"There have been rumors for a long time that since the end of the second era, most of the black water in the world has disappeared, and the remaining leaked black water has leaked from the samsara cracks. It seems that we are close to purgatory! All the black water in the world leaks from here Yes, purgatory is the source of black water, which means that we are infinitely close to reincarnation."

The big man Dobbin in the team cheered up and said, "The more you have to be careful at this time." Alexander warned everyone, but Dan Dingfang saw that his hand holding the rein was tight.It seems that at this time, even the always wise and mighty regiment leader couldn't hold back his excitement.

This is the reincarnation of purgatory, the end of the world. Along the way, they saw corpses looking for reincarnation. Alexander felt that luck was the majority to get here.


As the end of the world gets closer and closer, the sound of howling ghosts and gods can be heard around, and a team of undead that can be seen with the naked eye is advancing. Ding Fang feels like a supporting role in a ghost movie, walking into the ghost domain like death .

The commotion of the undead did not make everyone retreat. How could the dragon group retreat after crossing half of the continent and sacrificing two companions?Even death has to enter reincarnation!

"Could it be that the hope of the new world lies on this regiment?"

Ding Fang's adventure also caught Jiang Ping's attention. He chose players to enter because it was better than nothing. As the silly girl said, they can't recover. Maybe he also has a small thought in his heart that people will remember after the world is destroyed, at least after the world is destroyed. , and some players can remember that there used to be a black water plane on the earth network.

"There is not much hope, no, it should be said that there is no hope." Sha Niu did not give hope to the Dragon Group, because according to her analysis, she did not look for anything on the Dragon Group that could save the world.

"finally reached."

Looking at the end of the dark world in front of him, Alexander, the leader of the Dragon Corps, said in a complicated way that he came here to inquire about the legendary king of reincarnation because he couldn't find the answer to salvation. The world does not wait for itself.

"So how do you get in now? Do you just jump in?"

Facing the black paint ahead, the hooves of the psychic mount trembled, and he dared not move forward.When everyone was in trouble, Ning Fang suddenly suggested:

"I've heard of a way to get to the end of the world, which is to step in against the rules of reality. Because the place of purgatory may be right under our feet, we need to enter in an inhuman way."

"Where is the secret? Why haven't I heard of it?" Alexander asked with a frown. In order to enter Purgatory, he read all the ancient books, and what he carried was the blood of the former Boss emperor, and the books he collected were the most complete.

"Hehe, a lonely ancient book." Ning Fang responded vaguely, muttering in his heart: "I can't tell them that I got the inspiration from a pirate movie, right?"


Chapter 519 The curtain will rise

The body regressed and slowly stepped into the darkness behind. Eyes are the first organ for human beings to obtain information from the outside world. During the process of regressing, a wave of panic originating from the depths of the soul could not be suppressed.

Inevitably, the eight members of the Dragon Group had scruples in their hearts.

The only female knight in the team, Erica who was also holding a red scale whip, glanced at Ning Fang who was retreating carefully, her lips moved, and she asked: "Xiao Ningzi, if we fail this time, then I will give you your head Walk down!"

Ning Fang laughed awkwardly, "The previous attempts have all failed, so it's better to find another way and try my way."

Approaching the dark cliff, the footsteps of the eight people unconsciously slowed down, waiting for the first one to jump off first.The Dragon Group has tried it just now, and the ordinary entry method failed, stepping in and walking out in a blink of an eye, purgatory is not accessible to ordinary people,

"Old irons, you are about to fall into hell, double-click 666!"

Ning Fang had fun while suffering, and broadcast his progress live on the Internet before he fell to the ground. Many people also paid attention to his wonderful journey, especially the other nine Blackwater players.

Others were born better, but now it is Ningfang who is progressing the fastest.Fate is amazing.

"Purgatory, reincarnation should not prevent me from traveling back to Earth."

Relentless, he simulated weightlessness in his mind, and the thrill of jumping from a tall building, Ning Fang thought in his heart.


It was dark in front of his eyes, as if waking up from a good dream. When Ning Fang opened his eyes again, the surroundings were dark, and there was no sunlight. On both sides, there are stern-looking Yinshen guards.

"This is purgatory?"

Ning Fang's heart moved, and at the same time, the voice of his companion came from beside him. He saw that it was really the other members of the Dragon Group. Now their bodies are illusory, as if they could be blown down by a gust of wind, they are obviously ghost bodies.

"Our bodies should still be outside, and purgatory can only be entered by the soul."

