"Go to hell, it's just this stupid big guy, I've fallen in love with him? It's almost the same after another 100 years of practice, and then I'll be an old cow eating young grass reluctantly."

Facing the ridicule of the crowd, Gu Meng patted his magnificent chest boldly, and the shocking waves attracted everyone's attention.

It just so happened that this sentence was heard by Hongwen who had just returned from practice. He was immediately upset, and looked at the comparison of the heights of the two. Unfortunately, although the difference is only a few months, girls grow faster than boys In addition, Gu Meng's figure is in every respect the head of his peers, a few pieces of tofu taller than him.

"You always press me as a senior. I don't think you're much older than me. 100 years? I've turned over Gaia and entered space." Hongwen said unhappily.

"Hey, I'm still not convinced." Gu Meng put her hands on her hips, glanced at him with a smile in her eyes and said, "If you can save all your compatriots, I can consider being your girlfriend."

After finishing speaking, there was another burst of laughter in the field, and Hongwen quarreled with Gu Meng again. No one noticed his quiet departure, and Ying Xiong's back was slightly bleak.

I have never had a first love, but I have lost my love. I climb up the stairs.


On the Earth Network, Tiangan talked about the legendary process of discovering the savior, "That's how it happened, he was discovered by a flower in our team, and he also brought the savior's younger brother along with him. Confirmed my guess.

His appearance and process are completely in line with my imagination of the protagonist of Destiny. He is the hero in the adventure story. Adam is the mentor, I am the guide, and Gu Meng is the best partner. The protagonist even brought his own support partner.

He is not the protagonist, who is still the protagonist?I finally see the dawn of completing the task. I don’t know what the producer will reward after completing such a difficult task. I don’t ask for more, just ask for another chance to travel, or give a little bit of power back to reality. "

The story of Gaia has touched the hearts of thousands of netizens. When a person who is highly suspicious of the protagonist appears, it will naturally detonate the audience. After listening to the legendary deeds of Tianqian digging Hongwen, everyone seems to be reading a hero story, witnessing the birth of a legend—— —Although they have witnessed it several times, the results are different each time.

"Accompanied by a beautiful woman, followed by a younger brother, protected and taught by the strongest teacher, worshiped by all human beings, and dealing with the most evil and strongest boss, how can I become more and more bitter? By the way, you have read a book called "The Hero's Journey" Why, why do I feel that Hongwen belongs to the kingly hero, the existence destined to save the world, is too kingly."

"You mean the heroic journey of rising up—entering another world for adventure—going to the Demon Land to fight the oss—consummating all achievements, bringing a panacea, marrying a lover, and returning to the hometown? Thinking about it carefully, Hongwen is indeed in line with it, and it is completely kingly. The protagonist is more authentic than the King of Heroes, King of Knights, etc., this is the identity of the protagonist I created when I played the game."

"I'm really envious. Having said that, why can only the aborigines be the protagonists to fight against the oss? This routine is too crooked. The producer, Kami, don't tell me, when will we come up with something new, and let us time travelers be the ones too?" The son of destiny who saved the common people once."

Hehe, all the time-traveling players are unreliable, how dare they put the fate of a world on you.Many netizens complained in their hearts, don't look at all of them are Internet sages, keyboard experts, really practical operations, down to the details, you will find that you can't do anything, eating No.1.

Aiwen: "Under the entanglement of fate, is the last hope of the Jedi's counterattack finally conceived? I have a hunch that this time is our last chance, failure will be eternal night, otherwise the producer will not assign the task of saving the world, and the Kingdom of Light will be overloaded and accelerated. The people of Atlantis are also crazy. Fallen Gaia is the cancer of the universe, the enemy of all races.

In addition, I have to remind one thing, generally in a drama, all the characters from all sides appear on the stage, so it is not far from the end. The birth of the protagonist also means the awakening of the boss, and the kingdom of light is coming soon.We don't have much time left. "

Seeing this, Tiangan's heart sank. He also knew that Adam had told him that the birth of evil gods became more frequent and stronger. I don't know if it was because of the appearance of Hongwen that all kinds of changes on the earth revealed A piece of news, Gaia is about to wake up.

