The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, who was like Pangu and stood upright, laughed wildly, and Dinghai Shenzhen once again showed its power, stirring up all corners of the world, and the heavens were not peaceful.

"Little Er, there is a reward."

"Yes, yes, this time the shit stirrer played a key role."

"As the saying goes: No one can win in my bg. The ancients never deceived me."

Brother Monkey's bravery, the enthusiastic audience rewarded him one after another, and Long Shao was so happy that he cut the song again, this time the lyrics were even more overbearing:

"...I want this day to not cover my eyes anymore,

I want this place to never bury my heart

?I want all living beings to understand my meaning∮‖⌒

I want the Buddhas,

All gone! "

The monkey brother on the side heard the monkey's blood boiling. For a while, not only the sky-replenishing merit was activated, but also the demon nature was born on his body. The arrogant figure of the chaotic demon ape reappeared. The magic weapon was blown up.

ps: (~ ̄▽ ̄)~la la, today is my birthday

Chapter 456

On Huaguo Mountain, accompanied by passionate singing, a fighting demon ape holds a big stick to fight against the sky and the earth, and the other shows three heads and six arms, holding a fire-pointed spear, a hunting silk, and a circle of heaven and earth. The great god of the Santan Haihui is constantly being suppressed .

As we all know, Brother Hou has a good name, and the reason for the rise of the rebellion this time is because the heavens fooled him and hired him as a low-level sesame official, Bi Mawen, and this has become an indelible stain in his life. urgent.

But now the unknown person sang the battle song, and the singing was loud and clear.When did Brother Monkey receive such praise for dimensionality reduction?Naturally, he is high-spirited, and a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. It is precisely because he is young and does not know the background of the heaven that he is so bold.

Brother Hou and Nezha fought more and more fiercely, and the supreme gods communicated with the heavens and the earth, three heads and six arms, calling the wind and rain, shifting stars and changing battles, etc. If ordinary people can cultivate the same supernatural powers, they can rule the world, but in the hands of these two great gods, Tiangang's 36 transformations and Disha's 72 transformations are like worthless little tricks, which can be used casually, but people are dazzled and applauded.

At this time, the gods in the heavenly court knew what sanctification of the flesh is. They praised: "The third prince is worthy of being killed in the Conferred God War. He is really extraordinary. Li Tianwang, you have this son, and others are really envious."

However, Li Jing's complexion was gloomy when he heard the praise from all the audience, and his heart fell to the bottom because of the destruction of the Golden Exquisite Pagoda. If others don't know it, will he not know about this traitor?However, he was suppressed by Taiyi, Ran Deng and others before forcibly surrendering. I have not forgotten the blood-red eyes of hatred when I shot Nezha back then.

"It seems that when I go back this time, I have to ask the ancient Buddha to forge another pagoda." The Heavenly King thought to himself, this time he must cast the strongest suppression holy weapon at all costs.


Wukong and Nezha fought from the ground to the sky, and then from the sky to the sea, until the East China Sea boiled, like two dragons tossing the river and the sea, causing a tsunami and thousands of waves.Long Shao's specially made phonological magic weapon is really extraordinary, especially loud and clear in the noisy battlefield.

But seeing Brother Hou kill and get farther and farther away, Young Master Long looked up to the sky with a guilty conscience? I saw the heavenly soldiers and generals who had escaped from the catastrophe gritted their teeth and began to look for the culprit with murderous intent.

He even instinctively predicted that someone with great supernatural powers was speculating about his own details, so Young Master Long hurriedly ordered his subordinates in a low voice: "Clean up the guys and leave."

Under his training, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals moved nimbly, and immediately put away the phonological magic weapons such as snails and pearl plates, and followed Long Shao to escape by taking advantage of the water.

"Slip, slip."

Long Shao put his hands in his pockets, leaving behind a chic emoji background, and fled to the depths of the East China Sea with a plop.

