"She mentioned the Divine Tree of Destiny just now, is the rumor true? Is there really this divine tree in the sky outside the boundary?"

Everyone whispered, in recent years there have always been legends about the banned bottom of the world, where there is no wind, no waves, many people speculate that such a sacred tree may really have been born.

"If it's true, then at the most critical moment before, the appearance of the mysterious Steins' Gate is probably the work of this Goddess of Fate."

The more I think about it, the more frightened I am. Where does the God of Mischief come from? Not only does the dragon see his head but he can't see his end, he can also control original sin. The little girls he cultivated at will have now become the goddess of fate. What about the other one?What about himself?

"Everyone has their own mission. You are not a child now, and you can't act according to your own will. As long as the road is right and fate is intertwined, we will meet together one day."

Luo Er waved his hand back, turned and left without hesitation. Before leaving, he nodded slightly downward. The movement was so slight that no one else noticed, but Vivienne knew that he was Alice from the underworld. greet.

Vivienne, who was chasing after, looked at her uncle's back, feeling lost for a moment. Thousands of words turned into a sigh, and she also turned and left.

The disappearance of the two made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that after leaving a god king, another bigger mountain would be added.

At this time, the indomitable Locke turned into everything, and he took a last look at the world full of waste. Amid the anxious calls of everyone, he closed his eyes forever tired.


The indomitable giant turned into countless bright spots of light and disappeared. The new world was shocked, and the other four worlds also exuded a burst of sadness. The entire World Tree was shaking with sadness, grieving for the passing of a king.


"Human King."


Everyone is calling for prayers, countless light spots are floating in the world, and the breeze is blowing. At this time, a Locke who looks like a boy gathers the light spots and goes to the lower realm.

"What is that? The vitality of the human king? His reincarnation?"

The sudden turn of events shocked everyone. Someone went back and wanted to stop the young Locke, but at this time another old man raised his hand to stop him in time.

"That is the deepest obsession buried in the heart of the human king. I am afraid that he wants to return to his hometown and return to his roots. He has been pierced by battles, and endless responsibilities are on him. Why should we disturb his final peace?"

Hearing this, everyone stopped to chase, and spent his whole life for others, even after he died, he was still worried and still fighting. Now when his soul is gone, he can truly be free and only act for himself.

Some heroes have complicated eyes, thinking that sometimes after the battle, Locke would sit on a rock and look up at the dark night, his eyes were deep and complicated.

He is the unbelievable king who created miracles. The hopes of the entire court are pinned on him. The thousand-year fate is condensed for a lifetime. He does not just live for himself. Can ride.

But when he was fighting since he was a child, he would also be at a loss. At this time, everyone woke up. It turned out that the human king was not as powerful as they imagined.

He is now full of vigor, and he is still young. In the long age of a strong man, he has just started, but just like this, he has buried the God Realm for thousands of years.

Ten of the twelve main gods were beheaded by him alone, confronted with the king of gods, and died together. This record shocked the world, no matter in the past or in the future, it was shocking.

"I saved everyone, but I still couldn't save you in the end."

The dilapidated lava land, full of heat, was originally the place where he and Mary lived in seclusion, and it was also the place where the god of war and her fell.

Live up to the common people, only one person.

The young Locke stands here alone, and the deepest obsession is hidden here. Looking back on his life, Locke suddenly feels that he was the happiest when he was fighting fiercely in the world, but there was always someone behind him silently supporting him, waiting for him at home Returning lover.

"It turns out that's what I really wanted."

Looking back suddenly, the honor and disgrace of his life are all a passing cloud. It turned out that what he wanted was always simple. At this moment, the young Locke closed his eyes gently, hiding all the past in his heart.

A gust of wind blows, blowing the mind of the young man, and the light spots of the young man's rock transformation dissipate in this space.

"Come on, Mary, you're so slow."

The six-year-old Little Locke was running carefree on the mountain. He waved to the back. Behind him was an ordinary little girl. The little girl stood on tiptoe and hurriedly chased Little Locke, telling him to wait.

