The last thought before it dissipated, Adam thought of his father on the deserted Death Star after the cataclysm, with his little self, exploring the world step by step, and lighting the fire. After so long, he still hasn’t seen his father for the last time .

"You've done a great job and are the proudest son I've ever had."

If there is no gap, Adam heard the never-before-seen affirmation on his father's stiff face, and he disappeared with a smile, and death was in the smile

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Chapter 469 Genesis Suit

Relying on a burst of energy, the Ark of Vengeance slammed into Gaia, who was out of the mold and almost merged with the universe.

Even the highest rules of body protection can't resist, broken like the surface of a lake, this is a terrifying force that shakes the universe, Gaia is beaten back from the special state of fusion, the soul ark collapses, and endless resentment invades like a gangrene The soul, the power of the human heart is terrifying, otherwise she wouldn't have worked so hard to raise humans.


Gaia reappeared and was beaten back to her original shape by the Soul Ark. Her complexion was inexplicable, and there was still a crack in her forehead and heart, which seemed to have not fully healed.


At this moment, on a fragment of the continent, a young man stood up from the ground, and Gaia noticed him as soon as he took a step, because he was the only one present that could threaten her existence.A "savior" driven by the will of the remnant soul who died tragically at his own hands.

"You still want to suppress me based on your cultivation level? It seems that you humans are going back as you live." Looking carefully at Hongwen, Gaia actually laughed.

It's true that Hongwen's level of evolution is indeed very high today, which can be called unprecedented, but let alone compared with her, there is a big gap with King Guang.

"I am a miracle worker."

At this moment, on the space battlefield, everyone's eyes are on the two protagonists. One is black and the other is white. Gaia is calm. According to what she just said, everything is under her control. Her further booster.

The other one is small in stature, but not weak in the slightest. What's even more frightening is that, as time goes by, the blood luck continues to cover it, not only of human beings, but also of the entire universe. The will of all things.

As Gaia merged with the universe just now, the spiritual beings in the universe reacted in the dark.

If Gaia is really in charge of the universe, with her personality, the universe will replace the destroyed Gaia star and become a new pasture for all souls to be cultivated and harvested.

Everything has animism, even planets are born with self-awareness, let alone others?

At this moment? All the races in the universe put their fate on Hongwen? Gaia alone is fighting against the will of the creatures in the entire universe. At this moment, they can’t figure it out? Who is the villain? Who is the decent.

"Poor children, do you know my identity?" Gaia looked down at them pityingly and compassionately.

"I am the heart of the universe? The only planet born of self-will, destined to become the ruler of the universe. The Gaia star you just destroyed with all your strength? Instead, it broke the last restriction for me? Now that I am free from the constraints of my body, I can integrate into the entire universe. middle."

After finishing speaking, she made a random move, and a planet in the distance deviated from its fixed trajectory? In an instant? It was ejected like a marble, and hit Hongwen directly.

Hongwen's body is like a dragon, and he feels that his physical condition is unprecedentedly good, his soul is clear, and the layers of life codes have been unlocked? He can hear the voice of all things in his ears, as if thousands of races are blessing him.

An almost merged universe? Turning the world into its own power.Blessed by the creatures of the universe, born extraordinary? He was different from a young age, full of fighting spirit.The duel between the two? It is a symbol of the two sides of the universe? There is no good or evil.

Hongwen let out a long roar? The spine rose up like a dragon and exerted strength. If there was no gap, everyone even saw a dragon of the heavens soaring in the universe, piercing the incoming planet with a roar.

The dragon's teeth were sharp, and along with the planetary debris, it rushed straight to Gaia.

The Atlanteans and humans who were fighting the evil gods were all shocked, feeling hopeful.Even the evil gods who were confronting each other felt terrified, their eyeballs rolled around, and they began to find a way for themselves.

No one noticed, except the King of Light who didn't move, because he felt that the savior was almost something.

