More than 1000 bright stars are slowly rotating, and there is a long-lasting, ancient atmosphere surrounding the stars, and more or less planets are revolving around them.

"Although the universe is big, sometimes the most beautiful planet may only need one."

Looking at the center of the universe, Jiang Ping began to transform again. A 2x10? km star shines in all directions, and a beautiful blue planet similar to the earth is being born in the far distance.

"Sow the seeds of life."

With Jiang Ping's thoughts, the creation god in the fish tank universe moved. Life is a miracle in the universe. This living planet is in the same position as the earth, and it is beyond words.

Don’t you see that the closest planets are all roasted and cracked, and they can’t hold water at all. Without water, there is no atmosphere. The sun’s radiation directly shines on the earth, so how can there be biological births.

Farther away, because the sunlight was blocked too much by the "brothers" in front of them, they have been under the ice for many years, and the [-]-meter-thick ice freezes everything. The world is white, and the temperature is as low as [-] degrees below zero. The seed of life also belched.

Jiang Ping suddenly smiled: "The universe is huge, but coincident life planets are as rare and beautiful as diamonds. People always say don't take chances, but they don't think that our appearance itself is a beautiful accident."

From a macroscopic perspective, the appearance of the earth is a miracle, but from a microscopic perspective, every human being emerges from an army of hundreds of millions of mirrors, reaches No.1, and has to go through ten months of training before being fully born. .

"The birth of life is really a beautiful accident." Jiang Ping expressed his feelings. This planet similar to the earth is in the hell stage at this time. Hot lava burns everything, and the temperature is too high. It may be because the physical constants of the two worlds are a little different. The revolution and rotation are also different from the earth, the two moon sisters never stay under the same dark night.

sizzle sizzle.

Planet Gaia accelerated crazily, and the sun rose and the moon set for thousands of times in an instant, and the vicissitudes of life were only in the blink of an eye. Jiang Ping kept staring at the fish tank, and finally found that the double moons were getting closer as time went by.

It seems that this is not impossible. That’s right. In infinite time, everything is possible. Theoretically speaking, in infinite space, it is possible for a person exactly like you and an earth exactly like you to be in another corner of the universe .

"Whoa, whoa."

As the two moons got closer, Jiang Ping's creation avatar seemed to sense the trembling of the ground under his feet, "Is this the uneasiness of the original consciousness of the earth?"

Jiang Ping's curiosity was aroused more and more, and he even started to put his hand into the fish tank. He chose to set foot in this small universe himself.

In Jiang Ping's eyes, there is no treasure comparable to the blue and beautiful planet. At this time, as time goes by, night and day pass in an instant.

Jiang Ping patted the dust off his avatar, and quietly watched the vision in the sky on a jagged peak.

"Two moons share the same sky, it finally appeared, once in a million years, why is it so difficult to find?" Jiang Ping did not choose to use his authority to directly analyze the truth. Who is the murderer and what is the motive? Why bother?

What I am interested in is the process of chasing the unknown, and the moment when the final result appears and explodes.

Finally, the eternal night came, and the shy moon sisters appeared together in Jiang Ping's eyes. The moon was so clear and vast that it was almost sticking to Gaia's "face". Jiang Ping could even see it clearly on the strange peak. Craters on both moons, and folds of the earth.

"What a bright moonlight, the moonlight is so beautiful." The double moon shone down, and Jiang Ping's shadow was vividly visible, but there was no shadow reflected by the avatar of the God of Creation of Light beside him.

"Boom! Crash!!"

As the two moons approached, Jiang Ping heard the loud sound of landslides and tsunamis. This sound was so rough that ordinary creatures could hear it, as if the sky was falling apart.

Realizing that something was wrong, Jiang Ping quickly ascended to heaven, standing in a higher dimension overlooking the entire vast Gaia.

As Jiang Ping rose, a strange scene appeared in front of his eyes. The two moons shared the sky, and waves of strong gravitation formed waves that spread to the parent star, which also contained countless extraordinary particles.


Suddenly, the two moons trembled, and in Jiang Ping's eyes, the pair of sisters instantly turned blood red, and the whole earth below became a bloody ocean under the moonlight.This is not a simple tsunami, but Wang Yang directly covering the entire sky!

