The ministers were taken aback for a moment, and the guards clenched their spears and axes tightly, not waiting for any of them.

At this moment, Li Shimin's voice came out, "Everyone else just push it down. If this girl really wants to hurt me, you can't stop it. What's more, it is the most boring to attack a dying person."

Soon, the others receded like a tide, and with the sound of a "clang" door closing, only Mengluo, Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng, Wei Zheng, and Tang Taizong Li Shimin lying on the hospital bed remained here.

The three of them stood in front of Li Shimin, and were faintly wary of Mengluo.

Mengluo ignored it, and asked Li Shimin instead:

"Prince Tang, your heart disease is that you killed too many sins and did too many disasters in your lifetime. Especially when you killed your brothers and brothers, and occupied your sister-in-law and sister-in-law, now you feel uneasy."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Li Shimin, who was lying on the bed in embarrassment after Meng Luo's words, gasped and coughed, and almost didn't bring it up.

Wei Zheng and others rushed to help Tang Wang, and Li Chunfeng looked at the girl with a strange expression.

Everyone knows about these royal dirty things, but no one dares to say them.Unexpectedly, this seemingly young child would directly reveal revenge in front of the Tang king. These words alone made Wei Zheng, who has always been known for his loyalty and direct advice, ashamed.

"you you"

Tang Wang coughed so much that he almost spit out his internal organs, and trembling out of breath, "I think you want to piss me off!"

"Why don't people tell you what you've done?" Mengluo murmured to herself, but she didn't provoke Tang Wang any more. There are some things that you clearly know and have done, but you still can't admit it to your face!

"Is there any way, Your Excellency, to heal His Majesty?" Wei Zheng asked with a frown as he supported King Tang.

"Naturally, there is a way. Tang Wang's life is not over, so he shouldn't die!"

Mengluo patted her barren body confidently, her face full of pride.

"There is a saying, to cure a disease, first treat the root cause. First of all, you must know where the root of your disease is, King Tang."

"Isn't the root of the disease just that His Majesty has committed a lot of sins and felt guilty?" Li Chunfeng said unconsciously.

After speaking, I saw the helpless expression on Tang Wang's face. At this time, people are about to die, and they don't care about pursuing it.


Meng Luo sneered three times, and said in a loud voice: "Since ancient times, one general has achieved great success, but whoever has turned into a major event has blood on his hands, and the dirty things you have done are nothing more than a long list of emperors in the emperor's calendar." A trivial matter that is not worth mentioning. Tang Wang, you have killed all the enemies before, but have you ever been disturbed by evil spirits? Have you ever fallen into a nightmare?"

"I'm going to be dead forever? That's right, I didn't do anything wrong." Li Shimin murmured, "It's not that I want to kill my brothers and sisters, but they want to kill me! I'm already in a high position, I can't help myself, not just myself , and the people behind me who support me.”

As soon as the voice changed, Li Shimin was puzzled and said: "Knowledge is easy but action is difficult. Although I know that sitting on the throne, words and deeds determine the lives and deaths of millions of people, but every time I dream of being killed by wronged souls, I still can't feel at ease. , and it is the end now. Fairy, do you have a good way to save me?"

"Hee hee, to save people, we must first find the source." Mengluo turned to look at Yuan Shoucheng, who had been silent all this time, and asked, "Do you think so, Yuan Jianzheng?"

In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Yuan Shoucheng smiled wryly, "Fairy, don't be joking, I don't know much about His Majesty's illness."

"You don't know, but the uncle behind you, Yuan Tiangang, knows it all."

Don't look at Mengluo's love of playing, Journey to the West has already been read, and Yuan Tiangang, who caused the Journey to the West, is naturally clear. If he hadn't killed the Dragon King of Jinghe, who would have made a fuss and died? Would Tang Wang have died early?

"Your heart disease was deliberately provoked by someone with a heart."

Meng Luo made a firm statement, took a deep look at the king who was sheltered by the fate of the country, and sighed leisurely: "Don't worry, King Tang, you still have 20 years of life. During this time, even Daluo Jinxian can't accept it." Take your life. Otherwise, the human nature will come back, and they will also get good fruit to eat!"

"I still have 20 years to live?"

Li Shimin was so surprised for a moment that he almost lost his breath.

"Cough cough cough. But with my current situation, let alone 20 years, I'm afraid I won't be able to persist for [-] hours. Who is harming me? Can you save me?" Li Shimin asked quickly, with a serious expression on his face. An eerie yet healthy flush of red.

Seeing Wei Zheng and the three of them, their hearts skipped a beat. This is a flashback, and His Majesty is afraid that he will die.

"To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell must be the one who brought disaster to the Western Wall. The antidote is also in the West."

Mengluo smiled, and her two small canine teeth were unconsciously exposed, extremely proud.

