In the glass fish tank covered with cobwebs, which could be shattered at any time, Xiao Jin and Xiao Bai were throbbing restlessly, feeling a familiar aura approaching.

Gaia was resurrected and reappeared in reality, but the price was that Jiang Pinggang's harvest points dropped to 4000.

The creation of the small universe itself only took 3000 points, and he had exhausted the points of the Great Realm in just a split second.

Although there was a slight pain in the heart, Jiang Ping smiled when he saw Gaia, who looked like a ball of velvet toys in his hands, "It's all worth it."

The chubby Gaia was jumping instinctively, and Jiang Ping keenly discovered that a new idea was born in this old body.

A tree dies, but the same tree re-grows in the distance where the roots extend. Are they the same?This involves philosophical issues.

The Gaia consciousness reborn on the old body is different from the previous self-destructive self-consciousness or the dark Gaia or the blue moon. Except for the body, it has not inherited any memory and knowledge, and even the basic world view and cognitive view are not clear, such as Human children in general.

"Ni, who are you? Father God?" The nascent consciousness instinctively exudes mental fluctuations of doubt, and it has a natural affection for the person in front of it.

Jiang Ping smiled, and succeeded. After paying such a price, the cost was at least more than 1 original points, and finally created the most perfect intelligent assistant.

"I am your creator, so I can be called your Godfather." Jiang Ping looked at it carefully, wanting to see what it was capable of, but before doing so, he had to give it a name, which represented abandoning the past and welcoming a new life.

"Who am I? Where am I from? Where am I going?" Just as the little guy fell into the philosophical question, Jiang Ping asked: "Little guy, what do you want to be called?"

"Name?" The little guy jumped up and down a little confused, and soon realized: "Yes, I need a name. Every object has a name. Father God, what is my name?"

Gaia can no longer be taken, and neither can Blue Moon, these are all left in the past history.Naming the little guy has troubled Jiang Ping, because he is also a household with difficulty in naming.

"Every day? Earth and earth? Heavenly Dao?"

Jiang Ping chose one name after another, and the little guy was not very satisfied with what he heard. Gradually, he no longer chose high-end names, but returned to the basics and began to give it nicknames.

Seemingly thinking of something, Jiang Ping blurted out, "Or you'll be called a silly girl from now on."

"Silly girl? Silly girl?" The little guy jumped up and down like a ball.It seems that I like this rustic name very much.

The name of the newborn Gaia is decided like this. From now on, there will only be silly girls in the world, and the legendary planet Will Gaia will not be seen. All honor and disgrace will be buried in the destroyed fish tank universe

Silly girl was just born, and she needed to integrate the barren environment of reality, and even use herself to communicate with the physical laws of the world. She even had a whimsical idea, saying that she wanted to communicate with the "sister" under her feet.

Jiang Ping's face is strange, maybe because of her birth, or maybe her own subconsciousness. Sha Niu really thinks that the earth is her sister, and she thinks that the earth will also be born out of her own will. Like her, she is just sleeping now.

"Is the will of the earth really born? It really shouldn't be underestimated."

That being said, the birth of Gaia's will is a beautiful accident, which cannot be replicated. The creation of the universe is integrated into one. Why are other planets in the small universe that also contain extraordinary energy dead stars?What's more, the earth, which cannot be compared with the extraordinary world, is too difficult.But Sha Niu's words also provided Jiang Ping with some inspiration.

Jiang Ping asked Sha Niu to familiarize herself with the power and laws first. It is best to practice until she disappears into the world as a message, and he has already got up and went out to find a breakthrough.

Epic creatures are no small matter, they are close to the limit of conventional creatures, and one more step is already touching the gods and immortals in the realm of longevity.

Breaking through to the limit of mortals was a big movement, so Jiang Ping would naturally not be at home, what if he hurt some flowers and plants?

Jiang Ping's speed is extremely fast. He has a legendary mythological field. If he wraps himself, he can even teleport in reality for a short time. Soon he stepped over the Kunlun Mountains and Mount Everest, the two original breakthrough places.

Looking down, there are densely packed troops stationed in the two lands. Because of the appearance of miracles, and even the birth of the blue enchantress, the world dare not underestimate the lands with mythical atmosphere. Because of his unintentional actions, the whole world Tourism and archeology are booming, and historical mysteries have been solved one by one.

