"It hurts, it hurts so much"

Kudo Yuya, who had just been issued a good card by his childhood sweetheart, only felt his internal organs shattered, and streams of warm liquid flowed out of his body.

"Is this blood? Am I dying?"

Kudo Yuya, who was lying in a pool of blood, felt that this was not lazy, anyway, life is already so difficult.I was born ordinary, my parents divorced, I lived with my grandmother, and my studies were ordinary. Even the last ray of light in life was extinguished today.

The world won't stop turning without me, right?

Kudo Yuya thought to himself, and finally he heard the voice of the crowd calling anxiously

Coincidentally, in a northern country, an emaciated middle-aged man who was trapped at home due to an illness and no money for treatment died of starvation on his bed.

He didn't die of illness, but fell ill, unable to ask for help at home, and starved to death during the three days of screaming and resentment.

"Why do I have to live in such a miserable life, old and homeless, I can't find a job, and if I find it, it is the lowest-level coolie, and I have to be squeezed by the bosses. Why is it that some people are born to be my finish line?"

Resentment, curse, madness, this heart of darkness reaches the outer periphery of the earth through the thread of the soul, and is absorbed by a chaotic world.

"Almighty Lord, as long as you can make my mother well, then I can give anything."

In a country in southern Africa, affected by its national conditions, the country's economy is weak and its people's livelihood facilities are backward.A little girl about seven or eight years old prayed sincerely in front of a stone outside the village. On the stone was a piece of white rabbit candy produced in the far east.

The white rabbit candy is shriveled, and the white wrapping paper seems to have faint traces of saliva.This was a gift she got for her seventh birthday, and she was reluctant to eat it all at once. She just lifted the corner of the plastic and licked a little bit. Now, in order to make her mother recover, she sacrificed the most precious treasure to the Lord.

When the little girl raised her head again, she was surprised to find that the white rabbit candy on the stone had disappeared, as if it had been stolen by a small animal.

Simple, she ran home happily, "Great, great, the Lord has accepted my candy, and will definitely make my mother heal."

Soon, the little girl who returned to the village happily told her father and other little friends what happened just now.

The girl's father naturally thought it was a lie made up by her daughter who wanted her wife to be healed too much. The other children saw it as a joke and sneered: "The Lord cured a person just for your candy. Your sacrifice is too cheap. It's not good at all. It's not like an equal exchange."

The little girl was out of breath, and put her hands on her hips: "Don't believe me, just wait and see, mom will get better tomorrow!"

"La la, shame on lying Matilda." The children made faces at her, and they didn't believe what the little girl said.Because they saw the girl's mother, who was sick and skinny, and she was about to die soon.

The next day, the sun had just risen, and the small village was already making a sensation.

Tracy, who fell ill, recovered overnight, and her eyes, which had been ashen and slack, were filled with color again.

All the priests in the village were alarmed. He had also seen Tracy and judged that she would not live for three days, so she would be cured after that.

"Miracle, this is a miracle!" The wrinkled old priest knelt down on the ground.He pretended to be gods and play ghosts all his life, but he only saw miracles when he stepped half of his foot into the coffin.

There are few communication channels with the outside world here, and they don't know how to surf the Internet, so they naturally don't know the recent changes in the outside world.

At this time, people remembered what the little girl said yesterday, and the priest tremblingly named Matilda a saint, one who communicates with the gods.He even intends to introduce her to the tribal king.

Matilda was very happy, she did not lie, the Lord really accepted his precious candy and rescued her mother.

Dad took her to kneel beside the small stone outside the village, kowtowing continuously, thanking the Lord for the gift.

Others in the village were moved and began to sacrifice their own wheat, cattle and sheep, praying to God to make them rich, preferably overnight.Nothing came of it, and the gods did not look down on their offerings.

Seeing this, the old priest shook his head, "If your heart is not right, the Lord knows your greed, so naturally he will not respond."

He has practiced nagging all his life, and even he himself denies the existence of the true God in his heart.Matilda's adventure made him rejuvenate and strengthened his faith in religion.The old priest felt that he had to rebuild it again.

