Locke, whose consciousness began to fade, walked slowly. He saw the doomsday mountains and rivers, witnessed the sun falling into the moon, and there were strong and ordinary people who tried their best to run to escape.

The ants are still alive, and countless hidden small animals are fleeing desperately, terrified.

"Then what else can I do?"

Locke overlooked the world and said to himself that his mission has not been completed, and the last obsession saved by the savior still refuses to dissipate.

"Savior, savior, both me and you must fulfill this promise. You have completed your mission, and I have not yet completed it."

Locke opened his palm, bleeding out, exhausted, what else could he do in the last period of time?

Locke looked up at the sky, the clouds of extermination filled the sky, and thunderbolts of destruction descended one after another. He thought of the thunder fist of the god king that caused his downfall.

"Maybe I'm going to take half a step where the God King didn't finish."

Locke closed his eyes, and experienced the rapid flight of his life. He was born with supernatural power and fearless from childhood.

Later, he grew up and won the champions of the King of Power. Back then, he was young and energetic, different from a young age, with extraordinary pride. He wanted to strike the sky with eagles, swallow the North Sea with whales, save mankind, conquer the world, and become the strongest in the world.

In order to fulfill his dream, he completed impossible experiences one after another, and finally raised the banner against the sky and challenged the gods. His life was wonderful and brilliant.

It's just that the last picture of his life was frozen when he was 6 years old when he was a child. Mary stood on tiptoe and secretly kissed him on the cheek.

A gentle smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Locke's mouth. When he opened his eyes again, he had already made a decision. He raised his right hand to lift the sky, and sang softly:

"First and last prayers to Rahil, Mother of All.

Sent for help to the strange world, the atrium, the kingdom of giants, and the underworld.

Make a request to all the spirits who are still alive in the four worlds. "

Locke's voice was not loud, but it echoed in the hearts of all living beings. At this moment, the horde of beasts and the crowd who were fleeing looked up blankly, looking at the dawn in the dark sky.

"Difficult, is there still a way for Locke to save the world?"

Ning Tianjiao said in shock, but strictly speaking, he is dead now, and now it is just the last obsession and reflection.

"Impossible, in such a scene, the God Realm collapses, the realms are unstable, and the world is about to return to chaos."

Vulcan stands on the sea like a volcano. He didn't choose to flee, but just greeted all this calmly. He doesn't believe that the human king can still defy the sky now.

"I once stood on a high peak and looked across all worlds.

Also fell into the Styx, beyond life and death.

Across countless battlefields without defeat, but failed to protect the most important person.

Looking back suddenly, I am alone, only nothingness will follow me forever.

Today, the God Realm is destroyed and the four realms collapse. If you want to live, please raise your hands.

Help me, the only one who can save me is myself. "

Locke's words spread throughout the land, and the human rebels who followed him did not raise their hands immediately after fleeing. They chose to believe in this miracle-creating human king.

Humans, dwarves, dragons, orcs, elves and other races all contribute their strength at this time, and the only one who can save themselves has always been themselves.

At this moment, no matter which ethnic group it is, even the unwise gods, beasts, and big trees all burst into stars, flocking to Locke in the sky.

Ning Tianjiao also raised his hands to contribute, and said with a smile: "You are the strongest protagonist of the era, the one who created miracles."

The ancient tree of life swayed, and strands of rich green life energy gushed out, pouring towards Locke, whose body was getting bigger and bigger, surpassing the body of the ancestor giant.

The survivors around the Goddess of Life, including the slimes led by Limulu, also contributed their meager efforts, and under the overthrow of the nest, there were no eggs left.

"Hey, the end of the world has come, and the judgment is coming. The human king still wants to save the world and save all living beings. It seems that he himself has been brainwashed. Do you really think he is the [Savior]?"

Above the sea, the surviving Judgment God disdainfully spoke, but the Vulcan not far away suddenly raised his hands, and wisps of divine light poured out from him, contributing to Locke, who had turned into an indomitable giant of light.