There was even a big news about the "biggest counterfeiting case of cultural relics in the 21st century" in an ancient African civilization.Naturally, Jiang Ping was not clear about this.

Whether it is the vision he caused or the mysterious game of the heavens on the Internet, it has triggered a butterfly effect.

"Where is this breakthrough going?"

A breakthrough requires a sense of ritual, not to mention that Jiang Ping has a hunch that this time is different from the past and may have a certain impact on the earth itself.

In the world of Hill, the epic masters have reached their limit, and the demigods after that are part of the divine power obtained in advance because of inheriting the blood of the gods, or for other special reasons.

Unknowingly, Jiang Ping shifted his direction and went southeast. He already had a goal in mind.

"Bang bang!"

Thousands of waves hit the coast, and the earth is more properly called a water polo. Viewed from the universe, the earth is a sapphire mostly surrounded by blue oceans. The ocean area exceeds 70%, and its mystery is far beyond the imagination of the world.

People often only look up at the sky, but forget to look down at the ground under their feet.

When human beings marched into space, they didn't even explore the ocean of their hometown, and there were too many unsolved mysteries in it.

At this time, as Jiang Ping fell into the sea with a plop, the epic chapter began.

The last time it was Everest, the highest peak on the earth, this time it was the deepest Mariana Trench.This is the deepest part of the earth, the place closest to the core of the parent star, with a depth of [-] meters.

After entering the water, Jiang Ping can breathe through the skin. At his level, he can already move in the water. As long as his body is strong enough to withstand the water pressure, he can always dive in.

At the beginning, the coastline was covered with corals, and many offshore fish and shrimps were hunting and fleeing, which seemed very lively.

But as Jiang Ping went deeper, the sun disappeared, and the deep sea without a ray of light was like a deep sea monster with its mouth wide open, waiting for him to throw himself into the net. It was chilling. At this time, Jiang Ping finally understood what "deep sea fear" disease", the reason is the depth and breadth of the sea.

The most fearful thing is often the unknown, but Jiang Ping has experienced many big scenes, so naturally he will not be frightened by them. , Many ugly sea fish are still ancient species, and it is written in textbooks that they have long been extinct. .

To Jiang Ping, the surrounding darkness was still bright, and occasionally he could still see the remnants of human ocean detectors.

Suddenly, Jiang Ping, who was diving into the bottom of the sea, felt his heart skip a beat, "It's radar sound waves."

Human eyes and ears cannot accept everything. Drawing on the "super power" of bats, humans have developed this tool. It must be said that the emergence of radar has greatly enhanced human vision.

Jiang Ping's body fluctuated like sea water, and the sound waves swept across his body as if scanning sea water, without any abnormality.

"It's here, not as quiet as I imagined."

After a while, Jiang Ping was sitting in the Mariana Trench, surrounded by deep-sea fish. The tenacity of life was far stronger than he thought. There are remnants of human submersibles and scrapped detectors everywhere.

Withdrawing his gaze, Jiang Ping put his focus on himself, and an epic book exuding vigorous energy jumped out between his brows. Invasion, holy and solemn.

He closed his eyes, "If the realm of legend is to create your own domain, which involves space. It is the same as the golden pill of immortality, then epic involves the law of time, shrinking the domain to the real body. The source of everything is still itself. And in this regard, I have a unique advantage."

Jiang Ping has witnessed the demise of worlds several times, especially this time the energy fed back by Gaia also involves the most mysterious power of time, whether it is the tracing back of time in the Atlantis civilization of the Fourth Epoch, to find himself.

It was the last blow of the savior across time and space, and Yingxiong sacrificed his infinite possibilities to fill up the energy that was lacking in time and space in the past, and forcibly pull out Gaia's consciousness. All these gave him great inspiration. For him, he can see and touch.

"The essence of time is just an adjective for the change of objects. The meaning of its existence lies in the existence of other substances, and even space. If there is nothing, then time will cease to exist, and everything depends on each other."

As Jiang Ping began to break through, the deepest part of the earth fell into silence, but there was a huge storm brewing in the dark, just waiting for the final shock, a blockbuster.

What Jiang Ping didn't notice was that at this moment, at a height of [-] meters above his head, a huge ship rolled from the sea level, carrying the top marine equipment of mankind, and even several famous celebrities.

