While carrying out photosynthesis, Fenglongshen converted bio-energy, he could feel a stream of green energy flowing in his body, flowing along the cumbersome tree patterns in the body and flowing into the heart of the tree, slowly strengthening himself.

"I'm an ancient tree, and the people of my clan are very Buddhist and don't want to kill. Especially after learning the lessons of destruction in the last era, they care about the environment. The development of ordinary technological civilization is no longer suitable for us." Lying on the sea like salt Fenglongshen, who scoops the sun like a fish, thinks about the important affairs of the ethnic group.

What route should I take?And let the clansmen not object.Recalling the many materials on the earth, suddenly a flash of lightning flashed in his mind.

"Heaven and man are one! The ancient Mulia tree must be in harmony with the whole nature, not just paying, but forming a perfect cycle. We have a long life span and can slowly transform our bodies and genes. We don't need to create any Foreign objects and weapons.

We can transform energy ourselves. We can evolve into a tree of life that is responsible for absorbing energy and transforming it into bioenergy, or we can evolve into an aggressive ancient war tree. Each of us performs its own duties and slowly develops civilization. "

After confirming the path, Fenglongshen no longer wanted the sun of the salted fish, and moved the leaves excitedly back to the coastline, intending to vigorously lead the plant civilization, rule the whole of Gaia, and integrate nature.

On the forum, Yezhi Daoying asked: "How are you, Fenglong God? You won't be assimilated by the slow life attitude of the tree-man companions. If you don't want to make progress, you just want to go down there?"

Plant civilization is different from other civilizations, because it is too easy to survive, it only needs water and sunlight, and it can live forever.So compared to salty fish, other people are afraid that Fenglong God will be assimilated, so they come out to remind them from time to time.After all, he shoulders the important task of keeping civilization alive and finally being able to go online.

Fenglongshen took the time to look at it, hehe, he replied confidently: "Who am I? How can I be salty fish? I am currently discussing with the leaders of the major ancient trees to strengthen our talents and practice tree-man skills. Transform yourself into the most suitable body.

If you don’t believe me, I just tried it, but I didn’t expect that the effect of the Hill-entraining method on Gaia is not only much better than that on Earth, but even better than the original Hill practice!I guess because the world tree is the final evolutionary form of plant civilization, so plants in different worlds can practice. "

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. The Hill Entraining Qi Method is popular all over the world. Anyone who can cultivate the sense of breathing is a genius. If one word can be changed, all countries will reward him with great rewards. It can be called a thousand gold coins.

Now Fenglongshen brought Hill's exercise to Gaia, and the effect is surprisingly good, so can this exercise be improved in the future?

Seeing everyone's speculation, Fenglongshen smiled: "We are plants. Practicing Lashiel's skills will naturally get twice the result with half the effort. Naturally, the effect will be different if we put them on people. After carefully practicing the advanced tree techniques, we will eventually turn into wood."

This is not alarmist talk, but really possible.

"Because of the special race, I am not a foreign object of science and technology. We are the best system, self-sufficient and self-contained.

I have already thought about it. In the future, I will evolve a god tree, a magic tree, and even use the body of an old ancient tree to transform it into a giant Jianmu class. This can be regarded as a super killer.It is definitely not weaker than the interstellar cannon, the focus is on the integration with the nature of the sky and the earth, the sky and the tree are one, and the world is invincible!

Watch me lead the Mulia ancient tree to evolve into the tree of life, the tree of sunlight, the tree of weapons, the tree of war, and the tree of building!Our ultimate goal is only one, and that is to evolve into a world tree! "

Seeing Fenglongshen's ambitious speech, everyone gained confidence.It doesn't seem like it will be long before we see a third game go live?

But what the earth netizens don't know is that although he has made a grand plan, Fenglongshen is still affected by the slow ~state~state~ life of the ancient tree, and he unconsciously slows down in doing things.

