"This, this is "Ai Fan Completion Project"? Everyone abandons the reality, completely souls, and the spirits of all white-haired people are integrated into "Virtual Gaia", not the star sea!

Under the leadership of King Austin's [Return to One] talent, the souls of all people are integrated into one, there is me in you, and you in me.One is ten thousand. "Everyone was shocked by King Austin's generosity, which completely abandoned reality and spiritualized the whole family.

In the past, some predecessors deduced it, and found that the lost support, the soul will continue to dissipate, and finally return to Gaia, but now under the talented leadership of King Austin, all the white-haired people are making up for every detail, and it seems that this greatness can really be realized. plan.

"This plan will integrate the souls of all of us, the whole family will be one person, working together, this is a perfect evolution!

Although we don't know why we will be assimilated after breaking through to the god level, but the souls of the whole clan will surely surpass the god level if we are forced to call it the god of gods. "King Austin's domineering declaration, which is the crystallization of his wisdom, and the help of Black beside him.

Tiffany said suspiciously: "This plan is too risky. If something goes wrong, the whole clan will lose it, and we can only forcibly seize other bodies. Even if it goes wrong, Ivan's civilization will be destroyed.

How can the entire clan interfere with reality after they have been transformed into souls?When the super god named Ivan appears, who can control his consciousness? "

Black said above: "Experiments have already proved that soul consciousness is not completely empty, but it is not strong enough to reach a level. God-level creatures have been able to touch God's forbidden area and can materialize souls, not to mention the god Ivan who gathers all of us. !

He will transform from reality to reality, and finally become the real Gaia God, and finally become the God of the Universe! "

Regarding control, King Austin said: "When the time comes, the souls of our whole clan will be united, and a few people can exercise their brain functions, or we can use the voting mechanism to unify the opinions of the whole clan.

At that time, only one person will control it, and the others will act as batteries and bricks, and you can still sleep in the virtual reality.This is the greatest super plan of Ivan civilization, and our whole family will evolve into the strongest true god! "

One is all, all is one, one person is one family, and one family is one person.

"It seems to be really feasible. Our civilization has been stagnant for a hundred years and we can't find a way out. Why not take another shortcut and condense into God Ai Fan, and we will become a part of it, immortal and immortal. This is also an ultimate civilization. "

"There are dangers, but where is there no danger in the evolution process? Every breakthrough talent is a life-and-death test. For this plan, we can borrow the "Virtual Gaia" simulation first, and we will naturally know what problems there will be. That's the original purpose of the virtual world."

Everyone felt excited when they saw hope. In this way, all beings are equal, and they are all under the control of one brain.A few of them feel that the leap is too big, and the soul of the whole family will become one and lose their individuality. They oppose it, but they can't resist the pursuit of evolution by most people.

"We will become the ultimate civilization and the gods of the entire universe!"

On the high platform, King Austin raised his arms and shouted, and the crowd of white-haired people responded excitedly, and countless dumb hairs stood up excitedly. They finally found the hope of life and the end of evolution.

So vigorous experiments and preparations began, and the "Ai Fan Completion Plan" was simulated in the virtual, and the white-haired men woke up in reality, with renewed hope, and began to arrange the whole clan to complete the formation.

Louis from the outside world was surprised to find that the city was bustling with activity, and all the white-haired men woke up, but at this time he was still kept in the dark—because he was a waste who could not enter the sea of ​​stars.

After knowing "Ai Fan's Completion Plan", he narrowed his eyes and shouted:

"How can this be done? Everyone is a precious individual, all integrated into one body, so there is no self-awareness and individuality. How can such a civilization be called the ultimate civilization? Our time will always stay in the dead At that moment, there will never be vitality, and it is impossible to evolve again.

The soul is immortal, but it cannot give birth to new life and consciousness. We are just maintaining the dead civilization called [Ai Fan]. "

He broke into the palace angrily and argued with his father. At this time, King Austin was discussing the minutiae of the supplementary plan with successive kings of Taylor and the Federal Speaker. When he broke into the palace, the king slapped him angrily. Fan fell to the ground and told him to get out, saying that he was no longer a member of the royal family.

