The boy is not him, but the elder brother who has appeared several times in his dreams.

No matter which parallel world he is in, he is always a supporting role witnessing others, the protagonist is not him.

The gray snow fell, making people tremble with cold, but it couldn't quench the heat of the young man's body. Those firm and resolute eyes were like a dark bonfire lit.

"You are a man who is destined to become the savior. You have to endure hardships that others can't finish and break the evolutionary record I set. Are you convinced?"

"If you don't accept it, I will surpass all the former sages and become the protagonist in the story!"

The young man roared resolutely, his body jumped like a dragon and a tiger, there were only two figures, one big and one small, in the world, but what they didn't notice was that behind them were Ying Xiong and another girl Gu Meng looked at the two worriedly.

The unrivaled combat skills practiced by the elder brother and the supreme killer moves practiced by the mentor are recalled in the instant of life and death.

The memories from the depths of the soul were merged, Ying Xiong did not display the combat skills of the two, but danced with his fingers, like jade shoots jumping on the keyboard, and like a young fairy dancing gracefully.

"The human body has tips, and finally ten fingers."

The meridians of his whole body are opened automatically, the memories from ancient times are awakened, the secret doors of the human body are rumbled open, the code of life is slowly unlocked, and the double helix of dna, which symbolizes the source of everything, extends infinitely, like a ladder of God.

"Shaoshang, Shangyang, Zhongchong, Guanchong, Shaochong, Shaoze."

"Taiyin, Yangming, Jueyin, Shaoyang, Shaoyin, Taiyang."

Fingers crossed, sword qi criss-crossing, mighty and upright, or strange and treacherous, this is not so much a combat skill as it is a code of life inherent in the human body.

With just one blow, just one blow, the visiting god-level evolutionary fell, cut into thousands of pieces by ten sword qi, and the spiritual brand of living cells was crushed into ashes.

This is Ying Xiong's self-created ten-point sword manual, between his fingers crossed, the light of the sword shines on Chizi's heart.Nothing is not cut, nothing is not broken.

The proud Lan Yue couldn't help clapping her hands in amazement, "This is the most beautiful and elegant move I've ever seen."

"Do you remember anything else?" Ying Xiong asked immediately.

"No, I'm still in a state of chaos, but my intuition tells me that I've never seen such a daunting move. It's not so much a swordsmanship, but it's one of the ultimate evolutionary directions of life."

"Blue Moon, haven't you remembered anything?"

In an abandoned underground base, Ying Xiong excavated a mass grave, in which hundreds of thousands of skeletons were buried. On their skeletons, he found that it should have originated from a horrific modern war. Killed by swords and shells.

However, there is no modern war recorded in the history books. He has glimpsed the past, and he has not seen such a large-scale war.For some reason, as the level of evolution gets higher and higher, Ying Xiong feels a sense of disharmony with his surroundings.There was even a wave of doubt about myself.

The dreams of that year became more and more clear. In the most important dream, the elder brother I was following failed, and human beings fell like meteors. At the end of the dream, there was only a huge black man with teeth and claws lingering in everyone's heart. Shadow, the phantom is torrential, extremely depressing.

"How many times have I said that you are more important than me."

Lan Yue waved her hand again, she was more interested in him than herself.

Ying Xiong was silent, and the other party gave him the most important things of a man, dignity and self-confidence.He felt he had to give her something in return.

"Why do you like me so much? I'm just an ordinary person, a small character in the story."

"No, you are not ordinary at all. In my eyes, no one is ordinary. They all have the potential to transcend everything in their hearts. Haven't you noticed the changes in yourself this year?" Lan Yue turned her head with a smile.

"You have surpassed all known evolutionaries, and you have uncovered the truth of the world step by step."

"The truth of the world?" Ying Xiong's heart moved, "I told you before, I don't know when, I often dreamed of me living in different worlds in my mind, there was me in the interstellar era, and there was me in the ancient martial arts era. I, the strongest one among them, is the other me in Star Battlefield.

There, I fought side by side with my eldest brother, and the experience was so real that I woke up with tears from my dreams several times.