"Master Hephaes?!"

The seriously injured true god beside him said in amazement, he is now the strongest true god, why should he help their life and death enemy at this time.

"This moment is invincible to my camp, I just don't want to watch the glorious world wither."

This is Vulcan's answer, self-help, he is also self-help.

The remnants of the gods had mixed emotions, and gradually, some ancient gods also raised their hands to contribute their strength. They hated the human king, who overthrew the rule of the gods, and left only a few hundred of them who are high above dead today, but at this time, They want to survive.

The Titan children who did not participate in the battle in the kingdom of giants also began to raise their hands. In the underworld, under the leadership of Alice, the undead also contributed their own strength.

Hundreds of millions of light spots of energy surged from all corners of the four worlds, and all kinds of energy filled the huge body of Locke. At this time, he turned into a dharma that surpassed the ancestor Titan.

Never before had there been such a large and holy creature in the world of Hill, nor had the proto-giants reached such heights.

The real indomitable, the world can't bear his stalwart, but it's not enough, Locke's eyes are getting weaker and weaker, and the effect brought by the seventh talent is beginning to fade.

"not enough."

Wei'an Locke was shocked, and the ignorant origin of the four worlds was awakened, and a wave of world power began to bless him. The world is also conscious, but it is different from ordinary creatures. The moment they wake up, it will extend to time. to the end.

At this time, he realized that he was destroyed, and the world began to save itself. The fate of all people and the power of the world were all concentrated on one person. It was not the current doomsday moment, and such a thing could not happen.


The surging power of the world contains all laws and is supreme. Locke's huge body was shaken suddenly, and bright halos shone from under his feet.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple.

The power of the earth, shooting nine heads, the wisdom of the sky, the blessing of nine colors, the power of the titans, transcending life and death, tearing the sky

The halo of the nine talents is constantly increasing and strengthening, and Locke wants to save the world with his talents!


Countless energies poured in, and Locke's burden became heavier and heavier. This is not pure energy, but also the power of the world and the hope in the hearts of all living beings.

Locke's eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and his soul has dissipated in the world, but there is still a breath of energy in his heart that supports him.


Suddenly the huge world tree swayed, and rays of light shot down from the crown of the sky. Locke, who was originally bent, was shocked in vain. His body was like a dragon, and the nine talents fluctuated, shaking rapidly.

But the nine radiances shone to the limit, and there was still no ultimate evolution. Locke gritted his teeth and planned to take action. Suddenly, a corner of a magic box was opened in the gap between the infinite void, and a ray of the most incredible light of hope emerged.


After receiving the inexplicable blessing of the void, Locke's body suddenly struck like lightning, and the nine talent halos broke and merged with a bang, turning into the most supreme chaotic talent halo.

"Tenth trial, save the world."


Locke's solemn voice spread throughout all worlds. His face was solemn and sacred, and the world tree illuminated by the indomitable brilliance was bright. For the first time, the bottom of the underworld welcomed infinite light. This light did not make the undead feel uncomfortable, but felt at ease.

"Have you finally taken the last step?"

Alice looked up in a daze on the seat of Pluto, and saw that immature young man who was now an indomitable god who surpassed himself and surpassed his limits.

At this time, Locke condensed the power of all beings, condensed the beliefs of all beings, received the blessings of the four worlds, and received the blessing of the World Tree. territory.

"After so long, the world of Hill finally gave birth to a second Heaven-level powerhouse."

Jiang Ping said with complicated eyes at home.

Looking at Locke, who stood upright and turned into an incredible god-man, the netizens who witnessed this spectacle on the forum were also shocked.

"This, this is Pangu? A top-down, born to create the world, and turned into everything after death.

