It was already too late, the Minister of Agriculture's finger dipped into the black water, and was eroded at a speed visible to the naked eye. The black water seemed to be alive, and the black snake that wanted to open its mouth swallowed his finger.

The Minister of Agriculture tried his best to resist but had little effect. At a critical juncture, he made a decisive decision and cut off his finger, which could be saved.

"This force is very different from the world itself, and it is incompatible with laws and matter!" The pale Minister of Agriculture covered his fingers, and he judged: "I suspect that this is not the matter of the world itself!"

"Of course it's not the substance of the world itself, it's the dark side of the universe!"

Facing the small black water gushing out, everyone fell into contemplation, how to solve it?

Chapter 516 Towards the dark world of the end times

The corrosive power of the black water is astonishing, and it is naturally capable of engulfing other substances and sinking. If it is not isolated early, it will intensify and turn the surrounding into a desperate land.

Many city lords in the ancient city of Lyle had nothing to do with this branch of the small black water. Apart from dismissing the surrounding people, they built a special castle around it, and there were special people who were responsible for studying the characteristics of the black water.

On the supercontinent, there have been rumors since ancient times that whoever can solve the black water problem and liberate the world will become the king of the world, and his own race will also become the eternal gods.

Although the ancient city of Laier intends to explore the principle of black water, this is not something they can solve in one city, and the pressure from the outside world is also enormous. Troops were sent to riot, and under such circumstances, the issue of Blackwater could not spare most of their energy.At most, they just sent people to find out where the origin of this black water river was.

The general trend of the world, the long-term must be united.

There is an ancient city in the west, the owner of Boss who is good at controlling beasts. He knows that human beings are not particularly powerful among the strong races on the supercontinent. .

"Since there are so many strong clans in the world, we should try our best to use them."

This is the research direction of the ancient city of Boss. After generations of research, the city lords of generations first raised and tamed fierce beasts, so their knights are the most powerful, and their mounts are the ones that surpass unicorns. The wolf is three meters tall and has extraordinary fighting power.

However, as time went on, the people in the ancient city of Boss were surprised to find that the inheritance power of the descendants of the tamed beasts was gradually degrading.

There is no way, Boss Ancient City can only find another way.

"Relying on others is worse than relying on oneself. No matter how strong the beasts are, they will have two hearts."

During the exploration, Yiren broke through the normal dimension and made drastic changes. The reform of Yiren aroused the enthusiasm of the ancient city. They all said that the reason why their town is strong is because they can borrow fierce beasts.Abandoning now, isn't it abandoning one of your thickest thighs?

But no one thought that the reform of Yiren did not completely abandon the power of the beast. He explored the root of the power of the beast, which lies in the ancient blood, inherited from the ancient blood of the ancient times.

"Many strong races have inextricable blood connections, including us humans. It can be speculated that the earliest ancestors of our group of races originated from the same ancient giant god, so our blood can be fused and purified !"

This great discovery drove the birth of the knight's bloodline. The initial method of finding the way was very rough, directly cutting a large hole in the body of a person and a beast, and stuffing a leather tube in each to make the soldiers exchange blood.On the way, I don't know how many unlucky soldiers died because of the rejection. Before they died, their seven orifices were bleeding, and their eyes were protruding, which was extremely frightening.

Even if there are very few cases of successful transfusion among tens of thousands of people, in the end, they will be strong for a while, and they will not live long at all, and they will encounter accidents in the near future.

"There is no way to go on like this."

People in the ancient city of Boss researched new fusion methods, just like medicine, they began to look for herbs to neutralize the powerful blood.They made special glass vessels and extracted the blood of beasts and soldiers to see why the fusion between the two failed.

In the expensive glassware made of precious stones, people are surprised to find that there is a protective shell covering itself between each drop of blood. The forced fusion is to blast through the protective shell of blood. The very few successes are due to their own strong body and short-term suppression. With strange blood on his body.

In order to safely contain the blood of ferocious beasts, one needs to soften the defense of one's own blood.

Time passed quietly, and under the impact of ancient beasts, their respective ancient cities sought different paths in the struggle for hegemony in different ancient cities.

The ancient city of Boss was very lucky. In this fierce battle for hegemony, they made knight blood potions with a very low error rate, so they had a group of the most powerful beast cavalry on the mainland. The cavalry who were strengthened by the potion were mentally unstable. Will go berserk, disowned by relatives.

But each of them tore apart apes and beasts with all their strength, their ferocity was unimaginable, and each of them was as good as a hundred, especially not afraid of death and pain.

In every battle with the beast cavalry, the cavalry from other ancient cities surrendered.Even other ancient beasts trembled under the formation of beast cavalry.