"Tides?" Jiang Ping murmured in surprise. No wonder, the tides on Earth are caused by the gravitational force of the moon, and here is no exception, but it seems that this time it is particularly ruthless.

With the northern and southern poles, the endless violent ocean turned into a sea of ​​blood under the light of the blood moon, sweeping across the entire earth with the momentum of destroying everything, the world changed, and finally the sea of ​​blood converged on the equator, and the vitality that had been born was completely wiped out by the world-destroying tsunami destroy.

This force is without a doubt world-exterminating. Can you see the bloody tsunami that is higher than the sky?Shock, as well as death, this is not simply sea water, but contains terrifying lethality, no living beings can survive under such a catastrophe.

Jiang Ping: "Is this the first time the world has been destroyed?"

He looked back and saw two extremely beautiful and extremely bright blood moons hanging quietly under the starry sky, like the most beautiful blood diamonds in the universe.

"The two moons share the sky, and the sea of ​​blood sweeps across the entire land. This world wonder can only be seen once in a million years. It is beautiful, but it is at the level of extinction."

Circles of fluctuations jumped out of the blood moon, and these two demon moons seemed to come alive.

"It's a pity that no one wants to appreciate this most beautiful scenery in Gaia. It seems that a proverb must be left to warn future generations: [Two moons share the sky, and the earth is stained with blood. The catastrophe that destroys the world, and no one survives.]."

This is a monstrous tsunami, this is a tide of magic power, this is a catastrophe that will destroy the world.And does this indicate that the creatures born on this Gaia planet in the future will be extraordinary?

At the same time, the white Genesis flew out, automatically recording the first accidental extinction, and destroying the first generation of overlord creatures that should have been born.

[Fifth page: The universe in the glass, Gaia star, because of the curiosity of the Creator God of Light, he mobilized the timeline, the first catastrophe in history came unexpectedly, the two moons shared the sky, and the world was destroyed.

The oldest proverbs appear to warn future generations. 】

Chapter 319 Gaia is not chaotic, the flat-headed brother has the final say

A world-destroying tsunami destroys the newborn seeds, and the blood moon shines in the sky. It is so beautiful in photos, but no one on Gaia should want to see this most beautiful spectacle.

"Placing it in the prehistoric world is the greatest catastrophe."

Suspended at an altitude of [-] meters, Jiang Ping's eyes carefully looked at this magnificent scene. The blood moon was beating like two hearts, and circles of ripples radiated out, mixed with the power of destruction, a powerful god I can't survive this catastrophe, because this is still a magic tide, a reshuffle of the world.

Genesis records automatically, with illustrations of two blood moons on the fifth page.

"Finally alive, and now I'm belching again." Jiang Ping shook his head helplessly. Logically speaking, creatures from the first era would have been born, but unfortunately, the fetus was stillborn, which is force majeure.

"Speed ​​up and see how long it takes to recover."

Jiang Pinghe's avatar was suspended, with a light touch, the planet rotated in an instant, like a marble being mischievously rotated by God, everything around was blurred, wisps of starlight accelerated, and the entire universe was speeding up.

Death is eternal, and darkness and loneliness are the eternal themes of the universe.

"Unfortunately, this world is also an entropy-increasing universe, doomed to destruction, and nothing is eternal."

Entropy, to put it bluntly, is a state in which all things are moving towards extinction and death. People are increasing in entropy, aging and dying every moment.

The earth is also increasing in entropy, and the sun is also destined to be destroyed in a certain day. The boundless universe is also increasing in entropy. When it expands to the limit, it begins to shrink, and everything returns to oneness and returns to death.

After an unknown period of time, even the concept of time and space will disappear, and the next big bang will appear again, and the cycle will start again and again, infinitely without looping.

Jiang Ping looked down on everything, quietly watched the small universe he created, and occasionally descended on Gaia in person. Unfortunately, although the color of the blood sea has faded, the extraordinary destructive power in it is also fading, but the blue sea itself is still there. Covering the whole earth.

clap clap.

The waves were turbulent, with gusts of wind rolling up thousands of waves, Gaia became Mercury, and as time accelerated, the sea water on the equator was only one centimeter shallower.