Alexander calmly said, appeasing everyone.Their entry was an accident. Before the members of the Dragon Group entered the depths of purgatory, there was a two-meter-tall Yin God with a bull's head holding a trident to guide the way.

"Ignorant souls who came from afar, come with me, King Ah Luo is waiting for you."

It seems that the big shots in Purgatory have known about their arrival, Ning Fang thought to himself, no wonder they feel so easy to advance.

Silently following the Niutou Yinshen walking in purgatory, Ningfang quietly turned on the camera, the undead of all races gathered here, mighty and mighty, hundreds of millions of souls lined up neatly, but there was no sound, and when you looked up, you could still see the extreme The divine peak of heaven and earth in the distance straddles yin and yang and guards purgatory.

"The Ultimate Land of the Blackwater Plane - The Record of Purgatory"

After all, I am a first-time player in another world, so I inevitably have fun in my heart, and I also have the idea that "the mission of saving the world is very likely to fail. In this case, I might as well save enough experience first, and then I can brag about it for the rest of my life." .

Ningfang's post was topped by nine players from the Blackwater plane, but the others didn't pay attention immediately, mainly because there were too many major events in Honghuang and Hill's live broadcasts before, and the reality of the spiritual realm Naturally, the Purgatory of the Blackwater Plane is not as good as the Prehistoric Hell and Hill's Underworld in the hearts of the audience.

As the camera rotated, netizens saw the undead jumping into the Jingshi Pool, as well as a supreme artifact with ancient runes rubbed on it. If you look carefully, you can find that each artifact is related to each other, and they are composed of each other to form In the plane of purgatory, the order is complete.

The most striking thing is naturally the most central Fate Tower, which is the tallest building in Purgatory, the only Yang in the extreme shade, and the most important place to completely activate the entire Purgatory.However, after arriving here, Ning Fang was forced to separate from the group leader, and he and the rest of the Dragon Group were left here.

"Alexander, King Arrow only sees you, just go to the deepest part of the Tower of Fate, and your soul will lead you into reincarnation. You will get the answer you want."

The bull-headed Yin God prevented others from entering, and Paul led everyone to wait in the hall of the Tower of Fate, where the members of the Dragon Group came into contact with the highest law in purgatory, yin with yang.

"I really admire this group of ghosts. I don't know how to create Purgatory and these great buildings. No wonder the second era will end."

Erica sighed, and the big Dobbin regretfully touched his head, which was harder than a watermelon, "I don't know what the reincarnation of another world is like, but it's a pity that only the boss can see it."

Speaking of "reincarnation", Ning Fang also expressed deep regret. He also wanted to analyze the difference between the reincarnation of Heishui and the six reincarnations of Honghuang.

"Heh, you guys also want to see "Reincarnation"? Stop dreaming. I have been guarding the Fate Tower for 50 years, but I have never seen it once. This is the biggest secret of our purgatory."

Hearing the conversation, the sheep's head guarded in the tower smiled sinisterly.

"What is reincarnation like? You can't watch it. Why did the legendary king of reincarnation invite our boss in?"

Ning Fang hurriedly asked.

The sheep-headed Yin God sighed, "Maybe in order to maintain the order of purgatory, King A Luo did not allow anyone other than him to see reincarnation, especially in recent years, not even the elders. King A Luo has not got up from reincarnation for a thousand years .Reincarnation may not be able to persist for too long, I am afraid that our confidence will be shaken, otherwise King Aruo will not let outsiders enter."


The words of the sheep head Yin God made the members of the Dragon Group uneasy. Is the legendary reincarnation in danger?What happened in the depths of purgatory?They had no way of knowing and no one to guide them. They pushed open a bronze door along the intuition of Alexander, and saw a shocking scene.

Surrounded by clouds and mists, the huge ancient reincarnation that rotates in units of epochs occupies all sightlines. It is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea.

But what attracted Alexander's eyes the most was not reincarnation itself, but the fragments of reincarnation that kept fading like snowflakes, and the lonely king standing under reincarnation with his hands behind his back.

Pobo black water flows out from the broken gap of samsara, and it becomes more and more intense. This is the source of black water in the mainland. Alexander can't imagine what kind of terrifying scene is behind the samsara. If samsara is destroyed, then the mainland will be destroyed. how?

Is it going back to the disorderly period of the first era, or is it falling apart?

"You came."

King Ah Luo didn't turn around. Alexander solemnly gave a knight's salute. He knelt down on one knee and covered his heart with his right hand. "It's a great honor to receive your approval, the reincarnation king of the second era."

