Netizens lamented that they were greedy, thinking of eating from a bowl and thinking of a pot.

After Shuiyue, the content has been continuously updated, and netizens have continued to give rewards. After finally reading it, tens of millions of rewards have been accumulated!

When they saw Hongjun falling into the trap, everyone thought they were going to touch the corpse, or the players killed each other,

Unexpectedly, at the next moment, Hongjun appeared safe and sound, killing 99 players in an instant!

Netizens lamented: Ginger is still old and spicy!

Unexpectedly, the cute dolphin retorted unconvinced:

In fact, those of us who have experienced many social beatings are more cunning.

Hongjun can easily escape only because his strength is far superior to ours!

The main reason is that the current upgrade system is not perfect, otherwise we will kill monsters and upgrade to a higher level, which will be enough to kill Hongjun!

Everyone laughed, but they were still not convinced!

Veteran late-night drag racing driver: When the game is updated with an upgrade system, I guess Hongjun will also become a saint!

At that time, what did you fight for?The gap is even bigger than it is now!

After thinking about it, the old driver is right. At this time, the gap between the player and the game master is the smallest. The further you go, the harder it is to catch up!

When Hongjun joins the Dao, it will become the Dao of Heaven!How can this be pushed?

At this time, other people also began to speak one after another, praising the Dao Destroyer team. Although they failed, their spirit is worthy of admiration!

"Brothers, there is a problem with the game, and the 99 spots seem to be out of reach!"

Suddenly, a netizen's speech shocked the Internet again, and 99 players were wiped out, but at this time, no one revealed that he had snatched the quota!

"Could it be that someone grabbed the quota and didn't say it?"

"It's abnormal if one person doesn't say anything, but if 99 people don't say anything, it's unrealistic. Could it be that the first test player provoked the world boss Hongjun and annoyed the producer, so he can't log in to the game?"

At this moment, I don't know how many people are shocked. It is suspected that black technology games in the second world cannot enter?

The next moment, all kinds of verbal criticism on the forum, the saliva of tens of millions of netizens almost drowned 99 players!

ps: Thanks to book friends Zhuhai Fenghuo and 223223 for their rewards, starting from tomorrow, next week, the third shift will start!Angrily begging for recommendation tickets!Starting from tomorrow is really important. Originally, the data of this book is generally not recommended. Please give me another chance to decide the last fate of this book next week!If you don't get up, there is no follow-up recommendation, you can only run naked!I sincerely beg for your recommendation tickets and collections!

Chapter 52 The first update of the prehistoric game (recommended for collection)

Facing the drool all over the sky, Shuiyue said aggrievedly: "Didn't you plan to overthrow Hongjun back then?"

It's a pity that everyone doesn't listen, water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it.

Netizens are ever-changing.

Jiang Ping looked at the notebook and laughed, "Forget it, let's not let them suffer unjustly, let's make an announcement!"

A game announcement was long overdue:

Due to the deaths of a large number of first-test players, the producer found a flaw in the game, which is being modified, and it will be launched again a day later.

The first test version 20 is coming, and the quota is 200. Remind again, in case of special circumstances such as catastrophe, after the player dies, no quota will appear.

Please cherish the life of the game. Although this is a game, it is not a joke.

If the game character has a powerful mutation, or completes a huge achievement, affecting the development of the world, there will be a huge surprise reward.


Fryer online!Before the announcement, I don't know how many top computer experts stared at the game data, but they just didn't find out how the announcement appeared.

A man in his thirties with bald hair gently pushed down his glasses with his middle finger:

"I can be sure that the other party does have a black technology that far surpasses ours. There is no need to pursue it anymore, and we should focus on how to grab the quota!"

Hearing the speech of this world-class computer expert, the hearts of several big shots sank. It seems that this game still has many secrets!

The seed that triggers the third technological revolution may be inside!

Finally, an old man who often appeared on TV said:

"Strive for as many places as possible, and observe one-on-one players who grab the places, and pay attention to his dynamics and tendencies at any time,

It is best to protect it, and be careful of foreign forces! "


Over the past few days, many spies have been exposed because of the investigation of player information!

Other countries are belatedly aware that this game is not simple, and the leaked information hides great horror!

The backstage of the major games has been taken over by the military, and you can always observe the every move of the heavens and the world: the prehistoric world!

Regardless of the confrontation between these inner planes, the game forum became a wave of heat.

As the first announcement appeared, almost the entire online community became a sensation, and this announcement was forwarded billions of times without knowing it!

It easily reached the top of Weibo again, which made many traffic stars who want to market depressed. With this game, how can they grab the ranking?

As long as you bring the keywords of Honghuang, you can easily be on the list!

In the game forum, many netizens apologized to the 99 players, and some were enthusiastic about the 200 places.

Maybe there will be some adventures!

After all, the game announcement is written innocence, if the game characters have a powerful mutation, or have great achievements, there will be unexpected surprises!

Suddenly, some netizens thought that 99 players were wiped out, but one player is still online!

He became the only remaining seedling. Now that the game is updated, has he been kicked out?

Everyone quickly summoned Ji Laochan!

Ji Laojiang is long overdue again:

What's the matter?Why is it ding-dong non-stop?Did you really kill Hongjun?

I also didn't see the vision of heaven and earth?I'm still wandering around in the starry sky outside the domain, and I can't find my way back. The food is almost gone, and I'm going to starve to death!

It seems that he hasn't figured out the situation yet. I have to say that Ji Laojiang is a person with great perseverance, and he is alone in the cold starry sky.

An ordinary person would have committed suicide long ago, and he is still rushing towards the Chaos Clock in his heart!