The 15-year-old Louis wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with hatred, and slammed the door away. He wanted to start his "The Revenge of the Prince".

The 666th year of Ai Fan's calendar is destined to be an extraordinary year. The magnificent "Ai Fan Completion Plan" is in full swing. All the white-haired people exude vigor, which is completely different from the original dead silence. Even the whole Gaia is lively.

On that day, the ancient beasts finally recalled the terror they once dominated, as well as the shame of being imprisoned in a birdcage.

The rebellious Prince Louis walked on the land of Gaia himself. Facing cold mechanical creations, he prefers nature, where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, green grass is lush, old trees are vigorous, and he has seen many ancient creatures. He is holding the golden fishhook in his hand tightly. , strands of blood appeared in his hands.

"We white-haired people did something wrong. The "Completion Plan" will undoubtedly make the Ivan civilization a dead civilization. We will destroy the basic order of the entire nature, and may even destroy Mother Gaia in the end, and finally become the largest civilization in the universe. The malignant tumor will make future generations of intelligent creatures forever hopeless."

He looked up at the sky, staring at the beautiful blue sky with the pure eyes of a boy, Louis's third eye opened a gap on his forehead, the golden fishhook in his hand was hot, and it hurt him more and more

While all the white-haired people were preparing vigorously, "Virtual Gaia" sent out excited mental fluctuations. All the Taro kings cheered and completed the plan successfully. According to deduction, their 20 billion people have become the most original genes. Presented on the outside is "orange juice" color.

In the end, all the white-haired people will unite their hearts and minds, there will be no class barriers anymore, and their hearts will be connected. They will work together to form the greatest Ai Fan God, who will live forever.

However, in the year of pursuing the ultimate evolution, a rebel army that cannot be ignored has continued to grow. Their leaders are extremely mysterious, and they advertise in major cities:

"All living beings are united and equal, but they lose the most important individuality of a creature. Absolute fairness is absolutely unfair. This is just a civilized tombstone named Ai Fan."

The rebels frantically interfered with the "Ai Fan Completion Plan" and bewitched the minds of other white-haired people. Seeing that the team was getting bigger and bigger, even the top white-haired leaders began to waver, doubting whether this plan was absolute and correct.

King Austin was furious. He thought he would become the greatest white-haired man since the prophet, but he didn't expect someone to destroy his immortal plan.

He made a thunderous move and personally led the royal masters to hunt down the rebels. When King Austin captured the mysterious leader of the rebels alive, he laughed angrily.

"Rebel! Rebel!"

King Austin laughed disdainfully, "I can't figure out how you, who haven't even awakened your talent, can lead tens of thousands of white-haired people to form a rebel army. It seems that I underestimated you before. You are not useless, at least you are powerful enough to confuse others." talent."

"That is a talent inherited from you. You are the most deceptive person in the world!" There were many scars on his body caused by resistance, and Louis was humiliated and pressed to the ground with his knees.

"I, King Austin, do not have a rebellious son like you. This time, I will let you witness my great success with your own eyes. The eternal God Ivan will be born in front of you! And you, you don't even have talent, you don't even None of them are eligible."

King Austin brought the leader of the rebel army back to the royal city. The supplementary plan has been prepared. It has been deduced thousands of times in "Virtual Gaia", and all kinds of accidents have been counted. For orange juice, their souls are united, their hearts are connected, and their whole family becomes gods, eternal and immortal.

Santaro Cathedral, the white walls are engraved with holy angel murals, the God of Creation carved in the center stands outside the universe, exuding infinite light, the appearance cannot be seen directly, cannot be figured out, a pair of eyes of true knowledge overlooks, symbolizing Supervise the world and overlook the world.

At this time, there were only three people in the church, King Austin, Blake, and Prince Louis who was bound by a golden vine and tied to a white jade pillar. At this time, Louis was pale and had countless scars on his body. It was obvious that he had not lived well during the days when he was captured. unhappy.