Sure enough, Hongwen, who turned into a dragon, punched Gaia, but Gaia collapsed into a black hole and dissolved him.

Her movements are as light as light, and she seems to have a lot of energy.

"Hehe, it's just whimsical to want to deal with me just because of this. Call it, go all out, let mother see how many surprises you children can give me."

As soon as Gaia retreated, his real body seemed to merge into the universe again, and a meteor shower composed of planets rushed towards his face, trapping Hongwen directly.


Hongwen's body flashed from time to time, he walked the way of majesty and domineering, facing a strong enemy with a punch, the meteor shower that killed him was kicked and exploded.

Suddenly, Gaia struck again, pressing down with one palm, as if the weight of the entire universe was borrowed, the sky collapsed, causing Qiao Jian Hongwen's body to bend, unable to move.

There was only Gaia's smiling voice on the battlefield, and now even the others were aware of the gap in strength between the two.

"It's over. Despite the blessing of luck, the savior still lacks a lot of background. So far, Gaia has not made a full-scale attack. Is it true that the situation is under her control as she said? The ending is doomed? How can I There is a bad premonition that this world is going to a bad ending."

Tiangan, who was stuck on a piece of debris, felt tense, and hurriedly went offline to ask for help from the outside world, although he didn't know if it would be useful.

"What's the situation in the small universe? Has Gaia been fucked?"

"Tiangan, are you offline? Why haven't you left the battlefield yet?"

Everyone on the forum has been waiting impatiently for a long time. Every major version update of the game affects everyone's hearts. Not only watching a super drama, but also have a little delusion in their hearts. What if I am the protagonist in the next update?

"Gaia is fucked, it's just the planet itself." Without further ado, Tiangan directly reported the status of Gaia star.

Everyone quickly clicked on it, and they were dumbfounded when they saw it. The original Gaia star location has become a ruin, and huge pieces of continental fragments are floating. When you zoom in, you can still find that there are evil gods and Arlanteans on it. In fierce battle.Some people even found that the original position of the sun has disappeared, and there are only bits of burning embers of star fragments.

The entire solar system is in chaos, stars are destroyed, and other planets are reduced to wandering planets and fly away.

"Day, I haven't seen you for a while. How come the sister galaxies have undergone earth-shaking changes. The cosmic diamond Gaia has been destroyed? Even the sun has been destroyed. What have you done? The savior and the Atlanteans really so fierce?"

Wind Dragon God also said with mixed feelings: "The Gaia star that gathers the essence of the universe has been destroyed. It seems that this time the version is over, and the stage of the universe will change. The most important thing now is to find out who will be in charge of the next era." .The main body is destroyed, and Gaia's consciousness must be greatly reduced. How is the battle now?"

Tian Gan was silent, it was because of the bad battle situation that he took the time to go offline.

Facts speak louder than words. He directly uploaded the video of gathering the refuge before, crashing the parent planet together with the Kingdom of Light, Adam and the Mechanic Emperor together.

"The situation is still bad. Hongwen is transforming and evolving every moment. In Gaia's words, all the creatures in the universe are promoting his evolution. But looking at Gaia's random actions, I really doubt what she said is true Yes, but using us as alchemy stones, the outcome of the war has been doomed from the very beginning."

The Wind Dragon God and the White-haired Chief saw the latest battle video. In the screen, Hongwen is as powerful as a rainbow, punching the stars, kicking the sun and the moon, and constantly chasing and killing Gaia, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Gaia seems to be letting go intentionally. It seems to be promoting Hongwen's growth, using his hands to complete the last step of his transformation.

Fenglong Shen's heart sank. He remembered the end of the Fifth Epoch. At that time, the two virtual gods confronted Gaia. It was hoped that Gaia would be sealed. In the end, she was able to break through the loopholes and directly launched the doomsday catastrophe to destroy human beings. After dropping to [-] million, without her needing to do anything, the virtual god self-destruct program starts.