I have a sense of déjà vu about many things, especially as the strength has become stronger recently, this feeling has become stronger.I feel that this world has a sense of disobedience for me, such as the mass grave in front of me, which has never happened in history!This is not what happens in our world! "

"Then what about me?" Lan Yue stared straight at him with blue eyes.

This time, Ying Xiong didn't run away, his dark eyes stared at the girl who changed him.

"You are the only warmth I feel in this world, and only by your side can I feel a trace of truth."

Looking at these innocent eyes, Lan Yue, who has always been confident and arrogant, escaped,

"The reason why you can evolve so fast is very complicated, and it cannot be explained in a sentence or two. You can understand that you are retrieving the power lost in the years. Your previous life itself was so strong, you are life miracle."

"Past life? Reincarnation?" Ying Xiong murmured, "That's not right, the person I remember the most, the elder brother who guided me along the way, he is known as the most talented savior in history. Not as fast as me.

The leap of life level is gradual, but I feel that I seem to be leaping and evolving, not bound by common sense at all, as if the limiter has been opened, I have surpassed my strongest previous life, I can feel that I am standing alone Here, every moment is getting stronger. "

After talking about it, Ying Xiong himself was a little scared. He looked at his hands and asked, "I said, Lan Yue, have you unlocked the code of my life and condensed my life into a short period of time?" This can only be explained with common sense.”

"It's you who unlocked the code of life and let the dna extend infinitely. Everyone is a miracle of life, but they are too much restricted by the environment."

A strange emotion flashed across Lan Yue's eyes, she turned around suddenly, the voice came from behind her, Ying Xiong couldn't see her face at this moment.

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"Have you heard of the theory of parallel universes?"

"I've heard that, you mean that the self I saw in countless dreams and the death scenes I saw were my real self living in different worlds?" Ying Xiong blurted out, "The most important thing is that What about a dream? Did we really fail?!"

He became agitated, and no one could calm down when he heard such words.

"The truth of the world is cruel and cold. No matter how many parallel worlds you have, they will eventually shrink to one point, because everything is based on the original world."

Ying Xiong still hasn't seen Lan Yue's face at this moment, but he thinks it is very complicated and melancholy.

Ying Xiong asked: "Then how can we enter the real world? What happened to us?"

At this time, Lan Yue suddenly looked back, and a gleam of unbearable and guilt flashed in her green eyes, "If I said that you are a dead person, each parallel world is a tombstone, would you believe it?"


What Lanyue said shocked Ying Xiong, he looked at her incredulously, and saw the indelible sadness in her eyes, Ying Xiong felt like a rock weighing heavily on his heart, the last thing he wanted was to see The girl frowned sadly.

Ying Xiong's lips moved slightly, "As long as it is what you say, I will believe it."

Lan Yue didn't dare to look back at him, and said in a low voice: "If I say that the cause of all this is my fault, can you forgive me?"


Today is the most frightening day for Ying Xiong. Lanyue seems to have awakened some memory, and his state is a little bit wrong.

The ground was even more bulging, and a ferocious dragon god with a length of [-] meters suddenly drilled out. In the darkness, powerful men in black came out. There was a wave of darkness on them, evil and terrifying, and the weakest were all god-level. There are no such strong, so many god-level evolutionists in the world.

"Is it the self-searching program in the parallel world? It's her subconscious mind. It seems that this time it's really going to be a farewell." The blue moon is suspended in the air, the long blue hair is like waves, and it looks like a vast ocean. The body is shining brightly. The noble king's dress engraved with island and ocean patterns slowly emerged on her body.


A special sniper bullet shot out from the darkness, and the Earth Dragon God opened his bloody mouth and bit the desperate Ying Xiong fiercely.

"Looking for death!" Ying Xiong's face suddenly changed, the index finger and middle finger of his right hand were juxtaposed, the door of potential potential in his body was opened with a bang, and the code lock of life was unlocked instantly.

The vigorous energy is gone like rivers and rivers, and it rushed out through the two meridians of Shangyang and Zhongchong without hindrance, and the peerless sword energy burst out, before these mysterious pursuers could react.