This time, Little Locke didn't choose to run forward, but stopped quietly, waiting for the girl to approach.

Little Locke smiled happily, held her hand tightly, and ran and played together in the sunset.

This is the deepest and farthest eternal dream

The human king passed away, and the origin of the New Territory was shaken. The heroes were looking around with different thoughts, planning to seek benefits in the new era, when suddenly infinite rays of light came, and a supreme throne appeared at the place closest to the crown of the sky.

Its appearance made everyone breathless, because it represented the control of the new God Realm, and represented the influence on the lower realm, it was the highest power of Hill.

Before everyone started a scheming battle around the throne, the gods gathered on the throne, and the laws converged. In an instant, a glorious figure who was supreme and exuded the most powerful aura sat on the throne.

He is magnificent, and his face is somewhat similar to that of Locke who passed away when he opened up a new territory, but it is also different, especially those ruthless eyes overlooking all living beings, which made everyone's heart skip a beat.

"Who are you? Are you the reincarnation of a human king? You already control the world?"

Everyone was shocked, and felt that the ownerless New Territory had been controlled by this person, and more importantly, the aura exuding from him was far superior to that of the previous god king, and he had undoubtedly reached another highest level, able to communicate with the mother of all things. Side by side supreme.

The mysterious man looked down at everything indifferently with his eyes, and his voice was loud:

"I am not the King of Man, he has passed away and will never return.

You can call me the Supreme God Cook, the existence that protects Hill and maintains order.

With the advent of a new era, from now on, only the ascension channel will be kept in the New God's Domain and the atrium, and it will not interfere with the human world.

Now that all kinds of wastes are being destroyed, the gods who maintain the order of the world are no longer eternal. In the future, if someone ascends to the gods, but enjoys the blessings and reaps the world, he will also be knocked down by me, and the gods will no longer be gods. "

The voice of this Supreme God who resembled Locke was flat, but everyone couldn't resist. Before everyone became suspicious, he had made God's Domain repel everyone out of the world, and only the Conferred God could come here next time.

"The wish in Locke's heart is to become an inhuman supreme god who supervises the heaven and the earth. The god is not eternal, and complements all living beings.

In other words, the position of God is no longer fixed, but similar to work. If the latecomer does not do well enough, he will not only be impeached by the Supreme God, but will be replaced by the next person. "

Jiang Ping said to himself, this is probably the best solution in a short period of time now. Human beings have selfishness. You can maintain clarity and justice for a short period of time, but what will happen after tens of thousands of years? ?No one can guarantee.

pat pat pat.

Tapping the keyboard with both hands, Jiang Ping first checked the situation of the forum, hehe, it was very hot, every netizen was anxious like ants on a hot pot, scratching their ears and cheeks.

"Holy crap, this is when I took off my pants, turned on the small movie, and was about to show off my skills. Unexpectedly, when the show was at its most exciting, it actually told me that the power was off!"

That's right, everyone is disconnected from the Internet now, and the God King's back is highlighted. Obi, who disappeared for a long time, and the war reporter Haruka Kusaka disappeared after being swept away. Naturally, no one can tell the earth netizens the information.

"The internet is disconnected, can't it, can't it, it won't be the bloody ending of the next era ruled by the king of gods, what about Obi and Yaoyao?

The Tianjiao boss is not the only one who is lucky enough to be alive now. If this is the case, if we are not careful, our earth will lose the coordinates of the Hill World! "

Not only the people who eat melons, but also the official organizations that spy secretly are also anxious. Every different world is very important, not to mention there are only two in total now. If they really lose contact, it will be a huge loss for the whole world. Maybe human beings will overtake in a corner , The dream of leaving the parent star has since disappeared.

"┭┮﹏┭┮, woo woo, Yaoyao, Aobi, Tianjiao, those who are still alive should respond."

As a result, tens of thousands of people summoned players on the Zhutian Forum, and even prehistoric players who were engaged in the Conferred God War also joined in.

The only one who was still intact, Ning Tianjiao, who was in the rear, finally appeared after all kinds of private chats.