"That's the end? Isn't this the appendix? As a man, Long Shao, how can you not have a bottom?"

Hundreds of millions of viewers on the Earth Network expressed that they were not addicted to watching it. They still wanted to watch the fight between the two most popular protagonists in mythology?

A player from back then, Beiming Youyu, came out to make a rescue: "We can't talk without back pain just because we are separated by another dimension. After all, he is risking being stared at by gods and Buddhas in the live broadcast? Even adding bg for the atmosphere is already extremely Rare? We couldn't be more demanding."

Personal safety first? Master Long patted his ass and left? The prehistoric war is still going on. When Brother Hou turned the tables and fought angrily against a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, Sakyamuni, who was far away in the Daleiyin Temple in Hezhou, Xiniu, suddenly felt his heart ache. one jump.

Is this a whim? Is it a great supernatural being who penetrates the good fortune? An early warning of the unknown, mysterious and mysterious, unthinkable.

Immediately, the Buddha calculated with his fingers, opened his Dharma eyes and looked at Huaguo Mountain, which was stared at by the gods and Buddhas. .

He is not familiar with such a sense of obscurity. He also felt this way when he speculated about a nephew.

"Another stranger intervened, but I don't know whether he was just teasing or plotting this robbery."

Facing the shit-stirring stick of a stranger, Tathagata Buddha felt a headache, not only him, but even the saint leader frowned frequently.Every time they were born, nothing good happened, and if they didn't make the world muddy, they would be sorry for their nickname of shit-stirring stick.

Only the wrong name, no wrong nickname.

"Even if he has someone else to help him, how can he escape from my Wuzhi Mountain?" Sakyamuni stretched out his golden palm, the palm of which is like the universe, and every plant and tree in Huaguo Mountain is in his palm.

"Guanyin Bodhisattva, Jin Chanzi has been secretly reincarnated through the reincarnation channel controlled by Ksitigarbha."

Avalokitesvara, who was wearing a pure white Buddhist robe, held the jade bottle in his hand and saluted gently, "To the Buddha, Jin Chanzi has received the decree to reincarnate, and the tribulation leading to this place in Nanzhan Buzhou has begun to be arranged."

Sakyamuni nodded. Although the two were in different camps back then, they are now in the same place. He is very satisfied with the ability of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

This catastrophe is related to his road to enlightenment. Sakyamuni will never allow the slightest mistake. The Buddhist learners choose their most trusted disciples and reincarnate through the reincarnation channel of Ksitigarbha. No one in the three worlds can calculate Learners, the next thing is to wait for the Monkey King to offend the Heavenly Court. In the absence of the gods, the current weak Jade Emperor can only ask himself to do it, and he knows it well.

The Three Realms is a gigantic stage, filled with gods and demons as spectators, just to watch a veritable monkey show.

The noise dissipated, and in the middle of the battlefield, it was different from the fierce battle that everyone imagined. At this moment, on an unnamed island in the Sea of ​​Three Realms, Monkey King, who was supposed to be the enemy, had a drink with Nezha. Affection.

"Third Prince, when my grandson was seeking Taoism and learning, he also heard people tell your story."

The Monkey King picked up a banana and said while eating, "In my opinion, with your strength, why do you need to meet the gods in the three altars in the heaven, why don't you go down to the earth and claim the land as the king, it's better than being sent by others."

"Back then, you cut your flesh back to your mother and your bones to your father. You don't owe Li Jing any karma. Why do you draw the ground as a prison to trap yourself. If you don't go wandering in such a beautiful country, it would be boring to be trapped in the sky."

Facing the Monkey King's persuasion, Nezha smiled wryly: "Things are far more complicated than you think. Since I was sanctified in the last era, I have tried a lot of karmic calculations. However, he is my master after all, and I should only repay his kindness. As for Li Jing"

Nezha showed a sneer on his face, "One day, I will settle with him. Now it's just because he intercepted a ray of my natal soul light to make a tower, and forcibly restrained me. But this time you destroyed the golden tower to help me unintentionally." It's been a long time since I got rid of the siege once.