"If you continue like this, you will have to change your name to "Poseidon." Jiang Ping sighed, the two moons in the sky began to move away, and after tens of thousands of years, they will meet again, longer than Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

The time for the next reunion should be longer, and the reunion can only be reunited in millions of years. This is the law of the universe.

As time flies, Gaia, which is wrapped in sea water, cools down, and the 10-year-long Ice Age is coming.

Gaia put on a thick padded jacket, couldn't help but sneezed loudly, crackling, then the ice cracked, because of the super earthquake, the internal pressure was released, magnificent ice volcanoes appeared, and the whole world turned into ice and fire Two days.

Jiang Jing sat quietly under the starry sky, watching the planet turn slowly. From his perspective, Gaia star is actually a special life form?It's just that it takes a million years for the lazy she to wake up, and in the blink of an eye, an era has passed.

The essence of the universe is condensed on the planet Gaia. Her start is better than that of Rahil. The land is extremely solid and contains extraordinary particles. The spiritual power in the air is higher than that of the fairy world and the god world. But everything has pros and cons, sir. See, the catastrophe of heaven and earth will be strengthened a hundred times because of this?

In the current double sky of ice and fire, it’s okay that the ice volcano erupted. Needless to say, the planetary earthquake just now is the most terrifying thing, of course, the two moons share the sky. Hehe, the rules of Gaia have changed because of this. The five declines of heaven and man, the death of the Dao, put it on Hill is the twilight of the gods, and the world tree is withered.

"Life itself is a miracle." Jiang Ping wanted to see if life could be born in such a harsh environment. Under natural evolution, it would take ten thousand years of cooling.

With a wave of his hand, he chose to invest 500 points into the Gaia star again, wanting to see if creatures could be born in the harsh environment.

Following a burst of mysterious light that Jiang Ping could not figure out until now, it merged into the Gaia star, and the Nuoda star seemed to jump suddenly. The fusion of organic molecules produces wonderful chemical reactions.

All of this happens in the microscopic world. If others want to observe it, they must at least use a super microscope.

The waiting time is the most boring, like watching a water-filled TV series, Jiang Ping began to control the time again, the situation changed, and time flew by, as the Gaia star cooled, the ice melted into water, releasing more cold air, but the environment eventually Not as bad as before.

The volcanic eruption caused the earth's crust to protrude, and one after another peaks drilled out of the water. At the tip of the iceberg, only [-]% of the mountain cover was exposed, and the rest was under the sea. However, as the ice layer melted more and more, the bare land was not exposed. few.

Gradually, the earth was rejuvenated. A blue ancient fern plant spread all over the earth and became the first owner of the new era. At this time, Gaia was silent, and although the land contained rich resources, no one could exploit it.

Jiang Ping named this first plant "Blue Fern Grass". It is very cold-resistant, and its body is extremely hard. If it is placed on the earth, it is harder than iron. However, its birth seems to have opened the switch of a new era. All kinds of wonderful plants were born.

It is colorful and colorful, and there are five-meter-high scary strange flowers that look gorgeous, like a beauty in a bikini. There is also an ancient tree with a height of more than [-] meters that does not reach the top, and parasitic flowers entwined on it. ghost vine.

These strange plants are much more ferocious than those on the earth. Jiang Ping could see that the ghost vines swung, opened mountains and cracked rocks, and directly smashed down the 10-meter hill blocking the road.

The natural annual rings are engraved deep in the body of the ancient tree, which is equivalent to the embodiment of the law of a corner of nature. The fruit it bears is rich in nutrition, which is equivalent to a spiritual fruit.

The whole Gaia is bustling, the earth is full of vitality, Jiang Ping descends to earth, picks a bright red fruit from a tree, bites it lightly, it melts in the mouth, it is sweet and delicious.

"Not bad, not bad, it tastes great, delicious in the world."

Jiang Ping praised and swallowed the bright red fruit in one gulp. The animals hadn't appeared yet, but he had already seen wild plants similar to Cordyceps sinensis, strange trees with movable roots.

The green grass was so beautiful and quiet at this time, Jiang Ping simply took a nap on the green grass and squinted for a while.

