I really admire the brains and morals of today's people."

To be honest, Jiang Ping did not expect the first qualified abyss player to be a succubus. He thought it would take a while before a demon with full potential emerged from the cruel competition in the planes. The heart of the abyss merged afterward.

I have to admit that as long as the interests are big enough, the brains of netizens will be equally big. As for morality?Can it be eaten?

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