"On today, December 666, 12 in the Aifan calendar, all of our clan will become gods, and you, Louis, the biggest traitor of the white-haired people, will be the witness of this greatest history." King Austin was in high spirits, wearing the most Resplendent in the royal robes of the Tyrannosaur God, prepare for the success of the greatest project ever created.

"Why don't you say a word? Do you think we will fail?" Black asked doubtfully.

"Hmph, I believe that after so many simulations in "Virtual Gaia", you will succeed and become an immortal Ivan god." Louis, who was tied to the white pillar, sneered, "But from the moment of success, The Ivan civilization is destroyed, and only one super god named [Austin] exists in the universe.”

Louis turned his head to look at the king with a smile, and asked contemptuously, "Am I right, father?"

Austin's three eyes were cold, and his face was cold. Before Black's face changed, Austin had already quickly grabbed his head.


The King's Claw crushed Black's brain, destroying his soul in an instant.

"You left behind in the completion plan and you want to be the only brain" This is Black's last spiritual message, but it is a pity that it has not been spread, and the spirit is cut off in the temple.

"You can actually see it? Many Taro Kings and Speakers in the game can't detect it. I think it's very secretive, and no one can find out, because this is the right way. "Virtual Gaia" You can't test it, but why can you find it?"

Shaking off the red and white blood on his hands, King Austin asked Xiang Nizi in surprise.

"Hehe, I don't know what you have left behind. It's just that based on my understanding of you since I was a child, you are not the kind of big devotee who sacrifices himself and others. In his hands, he wished he could swallow Gaia all together.

How can you share the supreme right of civilization with others? "

Louis looked directly at his father, and continued: "From the beginning, you didn't want to evolve civilization, but wanted to become the ultimate god yourself. This is your real purpose."

King Austin was dumbfounded. He didn't expect to infer it because of his familiarity with human nature and himself.

The king shook his head helplessly, and turned to face the sacred statue of the God of Creation of Light.

"Even if you know it, you can't change anything, because the "Ivan Completion Plan" is already underway and irreversible. Wouldn't it be better if the white-haired people agreed and merged into one, and dominate the universe under my control? History has proved , dictatorship is an efficient administrative measure.”

At this time, outside the Santa Rodriguez Church, the entire Gaia seemed to have turned into an orange sea, and steel cities sank to the bottom of the sea. Thousands of white-haired people were praying, their hair was shining, and the lines on the ground were shining, and then their bodies It collapsed and peacefully turned into orange juice, only streaks of spiritual bodies flew out, continuously flying towards the central royal city.

At this time, Gaia seemed to be wearing orange clothes and turned into an orange planet. Dazzling lights of souls gathered from all over the world at the Santaro Church in the royal city.

"Ivan Completion Project" has begun, and all Ivan civilizations will become gods, immortal and immortal.

"What? Those restless white-haired flat-headed brothers are going to die again?" Jiang Ping, who was swimming in the Amazon River, got out of the water in surprise.

At this time, Genesis was glowing, and the page was turned to the fifth page, and Gaia became an orange, which was particularly bright in the dark universe.

"What are you doing? People want to die, and the sky can't stop them. Let them go."

With a plop, Jiang Ping dived into the river to swim like a real dragon, not wanting to care about the civilization development of the small universe in the fish tank.

Chapter 326 World Annihilation Catastrophe, End of the First Era

All over Gaia, steel cities sank one after another, and powerful white-haired men turned into orange juice in peace, returning to the most original state, and the light of souls gathered from all over the world in the Church of Santa Rosa.


A beam of light piercing the sky shot out from the spire of the church. The radius of the beam was about 5 meters. Tranquility, as if returning to the embrace of Mother Gaia.

The light of Ai Fan's civilization is so dazzling that other ancient beasts dare not look directly at them. They roar and howl uneasy, and they have a premonition that something big will happen today. Huhu, the plants in the primeval forest have lived for tens of thousands of years The ancient trees are swaying restlessly, and their branches are all floating towards the direction of the central royal city, the Santa Rosa Cathedral.