"There was once a person who bowed his head to the Buddha's knees to enjoy the shade of the Buddha, but was demoted to the mortal world because of neglecting the teachings. So far, the power of the original primordial alien species and the merits of Buddhism have been continuously accumulated. Now he has been reincarnated in the tenth life, accumulating immeasurable merits in the ninth life , only in this last life can we use this to achieve immeasurable Buddhahood and become a Buddha and a patriarch.”

Meng Luo is like a few treasures, saying that the king of Tang is relaxed and happy, as long as he becomes a Buddha himself, "and the flesh of this person who has accumulated the shadow of the Buddha in the previous life and the merits of the nine lives is really the best and most fragrant panacea in the world. Smell it Smell, all diseases can be cured. Bite it, and you will live a hundred years. If you swallow it alive, you can replace the Buddha fruit, and immediately ascend to the daylight, and you will live forever and enjoy eternal happiness!"

"Who is this person? Is he in Chang'an?"

Li Shimin's face was flushed by Meng Luo's foolishness, and his spirit was not like that of a chronically ill person, so he was about to stand up and ask questions.

Only Wei Zheng and the other three had weird expressions on their faces. They also knew a thing or two about the secret, and they knew that what Mengluo said was the truth, but because it was the truth, they couldn't refute it. Are you afraid that you will be buried with him?


Mengluo looked proud, "Your Majesty has heard of this person before. It is Master Xuanzang who became a monk in Jinshan Temple. He is currently reciting Buddha and eating fast in Daci'en Temple in Chang'an. As long as you invite him and use him to prescribe medicine, you can guarantee a hundred The sickness disappears, and you will live a long life in the future!"

When a person reaches the final stage, he can't care about anything.

This is also the reason why many emperors who were wise and powerful when they were young in history became fatuous in their later years.

But at this time, under the pressure of death, Li Shimin, who had no taboos at all, even easily took over his sister-in-law and let his sister-in-law give birth to a son for him, decisively sent someone to "invite" Master Xuanzang of Da Ci'en Temple.

"Your Majesty, Xuanzang is the son of the former champion Chen Guangrui, and his mother is the daughter of the prime minister. It would be against humanity for you to attack him."

Wei Zheng wanted to persuade, but was pushed away by Li Shimin with a wave of his white sleeves. For the sake of his own life, he didn't care about anything.

Li Shimin said sternly: "Wei Zheng, in the past, I can accept your blunt advice. But this time, whoever stops me will die! If I die, who will sit in the mountains and rivers? Who will resist the monsters from outside the territory?"

Li Shimin seemed to have regained his majestic Tian Khan appearance before, he turned his head to look at Mengluo, and asked with a smile:

"Girl, I haven't asked your name yet. After capturing Xuanzang, what method should I use to cook it? Is it really going to be swallowed alive as I said before?"

"Well, let's think about how to eat it? As expected of the famous Tian Khan, he has no psychological resistance to Tang Seng alive, a role model for my generation."

Mengluo muttered to herself, but she replied, "You can just call me Miss Fenghuang, the king of Tang. As for how to eat it, I have to go out of my mind to find out how to eat it. After you "please" come to Tang Seng, I will definitely eat it." Don't be violent easily, he has nine worlds of merit to protect his body, he is afraid that gods will block and kill gods, and Buddhas will block and kill Buddhas.

The blessings of the gods and Buddhas of the heavens are far from being harmed by ordinary soldiers, and special methods are needed to slowly dissolve the poison of the Buddha's shade. "

After finishing speaking, she immediately closed her eyes, and the main soul contacted all the friends, and the Fen Yuanshen who opened her eyes again looked at Tang Wang, and didn't say anything, her responsibility was only to protect herself.

Li Shimin was anxiously waiting for Mengluo's news, and he had already thought in his heart that after eating the Tang monk's meat, he might live forever and enjoy the throne forever, so wouldn't the Great Tang become Yongsheng Xiantang in his own hands?

Recommend, the book chasing app I've been using recently, !

Chapter 504 High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods

"Laxatives, I live in Chang'an, I just got off Qingluan. I was born in the ancient times, the same generation as the Taoist ancestors. Da Luo Fenghuang captured Tang Seng alive. Immortality is today."

In the game forum discussing the changes in reality and discussing the latest Easter Egg Holy Sword, a unique mudslide emerged.

Long Shao, Huanxi's friend, was the first to find out, he poked the dark loli, and asked, "What's wrong, I took the wrong medicine, and I thought this place was a mess?"

Meng Luo: "(`?w? ′) It's a pity that you don't know how to read. You don't read as many books as I do, and you can't even understand the literal meaning. My mother is already desperate for your IQ. Look, you can't read anything except eating, drinking, and whoring. What do you have to bet on?"