"You are an outstanding hero of the overlord of the third era. Now that you have seen a corner of the truth of the world, what do you think?"

Alexander looked at the black water flowing slowly from here to all parts of the world, and said solemnly: "No matter which era or generation of overlord, it is the will of the mainland to solve the problem of black water. What is behind the reincarnation? Why bear it? With such a heavy pressure, what will its collapse bring to the world?"

"You humans disappoint me very much. You are obsessed with internal conflicts, but you forget the really important things."

King Ah Luo turned around. He looked at Alexander carefully, and seemed to see something illusory from him, "It seems that human beings are not hopeless. At least a small group of people are still trying their best to find a cure for the world."

As soon as the words changed, King Ah Luo asked back: "What do you think black water is?"

"The ruins left by the creation of the world by the God of Creation in mythology. It is incompatible with the world itself. The two are slightly repulsive and incompatible. Black water can corrode any living things and substances in the world, just like our nemesis."

Alexander answered slowly, his understanding of black water is the best among human beings.Alexander was not obsessed with human beings fighting for hegemony and returning to the glory of his ancestors. He focused his energy on more important world crises.

"Even though I have studied the Blackwater for two epochs, I still haven't figured out what it is. I only know that its power is inexhaustible, and its quantity can fill the entire universe, not to mention our small continent. Back then I tried my best to With all the strength of the era, the nine veins on the earth were affected, and under the blessing of the mainland's will, reincarnation was created by chance."

"Reincarnation complements the laws of the world and leverages the rotation of creatures. It gives the souls of heaven and earth a ray of hope for reincarnation, but even with the power of reincarnation, it still cannot turn the black water. Instead, it increases the burden on the world, causing the black water to leak continuously. Because It is too much and too big. What is born to overwhelm the world as it overwhelms us from above.

But everything in the world is born from black water, contradictory and self-tackling.Our world may be just a trial and a failure. "

King Ah Luo's tone was very complicated, and Alexander heard unwillingness from his voice.

"Can I see the back of reincarnation?" Alexander asked suddenly.

King Ah Luo nodded after hesitating, "I hope you are mentally prepared."


A shard of samsara was peeled off, and Alexander felt his soul was agitated for a while. Suppressing his surging mood, he poked out one eye and looked at the hole in samsara. In an instant, his pupils shrank.

The dark universe is full of dark unknown matter, which is the infinite black water that can fill the entire world and reshape the universe!

The black water leaked on the mainland is just a drop in the bucket, the real big head has been on the dark side of the universe, dragging the world to sink.

"Latecomers should not be too desperate. Although the black water is a big joke made by the Creator God, it is also the best resource for our world's promotion."

King Ah Luo comforted him: "According to my guess, if reincarnation can turn the entire black water, then we can analyze all kinds of substances that are beneficial to the world, the universe will continue to expand, and the world will also be promoted. It's a pity. My plan failed."

"At present, it seems that you in the third era have not made any achievements so far. Our world should not wait until the fifth era, and the fourth era is too late."

"Why are there so many? It's simply the ruins left after the destruction of another universe."

Alexander's mind was shaken violently, and he couldn't control himself. No wonder the cycle of reincarnation would not turn around, the burden was too great!

Next, these two outstanding figures from different eras discussed in detail under the reincarnation. Alexander once proposed that the king of reincarnation send Yin God to help him unify human beings with different hearts.

Unexpectedly, the reincarnation king vetoed it, "My family is no longer a family, but reincarnated as a creature of order attached to purgatory reincarnation. I can't get out of purgatory. What's more, even unification requires external help. Even if you humans are twisted into a hemp rope, it is useless .”

Alexander pondered for a while, recalling the terrifying black water he saw just now, and suddenly said: "Respected King of Reincarnation, if I have a plan to save the world itself, are you willing to sacrifice reincarnation?"

Reincarnation is the shelter of their clan.What he said was to ask King Aruo if he was willing to sacrifice his own ethnic group, and even himself!

"What did you think of?" King Ah Luo frowned instinctively, not knowing what this bold young man was planning.

Alexander laughed and said softly: "King of Reincarnation, you were wrong from the very beginning. No matter how strong the power of reincarnation is, it cannot turn the power of the entire universe. Your heart is not big enough."

After a pause, he continued: "If you want to play, play big! Only by doing extraordinary things can you achieve extraordinary achievements! You are too kind. Your heart is too small!"

"The head of the group, Alexander, is back. His face is very deep, and he doesn't know whether he likes it or not. What did he see? The future of this world?"