"Another point is very important. Don't find the wrong person, set up a fake protagonist, or even bring in Gaia's spies. Although this routine is rare, it is not uncommon. You must guard against it, so that the bamboo basket will not be empty at that time. .” A cautious netizen promptly reminded the two players.

"No, the mentor Adam personally accepts apprentices. Even if he is mistaken, then we humans have no hope." Tian Gan replied confidently.

"That's right, Hongwen is indeed the last child of destiny for Gaia." Jiang Ping on the other side of the screen said with certainty.

"His temperament and personality are also in line with the unrivaled powerhouse seen at the end of the fourth era. It seems that his decisive battle with Gaia is coming soon."

Chapter 462 Going Forward Indomitably, Fist Divides Life and Death

On the ground where the gray snow was falling, a bull-headed evil spirit as high as a mountain was slowly approaching. Looking at him with the naked eye, his speed was slow, but when he looked carefully, he was close to him again. The huge bull-headed evil spirit stepped out with one hoof. The earth shook, and his goal was the human sanctuary in front - Asgard.

Asgard practiced the cultivation method before the catastrophe, and the sanctuary is located in the bottom of the sea, in the deepest Maria Trench in Gaia.Because of the barriers of seawater, the side effects of nuclear radiation are minimized, and many primitive sea creatures live in the trench.

There is no sun and moon here, and it is dark all the time.The creatures living in the deepest trench of Gaia do not know that the era has changed unknowingly, and they still maintain the ancient rules of survival.This is a pure land in the wasteland era.

Asgard is located in the core area of ​​the Maria Trench. Originally, because of the terrain, the evil god's attack was also aimed at other refuges.But this time, the bull-headed evil god came fiercely. It slowly stepped into the ocean, and each hoof could shake into thousands of miles of ocean waves, and a violent tsunami rolled up around him.

"Gravity field, be careful, this bull-headed evil god is not easy to deal with, go and inform the supreme leader!"

The people in the fairy palace were awakened by the huge movement. Wan Chuan, the helmsman here, jumped out of the Maria Trench. In an instant, a vortex appeared in the depths of the sea. In front of the evil god, it becomes a super sea eye.


"Great tsunami!"

The giant in the sea, whose length and width do not know how many kilometers, spun wildly, the air exploded, and the clouds of thousands of miles in the sky were swept away. In the light of the past, this group of top people realized that with God's help, the shackles of the human body that were difficult to break back then were untied layer by layer.

Wan Chuan, the current Lord of the Immortal Palace, has also been promoted to a seventh-level evolutionary. He has black hair dancing wildly, and a smart chip embedded between his brows, which was inspired by the Kingdom of Light.The smart chip calculates everything in the world and analyzes the powerful enemy that is attacking this time.

The bull-headed evil god wrapped in the eyes of the sea glanced coldly, and let out a thunderous sound: "How dare you use such a small skill in front of me."

The bull-head evil god exerted force, and distorted positions appeared around him, and the engulfing gravity was separated by the distorted position, and small sea vortices that were opposite to the direction of the sea eye appeared around the evil god.Shelter him from falling for all eons, from any force.

"Please note that the suspected gravitational evil god has a peak evolution level of level 7, and his talent is extremely rare and difficult to deal with. The probability of defeat is as high as 95. Please retreat and wait for reinforcements to come."

The chip intelligence between the eyebrows had already set up a plan for him in an instant, but Wan Chuan looked down towards his hometown, gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

"The sea is boundless!"

Wan Chuan practiced the orthodox evolution method, which can borrow the power of heaven and earth, especially in the familiar sea area at this time, it is like merging with the sea, throwing all the strength of the sea at the towering bull-headed evil god.

The bull-head evil god Niubi spewed out two streams of white air, like a flying rainbow.Slamming his iron fist violently, he hit not Wan Chuan, but the sea surface under his feet.

The turbulent sea rolled up thousands of waves, trying to pull the evil god down from the clouds, but as the bull-headed evil god punched down, the world became silent, and the waves stagnated in the air. Wan Chuan, who was in the depths of the sea, felt that the surrounding water was like iron. Solidified like a block.

Before he could be shocked, there was a burst of cracking sound from the depths of his soul, and a vast force of vibration came from the sea level, and the three gods of him violently shook, and his head split.