On Gaia, the ancient trees of Mulia began to evolve at a slow but firm pace. The ancient trees evolved into different types according to their talents. Although many ancient trees wanted to evolve into life types, the Wind Dragon God strongly opposed it. , I feel that if a civilization does not have its own combat power, if an accident happens, wouldn't it be at the mercy of others?

After all, living on the earth, the sense of crisis is still very strong.

With the support of the Wind Dragon God, a batch of ancient trees of the combat system have also evolved. If their bodies are supported by nuclear energy, they can absorb the magic energy in the air and transform it into their own vitality. It can also become bigger and smaller, just like the magical powers of the fairy world.

Their branches and leaves swayed like the sun, moon and stars, and they contained great power.It is easy to open mountains and crack rocks.

What Fenglongshen didn't know was that, 4 light-years away from them, the crisis-ridden Trisolaran civilization was in the crisis of extinction. Under heavy pressure, the Trisolaran civilization was forced to relocate.

The mother star can't stay anymore, it is destined to be swallowed by three suns.The laws of movement of the three suns have troubled the Trisolaran civilization for generations, and finally they had to surrender. The movement is disordered and irregular, and there are too many uncalculated factors, so it is impossible to understand the law.

Since they couldn't solve the problem, they could only escape. The Trisolarans began to build an interstellar fleet. By the way, they were planning whether they could abduct their parent planet together. After all, although the universe is large, there are not many planets with rich living resources.

Because they want to migrate, they naturally need to find a suitable habitat, so the Trisolarans frequently create radar-like receivers in an attempt to listen to the sound of other civilizations, so as to find the galaxy where that civilization is located.

When the consul ordered the construction of [-] receivers, some scientific and technical personnel asked curiously: "Will such a stupid civilization deliberately expose its position? Isn't this courting death? Who knows your voice and exploration satellites, will it be Attracted a vicious alien civilization.

As long as it is a normal civilization, it should not do such a stupid thing. "

At that time, the three-body consul took a meaningful look at the technician and said:

"Who knows, the universe is so big, there are always a few idiots, if we really receive their waves, we can migrate there. The universe is so big, it's too empty, it really makes the fleet escort and start wandering Planetary Project, I'm afraid of getting lost in the universe."

So the Trisolarans are constructing the fleet furiously, while sending people to monitor the voices in the universe, everything is for the survival of civilization!

There are astronomers in the Trisolarans who are responsible for observing starlight. They have studied for a lifetime, and finally became insane and crazy. The consul once personally asked them about the news from the starlight in the universe.

As we all know, starlight is the light emitted by stars, which contains a lot of information. People can deduce different planets and galaxies in the universe by observing different starlights on the ground.

"Everything is fake, everything is fake." There is a completely crazy astronomer, whispering crazy words in his mouth.

When the consul questioned the young astronomer who was in a better state of mind, the Trisolaran said in a complicated way:

"If we use our current level of knowledge to decipher it, we can only analyze the source of 1000 rays of light at most and confirm the information brought by them.

But there are more and more stars that we can't analyze at all, just like they are just spots of light pasted on the wall, they are too impressive to be seen.It looks real, but it is actually virtual.

No information can be obtained from starlight at all, only light and nothingness.Perhaps the greatest significance of the vast majority of starlight in the universe is just to keep this starry sky from being too lonely. "

Speaking of this, the young astronomer laughed at himself. He felt that what he said just now was too literary. He was obviously a serious scientist who was responsible for the hope of the rise and fall of civilization, but he said such irresponsible words.

"Fake, our entire universe is fake. It's just a brain kept in a fish tank. The information we receive is just false signals from the wires." Another old astronomer murmured.I feel that the world is false, whether it is a planet or everything, it is nothingness.

"Is the universe as disordered and chaotic as our star system? Is this the theme of our universe?"

Listening to the report of this group of well-known astronomers, the Trisolaris consul's heart became more and more heavy, and he felt more and more hopeless about the future of civilization and the fleet's voyage.

