Jiang Ping was overjoyed, finally arrived, the feedback of energy, the settlement of points.

The catastrophe feedback this time is no small matter, even the saints have fallen, not to mention the Qi refiners who fell during the catastrophe, such as Da Luo Jinxian.

The majestic extraordinary energy also has the feedback of laws after the death of countless immortals and gods. Jiang Ping's face changed, and he felt that the surging momentum on his body could no longer be controlled. Disappears in the house.

When it reappeared, it was already at an altitude of 9000 meters. If you want to break through, there will be a lot of movement, and you need to find a quiet place. If you break through at home, you may destroy the hut if you are not careful.

"The last time I broke through the legend was in Kunlun Mountains, let's go there this time."

Jiang Ping, who was high in the sky, set his eyes on the west. As soon as he moved his body, a sonic boom cloud appeared. As soon as the surroundings cleared, he turned into light and rushed towards the outer direction.

Along the way, the sea of ​​clouds was left behind, and Jiang Ping's speed became faster and faster, and he reached his destination in the blink of an eye.

"It's here."

Roof of the world, inaccessible, snow-capped mountains, high peaks, jagged rocks.Birds do not come, beasts do not exist.

But Jiang Ping's current location is very lively. Not only are there many people stationed at the foot of the mountain, but also on the 4000-meter-high mountainside. If you look carefully, you can find many foreign friends.

There are so many peaks on the earth, and there is never a shortage of famous peaks and mountains here on the roof of the world. Why is this only place so lively?

It's very simple, just because it is Mount Everest, the highest peak on earth, and number one in the world.In Tibetan, "Zhumu" means "goddess", "Langma" means "mother elephant", and the overall meaning is "mother of the earth".

Big is strong, tall is fierce, no matter what time it is, this principle holds true everywhere. From ancient times to the present, this highest peak in the world with no peak has been regarded as a holy peak by local residents.

Jiang Ping hides in a corner of the sky, and carefully observes this strange peak. It is indeed extraordinary, majestic and majestic. There are quite a few frozen human corpses scattered around, and their demeanor will always be fixed at the moment of death.

These are left by those who once wanted to conquer the first peak of the earth. It represents too much significance. Over the past century, I don’t know how many people at home and abroad have been inspired. There are adventurers, rich people, and others A local guide for a living.

Jiang Ping was full of energy and blood, and the energy in his body had already begun to surge. In a blink of an eye, he had already stood on the top of the mountain. With a sweep of his eyes, he could see far away clearly with his huge mental power.

"This is the ability to stand at the top of the mountain and look at the mountains. No one in the world stands taller than me."

Jiang Ping sat on the rock, whistling, the wind howled, and could easily blow people away, but Jiang Ping was as motionless as a mountain, as if he was connected with the entire Mount Everest, standing still, exuding a simple and leisurely look. interest.

Gently closing his eyes, the originally surging energy calmed down, and his own laws were orderly, as if he was here, at the highest point on the earth, and could suppress the ape in his heart.

In my mind, there is a strand of primordial law that seems to come alive, constantly wandering around the body, completing the cycle of the sky, itself is a small universe, placed in the big universe, the individual is insignificant.

But in the microcosm, a person, a hair, a cell, and a quantum are infinite universes.

The strong wind swept through everything, the sky was close in front of you, as if you could pick off bright stars one by one with your hand, hang the sun in the room like a gem, the sky has never been closer, and you can look down.

The legendary Himalayas, the Yarlung Zangbo River, the Maiqu River, the Nujiang River and other big rivers meander in the desolate land like small snakes. After years of changes and several diversions, the constant flow is endless, nurturing a place of life.

On the top of Jiang Ping's head, clouds are rushing crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye. In Jiang Ping's mind, historical pictures emerge one after another, not the history of the small universe created by himself, but the ancient land under his feet .

Have you ever thought that the world's No. [-] peak was once a [-]-meter seabed back then?Hundreds of millions of marine creatures are swimming. Jiang Ping has reached the end of time. He has witnessed the vicissitudes of life, and even now he can find fossils of ancient marine fish not far away.

The uncanny workmanship of nature is awe-inspiring, but this is just a small earth, and there is a sun more than 100 times larger than it on the earth, and the sun is a "short" star among the stars, a yellow dwarf.

In the universe, the largest star that humans can currently discover is the r136a1 star, with a mass 265 times that of the sun.

There are about 1200 billion stars in the entire Milky Way, and the total mass is 15 trillion times the mass of the sun.Note that the unit is 0 million, nine [-]s.And how many "galaxies" are there in the universe?

Mrs. Universe Mrs. Mrs. Big Big Big Big Big!

