Ji Fa and Jiang Ziya, who were chasing after them, arrived and saw King Zhou digging wildly on the ruins. They didn't do anything, but watched all this with cold eyes. Sometimes death is not terrible, but the most terrible thing is losing everything and leaving only the last one. Man, she also betrayed herself.

Not to mention the world, not even one person belongs to oneself.

"Daji! Daji! Where are you?! This king is here, my country is gone, the people are gone, and the Heavenly Demon Art is also abolished. Everything I have is lost. This king only has you!"

The powerful and powerful King Zhou was digging crazily, and there was even a hint of crying in his roar.

The only pillar in his heart disappeared, which made him die with regret.

"My lord, this concubine is here."

Suddenly, a sweet and crisp voice sounded from a corner.

King Zhou, King Wu, and Jiang Ziya all turned their heads in shock. At the corner of the burning courtyard, there was a charming and charming concubine with a pair of long fox ears on her head and nine tails wagging behind her, smiling. Responding to King Zhou like a flower.

Chapter 312 Let the myth pass on to future generations

"Nine-tailed demon fox Daji!"

Jiang Ziya's brows were raised coldly, he didn't expect the Yaofei to show her prototype.

King Wu's eyes narrowed, and he was also deeply surprised. She didn't take advantage of the most chaotic moment just now to escape, but stayed here. Demons also have feelings?

"My dear concubine, my dear concubine, you made it easy for me to find for a while, and this king thought something bad happened to you." King Zhou hurriedly approached Daji, his hands were dirty from digging the ruins just now.

Daji gently took out a gold silk brocade handkerchief to help the king wipe his hands, "The palace was on fire just now, some mobs broke into the palace in the chaos, and ran amok. I, I fled to the small courtyard at the back. I was careful just now when I heard the call from the king." come out."

King Zhou hurriedly stepped forward to embrace Daji, still as domineering as before, the world is gone, the country is gone, but as long as you are there, he has not lost yet, he is still the mighty King Zhou.

King Zhou embraced Daji, who showed his original shape, and turned around to climb the burning star-catching tower. With a bang, the two people who climbed up the stairs were surrounded by raging flames. It is collapsing, just like the 600-year-old Yin Shang Dynasty is slowly sinking.

"Want to go."

Jiang Taigong was about to step forward with a whip, but King Wu stopped him when he raised his hand. Jiang Ziya looked puzzled.

King Wu raised his eyes and watched the pair of Demon King and Demon Concubine go upstairs.

"The two of them are destined to die, so leaving them a decent burial place is not a waste of their life as the demon king and demon concubine."

Ziya withdraws his whip, the overall situation has been settled, the two of them are just helping themselves to find a place to bury themselves.I just don't know how people in later generations will talk about this pair of legendary demon king and concubine after thousands of years.

King Wu and Jiang Ziya faded away, and behind them was the burning Star Picking Tower, in which two people were walking through the sea of ​​flames

"The mountains and rivers are picturesque, and you are also beautiful."

The highest point on the Zhaixing Building is as high as the sky, and you can pick the stars and the moon with your hands.

King Zhou regained his previous domineering aura, staring downcastly at the burning royal city beneath him. The people were fleeing for their lives, and some thieves who took the opportunity to make trouble broke into the houses and government offices, burned them and looted them.

There are also the screams of old and young women and children. There are gray-haired old people who are pushed to the ground by fleeing pedestrians, and children who have been separated from their parents cry loudly on the street, and are quickly pushed down by pedestrians and drowned in the sea of ​​people.

There are also coalition forces that broke into the city to kill the villains, and carried the banner of Xiqi to let the people settle down.

Daji's winking eyes were like silk, and she leaned lightly on King Zhou's shoulder, just like back then, "No matter how beautiful the country is, will it look better than me?" She raised her head, looked at King Zhou and asked playfully.

"Hahaha, of course not."

King Zhou laughed and hugged Daji tightly in his arms. The demon king and the demon concubine were at the highest point of the Chaoge, quietly watching all this end, until finally the raging fire engulfed everything, and the Zhaixing Tower, a symbol of Yin Shang, burst into flames. The collapse is like the dissipation of a thousand-year-old country.

In Yunxiao, Long Shao, who was broadcasting the live broadcast, shook his head, "Is King Zhou pitiful? Not pitiful. Although Daji is beautiful, she has a heart of snakes and scorpions. I don't know how many people died in their hands during the catastrophe."

On the forum, after hearing Long Shao's summary, watching the burning Star Tower in the video, and the backs of King Zhou and Daji embracing each other tightly, everyone had complicated emotions, some happy, but also some inexplicable pity.