But until now, if you continue to stay on the parent star, you will be 100% destroyed.But fighting to the death can have a glimmer of life. They have no choice, even if there is a bottomless abyss ahead, they can only boldly go into it.

Or hope that somewhere in the universe, there is a foolish civilization that can try its best to spread its voice, and then send its most elite satellites to continue voyages, reminding alien civilizations to occupy it?

Chapter 339 The Sacred Tree of Building Wood that Communicates with the Star Sea

Towering ancient trees stand on the planet Gaia. The entire planet looks like an ordinary planet with no traces of civilization, but in fact, the ancient Mulia trees all over the place can connect with each other.

Biological energy, the ancient trees form their own cycle, and form a contract with other beasts around them, which can drive them.Even Fenglongshen can evolve into a tree of wisdom if he wants to, bear wisdom fruit, and open up the spirits of other animals.

But there is no need for this, so find an opponent for yourself?

"The tree of life and the tree of war are not bad. So many branches have evolved in the ethnic group, and now it is necessary to use the bodies left by the fallen generations of ancestors to form a building wood for communication between gods and humans."

Wind Dragon God swayed its branches and led a small team to walk in the primeval forest. They lifted another ancient tree with a size of a thousand meters and walked into the depths of the forest.

"Boss, wouldn't it be better for these seniors to return to Gaia naturally?" asked a slightly younger Mulia tree. They respected nature and wanted to decompose their bodies after death and give back to all things.

For every old and dead tree that falls, hundreds of seeds are born.The old old tree will nourish all things again, this process is a sacred ceremony, but now Fenglong God wants to break the tradition.

"Don't worry, I don't want to humiliate my predecessors, but to give back to Gaia better. In fact, Gaia itself is also a super life form, but it's not the same as our life form. But what if we can communicate with her?"

Fenglongshen said confidently, this is also the reason why he persuaded other ancient tree leaders.Jianmu is too huge, it cannot be evolved from a living tree, but it needs to be casted by the bodies of the predecessors.

On the land of Gaia, ancient trees moved and relocated, and finally gathered in the center of the earth to form their predecessors.

"Wind Dragon God, can you do it? You won't offend the planet mother in the end, right? Then she will sneeze and take a bath when she is unhappy. Be careful and destroy your whole family." Netizen [Quincy] asked worriedly road.

Others on the forum were also worried about Fenglongshen's bold move.It’s fine if it’s just to evolve himself. The ancient tree of Mulia has always followed this path, but the problem is that he now wants to communicate with the subconscious of the planet in the dark.

For such a great existence, who knows if they can communicate with each other and understand each other. Human beings are just insignificant dust on the earth. If one is unhappy, Mother Earth sneezes, and it will be an earth-shaking disaster for human beings.

"If you don't die, you won't die, through the warning of the stone tablet. Haven't you discovered this truth? Whether it is the Ivan civilization or the ocean civilization, they are almost dead by their own hands in the end. If they choose to move forward steadily and be cautious, they will eventually die will not perish.

Wind Dragon God, I think you have the appearance of extinction. "The vast majority of people on the forum persuaded Fenglongshen not to be too violent, and the lessons of the last two eras are vivid in his mind.

"Don't worry, I'm sure of this." Fenglongshen said with confidence.After all, I am the one in Gaia, and I have an understanding of the real situation.

Just gathering the bodies of other seniors, Fenglongshen led the tribe for ten years, and he was fine and able to act.Other unsupervised teams are always fishing for fish.

Take a step and take a rest, standing on the ground with the sun motionless, like a salted fish.That's also why it's so slow.

"Okay, you're done!"

Fenglongshen said excitedly to the piles of ancient trees arranged in different directions in front of him. There were densely packed around him, all of which were different ancient Mulia trees. They swayed their branches and looked forward to the next action.