"The environment is good, but it's still too lonely and less popular, let's continue to speed up." Jiang Ping was like a traveler walking in the long river of time, and an ugly and huge strange fish was born in the extremely cold ice ocean.

Jiang wants to call them the ugliest species. They are generally one meter in size, earthy gray, and the scales are abnormally hard. The mouth is hideous and terrifying.

"There is a saying that a fish cannot be judged by its appearance, and sea water cannot be measured.

Maybe it’s so ugly, it’s just because it’s still early, there’s no need to evolve a beautiful form to attract the opposite sex, you’d better taste it yourself, see how it tastes, and see if it’s worth it, maybe it’s because the aura is moist and the meat is tender and tender, don’t use it The seasoning is absolutely delicious. "Jiang Ping comforted himself in this way, after waiting for so long, he just waited for such a clown.

He casually folded the purple bamboo, not to mention that it was quite hard, and it was a spiritual bamboo in the prehistoric world. Then he pinched it vigorously with both hands, fusing the plant fibers into a strand of transparent filaments, split a stone casually, squeezed The stone is gold, and the magic power surges on his body, and he kneads the gold in his hand into a fishhook.

Appeared, Gaia's first fishhook can be called the first artifact since the beginning of the world. Jiang Ping was very satisfied with his masterpiece. He was sitting on a small rock fishing on the tree-lined shore, waiting for the stupid Their ultimate pursuit is to evolve into a self-harvesting chive essence. "

Jiang Ping said to himself, and suddenly felt that this idea was very good, so he quickly took out a small notebook and wrote it down. The last thing he wrote down was to make an optical brain or future master, which is currently in progress—although the screw has not seen one yet.

"All the heavens and all worlds don't necessarily have to be born for fighting. Why bother to fight and kill? People depend on food, and only food and wine can't live up to it." When the points are rich, Jiang Ping really I want to create a gourmet world, and after creating it, I will definitely be reluctant to destroy it.


Throwing the ugly ugly fish that took a bite into the river, Jiang Ping chose to speed up again.

10 years later, Gaia became lively, with strange animals of various sizes running on the land. The beginning was simple, but the competition in the ocean was too great, and the losers became more and more remote until they finally reached the coastline.

Unexpectedly, stepping out, there is already another world, the sea and the sky are vast, first evolved into an amphibian, able to travel in both water and land, black and white, and later found that the earth has no rivals, directly evolved into a pure land creature.

Gaia is very lively, many animals run around and kill each other. They all have thick armor or hair of tens of centimeters. It's off the street.

Turn over Genesis, page 10: [Gaia Star, after tens of thousands of years of rest, the sea water receded, the glaciers melted, the earth glowed with new life, plants appeared, animals appeared, Chuangshi Shen went fishing, failed, and commemorative gold The hook is missing.This era is the age of ancient beasts. 】

"Now it's up to that race to evolve into an intelligent race." Jiang Ping swept across the vast land, who will decide the ups and downs in the end?

A huge dragon beast with dragon blood, or a hidden strong race in the deep sea?Or a family of birds that are about to evolve wings?He is looking forward to it. After spending 3500 points, what kind of intelligent race will it evolve into?

Taking back the God of Creation of Light, Jiang Ping went away through the sky, leaving behind a primitive and wild Gaia world, each with its own destiny, or let her evolve by herself. Having said that, the thing to remind Jiang Ping is not to go out to wash Sleep, but worry about two goldfish starving to death.

Throwing the bait into the Galaxy fish tank, Xiaojin and Xiaobai gobbled it up immediately, and the tails of the fish became happy. With these two little pets, Jiang Ping finally returned to a slightly normal routine. .

Star Gaia is competing for hegemony among all races and planets, just like the appearance of dinosaurs on Earth back then, dragons and beasts vying for hegemony, some evolved to stack armor, some evolved to attack with energy, all kinds of wonderful evolutions are constantly being staged.

The insides of the animals' bodies are getting stronger and more mysterious, and the insides of their bodies imitate and engrave part of the laws and principles of the world, but unfortunately, they know it, but they don't know why.