The mighty sword energy cut everything, and the Earth Dragon God was cut in half in an instant. The man in black's face changed drastically, his body squirmed, and he performed the secret technique of escape, but he couldn't escape the inclination of a strand of sword energy.If there is nothing, they saw the mountains and rivers before they died

The sword energy was not weak, cutting the ground, and the troops in the sky exploded in batches.

After Ying Xiong swung his sword, he didn't care about them any more, but chased after Lan Yue who was drifting further and further away.

At this moment, the blue moon wearing a robe of the world is like a fairy Chang'e who has soared away, with blue hair fluttering in the air, giving her a sense of dreaminess and elegance.Her eyes were sad and remorseful.

"Lanyue, don't go, you haven't told me how to get to the real world, and you haven't told me who you are!" Catch it, and never allow the light to fly away.

"Let's go, both you and this world are false, you are dead, what remains here is just a ray of obsession that never wants to dissipate, you have never forgotten the scene when you were born humble. All tragedies need to be healed by myself."

Flying farther and farther away, Lan Yue exudes a sense of detachment from the sinking world and not in this world. The divinity in her body is awakened, and the memory is retrieved like a tide. Countless experiences in the parallel world are all recalled, even I was awakened from ignorance, the memory of giving birth to the Five Great Mings, and talking with Fenghuang Jizhen also came to mind.

There were two lines of clear tears in Lan Yue's eyes, the crystal tears were more beautiful than any diamond in the world, every tear was the destruction of a great civilization.

"I want to redeem everything I have committed, and everything can be saved!"

The void collapsed like sea water, and Lan Yue's figure completely disappeared. The woman who was as proud as a heavenly emperor finally disappeared, leaving only the young man who stretched out his right hand to grab something, but couldn't after all.

Ying Xiong's lips moved slightly, staring blankly at the place where she disappeared, and didn't even notice the groups of men in black pouring out around him, some of them were evil gods with dragon heads and human bodies, and some of them had reached the ninth level of aura.The tide-like monster bangs and drowns him

In the real world, the initial sea of ​​amniotic fluid and blood suddenly boiled, and a drop of diamond tears dripped from the cube above the center. In the tears, a goddess of heaven stepped forward. With her coming, the blood water arched into a noble step. Welcome! her coming.

The big universe is trembling, and ownership is being snatched away.

The dark Gaia, who was melted into the sea of ​​blood, woke up immediately, and she actually felt that her body was robbed!This is simply unbelievable, and there is only one possibility.

"It's you, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, and you haven't been completely destroyed yet." Dark Gaia rose from the sea of ​​blood and looked at the other self expressionlessly.

"You and I are one, you can never kill me, and I can never kill you." Lanyue radiated a faint blue light, as warm as sea water.Her body is the same as that worn by Dark Gaia, and she is the robe of the world, because she is also Gaia!

"Hmph, it's too late. At this point, you can't even guess how strong I am!"

The big universe is resonating, the dark void is wriggling like a sea monster, the dark Gaia creates and destroys the world, and creates multiple alien cubes, which are so powerful that even Blue Moon can't stop it, the darkness swallows itself.

Dark Gaia pressed down with a palm, and the supreme law of the universe was bursting out, as if the weight of the infinite parallel universe was pressing down, making Lan Yue unable to breathe, and his soul was trembling.

"Sure enough, it's only the last step."

A series of taboo magic lines emerged from Lan Yue's body, like a never-ending ouroboros, the magic lines bit her own tail one after another.

"The Curse of the End and Infinite Jormungandr."

The color of Dark Gaia suddenly changed, "You actually curse yourself with yourself!"

One body with two sides, Guangming knew that she was no match for her, so he cursed himself at his own expense, causing self-destruction. Gaia is the only one who can defeat Gaia.

Dark Gaia let out a long cry, "It's a beautiful idea, I haven't agreed yet!"