Facts speak louder than words, he directly uploaded the video he shot with the artifact.

"The king of gods has a backup, Locke supports the world, and he is powerless to take care of him, but have you forgotten that there is a predator hiding in the deepest place?"

Everyone has seen that the most supreme sword in Hill's world is also the best peripheral sword sold in Tianmao. Other Pangu axes and Zhuxian four swords are also very popular.

Some unscrupulous merchants even produced the bonsai of World Tree Rachel, which makes people laugh, not to mention, it sells very well.

Where there is a demand, there is a market. Now the four keywords of "The Heavens and Myriad Worlds" are the most popular IPs in the world. Naturally, various businesses find ways to do business.

Jiang Ping was wandering around the Internet once, and saw the notebooks and small h essays of himself, Vivienne, and Alice. It was quite troublesome. Saw it in the book club.

"Original sin, original sin, the source of all evils, opened the endless battles and crimes of future generations, ended the old gods, and now appeared again, cutting off the head of the god king who ruled the roost for thousands of years, is this a reincarnation?

Yule once climbed to the throne by holding a sword and became the most powerful person in Hill. He also killed his father god, and finally fell on this demonic sword. "

"There is no good or evil in the weapon itself, it just depends on the user. This mysterious Rolle made the biggest prank in history. Who would have thought that it would end like this."

Everyone kept watching. After Luo Er completed the task, he turned and left without hesitation. The legendary human king finally closed his eyes forever, and the last ray of obsession drifted to the lower realm. Only after death can he live for himself. .

No one knows where he will eventually dissipate.

Everyone's emotions were complicated, and thousands of words turned into long sighs.

"I can't bear to see a hero come to an end, especially this legendary king who bears the fate of the atrium. He should be really exhausted physically and mentally, and he doesn't want to block the way of the latecomers, alas.

Human King, I wish you a good sleep and rest this time, you have completed your mission very well, no one can do better than you. "

"Is the human king Locke really out? It's a pity, this is Hill's second Heavenly Dao powerhouse, the final result of tens of thousands of years of accumulation."

Netizens were talking about it. When they saw the back, the new throne of the gods appeared, and a supreme god who looked similar to Locke but had a completely different temperament appeared. Everyone was shocked, thinking that it was Locke's reincarnation.

After seeing clearly, everyone was silent.

"Supreme God Cook? Is it Locke's long-cherished wish?

Unselfish, similar to Sanqing who inherited his legacy after the fall of Pangu. Although this supreme god inherits the mantle and power of the human king, he is no longer the same person. "

"The eyes of this Supreme God are as ruthless as the way of heaven. I am afraid that it is similar to the program of the personification of the way of heaven, maintaining the peace and order of Hill's world, but not intervening too much in the human world.

With the advent of a new order, all living beings enshrine the gods, and hundreds of battleships compete, but this time the gods are no longer gods, and the world of Hill is ushering in a new era and a new version.This time it must be far more prosperous than before, because there is no big stone of the old gods on the head. "

There was a lot of discussion on the forum, some were worried about the other two players, and some were discussing the legend of the human king's life, fighting the sky and the earth, blood-stained all his life, and his record was horrific, but he didn't know if he had any regrets in the end of his life.

There is even a big director who is bad at Laiwu, and he plans to contact someone to write the script and shoot a heroic chapter about the human king. He doesn't even need to do special effects, and directly uses the original painting.

In any case, everyone knows that the world of Hill is different. As they said, Jiang Ping has already tapped the keyboard to write the announcement of the new version:

"World Tree: Silver Age"

Chapter 293 Tomb of the Unknown Female Sword Saint

"The War of the Three Realms in "The Heavens and Worlds: World Tree" ended, the rebel forces led by the human king Locke won the final victory, the rule of the old gods was overthrown, and the Supreme God Cook was born,

The 500-year Warring States Period ended, and the world of Hill entered the Silver Age. Heroes competed to become gods, each depending on their own abilities. Maybe the next protagonist is you.