Although he will recast the pagoda in the future, I am more careful. "

The two most popular supernatural beings in Chinese mythology chatted in detail on the small island, and the battle was not as fierce as the outside world guessed.But after all, it was a sneak in time, and soon the two will return to their camps.

It may be because of the similar birth experiences of each other, Nezha was secretly moved with compassion, and he persuaded: "If you continue to confront the Heavenly Court, for the sake of face, the Jade Emperor will definitely invite a person with great supernatural powers to suppress you. Although they are born monkeys, they have insufficient background information. Some people even dare not mention their names, for fear of alarming them.

Have you ever felt that your life is being dragged along by others?Sometimes it is clearly an idea born from the heart, such as raising the flag of rebellion at this moment, but it may be influenced by others in the dark.I am in the game, but I don't know it. "

"Is there such a thing?" The Monkey King was surprised, scratching his head and asking:

"There are still such gods and men in the world who can influence so many incidents without me knowing it. My teacher is nothing more than that. Then why do they want me? Do they want to eat me? Third prince, can you Is there a way to break it?"

"Your karma is too involved and too deep. If it gets involved any further, I may be suppressed. I can only tell you that the only variable in the way to break the situation is the person who sang on Huaguo Mountain at that time.

In the world, apart from the eggs born from dampness, the gods, men, ghosts, five immortals, and the five types of feathers and kuns, there is also an extremely rare alien. They know astronomy and geography, and they will not be counted by anyone, or even beyond the way of heaven. .

There are only a few people left in the world today, and they are all ancient great supernatural beings.

And among them, apart from the person who sang the song just now, there are even some people who committed a shocking crime in the last era. Even Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian dared to kill him, and the most important thing was that he succeeded! "


Even the fearless Monkey King felt his hairs stand on end at this moment, and the whole monkey jumped up.

But the ultimate goal of all cultivators is naturally the immortal Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who transcends the cycle of life and death, but what did he hear today?In the last era, someone dared to kill the Hunyuan Golden Immortal. It was really unimaginable, and broke his understanding of the common sense of practice.

"I have also read ancient books, why have I never read such a secret, nor have I seen the word "foreigner"?" Wukong was puzzled, and the conversation with Nezha greatly changed his three views. Time is short.

Nezha smiled wryly, "For such a big embarrassment, someone will take action to erase this period of time from history, and ancient books will not record things about other people."

"Third Prince, teach me, can I find strangers from the Three Realms?" The Monkey King stepped forward to grab Nezha and asked sincerely.

"Well, I don't know, I only know that they are naughty by nature, more mischievous than you. But I think sometimes you don't need to look for them, they will automatically look for you, after all, you are"

After Nezha gave him a meaningful look, he waved his hand, dressed himself up as a miserable loser, and stepped on the hot wheel to go up the sea of ​​clouds again.Only the monkey king below was left thinking.

"Brothers, don't get excited, as the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. It's just a side dish before. When the big trouble in the heaven comes later, I, Young Master Long, will definitely broadcast the live broadcast under the pressure of being discovered by the saints. Then you wait Have a good show."

On the Internet, Young Master Long is trying to appease the restless people. Now he is making a fortune. He played the real Journey to the West in the live broadcast room, which made him a lot of money. The plot of Journey to the West is still going on. Embarrassed.

The other great gods expressed their understanding one after another, and hurriedly helped Nezha, who was pleading guilty, but Li Tianwang sat on the handsome platform and asked coldly, "Could it be that you are merciful, or you will come back after wandering somewhere?"

Nezha, who was standing up, also paused, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, "If the Generalissimo doesn't believe it, you can raise your sword and fight the Monkey King yourself. Oh, by the way, the young general forgot that your golden pagoda has already been blown up." , no longer the name of Tota Lee Heavenly King."