"The Formation of Live Jianmu, cheers, the third game is coming soon! "

Everyone on the forum looked worriedly at Fenglongshen, who always felt a little bad.

"Alchemy Fusion!"

Fenglongshen himself is a [-]-meter tree, and his evolution direction is alchemy. It can be said that he is a huge biological factory, and he is a master of refining equipment in the wild.


The branches and leaves of Fenglong God shone and swayed, wisps of light burst out from his body, lines on the ground glowed and glowed, and the ancient giant trees placed on the tree lines seemed to be burned by flames at this time, huge and true. The body is like a white metal liquid, constantly melting and converging.

This is a long process, and there are other ancient alchemy trees glowing around the tree-pattern formation, constantly refining the bodies of the seniors, trying to fuse them all into an amazing mythical tree.

Around the ancient tree of alchemy, other Mulia trees were protecting the Dharma, and tens of thousands of people on the forum were waiting for the live report of Fenglongshen.

"Do you think he can do it? Can he communicate with planetary consciousness?"

"It's hard to say, in this extraordinary world, who knows what will happen to the consciousness of the planet itself. Some philosophers once speculated that our earth has a hazy consciousness, but in the materialistic world, this is impossible after all."

The white-haired chief gave everyone a hopeless speech, but he had a different idea:

"After all, we are outsiders. The Wind Dragon God is in Gaia himself. He is not a fool. He has also seen the reasons for the destruction of the two eras on the stone tablet. Even if this plan fails, he should be able to preserve his ethnic group strength in the end.

And if it succeeds, the ancient tree of Mulia will walk out another avenue of evolution reaching the sky.Let's wait and see, maybe "The Heavens and Worlds: Small Universe" will be launched because of his actions. "

In the luminous forest, there are dense and endless ancient trees gathered together, covering the sky and the sun, and other beasts dare not disturb them even if they are curious. .

The light was so bright that the entire Gaia irradiated turned into a ball of light, and billions of beasts looked in this direction.

The shape of a vague super Mulia tree is slowly converging, and the swaying branches of Fenglongshen are becoming more and more careful. Finally, when a certain critical point is reached, he sends out his consciousness to remind everyone:

"Now, pray!"

In an instant, the branches of the whole family tree began to face up, and they performed an unprecedented sacred ceremony. They prayed and blessed, thanked Mother Earth for her upbringing, thanked the gift of nature, praised the great Mother Gaia, and praised the hidden beauty of the universe. god.

They want to talk to Gaia, to integrate themselves into the world and become an integral part of it.

"Since there is a Creator God of Light in this world, it means that there really are super life forms. If Gaia has a spirit, it must be able to hear our voices!"

Fenglongshen is not as relaxed as outsiders seem, in fact he is also very nervous.But the development of the race has reached a bottleneck. All he can think of is to take this evolutionary path, bind with the nature of the world, and become the god of nature.

"Does this count as an evolution towards a druid?" Wind Dragon God thought in his heart.

With the sincere prayers of all the ancient trees of Mulia, a change really happened. Wisps of life consciousness flew out from their bodies, and starlight gathered in the sea of ​​light in the tree pattern array, and the sea of ​​light converged to form a A giant tree of light whose height does not reach its peak.

Its appearance made the other Mulia ancient trees feel deep awe, and couldn't help but want to, step back, step back.

The light of the Divine Tree of Light is like the light of a bright sun, emitted from Gaia Star into the universe, shocking the world.

The appearance of the giant tree of light seems to be bound to the earth. Its endless roots are rooted deep in the earth, and the trees reach the sky. It really deserves the name of "Jianmu".

Fenglongshen swayed the branches nervously and wanted to use the light tree to communicate with the earth, and a slender branch tremblingly connected with the light tree.


In an instant, Fenglongshen's consciousness was deprived, he couldn't perceive the existence of his own body, his orientation was staggered up, down, left, and right, his soul fell into an endless abyss, and he lost himself.