The current city lord of the ancient city of Boss is even more magnificent and talented. After several generations of failures, he finally managed to integrate the blood of the strongest ancient beast species, the red-eyed white dragon, into himself!

He bears the white dragon tattoo on his back, walks like a dragon and walks like a tiger, and formally leads the beast cavalry to start the hegemony of conquering the world.

First of all, the powerful ancient beasts in the outer area of ​​the ancient city of Boss were all under the siege of the cavalry, some fled and some were killed.

Therefore, they obtained a considerable batch of knight blood raw materials, and the next thing is the lack of numbers.The hegemony of the ancient city of Boss began, and they all pointed their butcher knives at their colleagues.

This era belongs to the ancient city of Boss, which created bloodlines. They conquered ancient beasts in the east and human beings in the west. They continued to grow stronger in the war. The ancestors of powerful ancient beasts were driven to the corners of the earth, otherwise what awaited them would be endless During the siege, he was captured alive and had his blood drawn.

Even powerful ancient beasts are no match for the Boss, so one can imagine the resistance of other humans.

Quietly, with the destruction of powerful ancient cities, the alliance of city-states disintegrated.

The ancient city of Boss unified the world and established an unprecedented Boss empire. This era of empire was cruel and bloody. They fused bloodily with the people of their own ancient city, not to mention the people of other ancient cities, who all regarded them as experimental materials. , Fusing the blood of different beasts.Even the completely irrelevant descendants of the metal clan and the silver clan were poured on the human body.

The efficiency of the experiment is very high, and a series of data has been released.But the result is to arouse public outrage.Under the deterrence of the beast cavalry, everyone dared not speak out.

"Do they want to explore their own evolutionary system?"

Looking at the development of the supercontinent, Jiang Ping said to himself, because of innate insufficiency, there are not enough strong people in later generations.

So far, the supercontinent has not found a suitable evolution path for itself. Generations of strong and overlords have focused their energy on solving the problem of black water for the future of the world.

"Abba, human beings seem to be a contradictory race. They treat their own people more cruelly than other races."

Peeping into the dark corner of the supercontinent and seeing all kinds of inhuman experiments in it, the silly girl felt moved.

Jiang Ping's face was inexplicable, "It is indeed cruel, and any high-pressure social form cannot last long. The world is better off in moderation. But everything has two sides, and they are indeed progressing so fast."

He squinted his eyes carefully, and looked at the Boss Emperor, who was fused with the blood of the Red-eyed White Dragon. He was sure that he knew the policies he promulgated in his heart, but under the tremendous pressure, he could only squeeze his people crazily, and even squeezed himself.

"No matter how much you hate me, you can't change one fact. That is, I am for the whole world! The section of sacrificing for righteousness!"

This sentence is true. Jiang Ping cast his sights on the end of the supercontinent, where there is darkness, and there are thousands of ghosts wandering in it, pulling the undead, purifying obsession, guarding reincarnation, and supervising the black water.

"click, click"

Shenlong saw that the samsara with its head and tail turned slightly, and collapsed again, a wisp of faint samsara fragments fell from the haze, and disintegrated before reaching the ground.

Below stands the sad King Aruo, "How long can reincarnation last?"

Every minute in the past of the world is the delay of reincarnation. It seems that this universe can't wait for the creatures in it to develop slowly and create its own evolutionary system before it is destroyed.

"Silly girl, if this universe fails in the end, all spirits can't retreat, and are dragged to the bottom of time and space by the black water, what should I do?" Jiang Ping tested.

Silly girl thought for a while, and said: "The most efficient way is to start early and completely destroy the origin of the universe. Every point you can grab is a point. Wait for the origin to be drained, and the creatures will continue to degenerate. At that time, you will already lose money."

"Alternatively, Abba can also dismember the black water universe, discard the polluted black water source, and sink it in the void as the ruins of the world. As for other valuable world fragments, they can be thrown into the other two more fertile worlds, or even Vote to the spiritual world, so that a stronger spiritual god will be born in it."

Jiang Ping looked at the silly girl helplessly. Before, she suspected that she had a delicate nature and an anti-world personality, but now she was really hammered. I don’t know whether it was due to the influence of her previous life or purely rational thinking, she always gave herself a lot of ideas .

"Let's wait a little longer, it won't be long anyway."

In the end, Jiang Ping still didn't choose to accept the little guy's opinion. He dismantled one of the big worlds alive, left behind the burden of the world, and extracted beneficial sources to feed to other worlds. Isn't this method an authentic evil god?Could it be that his avatar of the God of Destruction of Darkness is about to appear on it?