Meng Luo, who has a halo of irony, has a special attack of 100 on Long Shao, and Long Shao is impatient, "Little loli, don't be ashamed to speak up. I graduated from the famous Qingbei University, which is much better than you, a third-rate university. No, you probably haven't read it yet." University. Little sister, is it the third year of junior high this year? Why don’t you go back and study hard, don’t play any games. A good high school exam is the kingly way.”

Mengluo sneered and replied: "Don't keep bragging about how highly educated you are, how talented you are, if you don't agree, try to recognize the words: prostitute, 觌 cloak, 骨鼗, 镤磲, 蕤颥, sole, minnow, 耱You, you, you, you, you, you. You are dumbfounded, you are dumbfounded! Besides whoring, what else would you do?!"

Bah bah bah bah.

One dragon and one phoenix enjoy each other's spitting in the forum, but they forget the business.

The two can be regarded as the most freewheeling players, eating, drinking, playing and playing around, although they have utilitarianism, they are much lighter than others.

Yu Xiang'er carefully read Mengluo's sexy body at the beginning, and Jiao Didi asked:

"An Luo, listen to what you mean, did you arrest Tang Seng? It's amazing, under the protection of the gods and Buddhas, you still captured him alive. But why did you attack him? It's not that the karma is too big, so you don't want to intervene in this measurement." robbery?"

Mengluo stopped spitting with Long Shao, "I didn't catch Tang Seng, this didn't mean I traveled to Nanzhanbuzhou, Huanghuang Chang'an City naturally had to come here in person, just happened to meet Tang Wang who was ill and died soon. I'll simply reveal the list Went to the palace. See how the producer evolved Tang Taizong."

"Tsk tsk, this looks terrible, you are about to die. This girl really can't bear it (actually, she is playing)."

There is no doubt that she is a shit-stirring stick, she sharpens her head and digs into it wherever there is excitement, sometimes without thinking about the consequences.

Players who are outsiders know that Tang Wang’s illness is the black hand of Buddhism. Li Shimin didn’t go to the underworld because of nightmares, fear of death, and was killed by his brothers. How could he invite Tang Monk to go to the West to learn scriptures and hold water and land conferences to comfort the dead? ?

"So you arrested Monk Tang and prepared to drug King Tang?"

Han Qingyue at the side also asked strangely, this is really her style.

"Don't frame good people. The person who untied the bell had to tie it. This is the black hand of the West. I just gave Tang Wang a little advice, and he has already gone to Da Ci'en Temple to "invite" Tang Monk.

At present, I am also asked whether it is best to swallow it alive.I thought about it, in Journey to the West so many monsters caught Tang Seng without swallowing it in one gulp, but were preparing for cooking and waiting for Brother Monkey to save him.It stands to reason that there are special cooking methods.So I would like to ask the almighty everyone, is there any mention of how to eat Tang Seng in Journey to the West? "

In the end, she really planned to confuse Tang Wang to eat Tang Seng!

Everyone looked weird, and other netizens were attracted.They all came up with suggestions and ideas for Meng Luo.

Braised, steamed, deep-fried, sliced, grilled, fried, all kinds of methods have been mentioned, and many people want to see if the spicy Tang monk meat that I have been eating since I was a child is really so delicious.Is it worth the big demon of the three realms throwing his head and blood to take a bite?

"Wutian, boss, I remember you have a Tang Seng's little finger in your collection, do you have a way to cook Tang Seng?"

These are all nonsense, watching the excitement is not a big deal, if you really want to find a solution, you must watch the big boss Wutian!

Wutian was summoned, with a strange expression on his face, Journey to the West is his home game, logically speaking, according to the plot, his advantage is the greatest, but he also understands the nonsense of the players.What's more, if you think about it from the side, this can also be a pawn to test Buddhism, and you don't need to do it yourself.

Wutian replied with a serious face, "Tang Monk was originally a golden cicada of the prehistoric species. It is quite rooted, but it is a pity that he has more than enough combat power and insufficient merit. Come out. This time Sakyamuni ordered him to go down to earth to learn scriptures, and he was getting the Zen meaning of the golden cicada's shelling.

Gather the merits of the ninth life, and take the last step in this tenth life.It's not that easy to kill him, let alone the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, the body-protecting Buddha's light alone can't break the monsters. "

"Hee hee." Mengluo smiled smugly, with a smug face,

"Boss, I've already thought about what you're thinking. This time, I'm using a knife to kill people. It was the Buddhists who plotted against Li Shimin first, but now he was seen through by the king of Tang. In Chang'an City, under the awe of the real dragon of humanism, a death-blessing card was sent down. Who can stop it! The most important thing now is to solve Tang Seng's backlash.