Li Jing was so angry that he drew his sword, but the Duowen Heavenly King hurried forward to persuade him, "Marshal calm down, the Monkey King is indeed difficult to deal with, and the third prince was defeated because he couldn't fight for a while. Heavenly Court, tell the Great Heavenly Venerable to send another general to deal with the monstrous monkey."

Li Jing sat down with a gloomy face. This time when he returned to the court, even the iconic golden pagoda was destroyed. Wouldn't he be laughed at by the world as the Grand Marshal of the army?

"Useless trash!"

Li Jing cursed secretly, but didn't notice Nezha's burning eyes below.


"This group of prehistoric players doesn't have the pressure of Gaia, so they act casually."

Jiang Ping shook his head helplessly at home. As the oldest players in the prehistoric world, their cultivation base is also enough to rule the world. As long as they don't offend the extremely rare great supernatural powers and pursue the Hunyuan fruit status, they can live Happy.

On the other hand, Gaia's side, because of the blackening of the heavens, is in a precarious situation. Even with such strength, they can't live so easily, let alone the two new players specially summoned to play a guiding role, to find and cultivate the savior. It's not them who are the main characters.

"What is Gaia doing?"

Jiang Ping looked suspiciously at the small universe, where there was an insignificant crack, and the luster shot into the tank from the outside, refracting the sparkling light on the water surface, and the two largest black hands in prehistoric times were still swimming.

And in the deeper dimensional space, a vast universe is rotating and expanding, a ray of light is traveling at a high speed, and the Kingdom of Light, a descendant of the civilization of the Fourth Epoch, is accelerating at overload, bringing a civilization back to its homeland.

If there is no gap, a black shadow covering the entire universe stood up, holding planets and even stars in his hands, and controlling the cycle of life and death.

On Gaia, the most eye-catching planet in the universe, there are few people, only mutated beasts running carefully, the sky is freezing, and there will never be endless gray snow. Because of the dust in the atmosphere, the earth has not greeted the sun for a long time, and the night is so long. So much so that the mutant beasts in the post-civilization era prefer to hunt at night.

But on such a barren land, there are mechanical cities that far surpass the technology of the world standing quietly. There are more than one hundred million people in them who are raised in nutrition dishes, and their consciousness is drawn to the illusory world through various lines.

There are also evil god cubs with strange shapes and instinctive nausea raised in the super glass tubes as high as hills. Robots perform their own duties and maintain the operation of the mechanical city.

Occasionally, a red light will light up in the densely packed nutrition dishes, and one of the human beings will die in the virtual world, and the robot will pull out the "dead man" who died simultaneously in reality, and throw it into the sewer for recycling.

Although their bodies still maintain the characteristics of survival, their soul consciousness believes that they are already brain-dead when they die. They are in another virtual world from birth to old age and death. How can they distinguish the reality of the world?

Everything seemed so orderly, except for the occasional evil god breaking out of its shell and a robot collapsing on the ground.

The days passed like this, and the speed of the birth of evil gods was getting faster and faster. Finally, one day, in the virtual world, on the corner of the bustling street, there was a young man with ragged clothes and noisy hair sitting on the front steps of a house and looked up depressed.

"It's so boring, you say brother, is our world a fake?"

Not far away, a thin boy who was assembling mechanical parts looked up at his elder brother blankly, and asked, "Why is it fake?"

The boy who was as big as a little ghost jumped down from the steps exaggeratedly, "Of course it's because some super villain lied to us!"

The thin boy nodded blankly. Anyway, what the elder brother said was what he said. After all, since he was a child, the elder brother was always whimsical and did amazing things.