After a while of science popularization among the crowd, Ji Laojiang finally figured out the current situation, and he said excitedly:

Shrimp?Am I the only player now?

Haha, I haven't been kicked out of the game yet, the game is updated and still works, I'm almost 100% sure now,

This is the real world!It is said that it is an update, but it is convenient to kick players out!

Ji Laochan now only feels that the destiny belongs to him. The other 99 players are wiped out, and he is the only one in the whole prehistoric world. Doesn't this take the lead?

Everyone was sour, and some netizens complained:

Don't be crazy, now that you are lost in the starry sky, you may be belching anytime soon!

Ji Lao didn't have time to refute, so he quickly went online again. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and there is only one person left in the world!


Jiang Ping chuckled at home, and he turned to Genesis to watch:

The first page: Earth Calendar: On July 2020, 7, Heavens and Worlds: Prehistoric was launched, and the first test of 20 players traveled through the prehistoric, which caused a sensation on the Internet.

The player Beiming Youyu happened to meet and raised his eyebrows. Knowing that this was the beginning of the sky, 99 players rushed to Yujing Mountain to create black powder to ambush Hongjun, and failed to destroy the group.

The player Ji Laojiang traveled through the nine layers of the sky with great perseverance and great opportunity, successfully entered the prehistoric starry sky, and got lost in the starlight.

The Heavens and Worlds: The Great Desolation started its first update.


Jiang Ping closed Genesis. This update is not for other reasons, but to speed up the flow of prehistoric time.

After the game goes online tomorrow, players will have more choices, and many prehistoric forces have also revealed their authenticity.

Jiang Ping is preparing for the game update, and there will be another storm in the prehistoric world.

Time accelerated, and great supernatural beings began to appear one after another, most of them were the successors who appeared after the fall of the Chaos Demon God.

They can be said to be the reincarnation of demon gods, and they can be called innate demon gods.

The best among them are: Yinyang Taoist, Qiankun Patriarch, Luohu, Zulong, Yuanfeng, Shiqilin, etc.

The prehistoric world is too vast, and I don't know how many mysterious characters are hidden in it, just like Hongjun who has shed his old body and transformed into an innate energy.

However, this time, the situation is destined not to develop according to the legend, because there are more players who know the secret!

The vast prehistoric starry sky is incomparably emptier than the bustling land, and in the middle of the sky full of stars, a small blue bird in embarrassment is constantly flying.

"Chaos Clock, my Chaos Clock."

Ji Laojiang was almost in a daze, everything around him was dead and cold, and now even his body felt chilly.

Ji Laochan felt that if he had health bar and san value, these two items would keep dropping!

If it wasn't for him going offline from time to time to get some air, he wouldn't be able to hold on any longer!

And on the way, he also discovered that the flow speed of the game and reality was not the same, and the prehistoric time sped up ten thousand times!

He was shocked, but he didn't post to tell everyone.

Now it's not the same as before, not to mention that I'm the only one in the game, what if someone tries to check the water meter?

Suddenly a ray of red light appeared in Ji Laojiang's spoiled eyes, and he spread his wings violently, with tears in his eyes:

"Finally I found it! Sunstar!"

How much he longed for the sun at this moment, he had never thought the sun was so lovely!

Wangchuan ran dead horse,

What's more, it seems that the sun is far away from him, and it will take countless hours to really go up there.

But Ji Laochan has been looking for it for so long, is he still afraid of the distance?

The most fearful thing about the journey is not knowing the destination. When you have a goal, Ji Lao is full of energy, and the whole person's energy is fully restored!

"With the Chaos Clock, maybe you can compete with Hongjun one or two, the game announcement said that the character has undergone a powerful mutation,

I wonder if there will be a huge surprise in refining the Chaos Clock, and can it be fed back into reality? "

Ji Laochan flew at a very high speed, thinking wildly all the way,

"As for the three-legged Golden Crow Donghuang Taiyi, let's see if he can eat the alchemy. Although I, a wild alien species, is strong, I'm definitely not as strong as the three-legged Golden Crow bred by the Sun Star!

I want to reincarnate as the Golden Crow and change my name to Donghuang Taiyi in the future!Let a dove occupy the magpie's nest, hahaha! "

With lofty ideals in mind, Ji Laojiang is constantly approaching the sun star, the vast starry sky, and he is the only one making strange noises

Chapter 53 Players will never be slaves! (Second more)

"It's finally here!"

Ji Laojiang stuck out his tongue and panted, he didn't know how long he had been flying, and he didn't dare to go offline to rest,

I am afraid that when I go online again, the character will lose his way, and at that time he will not even be able to cry!

Feeling the scorching heat around him, Ji Laochan only felt a burst of warmth, he couldn't hold back his excitement at all!

"Hahaha! It's finally here!"

Smiling and laughing, he couldn't help tears welling up in his eyes, this journey was really difficult and dangerous, Ji Laochan felt that he had suffered all his life in the prehistoric world!

There are countless fires, lightning, and ice, and the most desperate thing is that there is no hope at all. Fortunately, he has always insisted on holding on to the beautiful fantasy of the chaotic clock!

"Who's yelling?"

A light voice suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and Ji Laochan's laughter stopped abruptly.

"How come there are living beings near the sun star? The voice sounds like a woman, could it be Xi He? Why was she born so early?"

Ji Laojiang kept turning his mind, he never expected that there are people near Sun Star now!

I saw a fairy wearing a long purple palace dress slowly flying out of the darkness. Her movements were obviously slow, but she appeared in front of Ji Laochan in a blink of an eye.

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