How to eat Tang Seng safely.Boss, please hurry up, I guess Tang Wang is currently in the process of returning to the light, as long as this last breath falls, people will be seduced. "

Since she is so confident in solving Tang Seng's body protecting Buddha's light and focusing on the craft of making Tang's monk's meat, Wutian can only reply helplessly: "High-end ingredients often only need the simplest cooking method. As long as you can break the body protecting Buddha's light, then you only need Set up firewood, set up a big tripod on the roof, and simulate the Buddha's nirvana to succeed.

"Cooking alive?"

Mengluo was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect it to be so simple, she suddenly realized, "[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~ I know this!"

Meng Luo resolutely went offline, preparing to cook Tang Seng's big event, leaving a chicken feather in vain.

"Are you really planning to eat Tang Seng? Are you afraid of being held accountable by Buddhism?"

"I have been eaten by Monk Sha nine times, so it shouldn't be worse this time, right? After all, they were the ones who calculated first."

Yu Xianger secretly asked Wutian, "Why do you want to help her eliminate Tang Seng? Don't you want to use this to plot against Tang Seng?"

Wutian replied: "Just borrow her to play chess, let's see how many gods and Buddhas we can bring out this trip."

In Nanzhan Buzhou, Chang'an, the Tang monk who was still chanting scriptures in Da Ci'en Temple was urgently called into the palace.

The whole temple was a sensation!The novice monks and monks were all full of joy, thinking that the eminent monks from this temple were valued by the king of the Tang Dynasty, and they would promote Buddhism and be kind, only today!

Abbot Dazhi of Daci'en Temple immediately ordered Tang Seng:

"Xuanzang, when you enter the palace this time, you must stick to your heart. If the old monk's prediction is correct, the king of Tang has been plagued by ghosts and nightmares in recent days. You should use this to promote the Buddha Dharma of my transmigration, and persuade the king of Tang to eat fast and do good deeds. Build more temples."


Wearing an exquisite brocade robe, Tang Seng clasped his hands together and said, "I would like to follow the instructions of the abbot. The king of Tang has the heart to promote Buddhism, and the little monk will naturally do his best to help."

"Is it still not good? Your Majesty has been waiting for a long time, and issued twelve gold medal urgings."

The guards at the side hurriedly urged, seeing this, with the blessing of the monks in the temple, Tang Seng, surrounded by the guards enthusiastically, entered the palace.

The Imperial Forest Army opened the way, and the road was so beautiful and full of spirits.Quite a bit of the demeanor of my late father who walked all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.

Hiding aside, not daring to get too close, the guardians who were afraid of being hurt by the Chang'an law area murmured to themselves, "The king of Tang's life is not long, why did he call Tang monk into the palace, something strange happened."

Jiedi, another silver statue, said indifferently: "There is an old saying: Ants can steal their lives, let alone a generation of heroes who sit on thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. It must be a rumor that I don't know where I heard it. There are great monks living in the Daci'en Temple." , Seeking medical treatment in an emergency, this feeling is also understandable."

"I just need to wait with peace of mind."

Having said that, the Dharma Guardians still watched Tang Seng enter the inner city of Chang'an without blinking. After arriving at Daming Palace, they wanted to follow in the clone, but unexpectedly a dragon chant sounded, and the Dharma Guardians did not dare to be careless. Forbidden land, immortals and gods are not allowed to enter.I can only settle down and wait silently.

At this moment, the heavenly secrets are as usual, even the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss did not think that any major event happened, everything was planned

"Hurry up!"

After Tang Seng entered the palace, he happened to see many guards in the palace rushing back and forth carrying dry firewood, busy all the time, and even saw the maids helping to pick up firewood.Together with eight big men, they lifted an ancient bronze tripod of flowers and birds and walked with great difficulty. This is a great vessel for worshiping heaven and the country!

He looked curiously, and it seemed that they were all rushing towards the Temple of Heaven. Tang Seng clasped his hands together, and immediately asked the guard beside him, "What is this for, Your Majesty? Could it be that there is some kind of celebration today, but the palace is so busy that even the tripod is moved .”


The guard sighed, "Your Majesty has been ill for a long time, maybe he wants to offer sacrifices to the country on the Temple of Heaven. Please come in quickly, the eminent monks, all the officials and Your Majesty are waiting in the hall."

For some reason, the high-spirited Tang Seng couldn't help but feel a burst of inexplicable palpitations, as if he had a deep understanding of fate in Buddhism.

Feeling uneasy, Tang Seng stepped into the main palace, "Kang Dang!"

As the golden gate closed with a bang, Tang Seng's heart skipped a beat. In the magnificent hall, with carved beams and painted pillars, hundreds of civil and military officials in official uniforms are in two rows, and there is another young woman in front of the officials. princess?

The one at the top is naturally Li Shimin wearing a golden dragon and yellow robe. Tang Seng looked up and saw that although His Majesty looked tired, his face was also radiant, and there was a blushing on his face. Seeing him, he fell down excitedly. Dragon chair, step forward quickly.

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