The ancients often used "a drop in the ocean" as a metaphor for throwing people into the ocean and making them look small, but this ratio is placed in the universe, let alone throwing people into the ocean, the Pacific Ocean is useless.

Using his mind to perceive the changes of the earth and the vastness of the universe, Jiang Ping sincerely felt that his small achievement was nothing, and the unstable energy in his body began to calm down, and he slowly broke through in the established direction and broke his own limit.

A book of superb exercises in the small world flashed in his mind. Although the universe is big, the wisdom of all living beings is also infinite. Countless classics flashed in his mind, giving Jiang Ping inspiration. original.

Among them, "Book of Changes" inspired Jiang Ping the most. It explained the changes between heaven and earth and the connection between individuals.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a second, maybe a year, when Jiang Ping opened his eyes again, two rays of light shot out from them, and they shot straight into the sky, and his surging energy and blood subsided, and along the eight extraordinary meridians, in slow flow.

"Is Hill's legendary peak? If you put it in the prehistoric world, I'm afraid it's only below the Mahayana realm."

Jiang Ping carefully perceives his own state. The further he goes, the more energy he needs. If there is no feedback from Genesis, he feels that he is more likely to be "starved to death", not to mention getting stronger through cultivation.


The transformed Genesis hovers in front of Ginger Plane. The black and simple cover has turned into white and holy. Creation glory erupts on it, and strands of supreme law are winding and winding.

It is like the bible of the ages, recording the rise and fall of the past, the ups and downs of the era, and the epics of heroes.

"Did you upgrade?"

Jiang Ping was overjoyed, and carefully perceived the changes with his mind and mind. At the same time, he accumulated a long time, and the soul vibration that had already surpassed his own realm, and the golden spiritual power was like gold, turning into an immortal golden pill.

As the white genesis turns, one after another creation epic is flashing. In the hearts of all living beings, there is a supreme, indescribable, unidentified "lord" who only knows his majesty. He is the eternal Tao in people's hearts, eternal The light of God, the eternal truth, the eternal Creator God.

The secret is rare, Genesis is upgraded for the first time, and Jiang Ping's No. [-] peak in the world is also secretly helping to calm his restless spirit.

Jiang Ping quickly put away all his thoughts and recalled his creation experience so far, as well as the method of killing three corpses in the immortal way, the principle of the third Buddha in the Buddhist way, and the five enlightened kings in his heart represented by the mandala in the womb realm.

There are also Hill's various avatar methods, which lead to the same goal by different routes, and divide the mental power. The premise is that one's spirit is strong and has enough capital to maintain the dharma body.

And Jiang Ping's mental strength is definitely enough, and his understanding of himself and the world is also enough. He even upgraded through Genesis, and one after another law helped him. Gradually, the golden core in the sea of ​​consciousness cracked open.


It was as if Pan Gu, who opened up the world, was born from the chaos. The world was turned upside down, and a remarkable existence was born!

His brilliance shines through the ages and reflects the heavens, and worlds appear because of his birth. Jiang Ping's sea of ​​consciousness shines brightly and turns into a world of light.

Even the glory of creation breaks through itself, with the summit of Mount Everest as the foreground, the glorious sun as the background, the endless sea of ​​clouds in the chest, and an incredible God of Creation of Light standing on the first peak of the earth.

Sacred, stalwart, vast, indescribable.

"Hey, look, what's that?"

At the foot of the mountain, on the mountainside, there were research scholars who came out of their tents, and the celebrities who came to travel looked up in shock at the image of the giant of light on the mountain not far away.

They took off the goggles and looked at this sacred and majestic stalwart in disbelief. The body is vast, majestic and majestic. There is a brilliant sun shining behind his head. The sky is in front of his chest, detached from the earth, just like a Buddha. Looking down at all living beings.

"How is this possible? Is it a mirage? Or is it an illusion of light and shadow due to some accident?"

An old scholar who has been rooted here for decades hastily wiped his highly presbyopic glasses, put them back on and looked up carefully. It was still the incredible giant of light.

Some local guides and others knelt down with a plop, kowtowing in the direction of the giant of light, "Great Buddha, please forgive us for our rude behavior."

The aborigines kept kowtowing, the scholars wiped their eyes in disbelief, and the soldiers with real guns looked up blankly. Some captains felt that the problem was serious. He was originally a firm successor of materialism. But times are changing, and today is truly extraordinary.

"I buy it! This trip to China is so worth it, and I can meet the true God in this mysterious land!" A middle-aged blond successful man excitedly opened his hands, knelt down with a snap, and worshiped towards the peak .

He kowtowed and shouted, "God is here to redeem the world."

There were people kowtowing constantly, some were in fear, and some wanted to talk to the incredible saint of light.