——Producer: God"

Although the announcement is short, everyone found it immediately, studied it carefully, and didn't want to let go of any information revealed. There was also a representative of the Chinese class, who was able to extend the understanding of the "two jujube trees" to the author's psychology, family and finally. A master who diffused into the dark old society.

However, it seems that it is still such a simple description, and it does not change just because you read it several times, but the words are even more unfamiliar.

"It's that simple, don't you recruit people again?"

Everyone sighed that the simple style was still the same as before, and they were still discussing the current situation in the new era.

In the great world of Hill, Ning Tianjiao led the dwarf master out of the world and climbed up again. When the long-lost ray of sunlight hit his cheeks, he couldn't help but close his eyes and embrace everything with open arms.

The other dwarves continued to cheer, and many dark races followed behind them.

The Frost Giant King fell. Although the Titans had no leader, they signed a peace treaty with the Human King before the war, and now the Supreme God who succeeded the Human King also fulfilled his promise.

All walks of life are unimpeded, and the necessary supplies are exchanged with each other. In addition, after a super war, all walks of life have been destroyed, and one after another world trade routes have been continuously opened up, and they have prospered in a short period of time.

Among the Titans, who were bestowed by the Supreme God as "Anti-Heaven Righteous Warriors", they can also participate in the construction of the world. There is a lot of ethnicity in the dark, and they are no longer in charge of fighting and destroying as before, but participating in the construction of the world. world development.

Even the fertility situation in the ethnic group has improved a lot, but the happy titans are smiling like a hill.

"This time we will be able to make great achievements." Ning Tianjiao confidently said to the volcano dwarves who followed him, carrying a sledgehammer.

Now that everything is in ruins, the revival of the world needs them most, and the newly born God's Domain is empty, this is the best era.

"It would be even better if there is good wine to drink. I heard that the brewing technology of humans has surpassed that of the elves. This time, I must drink for three days and three nights in the atrium tavern."

The mighty dwarf brigade is climbing up, each one is full of vigor and hope for the future, the old gods are gone, and there are no more difficulties hindering the development of the world.


After the tide receded, construction was in full swing on the messy land, and ordinary people and even powerful people were working with smiles on their faces.

The silt left after the seawater subsides is extremely fertile, and a good batch of crops can be planted, and the farmers are very happy.

The city-states that were dilapidated and burned due to the war also began to be rebuilt, and people gathered from all directions continued to pour in, and the land glowed with new opportunities.

"The world does not need slaves. Everyone is equal. We are born free. If slaves are freed, there will be more productivity in the world."

In the ever-constructing ancient city, a solemnly dressed young man was giving a speech holding up his speech, while his team below was handing out leaflets with gifts such as wheat and fruit.

More and more people gathered outside the field, especially the largest number of slaves and peasants who listened most carefully, and even forgot to take the gifts.

They are at the bottom of the world, do the most tiring work, eat the hardest food, and live like pigs and dogs. Now that someone speaks out for them, it naturally attracts their attention.

"Why does it sound familiar?" A middle-aged man who had read a lot of books asked curiously.

"Hey, it's not surprising. The content of his speech now is hundreds of years ago, before the establishment of the Sumerian Dynasty, Xilin, the leader of the distant city-state, once said it, and it was also recorded in his personal biography. Now it’s just re-fried rice.”

"However, the era was not successful back then, and it is really uncertain now."

Those discussing shook their heads. No one could tell until the end. The slave policy had far-reaching effects. The recalcitrant slave owners were all well-known strong men, with both benefits and risks.

In the center of the city, the once holy and glorious white church has been overthrown, and a school and a martial arts field have been built on its former site, but religion has not disappeared. As long as people still want something to put their faith in, it will last forever and run through the entire city. human history.

The heroes and epic masters who survived the battle of the Three Realms participated in the construction. Not all of them were saints, and they also had selfishness.

In the first birth of God's Domain, except for the supreme god who holds the throne, there are no other gods. It only needs enough people to be devout and believe, and leave great achievements in the world, then they can ascend to the gods.

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