Ning Fang and the others who were waiting in the Tower of Fate waited for the return of the leader, and no one had the courage to ask more questions.

With the heavy eyelids, when everyone finally opened their eyes and woke up, they found that their real body had been lying in the original place, and it was only 10 minutes before they became unconscious, and Ning Fang at least felt that he had stayed in purgatory. Most of the day.

"Your leader's face is not right. No matter what you see, communicating with the king of reincarnation will bring great benefits. Ask him, is there any salvation in this black water plane? If not, you might as well take the opportunity to play."

Under the instigation of netizens on earth, Ning Fang bit the bullet and asked: "Head, have you seen reincarnation? Is there any salvation in our world? Can black water solve it?"

The footsteps of the Dragon Group that were returning home all stopped, and other members of the group were also waiting for this answer.

Alexander closed his eyes expressionlessly, knowing that if he didn't give his companions a reassuring answer, he would be ashamed of their companionship all the way, which would make him alienate himself.

"Reincarnation is collapsing, and it won't last long. According to the reincarnation king's calculations, at most the end of this era, reincarnation will completely collapse. The history of the mainland will always stay at three eras."

The others were stunned, including Ning Fang. He knew that this world was not long, but he didn't expect it to end so soon!Compared with the world of Gaia, it is estimated that it has just started!In the prehistoric world, that would be the Lich Era.The world has been destroyed before the light of all races has bloomed?

Ning Fang understood why there was no failure penalty for this mission. It turns out that the producer just wanted himself and others to be witnesses of history.

"But don't be discouraged. The Reincarnation King promised me to help me unify mankind with all his strength. The Yin God can't get out of purgatory, but he can send endless Yin soldiers to help through the ancient reincarnation road. We still have one last hope! Under my leadership, you will complete the greatest plan ever-save the world!"

When he said this, Alexander's eyes were as bright as the sun and the moon, and the burst of aura all over his body made the group members surrender unconsciously.

Ning Fang wanted to ask what the plan was, but he still didn't ask when the words came to his lips.He felt that if he followed Alexander, he might be able to take advantage of the mission of saving the world?

"Damn it, it's true that your blind cat met a dead mouse and caught the real son of the black water plane. You are going to complete the mission of saving the world? Is this Alexander the future Supreme God King?"

The recording at Ningfang made the netizens who watched it dumbfounded. They never expected that he, who had the worst background, turned out to be the player who seemed to be the most likely to succeed, just rubbing on the thigh of the real man.

But there are still other people who wonder, "Can it really be successful? This is not just talk. If it is so easy, why don't the yin gods in reincarnation do it themselves? Why did the producer send you down to earth? I see that, I'm afraid Is there something~~"

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Chapter 520 The Abyss Descends


Jiang Ping muttered this word, thinking that if there is anything higher than the laws of space and time, it should be fate. Is fate a closed loop?Jiang Ping doesn't know either, but a fixed fate is sometimes very impermanent. At least in the small universe, the dark Gaia was defeated by impermanence.

"Silly girl, you know what."

Jiang Ping smiled, and said to the confident silly girl: "The impermanence of fate is just the magic of it. No one can see everything, even the way of heaven, even the highest rules such as the great way cannot cover everything. Very few exist beyond all calculations.

Just like the current Blackwater plane, you have lost hope in your eyes. The most rational choice now is to harvest the plane early, discard the residue and ruins, and throw the beneficial things to another more promising world. "

Sha Niu nodded, "Abba, this is indeed the most rational choice I have imagined, because the end of this world is already doomed, and the Dark Souls of the Second Epoch are indeed quite good, creating reincarnation and delaying the speed of the world's sinking, but The essential problem is still not resolved, blocking is worse than sparse.

As for today's Third Epoch humans, they are even more exhausted from internal strife, even the race itself is not unified, and people's hearts are unstable, so how can they save the common people?I don't know what plan Alexander of the Dragon Group and King Arrow of Reincarnation have made, but I don't think it will go beyond the world itself, so I think Blackwater is hopeless. "

That's how you thought back then, and you stumbled and failed in the end. Jiang Ping sighed in his heart, thinking about the corner of the future that Mengluo accidentally glimpsed, which came from the closed loop of fate.

"Hehe, silly girl, if you lose again this time, remember to be in awe of fate, nothing lasts forever." Thinking of this, Jiang Ping laughed.


Sha Niu caught the key words, but seeing that Dad didn't continue, she could only suppress her doubts, and continued to look at the Super Continent, where the wind was surging, and a wave of terror swept across the entire continent.

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