Click, click.

One travel friend excitedly took photos and videos, "Miracle, miracle! This is definitely not a mirage, but the real God of Light!"

Some people think that it may have something to do with the mysterious Tiantian Forum, because where are all the problems and the origin of everything, and there were strange flowers blooming in Kunlun Mountain in the past two months.

Soon someone uploaded it to the All Heavens Forum, boom!In the blink of an eye, the entire Internet boiled up. Now it is a global network, from the top dignitaries to the ordinary people. In just a few minutes, tens of millions of people know about the phenomenon that happened on Mount Everest.

"It's terrible, it's terrible! Something happened to the earth! Players, go offline and see, which god-level boss appeared on the earth, good or bad?"

"I'm a senior special effects artist. I just reviewed the video more than a dozen times. From the clouds and other aspects of the outside world, I can conclude that this is indeed a real giant of light! It seems to be condensed by light, so bright that it cannot be seen directly. Pressing around, but it doesn't seem to be the real body, a bit like the magic body in mythology."

The world is hotly debated, and high-level politicians from various countries are even more sensational. Negotiators and special forces have been dispatched urgently to plan a "third-type contact."

The local garrison captain also received an order to approach him carefully, remember to be calm and show the peace-loving side of the earth people.

The vision here is spreading more and more, and Tibetans continue to kneel and pray in the direction of Mount Everest.

Other neighboring countries were even more miserable. Thousands of people with a strong religious atmosphere knelt down to make pilgrimages, shouting "The true God has descended into the world", and cast their bodies on the ground.

All kinds of beings are manifested at this moment, halfway up the mountain, an urgent mountaineering team has already started to set off, and individual adventurers are also fully armed, flushing with excitement.

"I knew it, I knew it, this is Shangri-La, there must be a lot of secrets hidden, this time I really discovered it, I want to be the first person in all mankind to touch the sacred, and I will leave my name in history!"

The western man with a big nose climbed excitedly, disregarding the allocation of physical strength and possible dangers.Quite a kind of taste, hearing the Tao in the morning, dying in the evening, seeking fame and profit.

At the same time, the high-altitude satellites urgently aimed in this direction, and kept taking pictures of the peak, trying to find the true body of this giant of light.

But it's a pity that Jiang Ping's blindfold can cut off all prying eyes, which is a bit of a blow from a different dimension.

Jiang Ping opened his eyes helplessly, and looked at the chaos around him, "Is the God of Creation of Light? It finally came out."

He was just born, and he didn't pay attention for a while. He shook his head helplessly, and with a thought, the giant light giant behind him slowly dissipated, turning into countless light spots, and the vision of heaven and earth disappeared. The ancient lands returned to silence.

"Why is it gone? God wait for me!"

Under the feet are the requests of a group of climbers. The people who can get here are either rich or noble. Jiang Ping is not interested in leaving good things for them. He disappeared on the top of the mountain without taking a trace of clouds with him. .

Chapter 315 Creating the Third New World

"Resurrection of spiritual energy is definitely a recovery of spiritual energy. Believe me, friends from all over the world, great changes unseen in thousands of years are happening around us. Longevity is not a fantasy, but only an opportunity. With the emergence of the Tiantian Forum, Earthlings traveled across different worlds and started the journey of Second Life.

The earth itself is constantly undergoing changes. The blue enchantress on Kunlun Mountain, this time the giant of light, this is what we can discover. What about more undetected changes in the dark? "

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet. The vision this time is much bigger than the Kunlun Mountains last time. All countries are shocked. This land is amazing. The place closest to heaven has been deified by the West and has become a paradise in their hearts. "Shangri-La" .Especially this time when something supernatural actually happened, it confirmed their speculation.

"As far as I know, Hill doesn't have a similar god-man, and if you find out, no matter how high-definition the video or photo is, you can't see His true face." Yaoyao, who has been active recently, said so. Now she is an online The most famous and influential group of bloggers.

She has worked in the different world of Hill for a hundred years. Although she has quit now, she has also studied the difference between the two worlds, and has gained a lot. Yaoyao still shares her sword moves online from time to time. Now that she has quit, she is not afraid of troubles in reality.

It is reported that the island country and Citigroup have sent important officials to visit the ashram and hired her as the leader of "The Heavens Research Office" with a high salary, but she declined because she still likes her ashram.

"There are similar magical powers in Honghuang, but there is too little information about it now, so I don't know where it is." Honghuang player Cang Qiong appeared, and he was also quite shocked.

"It seems that not only the prehistoric waters are deep, but the earth also has a lot of secrets." Netizen

【Secondary Two Who Destroyed the World】said with a smile.