Moreover, his incarnation of will at this time is not in the form of the ancient tree of Mulia, but in the form of a human on Earth, which means that deep in his soul, deep in his consciousness, he still thinks that he is a person.

Fenglongshen saw it, the surroundings were dark, but there were stars, as if returning to the warmth of the mother's embrace, and he seemed to return to the embryo, wrapped in amniotic fluid.

"This, is this Gaia's deep consciousness?" The consciousness incarnation of the Wind Dragon God wandered around, but he quickly denied his guess.

"No, this should be the collective subconscious star sea left behind by the fall of Ivan's civilization. The star sea is like a layer of gauze wrapping Gaia. The field I have sunk into is not deep enough, so I can only enter here? Can't go deep into Gaia Sub deep?

No, maybe when I step in, I will be washed and assimilated by the endless Gaia consciousness, and lose myself, just like the Tao of transformation in other worlds. "

Fenglongshen was a little disappointed, but he had gained something in the end. Being able to use the shallow sea of ​​stars to communicate was already a great power.


When I woke up again, the sky was still so warm, and my body became lazy under the light, and the old trees around me walked over worriedly.

Fenglong God reassured everyone, he looked at the tall Jianmu sacred tree in the center, at this time he was no longer in the form of light, but returned to the green color of Mulia, like a living tree. Hundreds of millions of years old tree, a long and ancient atmosphere lingers around him.

Jianmu Shenshu shook its branches, and a vast but immature consciousness was transmitted to Fenglongshen's mind.

"Little guy, are you the one who cast me?"

Sure enough, Jianmu's contact with Xinghai will also activate his own consciousness. It seems that in the future he will be the god of nature, the patron saint of Gaia, and the pillar of the ancient Mulia tree.

Wind Dragon God swayed excitedly and responded, "Great Jianmu sacred tree, you will be the evolutionary leader of our Mulia ancient tree. With you, we can communicate with the star sea and become an existence that maintains the order of Gaia."

It seems to know that the Jianmu sacred tree has given birth to consciousness, and the other Mulia trees are shaking their branches with joy, and the leaves are fluttering. They are celebrating the birth of a great leader in the ethnic group and the appearance of a clan god.

"I was born today, so I don't know much about many things in the world."

The consciousness of the Jianmu tree is magnificent, but it is not born to know it, so other ancient trees began to happily connect with branches, pouring their own knowledge into it, and the consciousness can swim in the sea of ​​stars through Jianmu.

"Wind Dragon God, did you succeed? Didn't it hit the street already? It made Gaia angry, the wind snake pierced the world, the fire of calamity fell from the sky, the flood of extermination swept the world, and the third era came to an end." On the Internet, netizens They worriedly summoned the Wind Dragon God.

The main thing is not to worry about his life, but to worry that the third game will not be launched for a long time.

"Hey, another generation of players has died, and an era has passed, so let me, the civilized gravekeeper, write the epitaph of the era.

The third era: [Plant civilization, Mulia ancient tree, this is a peaceful and natural intelligent race, originally thriving, the ancient trees have their own evolution, but it is a pity that the leader, Fenglong Shentou Tie, insists on going his own way, which makes the planet angry , the catastrophe of annihilation is coming, and the end of the third era]”

Someone has already dug a hole for Fenglongshen and written the epitaph.

Fenglongshen went offline excitedly, and when he saw the curse on the forum, his face turned black. Facts speak louder than words, so he directly uploaded the photo of the sacred Jianmu tree that blocks the sky and the sun.

The Internet speed of the forum is very fast, it would be great if the porn can be downloaded so quickly, Fenglongshen who uploaded it thought so.

Tens of millions of netizens staring at him all the time immediately clicked on the photo. In the center of the earth, surrounded by dense sea of ​​trees, a super giant tree of Optimus Pillar stands quietly on the earth. Its body is so Magnificent, so tall that it cannot see the top, like a pillar that pierces the sky, and like a world tree that carries the world.

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