The emperor of heaven and god were swallowed by Gaia, prompting her to carry out the most important evolution.

So this time, will the result be doomed before the war begins?

"It's not good. Gaia definitely has someone who can eliminate Hongwen 100%. Otherwise, even if she is arrogant, she won't be so casual. After all, logically speaking, the attribute of the savior is specially designed to suppress her." Eat once The wind dragon god who suffered a great loss keenly discovered something.

Gaia is waiting, waiting for Hongwen to grow to the strongest under the pressure before harvesting, just like she breeds everyone, and finally harvests together.

The sky is dry and bitter, "I have thought of this too. The problem is that this is the gap in hard power. Now we have no other way but to rely on Hongwen to create miracles."

"No, there is still a chance, have you all forgotten him?" Wind Dragon God replied.

"Him?" There were unanimous questions on the Internet.

At this time, on the deadlocked cosmic battlefield, an ancient mechanical arm suddenly sprang out from a certain prototype water droplet. He heard his son's last voice, and was awakened by his son again!

"Gaia, plus whether I can defeat you!"


The water droplets exploded, and an antique creature known to all human beings and players soared into the sky with an artifact in each hand, and water splashed around him, making this ancient robot look even more obsolete.

"A prophet? A prophet!"

"What is the prophet holding? He left a suicide note at the end to find the existence that defeated Gaia. Could it be the treasure in his hand?"

The surviving people were cheering, and Lilith stared wide-eyed, trying to see clearly the two treasures in the Prophet's hands. What was it that made the Prophet disappear for so long, and she kept searching.

The Prophet has a high status in people's hearts. He is the one who started the post-civilization era. After the cataclysm, the world has no vitality, knowledge is cut off, and there is not even a hair.

And from the very beginning, he adopted the first human Adam, taught ancient human knowledge, and restarted civilization.Although he disappeared for so long, people respect him more and more.

"Prophet? Could it be Byron?"

Tiangan, who was wondering what Fenglongshen said, widened his eyes. Sure enough, his body and appearance had changed, but the burning soul in it was clear to him at a glance. He was the only one remaining of the four major players and was shot dead by the earthlings. , Byron who was forced to reincarnate!

"A prophet? An ancient leader of mankind?"

Seeing the excited reaction of the human beings, the Atlanteans also looked in the direction of the Prophet in surprise, including the King of Light.

"That is?"

Seeing the holy artifact in the prophet's hand, King Guang's pupils shrank suddenly,

"The legendary ancient sacred artifact lost in the years, the statue of the creator god, the holy monument of the prophet!"


Gaia, who was traveling through the universe, stopped, and she frowned at the robot rushing out of the ocean ruins.

"Is it you? One of my main creators, like a strange creature out of this world, master in the realm of ancient consciousness, Byron, the first mechanical Gaia."

Gaia made a move. This was the only existence she didn't account for. In her calculations, she put pressure on the savior and forced him to grow step by step, but she always maintained the strength to kill him.

At the moment when the savior's aura reached its peak, when it was both the strongest and the weakest, he made a thunderous move and reaped the biggest fruit.The plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and the mysterious first robot appeared, Byron, who broke away from Gaia's calculations, so in order to erase the variables, Gaia took action.


It seems that because of being frozen on the bottom of the sea for a long time, Byron's body was very stiff, and he didn't dodge in time. He was hit head-on by Gaia's attack, but he didn't die, because the two holy objects on his hands were glowing and heating, and his instinctive protection host.

Gaia's expression is inexplicable, today's things are getting more and more strange, and he who will become the master of the universe still has so many things that he has not understood.

"Two miraculous things, bring them here."

Gaia turned from attack to take, no longer with a murderous attack, but like a superficial touch, trying to gently snatch the holy object that Byron sacrificed his life to find.