"This generation of King Zhou has no chance to be named a god. Instead of allowing posterity to spurn and curse, and be a celestial star as a joke for others, it is better to settle everything at the end. King Zhou lived an easy life. Go to Huangquan with Daji."

"You and I are all mortals, born in the world, how can we transcend? Perhaps if it hadn't been for the coincidence of the calamity, King Zhou would not have become the last king. He had worked hard to govern when he first came to the throne. Maybe he was still a ZTE. Lord.

The big waves of the times are coming, how can the immortals, gods, men and ghosts of the three worlds escape from the sea of ​​suffering in the world besides proving the existence of Hunyuan?It's all just going with the flow. "Meng Ruo Shen Ji felt that he fell in the first half of the calamity, and he sacrificed his life to save the lives of San Xiao and Master Zhao Gongming.

Everyone praised her in unison, feeling that Meng Ruo Shen Ji became serious and what she said made sense.

"Where are the traces of Yuanshi Tianmo? Empress Nuwa will be fine." Mengtun asked, no matter which world Nuwa is in, he is the supreme god, and he is worried about the life of Honghuang Nuwa.

Long Shao, who had witnessed the fate of King Zhou, hurriedly borrowed his long eyes to spy on the three thousand worlds. Two divine lights shot out from his eyes, scanning the world, but how could he fathom the battle between saints?It can only roughly perceive the confrontation between the holy light of good fortune and the darkness in the hearts of all living beings in the endless turbulent void.

Nvwa tapped lightly, the law of good fortune and the law of yin and yang appeared, and the blossoming jade lotus spread all over the sky, constantly surrounding Yuanshi Tianmo.

The heavenly demon howled proudly, bewitching all beings, and the law of darkness made the world corrupt, and everything fell into eternal darkness.

"As long as there is malice in the hearts of all living beings, as well as greed, hatred and ignorance, the deity's mana power will continue to flow, immortal and immortal, why do you need to waste mana, not to mention my devouring the luck of humanity is also good for you, is it not too clear?" One person monopolizes it." Yuanshi Heavenly Demon resorted to mind-attacking tricks to instigate a separation between the saints.

"Heavenly Demon, if you are involved in the destiny of humanity today, don't you have the ambition to devour the world tomorrow?" Nuwa casts spells to create the world, and her infinite merits are transformed into jade plates, Taiji diagrams, Pangu banners and other avenue artifacts to suppress the Heavenly Demons regardless of consumption.

There are also countless prayer sounds, and the sacrificial sounds surround the Emperor Wa like a holy sound. You can vaguely see the long river of fate moving with the Emperor Wa. There are true spirits of all spirits blessing and praying. Nu Wa has great merit, not only All living beings and the world will give her three points.

Nuwa, who is impenetrable to all evil and impenetrable by all laws, caused Yuanshi Tianmo a headache, which is why he wanted to speak out to provoke.

"Oh, is King Zhou dead?" Nuwa, who was attacking suddenly, said to herself, "The Conferred God Calamity should be over, and you should punish the devil."

Nuwa's aura suddenly became stronger, and the Yuanshi Tianma's light on the opposite side was dimmed.

"Damn, useless trash!"

Yuanshi Tianmo's complexion changed, his figure moved, and he moved tens of thousands of miles in an instant, and countless phantoms of Tianmo appeared in different spatial dimensions.

The sound of the people's sacrifice sounded, there was a gap in the sky, and there was a goddess in simple ancient costumes refining colorful stones to mend the sky. The endless blessings of all beings, the merits of mending the sky came like sea water, and the biggest devil born in the hearts of all beings was about to be suppressed. .

"It's not that easy to suppress the deity."

The Yuanshi Heavenly Demon screamed wildly, and he beat out the long river of time, and demon heads appeared in every corner of time and space. As long as there are living beings, as long as there are struggles, then he will always be there.

"This deity gave birth to the original spiritual wisdom from the heart of Yuanshi Tianzun, and entrusted it to the hearts of all living beings to become enlightened. When Yuanshi fell into a catastrophe, it happened that this deity was out of trouble, and then swallowed up the fate of humanity to truly appear in the world. If you want to suppress me, how can it be so simple?"

"Where there is light in the world, there is darkness, and where there are immortals, there are demons. This deity represents the other side of the Dao. You are not qualified to judge this deity."

The shadows cover the sky, the long river of time appears, he travels through the long history of time, no matter in the past or the future, there are fights and malice, then he can appear at that time, this is the way of the sage, breaking away from common sense, breaking away from cause and effect.

The fall of Yuanshi Tianzun was also because he was plotted against by the Lord Tongtian using a forbidden weapon, which cut off his retreat.