The social software of the whole network is discussing the vision of Mount Everest, and the videos and photos have been downloaded billions of times, and there are smart merchants who make posters overnight and make a fortune.

At the scene, after a lot of hard work, someone finally climbed to the top of the peak, but unfortunately, it was still the original old scenery, and even because of the howling wind and snow, even if there were any remnants, they disappeared without a trace.

Even so, they dug three feet of soil on the ground, and the living first peak of the earth was dug three meters shorter, and the map had to be drawn again.

They hope to find the same treasure as last time in Kunlun Mountains. It is said that the longevity pill made by the "Blue Enchantress" born two months ago has been auctioned for billions of dollars in the black market. Divided up by the most powerful people in the world.

"Ah~~~, refreshing."

After returning home, Jiang Ping stretched well, and even wanted to burp, feeling more energetic than ever before.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten so full. Is it true that harvesting in a catastrophe is the kingly way?" Jiang Ping said to himself.

After everything was done, Jiang Ping opened his notebook, and he planned to update Hong Huang's new version. The current group of talents is not enough, and needs to be stronger and more.

Game announcement:

["The Heavens and Worlds: Prehistoric: Conferring the Gods and Demons" has come to a successful conclusion. The producer is very pleased that your generation is stronger than the previous generation. Among them, the deeds of Wutian and Cangqiong are worthy of commendation, and you fish players should learn from them.

The player "Dream into the Goddess" performed well in the first half of the test, and may not return to the prehistoric times in the future.The next edition will be "The Hundred Schools of Philosophy: The Brilliance of the Holy Way", and there will be the dawn of the Holy Way.

The producer can reveal that a new level is available in this version: the most holy (sub-holy), the strongest existence under the Hunyuan saint, the three people including Hongjun at the end of the Longhan Tribulation, and the combination of the Eastern Emperor and the Zuwu in the Lich Tribulation Also briefly based on this realm.

Immortals cut perfect corpses, evil corpses, and obsessions, and Buddhism and Taoism comprehend the three major kalpas to reach this state.

There is also a main task: to find the seventh primordial purple energy. In this version, the foundation of the Dao will appear, adding a seventh holy position to the prehistoric world. Those who get the purple energy will get the holy position. In this era, there will be people who will prove the Tao and become holy.

In addition, the company has recently expanded its enrollment and is actively developing new projects. The third Zhutian game will be launched today, and lucky viewers will be selected from time to time to experience it in advance.

——Producer: God]

"Ding dong~~."

Tens of millions of netizens on the hotly discussed Zhutian Forum set up special reminders, and immediately discovered the new announcement issued by the official. Everyone glanced at it, and their hearts were beating instantly. In this announcement, the producer revealed too much information. up!Every word can be studied carefully for a day.

The next moment, the already popular All Heavens Forum exploded even more!

"No, no, extra, extra! Honghuang ushered in the latest version of "Hundred Schools of Philosophy: Holy Dao Huanghuang", opening a new level, and the most important thing is the last ray of majestic purple energy known as the foundation of the Dao and the pass of the sage Appeared!"

Some people frantically summoned prehistoric players. For such a big event, they naturally discovered that Wutian, Zhuge Shi and others were also beating their hearts. This is a brand new version, and the main task is even more enticing. Will the self-proving and sanctification in the game be fed back to the real self?

Can the real self reach the sky in one step, transcend the ordinary and become holy?Even longevity?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! This last ray of primordial purple energy has disappeared forever, will it reappear in the next era?"

She kept paddling, playing b with other old players who were eliminated, and dreaming of Shen Ji, who recalled the prehistoric years every day, jumped up from the computer chair in shock, "This announcement named me? Could it be that the producer admired me? He What does that sentence mean? Didn't I fall? How could it be possible to re-enter the wild?"

He was puzzled, and other active players were looking through the information about this primordial purple qi in their minds, but found that the information they had obtained was too little. The ancestor of Hongyun fell, and who in the world would not want to get the last primordial purple qi Purple gas?But in the end, no one was found.

"Tsk tsk, actually, don't be too happy. I heard that the primordial purple qi has the disadvantage of being a second hand. Not only is it the weakest saint, but it is also controlled by Hongjun. It will be even worse if it is not free. "A sour netizen said so.

"Hehe, it's good to be a saint. You're still picky. It looks like you haven't been beaten by the society. Sometimes you know it's poison, but you have to drink it in one gulp." Yu Xiang'er popped her head and said.

Players first noticed the new version of Honghuang, but most of the netizens who had no chance to enter it, but sharp-eyed resisted the information revealed at the end of the announcement. For them, this is the key point.

"Finally, is the third Tiantian game going to be launched? Quack quack, my big sword is already hungry and thirsty, this time I will go against the sky!"

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