In this world, no matter what, there are always a small group of people who think that everything is fake, and the world is also a lie fabricated by others, and they are full of doubts about everything.For such people, the doctors affectionately call them:

"Patients with Paranoia"

Chapter 457 The Encounter Between Him and Her

Days passed unhurriedly. There were two children with a difference of 2 years, the older one was named Hongwen and the younger one was named Yingxiong.Both parents died in an early mining accident, and were adopted by relatives.

If it weren't for the pension for their parents' death, the relatives who might have adopted them would have allowed them to commit suicide long ago.

In such a family environment, Hongwen was born rebellious, always reluctant to go home, because he didn't feel a ray of humanity from inside.On the contrary, he had a good time with his friends on the street and stayed away all day and night.The guardian didn't care about him, anyway, he wasn't his own child.

As for Ying Xiong, he was honest and honest. Even though he was starving like a stick of firewood at his relatives' house, he still went home on time every night.

Because I am thin and weak, I am often bullied by a group of people. At this time, my elder brother always comes out to support them. Although he is only two years older than Ying Xiong, and his body is not necessarily very strong, he has a courage that is not afraid of anything. Even if they are pressed and beaten, they still have to bite off a piece of their flesh.

After a few times, they were afraid of Hongwen, and he became a veritable king of children. With Hongwen under his protection, no one dared to bully Yingxiong.They all called Yingxiong "little follower".

Some people always wonder how the two of them, one extrovert and the other introvert, become brothers.

Hongwen's heart is very wild, he can't sit still, and has caused a lot of disasters.Ying Xiong is honest. He has a pure love for machinery. At the age of 8, he was self-taught and assembled a simple, 30-foot-old robot. He happily named the little robot Xiaonuo, and put It becomes the only friend.

"Hee hee, look at Zunxiong, playing with screw bearings all day. Stay away from him, and be careful not to be touched by the oil on his body. It can't be cleaned even if you wash it."

Occasionally, girls would laugh at Ying Xiong who was always sitting in the corner of the classroom and fiddling with machine parts. Whenever this happened, he always blushed and hurried away.My own clothes are all stitched and mended, and I often fiddle with machine parts, which naturally stains my whole body with oil.

"Don't pay attention to what they say."

At this moment? The eldest brother walked into the classroom, raised his arms to stop Ying Xiong who was escaping? Wrapped him up without disdain and persuaded, "How can you be ashamed because of the words of these ignorant people? Forget that you will be some kind of international master in the future, and the most glorious moment in their lives may be that they go to the same school as us. Haha."

The eldest brother is still as imposing as ever? In his words? Men can be poor and have no pants, but they still have to face the sea? Spring is warm and flowers are blooming.Men must have momentum!

"A man can't get rich without windfall, and a horse can't get fat without night grass. When will I make a fortune? This way I don't have to be supervised by my stinky aunt all day long." Does Hongwen really want to do a big business? Human life is made up of boring routines.

Ying Xiong is like an ordinary student, who was admitted to school with not superior grades.Did Hongwen drop out of school after completing compulsory education? In his words? "

Ying Xiong was surprised? "Brother? Recently, according to the news, the law and order in other places seems to be not good. Terrorist organizations such as Ark and Eden have become more and more crazy, and have even occupied a city to prepare for the establishment of a country. The Federation intends to form a joint army to encircle and suppress. War is coming."

This is the biggest news recently. For unknown reasons, terrorist organizations around the world, who call themselves the "Salvation Army", are acting more and more fiercely. They have openly confronted the federal government, and the long-lost war has begun.

"Speaking of the Salvation Army, I'm more interested in some of their philosophies." The elder brother was thoughtful. He was rebellious by nature and had already collected a lot of evangelistic books of the Salvation Army through the dark web. Some of his thoughts made him guess Shocked to heaven, this time he went out, he also planned to know the inside story of the Salvation Army for himself.

In this way, the two brothers decided that one would stay in the small town to finish his higher education, and the other would pack his luggage and prepare to leave for the metropolis tomorrow.

This year, Hong Wen was 15 years old and Ying Xiong was 13 years old.

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