A sky-reaching water column appeared, and the water column continued to rotate. Wan Chuan was blasted out of the sea by the bull-headed evil god. They are evolving, and the evil god will only evolve faster. The billions of people trapped in the mechanical city are all evil gods. Feed.

The virtual world intertwined with human civilization in captivity is the hotbed of evil gods, how can it be against this?

When the fairy palace under the sea was invaded by evil gods, on the other side of the ocean, in the ark disguised as a giant whale swimming, a handsome young man named Hong Wen woke up.

Two years have passed since they left the Void Realm. These two years are the two years he has gained the most. He was taught by Adam himself, and he has mastered both ancient and modern evolution methods. enemies, and even a re-engraved Cthulhu War.

At this moment, he had just left the battlefield, he stood up and said to Xiong with a smile, "Ying Xiong, the virtual battlefield you created can no longer satisfy me, and the many battle data entered no longer threaten me, and I can't find the original life and death. A first-line feeling."

Ying Xiong, who has grown a lot taller but is still underage, shrugged his shoulders, "Brother, you are too perverted. You have broken so many evolutionary records. Tens of thousands of mechanical legions have been besieged and have not found your flaw. Your practice You have reached the apex, and my virtual battlefield is not suitable for you. It seems that if you want to make rapid progress as before, you can only fight in actual combat.

After all, even if the virtual world is as perfect as the imaginary world, it will not touch the soul as deeply as actual combat. "

While the two were talking, Hongwen's heart suddenly moved. His practice has reached the psychic stage, especially when he unlocked the genetic code, he can feel the luck of human beings coming from all over the place to gather in him. Perceived that a human sanctuary was in jeopardy like a candle in the wind.

"There is another evil god invading, I will take a step first."

Hong Wen stepped on his feet, his body shot out like a rocket, and disappeared into a stream of light, Ying Xiong was not surprised to see this.

The turbulent sea waves, the space is distorted by the evil god, Wan Chuan, the master of the fairy palace, is constantly suppressed, as if he is trapped in a black hole, the power of his whole body is uncontrollable, and he rushes in all directions of his limbs and bones. The external pressure increases sharply, and the air also has pressure. But usually you don't feel it.

But at this time, due to internal and external troubles, the Bull Head Cthulhu relied on his talent to restrain Wan Chuan. He obviously had a few killer tricks yet to come out, but he was forced to confront the Bull Head Cthulhu head-to-head. avoid.

Wan Chuan was vomiting blood, but he still persisted. How could he retreat from the Asgard Sanctuary where hundreds of millions of people lived under his feet?


The space exploded, and the bull-headed evil god was like a demon god who opened up the world. With a bull fist, the clouds of thousands of miles were moved, and the situation changed suddenly. The entire sky was blessed by the fist. Strong players of the same level will be killed.

He was stepping on mysterious steps, trying to escape the space, but the bull demon domain kept suppressing him, making it difficult for him to move forward, and he could only watch helplessly as the blow that moved Fengyun came.

"Am I going to perish here? Like Muye?" Wan Chuan was desperate.

What he didn't see was that there was a stream of light like a meteorite, killing at a very fast speed, and the space blocked by layers of the bull demon's domain was completely penetrated, even the bull demon didn't expect it.

It was Hongwen who came. Like a sniper armor-piercing bullet, he came from a distance, broke through all defenses, and shot precisely to the middle of the forehead of the bull-headed evil god. This is his strongest point and his weakest point.


It's like a big collision between heaven and earth, like a meteorite crashing into the ocean, aggressively, the bull-headed evil god who planned to understand the leader of mankind with a single blow, was hit back a few steps, and water columns rose from the ocean that he was stepping on.


The bull-headed evil god spewed out two streams of white air angrily, like two clouds. He only felt a sharp pain between his brows, and the evil god's inner core was shaking.

The extremely angry bull-headed evil god slapped his forehead heavily, like a human being hitting a mosquito hard. However, after the loud noise, the bull-headed evil god became even more angry because the enemy had already fled.

"Pretending to be a ghost, who is it? Adam?"

The bull-head evil god was angry, causing the void to distort for a while, and the forced Hongwen appeared.