"I have suffered a loss once, and I knew from the very beginning that it is impossible to beat you according to common sense, because after devouring the virtual god, your computing power has long been able to count the universe. If you want to defeat you, you can only find foreign moves. !" Byron sacrificed himself to protect the holy object, and Honghua from the other side rushed to support Meteor.

"I am a variable, and the new players who may come in are also variables, and these two sacred objects are also variables. If you want to defeat the invincible villain, you can only use very reason!"

Byron urged the last energy hidden in his body to fly towards Hongwen, "Adam's disciple, accept my last gift, save the universe, and avenge the tens of billions of compatriots who died 600 years ago!"


At this moment, Byron turned into light, and the statue of the Creator God in his hand merged like mercury, as did the monument of knowledge.

These two holy relics have gone through five years, and their inheritance is extraordinary. With the birth and destruction of civilization, incredible energy has gathered on them, and now they are melted and cast by Byron. The immortal light illuminates the space, and the entire universe is bright .

"Don't think about it, I don't like accidents."

A round of huge black holes appeared behind Byron, billowing devouring force surged out, and hundreds of stars exploded around him, preventing the prophet from meeting Hongwen.


Suddenly, the Excalibur came out of its sheath, a crystal clear, strongest weapon composed of pure light, wiped out Gaia's attack with one blow, and pierced Gaia's real body.

"Haven't you forgotten me?" This is the King of Light, and the strongest weapon of the Atlanteans is themselves!This is the strongest and weakest attack of the Atlanteans. Once it fails, they will be smashed to pieces.


At such a moment of blocking, Byron's body was burning like a flame. The rushing figure of Hongwen paused, and suddenly roared, and saw the divine armor descending from the sky, and pieces of hot divine armor rushed towards him one after another. The strongest battle armor transformed from the statue of the God of Creation!

Tailor-made, condensed immortal light, immortal.


An ancient stone shield engraved with words and runes appeared on his left hand at the same time. This is a sacred monument of knowledge, recording all of the five major civilizations.

"Son, I leave everything to you."

Byron's voice reached Hongwen's heart, and he had turned himself into a sacrificial vessel and an intelligent system of divine armor and aegis.

Wearing a creation suit and holding a knowledge stone shield, at this moment, Hongwen finally has the capital to compete head-on with Gaia.

"not bad."

Jiang Ping said sincerely, after disappearing for so long, Byron has not survived, and he always remembers the sea of ​​blood back then.

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Chapter 470 Traveling through time, reversing cause and effect

In space, Gaia's face was gloomy, and she felt that things were a little out of her calculations. Her own calculation ability was against the sky. The natural will of the planet, coupled with the two intelligent systems that devoured the crystallization of the fifth era of human beings, set foot in the sky. To fate line, world line.

The illusory luck and destiny can be captured, and the essence of everything can be seen at a glance.

The many experiments I have done before are not entirely due to my bad taste and creating bubbles in the illusory world. In addition to killing the residual will and suppressing the will of the self, there is also a reason to explore the parallel world line.

After that, we will operate in the field, breed billions of people, extract their souls, and pull them to live in a perfect virtual world. At this point, can it still be called virtual?

No, it is true for all living beings living in it.

In the imaginary world, even if many human beings from birth to death occasionally have this doubt in their minds, they have no way to prove the truth of the world in the end. Even the savior Hong has not found a loophole, and can only wait for the extradition of the outsider.

Since the first era, wise men have speculated about parallel worlds, and the imaginary world is a parallel world that has not undergone a cataclysm.As Gaia said, her realm is so high that others cannot guess.The ancient theory was created by her, which is extremely terrifying.


With a flick of Gaia's fingers, the body of the King of Light who came to stop him in an instant was cut off at the waist. The beam flame was obscure and he was hit hard. The huge light energy that the King of Light had accumulated for an era was being consumed crazily.

After hitting the queen, Gaia made a serious move, pushing horizontally with one palm, and the stars danced, and the entire starry sky was branded on it, and together they defeated Hong who was covered in divine armor.

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