Time went back to yesterday, the moment the little girl knelt down and kowtowed, the white rabbit candy on the stone turned into a pure light and soared into the sky

As if aware of it, Jiang Ping at home raised his head, and the silly girl was also floating around.

She asked curiously: "The energy produced by these strands of thoughts and the interweaving of minds is so powerful and so miraculous."

"It seems that tomorrow this new world will be able to give birth to its own creatures." Jiang Ping nodded in satisfaction, and completely changed the water for Xiaojin and Xiaobai.

He began to sit in front of the computer again, preparing for the launch of the new game. This time it was a special half-world, and the overall purpose was to gradually transform the demon-free environment in this world.

Creatures in the new world are born in people's hearts, and they will naturally blend into people's hearts. There is no need to choose any players. Everyone is the absolute protagonist of their own lives.The purpose of uploading the game myself is just to remind the public that a magical world has been born, so be prepared to welcome it.

What will be the name this time?

Looking up at the sky, the new world is chaotic, self-attacking, as unpredictable as the human heart, gods and demons are one, good and evil are inseparable, even he can't see the attributes of the world clearly at present, as if its rules are chaos.

Such a contradictory world of self-attack can barely maintain its balance.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ping began to tap the keyboard with both hands. He likes to go with the flow. The pen is in their hands, and how to use the ink is their decision.What kind of landscape painting to create is also the common will of the 70 billion people on the planet.

The fourth game of the heavens, the heavens and the world: the realm of the soul

After typing the introduction about this mysterious world with his fingers on the keyboard, Jiang Ping decisively clicked upload.

Important things often happen in an inadvertent look back. At 07:30 in the evening, the online world during the prime time is very lively.

Teams playing games, chatting chats, and the game section of Tiantian, which has become the world's largest communication community, suddenly heard a notification sound:

"Tick Tock, you have a piece of news that you are particularly concerned about. Genesis has released new news, please pay attention to check it"

Netizens from all over the world in the global village were excited, and clicked into the exclusive plane of the game at a speed faster than grabbing money.

Heavens and Worlds: Realms of Mind:

"The direction of the heart, the direction of the gods. An old chapter of the universe has passed, and a new mysterious world has opened the door. This is a special open game, and the number of players is not limited to all people on earth! Destiny is the protagonist of the story. You To me, all things are equal.”

"Who is talking in the long dark night, and who is whispering in the ear in the mysterious fog. Angels and devils, good and evil are one. One thought becomes a god, one thought becomes a demon. One thought of heaven, one thought of hell. Destiny has always been Take it into your own hands.

The game is officially launched tomorrow.Hello, human.

Producer: "God"

The online world exploded during the prime time period, and the number of people who browsed the game section of the heavens skyrocketed in an instant. After countless people quickly scanned the game announcements, their noses were like fire, they couldn't sit still with excitement, and stood up directly. In your own home, in an Internet cafe, hug, dance, and celebrate like a monkey picking bananas.

At this moment, a strange phenomenon appeared in Internet cafes all over the world, as a person stood up and shouted: "Look, the game of the other world has been updated!"

In an instant, everyone quickly clicked on the official website of Zhutian Games, where they finished browsing the new announcements made by the few producers.

Many people's eyes were fixed on the five-character quota for all earthlings, while a few people looked at the name of the new world and its introduction with frowns.

Chapter 489 Lord of Truth and Sacrifice

"Mysterious, it's too mysterious. The producer didn't reveal the rules and world view of the new world at all. He just briefly described that the new game is an open world, and all people on Earth are players. What do you mean?"

"What's the point? The producer has transformed the entire earth into an alternative game without us knowing. Congratulations to you and myself. I have always wanted to time travel into the game and become the protagonist of destiny. Now I have become a As a member of the NPC in the game, the steps of crossing are omitted."

On the Internet, discussions about the launch of the new game have exploded, especially this time, everyone felt that the producer deliberately concealed it, and did not select any players, and only said that it was based on all people on Earth.