Two bull eyes as big as the bright sun stared at the little one, and the bull-head evil god was puzzled, "Such a young soul, a new strong man? It seems that you are the savior of mankind as they said. The sneak attack just now is not counted, but let me see it." Let's see what you can do."

"Hongwen, why are you here? Where's your teacher?"

Seeing someone saving him, Wan Chuan became even more nervous. Although Hongwen had given them too many surprises in the past two years, this is not his time in the world. To deal with such a formidable enemy, only Adam among human beings can win.The appearance of Hongwen will instead make the evil god vigilant, and even attract that person's attention.

"Big guy, it seems that your ability is one of the four basic forces of the universe, which is extremely rare. You are the "big man" in the virtual world? "I'm from there too, but fellow villagers see fellow villagers." Hongwen, who had ignited energy waves all over his body and turned into a light man, stepped in the air and asked without nervousness.

The ox eyes like the moon looked over, and a gleam of coldness and disdain flashed inside, "I am the head of the Ouyun Kingdom in the virtual world, in charge of the power of gravity and magnetism, and I come here following the will of the mother god to purify the world!"

The bull-headed demon god didn't talk about martial arts, and suddenly shot while talking, as if he wanted to avenge his previous revenge.

The bull's paw wraps thousands of seawater and strikes at Hongwen, and a drop of seawater turns into a civilized water drop, which contains a virtual world, which is more terrifying than any hidden weapon in the world, and even oppresses the instability of the space along the way.This is a drop of water blessed by his evil god's power and talent. It's no small matter.


Wan Chuan anxiously reminded from the side that if the only remaining hope of mankind falls to him, then he will be the sinner of all mankind.

Hongwen is far stronger than the evil gods thought. He is obviously very young, and he is only 17 years old now, but his body has already reacted automatically, stepping on the seven stars, inheriting Adam's peerless steps, like a civilized extradition man walking on the wasteland , One foot, one era, with fire in mind, fearless.

The gravitational water droplets were dodged layer by layer, Hongwen's small body turned around, and the whole person fully exerted his advantages. The evil god's huge body and vast energy are indeed great advantages, but smallness also has small advantages.

Just like a huge bison can't deal with mosquitoes, at this moment Hongwen is using the most simple principles of nature to decisively fight against this seventh-level peak evil god.

The air and ocean are divided by tens of thousands of streams of light. Hongwen's speed is extremely fast, and the life-and-death reaction trained in the virtual battlefield allows him to avoid the gravity trap.

The angry bull-headed evil god roared while standing in the ocean, turning itself into a black hole, devouring the surrounding sea water, oxygen and even radioactive substances. pull out.


When his body twisted, the bull-headed evil god roared, and the sound wave materialized, splashing ripples in the void, surrounding Hongwen in circles. This roar was earth-shattering. The fish surfaced with its belly up.

The defensive facilities of the Immortal Palace refuge, which was far away from here, collapsed and exploded, and hundreds of millions of people covered their ears in pain and screamed.Wan Chuan's expression changed, this was just the aftermath, so what about Hongwen who took the blow head-on?

Adam in the ark also got up abruptly. At first, he was training his disciples. If he couldn't deal with it, it would be his end. The moment Adam got up, he felt that his old opponent who was sleeping underground woke up.

"Everyone can't stand loneliness. It seems that she is affected by her will. Is she on the verge of waking up?" Adam sat down again. He was not very nervous. He believed in the strength of his disciples, and he had put all his life into practice. The school is handed over to him, if this is still defeated by this evil god, let alone defeat the strongest mother star.

"Okay, stop playing."

Constrained by the black hole and surrounded by sound waves, Hongwen began to exert his strength. The genetic code hidden in the blood was deciphered, and the soul and flesh became one.

"The teacher once told me that the will of the martial arts mentioned by the deputy captain of Tiangan is to unite one's own body and soul, use this body to practice the Tao, burn the body, and implement the will of the soul."

At this moment, Hongwen is as bright as a torch, and it is also like a sun radiating light. "Everyone's will is different. Teachers pass the torch from generation to generation to protect civilization. And mine is this!"

Hongwen swung a punch violently. This punch was like a small fist instinctively thrown by a toddler, or like a baby born from a mother's womb, a baby's fist instinctively held. It is extremely simple and has a clear attack track. Those who practice martial arts can stop it.