"Cameron, are you sure you really want to dive into the Mariana Trench by yourself? Although the plan is perfect, who knows if there will be mistakes in that ghostly place, and will there be demons hidden in it? After all, no one has ever entered it. It’s so deep.” A man in a high-end suit on the deck was still persuading.

Beside him is a big bearded director who ranks among the top three in the world. The movies he has made in his life have frequently broken box office records. Cameron replied confidently: "Don't worry, I'm sure, this big guy is The latest equipment is enough to withstand the water pressure of [-] meters."

"You don't have to work so hard to promote your new film, do you?" The companion continued to persuade.

"No, I'm looking for inspiration. My new film is about the ocean. This time, the stage of Aliens is changed from the ground to the ocean."

Cameron was full of confidence, and he could only help when everyone was persuaded. Soon he had checked the equipment. dive to the bottom of the earth

Chapter 484 Aura Storm

In the Mariana Trench, a deep-sea fish without eyes collided with a humanoid object, which was naturally Jiang Ping, whose body merged with the surrounding seawater.

Wisps of water vapor were extracted from the [-]-meter-deep trench, and were inhaled by Jiang Ping through Jiang Ping's skin like water bubbles one by one, and the power of the earth was continuously flowing from under his body.Jiang Ping follows the rotation of the earth itself.

People's sight is often trapped in their own one-third of an acre of land. Even if you sit still, you are moving all the time, as mentioned in the theory of relativity.

The earth in the world is rotating on its own axis and revolving around the sun, which cannot be noticed by ordinary mortals.

No matter in which world you practice and evolve, you will understand the laws of heaven and earth when you reach a high level, and you will borrow the mighty power of the world, just because compared with the world, personal power is really insignificant, and a ten-thousandth strand of the power of heaven and earth is enough to support people.

Jiang Ping chose to break through the Mariana Trench, which is closest to the Earth's star core, so he is naturally particular about it. He can better understand the Earth's core here.

A God of Creation of Light sits between Jiang Ping's eyebrows, one flower is one world, the fish tank can hold a large universe, and the space between his eyebrows can also expand infinitely, until it finally rivals the world.

At this moment, there is a nine-colored mythological field surrounding the God of Creation of Light, in which spring flowers, autumn moon, summer stars and winter snow are flashing. Compared with before, there are more laws of time brewing.

As Jiang Ping comprehended the law of time, the vicissitudes of time flashed through his young body, and his real body was slightly different. It merged with the earth under his feet, and seemed to accompany the earth for 46 billion years.

The physical body has become more perfect after time, every cell is full of vitality, a drop of blood falls on the ground, and can even be reborn as a new "Jiang Ping", the code of life is unlocked layer by layer, and he begins to step to the limit of biology.

The acupuncture points on the body communicate faintly with the outside world. Whether it is breathing in mist or casting spells, it is as if there is divine help, and the overall combat power is more than ten times stronger.

And the change of the soul is even more huge. It has benefited from the nurturing of Genesis and witnessed the birth of many epics. His soul is different, and now it has undergone a qualitative change. merged into his soul.

A shrunken version of "Little Jiang Ping" stepped out from between his eyebrows, and the surrounding sea water could not restrain him.

The primordial spirit and divine soul are not bound by physics, they can move thousands of miles in an instant, and realize various supernatural powers that cannot be performed by the physical body.

Not long ago, Jiang Ping used Yuanshen to swim in the void. At that time, he was freed from the bondage of his mother star for the first time, and he only felt the vastness of space.

But this time, having experienced so many experiences in the world, he is more down-to-earth. Looking back at the blue planet behind him, it turns out that the beauty of the earth is not inferior to that of outer space.

Space is lonely, filled with darkness, emptiness, death, and coldness, but it is as perfect as the earth, and the living planets that form the ecosystem are as beautiful and rare as diamonds.

The thickness of the earth is not inferior to the blueness of the sky.Earth is unique in the universe.

Jiang Ping Yuanshen escaped into the earth's crust, and this time he wanted to go deep into the mother star.

The earth is like an egg, and human beings only live in the eggshell on the surface, and there are membranes, proteins, and egg yolks inside.

Even if Jiang Ping has reached the deepest part of the Earth's surface, there are still many kilometers away from approaching the core of the parent star.

The primordial spirit is no better than the physical body. Jiang Ping, who has made a breakthrough, transforms his own primordial spirit into the primordial spirit of the earth, just like a fish entering the sea, no, it is more perfect than that.Like a stream running into the ocean.