In the cathedral, King Austin stood under the statue of the God of Creation to activate his super talent with all his strength, and his third eye opened, and the blood-colored lines spread to the sky with the eyes as the center. Turn into a bloody soul network.

Boom, the king's body also collapsed and turned into orange juice. His soul was as brilliant as the sun, and the illuminated cathedral was bright. The howling wind blinded the bound Prince Louis. He tried his best to watch his father's soul ascend to heaven. , officially completed the supplementary plan.

This is a historic moment, and it is also the brightest moment of Aifan civilization. All beings are equal and work together. They are one for all. All the white-haired people are condensed on the beam of light. This is the condensation of the essence of civilization. This condenses all of the tens of thousands of years of Ivan civilization.

As King Austin, the backbone, merged into the beam of light, suddenly infinite light shot to all parts of Gaia centered on the beam of light, and the original orange planet turned into a blazing white planet.


Blazing Gaia jumped in vain, this is the pulse of the earth, the order and rules have been changed, and the ancient beasts who were surrounded by orange juice were desperately fleeing, and the orange juice continued to engulf the forest and the ancient beasts like life , where there are remains of corpses, only the orange liquid proves their arrival.

Countless faces of white-haired men emerged on the beam of light, lifelike, and roared their souls.

"Austin, you dare to do something!"

There are Tiffany's horrified soul fluctuations in the beam of light, and other top powerhouses are also struggling. They found that with Austin's entry, the original control has been deprived. He wants one person to become a god, and one person to control all white Ai Fan, a god made of hairy people.

"I am the well-deserved King of Ivan, and I am not trying to deprive the people of their dream of eternal life. You can still survive in your body, immortal, immortal, and immersed in the virtual space. Just provide me with energy. I have the right way."

Austin's talent is the key. He changed the most critical line, and the others roared to stop him, but nothing changed. The beam of light kept shrinking. A god who looked very similar to the God of Creation of Light who was inspired by God back then. People are gradually born.

He is tall, a hundred meters tall, and his whole body is a materialized energy body of the soul. He is not afraid of physical attacks in reality, and can get rid of many rules and constraints. His appearance is like that of Austin, and his three eyes are like the eyes of God. Look down on everything and see through the truth.

With the birth of Him who gathered all of Ivan civilization, the whole Gaia seemed to cheer for Him, the snow clouds in the sky crowned Him as a god, the earth prostrated at his feet, all the beasts were dying in sorrow, and they dared not look directly at His existence .

All the laws around him vibrated, God Ivan's third eye saw the spiritual energy in the air, he could absorb and drive it at will, and was omnipotent.

"My stupid son, you should be honored to witness my birth. From then on, Gaia has only one master, and the universe has only one overlord, and that is me—God Austin."

The [-]-meter god of gods radiated infinite light and looked down at Nizi below. His three eyes saw the disdainful smile on the corner of Louis' mouth.

"What are you laughing at? Are you already crazy?" Austin asked coldly.

"I'm laughing at your ignorance, and I'm also laughing at the whole Ivan civilization's insistence on going its own way. Originally, we white-haired people could choose to coexist peacefully and evolve together with Gaia and other ancient beasts.

And now you have become a god, and you are a god among gods, but what have you got?All you can do is destroy and destroy. You can neither die nor perish nor live, and you can no longer evolve. "

Louis looked up at the sky, not afraid of the god of civilization. He saw the cloudy sky, the chaotic laws, the screams of ancient beasts in the distance, and the destruction of forests.

Because of the birth of God Ivan, the entire law of Gaia was disrupted. His huge and mixed spiritual power caused everything around him to fall into chaos. Although the power is great, it cannot be precisely controlled. The orange juice left behind for his birth It is also polluting the earth.

Baimi Aifan God is the cohesion of the entire civilization, so powerful that it is unimaginable. In front of him, ordinary gods suppress with one hand, ignoring any physical attacks. There are millions of superpowers, omnipotent, and the third eye of true knowledge sees through Time and space capture the essence of psionic energy, the most original principle of the universe.