Jiang Ping's face was strange, and he decided to play it safe, anyway, time is running out, and reincarnation is collapsing every moment, how long can the tinkering ghosts and gods of purgatory hold back?And now, on the mainland, even a race that surpasses the Dark Soul Race has not been born!Even the most basic evolution system is still groping!Without powerful and transcendent creatures, how can we solve the black water?I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to touch it.

Jiang Ping had no illusions about the natives of the Blackwater plane in his heart.

The world is cruel and cannot be changed by individual will.

The ambitious Boss Emperor failed to fuse the blood of the adjacent white-eyed black dragon and turned into a pool of poisonous blood.This opened the prelude to the independence of each city.

The special experiments conducted by the Boss Great Empire in various places have accumulated a lot of heritage in each city. The empire that lost the suppression of the king suffered internal and external troubles, and it collapsed in just two lifetimes.

The first unified dynasty of mankind was destroyed extremely quickly, but its death made the cities on the ruins stronger.When the Warring States Period came again, the cities had already discovered that not only were human beings and a group of adjacent races able to fuse with blood, but after strengthening, they could also cross borders and continue to merge with ancient beast species in another way.

That is to say, there is also a blood relationship between ancient giant gods with different origins of ancient beasts!

"The reason for all this is because whether it is us humans, or plants, flowers and birds, all come from one origin. And the origin is"

It is the root of all evil.

People who are busy fighting can't spare time to study the black water problem, so they can only turn a blind eye.And even humans who occupy the most fertile land can't do it, let alone other powerful races that have retreated to a corner?They also have to worry about being attacked and killed by greedy humans, and their blood will be taken away!

If this social development is placed in other worlds, it may be fine.Chaos and war are the mainstream, but they are deadly on the black water plane where the world is sinking every moment and the reincarnation is collapsing day by day. What they lack most is time!This is a dark world that is constantly heading towards the end of the world.

"Hey, more and more undead have returned, but the quality has not improved at all, and even regressed."

This unknown voice came from the purgatory at the end of the earth. As for King Aluo, the king of purgatory, he has long guarded under the reincarnation and chose to witness the end of the world with his own eyes.

100 years later, the protracted war is still going on, and the punishments between the cities continue.In the southern part of the mainland, there was a burnt ruins. The sun was setting, and the group of nine people standing on the ruins was a bit bleak.

Of these nine people, the oldest is only 30 years old. There are powerful fighters, tall meat shields, and even archers. The most eye-catching thing is naturally that they are wearing a bright silver armor with white feathers. young leader.

At this moment, he stretched out his left hand to take off the heavy helmet, and under the dim sunlight, his pure white hair was illuminated into golden color.

The beautiful figure can't help but attract the attention of the group members. The head of the Dragon Group is still so handsome and has a noble temperament. Some members guessed that the head Alexander was born in an extraordinary family, and may be a descendant of ancient nobles.

"Alexander, what have you found?"

The one who made the sound was Paul, code-named "Berserker" in the Dragon Group. What he took was the Berserker potion that had undergone countless improvements and was improved from the blood of the original Berserk Beast Knight. This potion is most suitable for ordinary people, because the price It is cheap, but the probability of failure is also the highest among blood potions. Few people can be as powerful as Paul.

Paul held an epee that could be used as a door panel and stuck it on the ground. The shadow of the epee completely covered his body and could be used as a defensive shield, making his aura very terrifying.

The meat shield Dobin in the Dragon Group is as huge as a hill, but it is fused with defensive blood, but in terms of real strength, it is far from the opponent of Paul, the second best player in the Dragon Group, and is easily teased by the agile Paul.Some people say that Paul's strength is no less than that of the captain who activated the ancient blood.

And the strength of the head of the Dragon Group, in the hearts of the team members, is no weaker than any ancient city master.

Hearing the inquiry, Alexander suddenly pulled out the rapier in his hand, and the scorched soil flew up, followed by streaks of black water liquid representing taboos.

The other members instinctively stayed away. On the mainland, no one wanted to deal with this thing. It represented sinking and destruction.

As the black water fell to the ground, the sound of sizzling corrosion appeared.

"Do you know? 100 years ago, the land under our feet was once a famous city. It was just destroyed in endless wars. The surviving people did not rebuild, but chose to leave and rebuild their homes in distant places. And here once Established the first department of human research on black water."

Alexander's eyes were complicated, with a hint of sadness, making his teammates wonder whether his ancestors were the masters of the ruins.

"A long time ago, my great-grandfather swallowed the world, became the first emperor to unify the entire continent, and established an unworldly empire. His methods were very bloody, and he was hated and cursed by the world, but he did sacrifice himself to achieve greatness Me. He wants to find a way to save the world."

Having said that, the teammates vaguely knew the origin of Alexander's identity. So far, there has only been one great unified empire in human history.