At this moment, the entire vast universe was beating, and the ultimate mother goddess opened her mouth of darkness, and the sharp fangs were like pillars of concentration, nailed to the bright Gaia, which was destroying itself and cursing itself with itself.


In an instant, the bright Gaia Lanyue was pierced by thousands of arrows, and the dark red blood dripped on the primordial ocean, as if returning to the mother's body, her face showed pain, and the black ouroboros crawling all over her body was forcibly cut off.

The fangs and tentacles that penetrated her body moved, and she was slowly sent into the mouth of Dark Gaia. Dark Gaia's eyes were cold, "After all, we still have to be one. Light and darkness are one nature. After you and I are fused, we will become one." Truly complete Gaia."

"I still can't win you, even if I bet on myself." The impaled Lan Yue's face was so pale that it hurts, her blue eyes were desperate.


At this critical moment, suddenly, a strange crisp cracking sound came out, resounding through the darkness, especially waking up.

Dark Gaia who turned into a glutton stopped eating, and Lan Yue, who was impaled by thousands of fangs, seemed to think of something, and turned her head incredulously.

"No, it's impossible, how can the dead be resurrected." Dark Gaia's face showed a shocked expression that had never been seen before.

"Ka Ka crash!"

Suspended in the middle of the primordial ocean, the multivariate heterocube composed of countless false parallel worlds was completely exploded, and crystal fragments were flying, reflecting pictures of parallel worlds one by one.

A pair of young palms were torn from the inside of the multivariate cube, revealing half of the face of an ordinary boy, and that angry eye that burned the sky!

"Tear the sky apart."

At this moment, Dark Gaia and Lanyue heard this sentence at the same time.

Tear the sky, the most powerful stunt of a generation of mysterious and powerful people, launched with bare hands, ignoring any defenses, ignoring any rules, and exclusively conquering the confinement of space and the confinement of the world.

Chapter 479 Birth of the Strongest Evolutionary in History

"Traveling all over thousands of rivers and mountains, and all over the world. Traveling through thousands of parallel universes, I finally found you."

The multiple different-dimensional cubes that condense the essence of the dark Gaia's life avenue are constantly breaking apart, and a ray of light piercing the pattern appears in the silent universe.

In the blink of an eye, the other world has been around for thousands of years. I don’t know how many parallel worlds Yingxiong has traveled to, and how many subconscious bodies of Gaia that came after him have been killed. They are constantly becoming stronger and mutating. Up to now, he has torn apart the sky and the dimension and set foot in the world. !

"Resurrection of the dead?" Gaia was puzzled, and carefully scanned the stranger who showed her true face. Her calculation ability is so powerful that she can recall every plant and tree she has seen on the battlefield. Naturally, she can find out about Ying Xiong in an instant. The following history.

After figuring out his identity, Dark Gaia became even more puzzled, "It's an unknown pawn on the battlefield. He's already dead. It's unbelievable that he can still open up parallel worlds and collect his own memory fragments. What did you do? ?"

Even Gaia said it was unbelievable, and the face of the pierced Lanyue was also shocked. She told him that you are just a dead person, at best, it is just a ray of obsession that refuses to disappear, but what does she see now?Tear apart the dimension, appear in the real world, reverse cause and effect!


The crystal wall universe is shattering, one flower one world, one leaf one bodhi.Gaia didn't know what technique this unknown boy was using, she had never seen it before, but the attack power was extremely terrifying, it specialized in space and the world, ignoring any defense.


Acting prudently, Gaia, who would never make a move if she was less than 100% successful, sucked in her right hand, quickly sucking the light into her belly.

At the same time, the left hand pointed at the fragments of the crystal wall and squeezed tightly, the universe roared, and the initial blood boiled.


In an instant, the multi-dimensions that were originally torn apart and constantly splitting back in time, pieces of fragments are like reversed videos, continuously condensing into one, the great universe exerts force, the supreme rule descends, and darkness invades.

The universe is a seal, and the multiple parallel worlds are a labyrinth. After several incredible transformations, the dark Gaia is too strong. The multiple different dimensions continue to shrink, and the crystal cube rotates at a high speed. Trapped the boy.

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