The evil dragon roared, with a golden body, like a golden tyrannosaurus was born. There is no doubt that the tyrannosaurus is the first generation of real Gaia overlords. They can kill by sea, land and air. They are too strong. They evolved wings and split into water systems. branch, occupying the source of life.

Stacked armor, magic system, poison system, a few mutated tyrannosaurs began to practice, they followed their instincts, step by step, over a long period of time, I don't know how many days and nights, I don't know how many thousands of years, the tyrannosaurus breathes Obviously superior to other races, coupled with occasional mutations and evolutions by eating spiritual fruits, the tyrannosaurs are more and more powerful, and finally occupy Gaia like dinosaurs.

Occupy the sky, ocean, and land, monopolize the best resources, and the place with the most aura.


After a 30-meter-tall Tyrannosaurus rex ate half of its prey and flew away unhappily, a [-]-centimeter small animal wearing black and white pseudo-fur armor suddenly sprang out from the ground. It looks like a bully in Africa - Pingtouge (honey badger).

However, it is different from the violent temper of its distant relatives. It looks very wretched, occupies a small body, and has a strong disguise. It always steals the opportunity, flees with the eggs in the nest of other beasts, or eats the leftovers of other overlord animals. carrion, etc.

Moreover, they live deep underground, always hiding during the day, and only lurking at night, they are wretched.

I don't know how many animals have fallen behind in this competition of survival and evolution, being replaced by other groups by nature, natural selection, survival of the fittest.

The Tyrannosaurus race defeated all their opponents with a perfect body and no shortcomings. Other races trembled under their lust, but the white-haired beasts similar to the flat-headed brother lived very chicly, because their bodies were small enough and they needed less energy. It even has less hair than other animals, which is more convenient.

Because of their poor combat power, sometimes they can’t find anything. When they go back to the den, they will turn on the energy-saving mode when they straighten their limbs and close their eyes. However, after having a family, there is no other way. The roots, which are meager in energy and starch, or fresh shoots feed their young.

Earth, Jiang Ping took a sip of water, and You felt the ugly taste of ugly fish in his mouth. He was about to sit in front of his laptop and see what the players were doing on the forum. Unexpectedly, Genesis reminded himself that Gaia is about to appear wisdom bio.

"?? So fast? Let's see who the lucky one is, the energy is really no small thing." Jiang Ping said happily, this speed is much faster than the original Yuan Chu.

He glanced at Xiaojin Xiaobai, who was eating fish food. On Gaia, the mad dragon roared, and from time to time it spewed out a meteorite fireball, and the frost dragon's breath, which could roar wantonly on Gaia, a planet with ten times the gravity, Strong in itself.

"Yes, all-round development, ferocious and terrifying, has split into thousands of branches, and the cultivation method is almost found out, is it you, Tyrannosaurus Warrior, Gaia's first generation overlord is also the first generation of intelligent race."

Jiang Ping nodded with satisfaction, and looked at the majestic muscles, golden, diamond, multi-colored, tall and majestic, including a [-]-meter-long super tyrannosaurus, a volcanic flaming tyrannosaurus, and the north and south poles The Frost White Dragon fits Jiang Ping's aesthetics very well.

"Huh? What? It's not them? It's the creature under its feet?" Jiang Ping paused, looking a little surprised. Isn't it enough for such a perfect race to have top-notch strength, agility, and physique?

So where is the sacredness that can surpass it?Jiang Ping looked down and finally found the little guy he had ignored just now.

The 30-centimeter-tall little man, placed on the original Gaia planet where giants are rampant, is almost like a cockroach on the earth, with a wretched nature, always following the feet of the overlord Tyrannosaurus rex, eating their leftover meat.

Occasionally, the six white hairs on the cheeks will still shake, and the small eyes communicate with the little friends, summoning other little beasts, and together take the tiny food that the big brother leaked from the corner of the mouth home and enjoy it slowly, and we can live another long winter.

"Pingtou brother who lives in groups? Looking at this clever little eyes, he already has the wisdom of a six-year-old human being." Jiang Ping said in surprise. With short legs and thick claws, he looks wretched like a black and white mouse, but he is so weak because of his small size. To be in a group is to evolve the wisdom that other bosses don't need.

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