Sincere and pure, yet there is an aura that makes the Xeon's hair stand on end lingering on it, the Fist of the Red Child.

It was such an ordinary punch that reversed the sound wave of the bull god, and the reverse shock wave reversed and killed the bull-headed evil god. The bull-headed evil god watched the punch come, and the huge real body was shocked by the momentum of the punch.

Seeing that the punch was about to hit the point between the eyebrows, the bull-headed evil god's body was agitated with negative energy, his eyes suddenly turned black like blood-stained planets, and his huge real body crashed into the rushing Hongwen. He was using his real body as a weapon, and finally Strong is also the weakest hit.

Both of them actually planned to divide life and death in one blow, one was as high as a mountain, with divine power as a mountain, and divine grace as a sea.Turning into a world-destroying meteorite and crashing into the sea, a body as small as a speck of dust swung out the most simple punch, and the aura unexpectedly rivaled that of the opposite behemoth, and even faintly suppressed it!

"Go forward bravely, fists can divide life and death!"

This is Hongwen's pure heart, beyond the category of "style", like a beginner's fist punched with enthusiasm, although weak but moved by sincere love.Ever since he was a child, Hongwen has been looking forward to a fantasy journey away from daily life, and become the protagonist of an adventure story by himself, overcoming obstacles and fighting against the devil.

But now that his ideal has come true, and he has become the ideal self in his dream, then for this goal, he is willing to give everything, burn, burn his soul, burn everything.


This punch did not cause the same big movement as before. The bull-headed evil god who was struck by the sacrifice of his life stopped at the moment of contact. The two mottled bull horns condensed with the essence of his body were broken inch by inch, and the hardest bull's head clicked. With the point of contact with the fist as the center, it splits into a spider web.

"Is this your fist? The fist of salvation."

"No, this is a punch that goes all the way forward, burns everything, and succeeds or succeeds."

Hongwen's breath calmed down, and his qi and blood slowed down. After listening to the answer, Niu Xie Shen closed his bloody eyes and fell down with a bang.

"This is?" Fang Chuan stepped forward and asked curiously.

"I hit him at the point of death. Everything in the world has a destination, including her."

With his fists closed, Hongwen stands above the waves, the sea breeze blows the boy's hair, and his eyes are deep into the distance.

There, a sleeping mother goddess woke up, and Gaia, who was wearing a black dress, lay on her side on the star core, lazily opened her eyes, "Hehe, this interesting little guy was born from me, Get rid of him, and this universe will be officially taken over by me. Is it the cohesion of the last light of the universe? I want to see how much fun it can give me."


Outside the solar system, an extremely fast light braked violently, and the burning kingdom of light braked urgently. The Atlanteans almost overdrive. On the throne of the kingdom of light, holding a scepter, the concave-convex mirror is brighter than the sun, All the warriors of Kingdom of Light are ready to go.

"It's here, on the final battlefield, I saw that the fallen mother goddess has awakened, and the Destiny Child of mankind has also grown up."

Chapter 461 The Land of Light Comes, a Peak Blow

A ray of light has stagnated outside the solar system. The Kingdom of Light did not choose to enter. The King of Light has considered it. According to human beings, the entire solar system is the domain of Gaia, and it is too dangerous to fight in it. This battle will affect the entire universe. , they must minimize the risk.

In the Kingdom of Light, young warriors who are one thousand meters tall and ten thousand meters tall are fully armed and look at the distant home planet with light spears and lightsabers. Ministers, the King of Light is also looking at the direction of Gaia, which is the home star they have been dreaming of. , had imagined the return in countless dreams, but no one thought that the return would be in this posture.

Ai Wentong in the Kingdom of Light is also looking at Gaia, which was originally a blue planet like the sister star of the earth, but is now covered by dust clouds and turned into an ordinary gray star in the universe.Gazing with your mind will create an illusion. Gaia Star is like a star beast lurking in the dark, slowly waking up, with life fluctuations.

This generation of King of Light is the first batch of native Atlanteans after the destruction of the Atlantean civilization. In nuclear fusion, the energy released is enough to recreate the world of ten directions.

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