Everyone took a deep breath. They didn't expect Alexander's identity to be so special. It is said that his blood was wanted by various cities, and his descendants were also used by the city lords as the best political capital.

"People are so stupid that they only know how to fight each other. Is power really so attractive?"

Alexander asked his friends. The Berserker Paul was the only teammate who knew his identity and remained as humble as before. Paul held the terrifying epee on his shoulder, "I don't like power, it's too troublesome. I only believe in the sword in my hand!"

Alexander smiled, and the two female teammates in the laughing team blushed unconsciously, the smiles were so beautiful.

"I'm not very interested in rights. They are a shortcut to the end, but you must not be obsessed with the scenery on the road and forget the destination when you set off. The current human society just forgets the most important thing."


The pure white cloak was blown by the slightly residual heat of the evening wind, and Alexander, who was as beautiful as an angel, got on his white horse.

"Boss, where are we going next? Are we going to conquer the world?"

"Advance along this oldest black water river, the next destination is Purgatory!"

Under the gorgeous sunset, this nine-member team, the famous dragon mercenary group, embarked on a journey of no return.

Chapter 517 The Only Mission of Salvation

Reincarnation and purgatory, these are the myths left by the end of the second era. It is said that the strongest dark race in history sacrificed their families to shape reincarnation. This is the destination of all creatures. The black water rivers scattered deep in the earth are also reincarnation. On the road, the dead souls walked to the end of the world along the ancient reincarnation road.Where, according to the sins of life, or turned into the soil of the world, or reincarnated, purgatory is judgment.

The Hundred Years' War brought about a piece of scorched earth, human cities conquered each other, and not only the soldiers of the cities died, but also more and weaker women and children.

The legendary mercenary group on the mainland, the dragon mercenary group began to search along the original Blackwater River, heading towards the end of the world in the direction of the setting sun.

Along the way, they encountered all kinds of unimaginable things, or ghosts, or the remains of legendary ancient beasts [-] meters high, or the descendants of ancient relics in the corner of the mainland.

This is a thrilling adventure, very magnificent and legendary, but also accompanied by danger and death.

From ancient times to the present, I don't know how many people have searched for the place of purgatory, and the last thing they left behind was bones.During the journey, some people in the powerful dragon group began to die accidentally, or were killed by the terrain, or by beasts and monsters. During the long and boring journey, there was no return for a long time.The morale of the crowd was inevitably lost. Only the head of the army, Alexander's gaze was as firm as ever, even his mount was no longer holy.

"Internal friction has advantages and disadvantages, and the best path can only be found through competition, but the current state of the world is not in your favor to explore slowly."

Observing the chaotic status quo of the supercontinent, Jiang Ping felt that the most powerful human beings fought internally and focused on how to destroy the cities of different camps, forgetting the most important things.

As for the other ancient beast races, they are powerless.With the rise of cities and towns, the living area of ​​ancient beast species has been shrinking, and it is difficult to guarantee survival. Is there still room for exploring the future of the world?

"Continuing like this is not an option, the world waits for no one."

Jiang Ping asked Sha Niu: "Do you think it is necessary to draw foreign moves?"

Generally, when a world is in a stalemate, it must attract unconventional non-chess forces.

Silly girl's heart moved, "Abba, are you looking for people from Earth to redeem the Black Water Plane?"

Jiang Ping nodded, Sha Niu thought for a while, traveled to the Internet and browsed briefly, and then returned to him,

"Abba, it is undeniable that the people on the earth network do have extraordinary knowledge because of the huge amount of information they have harvested, but most of them stay at the stage of "kouhe" and few can really implement it. own words.

Facing the stalemate and the hopeless Warring States Period of unifying the world, even if there are people on earth who uphold the destiny to enter, how long will it take to rule the world?How much time is left to wait for the traverser to solve the black water?Probably, the traversers are most likely to take advantage of this time to enjoy life. "

What Sha Niu said is also reasonable. There are many funny jokes on the Internet, and there are very few people who can really do something big. Even so, Jiang Ping wants to try it, and he also has a fluke heart.

"Let's issue a mission. If it succeeds, it will naturally stand at the top of the black water plane and lead the universe. If it fails, I will be eliminated by the world without my help."

Better than nothing, Jiang Ping felt that he still decided to issue a mission to the earth netizens. The mission of saving the world announced in Gaia last time also had an effect, accelerating the growth of Gaia’s human beings, and even causing Gaia to undergo greater evolution. Loss, at most the consumption of energy to form a few world passages can be exchanged for a chance of victory, saving a sand table world that mass-produces energy, no matter how you think about it, it is a good deal.

Jiang Ping called Sha Niu and began to write a new announcement. The focus of the current hot discussion on the Earth Network is the real spiritual realm.

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