The virtues of saints shine on the heavens, but the evil spirit of the devil is hidden in the deepest heart. Too many people have demons in their hearts. Whether they are mortals or immortals, even if Nuwa's Taoism reaches the heavens, her merits will shine through the ages, and they will not be able to illuminate people's hearts forever. malicious.

"Jie Jie, Emperor Wa, next time this deity will annex your demon sect, all the big demon giants will be my dinner." Before leaving, Yuanshi Tianmo put down his big words.

Nuwa frowned. This newly born saint-level heart demon is the most evil and difficult to deal with. If he leaves today, there will be endless troubles.

Just at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the heavenly demon was about to escape in the long river of time. Suddenly, a roll of ink map flew from 33 days away. The Tai Chi map opened, and there were two fishes of yin and yang wandering in it, converging into the two most original qi of heaven and earth, and a golden bridge anchored the mountains, rivers, sun and moon. , the void of time.

The ever-running river of time was frozen and frozen, and the golden bridge stretched across both sides of the river, entrapping the phantoms of all living beings, and countless demons were exposed in the frozen time and space.

"If the old way doesn't make a move, do you really think you can escape? Even if you dare to touch something taught by me, today I will make your birthday a death day."

The Taiji Diagram broke out, and the prehistoric world turned into black and white, with white on the top and black on the bottom.The sky is yang and the earth is yin.

The Tai Chi Golden Bridge stops the changes of the demons and freezes the long river of time and space.

[Tai Chi Diagram Sealing Words]

Sitting on the futon of the Bajing Palace, Lao Tzu pinches Gao Dao Yin with both hands. The Tai Chi diagram is activated by the power of Taiqing to reveal the authenticity. The two yin and yang fish in the painting come to life. The Tai Chi picture is white.

On the long frozen river of time, there is a golden bridge of Tai Chi across the two banks, and yin and yang fish jump into the river with a sound, looking for the real body of Yuanshi Tianma, and sealing the demon with the innate treasure.

Yuanshi Tianmo jumped out of the river with a changed face, and it would be too late if he didn't leave. Unexpectedly, the Taiqing sage would make a move in person. Once he made a move, it was a taboo killer move. If he was really locked in the Taiji diagram, wouldn't he have to wait until after the immeasurable calamity Can we get out of trouble?

"Taiqing, don't force me!"

The Heavenly Demon breaks out from the long river and turns into a void and black shadow to wander in the hearts of mortals and monks. As long as there is a hole in the heart, it can be exploited by him and can be taken away by him at any time.

Escaping in the soul, such a wonderful method surpasses the existing Taoism category, but this is the method of a sage, all kinds of inconceivable, breaking the common sense of practice.

The Heavenly Demon disappeared without a trace, but Lao Tzu held back a lot of anger. Now that the Taiji Diagram was in trouble, the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon happened to bump into it. The yin and yang two fishes pursued closely. The two saints used the hearts of all living beings as the battlefield, one escaped and the other pursued. .

"Taiqing, I'll help you."

Suddenly Emperor Wa made a sound, and Ji Fa, who was holding up the mess in Chaoge City, suddenly yelled and fell off his horse, only to see a multicolored stone flying out of his spiritual platform with perfect merit and virtue, and dissipated after a turn in nothingness.

"Wu Wang, how are you?" Jiang Ziya and others rushed over nervously, holding Ji Fa who was pale and vitally injured.

"My king is fine, Empress Nuwa just took back the treasure."

Ji Fa supported his body to make everyone feel at ease, but only he knew that the departure of the five-colored stone also took away his "Huntian Baojian", and the monstrous magic power of the original immortal supreme was eliminated. Although his body was still his own, but Everything is back to normal, and even because of the previous shopping fight with King Zhou, the root cause of the disease has been buried, and the funeral must be prepared in advance.

"What is not yours is not yours after all." Ji Fa sighed in her heart, what is too easy to get, is also easier to lose, the only way to do it step by step, down-to-earth.

The colorful holy light illuminates the heavens, and all living beings offer sacrifices, praising the great merit, great courage, and great contribution of the goddess of mending the sky.

"Go, take a picture."

Nuwa uttered the truth, and the infinite merits and virtues were reflected in the hearts of everyone, repairing the loopholes in the soul, making up for the fundamental deficiency of the Tao, and helping Taijitu suppress the greatest demon in history.

At this moment, countless mortals in the prehistoric world felt their minds cleared, and the original haze dissipated. The Qi practitioners who were cultivating hard also felt that the immortal platform was clear, their five senses were sensitive, and their understanding of the way of heaven deepened.

"Could it be that I have enlightened, and am about to realize?" At this moment, many Qi practitioners were talking to themselves, feeling complacent.They didn't know that they were only one step away from being enchanted just now, and this was just the aftermath of the saint's casual battle.