The soil is tumbling and flowing like a mudslide, and the primordial spirit has broken through the crust and reached the mantle in a blink of an eye. The mantle is like protein, accounting for most of the planet's composition, and there are microorganisms living in it. I have to feel the tenacity of life.

As it got deeper and deeper, Jiang Ping felt a pressure.The primordial spirit is indeed not bound by the rules of physics, but it is also affected by basic rules such as gravitation and electromagnetic force.

When a nuclear bomb goes down, the sun will shine brightly, and ghosts and monsters will be blown away.Extreme physical attacks can also crush ghosts.

"The gravity is getting stronger and stronger." Yuanshen said to himself.

When he dived into the core of the earth, there was already a sea of ​​lava when he landed, and he could even smell the sulfur smell around him. The magma was boiling like mercury like hot water, and no one survived here.

Jiang Ping took a deep look at the star core at the center of the earth's core. In the small universe, Gaia's initial consciousness was brewed here. The earth's consciousness has obviously not reached that point yet, but with his arrival, everything is different.

Then, Jiang Ping Yuanshen sat cross-legged on the lava for the final breakthrough.


There are three pulsating heartbeats, one is Jiang Ping's body sitting in the Mariana Trench, the other is Jiang Ping, the primordial spirit at the core of the earth, and the other is the pulsation of the planet Earth!

The earth has a pulsation, and even the sound of a heartbeat, but today's human technology level cannot detect it.At this time, as Jiang Ping practiced at the deepest level, he resonated with the heartbeat of the earth.

"Did you hear a heartbeat just now?"

On Earth, in the eastern country, in a busy pedestrian street, a young man suddenly asked his companions.

The companion looked at him in confusion, "No, you must have heard right."

"That may have been a mistake."

On a narrow and long island in the east, in a well-known kendo dojo, a girl lying on her sword and closing her eyes suddenly opened her eyes, and two thunderbolts shot out from her eyes.

"Illusion? No, it's not an illusion. There is indeed a heartbeat. Could it be that I reached the realm of the unity of man and nature by accident just now?"

Ri Xiayao said to herself, after being forced to withdraw from the world of Hill, she refocused her life on her dojo and swordsmanship. .

Not only these two people heard the heartbeat, but all the talented and intelligent people could vaguely hear the heartbeat.

A wave is spreading outward from the bottom of the earth, and Jiang Ping's primordial spirit sinks into the core of the earth, affecting not only one place, but the entire planet.

Three astronauts on the space base that happened to surround the earth noticed a vision, "Look at the earth, why do I feel different from before?" A companion rubbed his eyes in the space station.

The other two companions looked at it, and saw that Ruoyou Wujian Earth seemed to come alive, with a spirit-like quality.

"Drip drip"

The screens in the observation base flickered everywhere, the radio sounded a rapid reminder, and various parameters were constantly jumping. The scientists panicked, and they realized that something major had happened.


With the sound of the second heartbeat, not only the original intelligent people heard it, but also the general public heard it.

"What's going on? I seem to hear the heartbeat of the ground under my feet?"

"It's not an illusion. How could so many people hear their heartbeats at the same time? Do you think you've fallen into an infinite moon reading?"

Just as they were wondering, the third heartbeat followed. This time, the three astronauts on the outer space station did see a wave that swept the world centered on the corner of Southeast Asia and spread to the whole world.

"Urgent report, there is a storm point in the Pacific Ocean in Southeast Asia, and a white wave visible to the naked eye is spreading from there to the surroundings. It is recommended to investigate as soon as possible. It is suspected to be an extraordinary time."

The emergency report from the space station was received by the underground people, not one country, but the top two countries in the world received it at the same time, because currently only Donggu Guofang and Citigroup have enough capital to expand the space field.

The sudden change made the politicians of the two countries dare not be careless, and immediately analyzed the earth panorama taken by the satellite to find the initial point.

With the help of the top computer, the Mariana Trench at the starting point of the storm was soon circled, and troops stationed in nearby island countries immediately took action.

"This is the power of time, this is the power of the planet?"

The flaming primordial spirit burned by the lava returned to his real body in an instant, and Jiang Ping couldn't help but smile. He could feel that he could manipulate part of the power of the earth, not with the help of Genesis, but with his own true power. body.

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