As soon as he thought about it, 20 billion souls were calculated together, counting the sky, the earth, and the universe. He could ask for the originally obscure psionic energy. Austin felt that he was omnipotent, and his huge spiritual consciousness could cover the entire Gaia and spread to the world. The twin moons in the starry sky go.

"This is the ultimate state of civilization. I am the lord of civilization, and all my people will live forever. I will live forever in the universe, immortal." Austin's three eyes were as cold and ruthless as heaven and machinery. He stretched out A finger, intending to crush the traitor on the ground to death.

"Austin, is God Ivan really invincible? Can he really become the master of the universe?" Louis, who was tied to the white jade pillar, asked suddenly.

Ai Fanshen, who was bending over and raising his finger, paused, not knowing what he wanted to do, he should have gone crazy.

"If you are allowed to survive today, the entire Gaia will sink, and you will become the biggest cancer in the universe. People in future generations will never have a chance to come forward, and you yourself will stagnate, staying at this moment forever. Immortality means no evolution. "Louis is like a compassionate saint at this time, telling the unchanging truth between heaven and earth.

"The highest unchanging truth in this universe is eternal change."

"Stupid and humble, I don't know what it means." Ai Fan raised his finger down, intending to give him a good time and completely crush him.


A ray of divine light pierced the darkness of the dawn, and Louis, who was tied to the white jade pillar, opened three eyes in vain. The third eye between his brows was fully opened at this moment, and the divine light emitted by the third eye shone on the front of him. In front of the statue of the God of Creation of Light.

"Austin, you think that I have been a waste since I was a child, without any natural superpowers. Today I will let you see the strongest talent that the white-haired man has never shown."

At this time, a golden light bloomed in his arms, and an ancient and immortal aura appeared in his arms. Kaka, the spiritual golden vines that bound him broke and turned into fly ash. Prince Louis stepped towards the invincible above. God of civilization.

"It's ridiculous, the light of the firefly dares to compete with the bright moon. I am stronger than you can imagine. It doesn't matter whether your mutation talent is [Time Stop] or [Splitting Space], because I have a million kinds of superpowers , understand the essence of the law, I am already a part of the law!"

God Ai Fan sneered and didn't care at all. This is natural. Gathering the essence of a civilization, 20 billion souls become a god of civilization. It is so powerful that it is unbelievable. The god of gods, the king of gods, how can a random talent can defeat it? .

"It is indeed impossible to defeat God Ivan with my talent alone, not to mention him, even you and me before. But isn't there another greater existence here?"

Louis suddenly smiled, and took out a golden fishhook emitting golden light from his own flesh and blood.

The style of the gold fishhook is ordinary. After several years of changes, the river has been diverted. Ordinary gold has long been decayed by the years, but it has a sense of immortality.

Seeing that Louis kept approaching the Creator of Light in front of him, Ai Fan shrank his eyes, not daring to delay any longer. His finger bounced off a thousand space waves in an instant, and he was about to kill him from the air.

"My talent is [Tongshen]!"

In the cathedral with holy steps, Louis ignored the incoming terrorist attack, but held the golden fishhook tightly. He opened his hands suddenly and faced the statue of the Creator God. His three eyes shot out divine light at the same time.

"Supreme God of Creation of Light, the white-haired Louis, prays to you, may God Ivan fall and not become a barrier for future generations, may Gaia return to its original state before the emergence of Ivan civilization, and may the world return order!"


"What courage! You will become a sinner of Ivan's civilization, and you are the worst person in Gaia!" King Austin, who controlled Ivan, was furious, and he was about to tear Louis into pieces in an instant.

However, with the activation of Louis' talent, using the golden fishhook as a medium, an immortal light shot out from the third eye, breaking through the constraints of time and space, breaking through different dimensions, and suddenly shot into the ten-meter light creation in the center of the Santa Rosa Cathedral. God statue.

Just like overthrowing the Bone Nomi card, this immortal light illuminates Gaia, cuts through the dark universe, and becomes an eternal and immortal light.


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