The Xuanhuang merit reflects the heavens, illuminating the dark hearts everywhere, so that the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon has no place to hide, the Heavenly Demon screams, the Yin and Yang fishes have chased after him, and there is a blank Tai Chi diagram opened, ready to welcome his arrival.

"This deity is born today, how can he be trapped in the seal again!"

Yuanshi Tianma's demonic flames surged to the sky, and the yin and yang fish came to kill them fiercely like piranhas. Despite the fierce power of the demonic way and the coming of the dark law, they still couldn't stop them.

There are always people who better than you.Among the saints, Lao Tzu has the highest cultivation level, and his previous defeat was calculated by layers of calculations. The three clean qi were exhausted, and the Taiji diagram was suppressed.

"Ah! Damn!"

The Yuanshi Heavenly Demon roared loudly and was besieged by two saints, with no way to go to heaven and no way to go down to earth.He was just born, and he was better than other saints in all aspects. Even the two saints of the West were richer than him.


Suddenly the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon exploded, and countless heart demons fled in different directions and different time and space. If, as long as he escapes, he can come back again.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the two saints and not be sealed forever by the Taiji diagram, Yuanshi Tianmo chose to explode himself.

"This deity has confessed to being defeated this time, and will definitely make a comeback in the future. At that time, I will make everyone of your Taoist disciples become demons, and it will be difficult to become a Daoist!"

The Yuanshi Heavenly Demon, who has turned into countless heart demons, puts down his harsh words, as long as he is given time to plant demon seeds in the hearts of all living beings, his power is endless, and there is a steady stream of backhands. Countless people are his magic weapons, which is equivalent to another An alternative innate treasure.

"Hmph, where are you going!"

In the Palace of Eight Views, Lao Tzu got up in vain, and his real body moved out. The Taiqing Dharma Eye pierced through everything. He stepped out, held his hands in the air, and a legendary banner appeared in his hand.

"Destroy the devil!"

Whirring whirring--.

The Pangu flag waved, and countless chaotic sword qi that intersected with reality appeared, layer upon layer, endlessly, killing towards the nothingness, only the Pangu flag in the world could kill this ancestor of the heart demon who was neither real nor imaginary.

Bang bang bang.

It was as if the infinite bubbles had been punctured, and the infinite chaotic sword qi had killed the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon, screaming, and countless Heart Demon clones had been killed in a single breath.

"Not good!"

Pangu Banner and Taijitu were strangled together, countless heart demons fell, and Yuanshi Tianmo was shocked, "Could it be that this deity has just been born today, and he will be sealed forever! I'm ruthless! I'm ruthless!"

The hatred was overwhelming, the sound of demons filled the sky, countless people vomited blood at the same time, and suffered an unknown disaster.

However, this does not change anything. The inner demon who wanted to escape was beheaded, Yin Yang fish caught up and pulled tightly, a blank Tai Chi diagram appeared, and a huge black word [崶].

The picture of Taiji is like a black hole, which has swallowed hundreds of millions of demons in an instant. A ferocious portrait of Yuanshi Tianmo appears in the center of the picture, guarded by yin and yang fish on both sides.

"No! This deity is not reconciled, my grand plan has not yet begun!"

The Yuanshi Heavenly Demon roared, and countless people heard this roar from their hearts. Hundreds of millions of Heavenly Demons were swallowed by the Tai Chi Diagram, and all kinds of Yuanshi Heavenly Demons were useless.

There are also pangu banners, colorful merit suppression, and even in order to prevent fish that slipped through the net, the sage Nuwa took out a map of mountains, rivers and land, a pair of landscape paintings competed with the Tai Chi map, and jointly blocked the way for the demons to survive.

"Obtaining this saint-level heart demon, although it consumes an innate treasure, it can be used to test various taboos."

In the Bajing Palace, the corners of Lao Tzu's mouth curled up, and his white beard rose. Even if he had suffered a disastrous defeat before suppressing this Hunyuan Heavenly Demon, and lost the Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang and Linglong Pagoda, he was worth it.

Think about it, a Hunyuan-level existence is at your disposal, maybe you can still forge a new innate treasure.


When the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon was completely sealed by the Taiji Diagram, suddenly the prehistoric sky was full of wind and clouds, and countless majestic purple auras descended from the sky.

"High lying on the nine clouds, the futon is true.

Beyond the black and yellow of heaven and earth, I shall be the head teacher.

Pan Gu was born with Tai Chi, following two rituals and four images.

One is to pass on three friends, and the other is to teach and explain.

The leader of the Xuanmen Capital, transformed into Hongjun with one Qi. "

A poem that is familiar to everyone in the world echoes in the wilderness. Countless people, even the most ordinary mortals, look up at the sky. Daoist Hongjun arrives.

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