The unknown is the most attractive. Netizens are discussing it fiercely. Many people instinctively feel that the game is different this time, involving three dimensions.

If the previous three games were only played by a very small number of people on the earth, then even if you are not selected this time, the game will affect all aspects of your life, not just a sentence from other people's mouths.

It's hard not to think of the Spiritual Realm that is online at this time not to think of the aura storm that happened not long ago.

"Another new game coming out? And it looks like it has a lot of real-life impact."

A senior official of Citigroup in charge of this matter issued an order, "Collect the latest global intelligence, and analyze whether there are any abnormalities, especially the problem of personnel disappearance. In addition, let the anonymous seventh group try to hack into the game interface, it is best to be able to Find the original IP."

As for finding the address of the mysterious producer by following the clues, they studied for a long time and gathered a group of top hackers in the world.The people in the upper class were a little apprehensive at first, thinking that the god who can create a game of the heavens beyond the age is very likely to have supernatural powers.If you get angry, the consequences will be unimaginable.

It's really as powerful as the gods in the game, no, as long as they have [-]% power, they can't resist.

If the gods are unknown, the power cannot be measured.

However, as time went by, the military deliberately arranged one or two non-staff personnel to tentatively attack the game interface. The invasion failed, and it seemed that there was a mighty force supporting it, but the hackers did not have any accidents. God seemed to be offended by them. Not very angry?

Gradually, their actions became bigger and bigger, especially this time the launch of the Heavens and Myriad Realms: The Realm of Mind became the fuse.


As the real power behind the scenes held an emergency meeting to vote, a group of top computer experts in the world borrowed the top Titan computer in the country and began to invade the game interface.

In order to prevent being implicated, everyone is isolated in an underground base [-] meters deep. Even the computer experts do not know that there is a tactical missile aimed at them in the distance. Whenever there is an accident on the network, the real mastermind behind the scenes People will definitely launch without hesitation, and it is impossible to let the wrath of God involve themselves.

"Father God, another group of people has come to invade the interface of the new world, intending to find the game's IP and more truths."

Suddenly, Silly Girl flew to Jiang Ping and reminded him.

"It's them again. Every time a new game is launched, there will always be a group of bugs to test it."

Jiang Ping was also disturbed. He used to have no intention of dealing with them slowly, but now with the support of the silly girl, Jiang Ping smiled and said: "Silly girl, you can play with them. By the way, find out who the intruders are. locate the original IP address to their"

After listening to the words of the Father God, the silly girl who was born ignorant of the world showed anticipation, her body changed for a while, and turned into a stream of data that was sent to the mysterious online world through the network cable with a whoosh.

"That's right." Jiang Ping seemed to have thought of something, and quickly reminded: "Regulate the network, don't let the network world also give birth to new world monsters, if monsters are born in the virtual network, then its ability to survive is too strong , is not something that today's human civilization can resist."

Although the intention is to gradually transform the earth's environment, but the steps are too large and it is easy to overturn.

Not long ago, the millennium bug bred by the Internet in the small universe was still vivid in his mind. This is a world-killing monster that can wipe out the fifth century just by the last line, and it is not something humans can deal with now.

"Successful, I have invaded the heavens section!"

Citigroup, the underground base, suddenly a man with blond hair and eyes shouted, and the officer who was watching from a distance suddenly felt his heart move, and just about to step forward to ask for clarification, unexpectedly, cheers came from his ears.

"I also succeeded in invading!"

"The game itself is just a coordinate, such as a door, no wonder the size is only 100kb."

"I found the original IP address where the game was released!"

Among these cheering voices, the last one was the most eye-catching. The noisy scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at the bald strong man who made the voice.

"Don't say anything next, just follow my instructions."

The fully armed officer walked forward quickly, his left hand instinctively pressed on the gun case, his sharp eyes were fixed on the bald hacker, and if there was anything wrong, he would draw his gun and shoot decisively.

The bald man nodded immediately, and the officer walked in front of his computer screen, cast his eyes on the screen, and asked, "Call out the IP address."


When the bald man blasted through the cracked firewall with ease, connected to the global satellite, and revealed the IP address of the original game release, the officer was stunned, and his left hand on the gun box loosened in vain.

"The trouble is really big now. It turns out that the black hand behind the scenes has been hiding in the closest place to us."

A colleague not far away couldn't help being curious, and decisively glanced at it. When he saw the address on the screen clearly, he was stunned as if struck by a thunderbolt.

It turned out to be the White House that all Americans are familiar with!

The enemy is in the White House.The chief immediately dialed his immediate superior.

"Hello, Williamson, how's the project?" a voice came from the other end of the phone.

Williamson took a deep breath and said slowly with all his strength: "The enemy is in the White House. The address where the game was originally released is the White House to which we are loyal. Sir, I think some things should be cleared up by us lower class people. They have hidden too much news."

The following is more than a traditional art of a country.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, "Could it be that God deliberately teased you and misled you into introducing the address to the White House?"

"No, dear sir. The experts here have also found a lot of interesting information from the game interface."

Williamson looked at the secret reports of the White House that were flipped out in front of the screen not far away. There were plans on how to study and deal with the attitudes of various countries to game temptations, and how new games would complete their huge conspiracy to control all mankind.

In this way, this group of overwhelmed people missed the most precious period of preparation.When they were about to conquer the capital, other countries had already begun to search for strange stories about the aura storm.

Not long after, the military invaded the capital forcibly and surrounded it with live ammunition. The commander's face immediately changed, thinking that they were rebelling.In the end, they rummaged through boxes and cabinets in the White House, only to find a painting with a grimace. Everyone knew that they had been played.

And this has also become a big joke on the Internet, which lasts for a long time.

"No, there are too many mysterious things, and no one can distinguish the true from the false." In the Neon country, the person in charge of this matter shook his head with a headache, and he shook the heavy documents on his hands.

"Unless you wait for the game to go online tomorrow, you won't be able to tell what kind of fantastic changes have taken place in the world. But there is one thing I'm curious about, that is, more than one person reported feeling a sense of heart palpitations yesterday afternoon."

The outside world is still dark night. This is the longest night. People from all over the world are working overtime, and there are heated discussions on the Internet. This time the opportunities seem to be equal. Anyone can get an adventure?

"That's what the announcement said, but opportunities are always given to those who are prepared. I have a hunch that the new game will really start with the three-dimensional, and there must be very few people who can get up from it."

"Spirit, the producer always mentions this word, it is extremely open-minded. Is it up to us to determine the attributes of the world?"

There are various speculations on the Internet, and many people are so excited that they can't sleep.Yet time does not speed up or slow down as anyone thinks, and the sun rises as usual.

In the dark where the light cannot reach, a world of contradictions and chaos is like the embryo of the gods, and unknown creatures wrapped in wet afterbirths gradually take shape. Their shapes are different, chaotic, deformed, terrifying, and solemn. sacred.

That night, a devout archbishop who had never been on the Internet slept in the church and heard the Lord's Gospel.

He said: "The gospel has come, and heaven will reappear on earth to purify the filth."

In his dream, the bishop knelt tremblingly, enjoying the caress of the Lord.

When he woke up the next day, he excitedly pushed open the iron door of the church, opened his hands to the sky, his face showed enthusiasm and excitement, and shouted: "The ladder to heaven has been opened for the world, and the angel will bring the Lord's gospel. We have to do it." Get ready to welcome the apostle's descent!"

The nuns and priests thought that the bishop who had been practicing all his life had gone crazy, but soon the priests and nuns screamed, because the bishop really lit up with a holy light, and a grand and holy heaven was projected.

The bishop's robe was dyed platinum. He closed his eyes and enjoyed everyone's kneeling. He said slowly: "Heaven is coming, hell is coming first. Before the apostles come, we must first announce to the world and let them do it." Get ready to resist the bewitching of the evil spirits!"

At the same time, on the roof of the world, in a dilapidated ancient temple that no one asked, the wind was bleak, a Tibetan mastiff as big as a calf was guarding, and an old monk in withered yellow monk clothes raised his eyebrows.

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