A person who was born the day after tomorrow, condenses the power of all living beings, condenses the beliefs of all living beings, and also evolved into Pan Gu? "Meng Ruo Shen Ji said in astonishment, Pan Gu doesn't just refer to people, but also realms.

"It seems that the human king Locke broke through all the limits before he died, and took the most impossible step. Is the second heavenly level in Hill's world? I can feel that his current strength surpasses my master."

With such a major event happening in Hill's world, Wutian naturally also appeared. He commented on Locke today.


The Chaos Sea roared, and the World Tree was radiant, but the world hanging on it was shaking unceasingly. The God Realm had collapsed and fallen back into countless world fragments and returned to the bottom of Rahil.

There are indomitable giants, one step at a time, one step at a time, one step at a time, coming from the past, based on the present, and blooming in the future.

Under the hopeful eyes of all living beings in the underworld, the kingdom of giants, the atrium, and the strange world, he walked along the world tree until he reached the crown of the sky.

Standing on the top of the world, Locke looks down with vast eyes like the sun, moon and stars, and everything in the world of Hill is contained in his eyes.

"Then let's start, the last challenge, the tenth talent: opening up the world."

Boom, the tenth halo of chaos shrouded his body trembled, the laws of heaven and earth merged into one body, and the glory of all worlds was draped in him.

Locke's huge body moves, the supreme rules are under his control, and thousands of magical methods flow through his heart like a stream. At this moment, he is omniscient and omnipotent, and Hill is under control.

Chapter 291 The Biggest Prank in History

Earth, water, wind and fire are surging, time and space follow each other, and the most original law is circulating. Locke draws a perfect trajectory with his hands. At this time, he is the highest law.

Brilliant and colorful, the constantly vibrating four worlds have the power of the world flowing, the chaotic time and space are straightened out, Locke stands on the top of the world, recuperating the law, and finally there is a bang, reopening the world.

The law of riots is restrained, clean air rises, turbid air sinks, ground, water, wind and fire continue to surge, Locke's actions are simple and unpretentious, but majestic and powerful, and a brilliant prototype of the highest world appears.

The moment it appeared, the rioting four worlds seemed to have a backbone, the falling ranks began to stop, and the collapsed and withered world fragments began to be recovered by the world source.

All the doomsday scenes such as floods, calamity fires, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions began to subside, as if the lines were straightened out and the origin was suppressed.

The people who took refuge breathed a sigh of relief, at least the crisis of world destruction has now stopped.

"Is he planning to rebuild the center and open up a new God Realm?"

The ancient tree of life in the forest of elves is swaying, and today's human king has the mighty power to open up the world again.

At this time, all living beings look up, surpassing all gods in history, the gods and men as vast as the universe are clarifying the rules, adjusting the laws, and urging the divine power to recreate the world.

"Create the world? Locke has really become Pangu." A netizen who witnessed it said.

"The order of the heavens and the earth symbolizes the fall of the god king in the old era. He was born from the fusion of the ancient god and the Titan, and the Locke of the new era is a purebred acquired human being, which represents the change of the era.

With the destruction of the old God Realm, a new God Realm will naturally be born. I just don't know if this God Realm will oppress the living beings after tens of millions of years, and whether there will be a new protagonist at that time who will rise up and go against the sky again. "

No matter what everyone said, Locke kept moving, constantly opening up new worlds. He moved along the instinct of talent, as if he had opened up the world proficiently.

When the body moves again, Locke's spirit is also integrated into the rules of Xintiandi, and his consciousness is circulating.

"When a new God Realm is born, it must be stronger than before, but how to avoid repeating the same mistakes, the new ruling class will not be as decadent as the old Gods.

Become unwilling to make progress, suppress the latecomers, or block the advancement path of the latecomers, causing the world to become more and more resentful. If this is the case, I am just delaying the destruction of the world.

Endless resentment accumulates in the deepest part of the world, and one day it will explode. "

Locke began to think about how to cut off the chains of evil. It seemed that this was the rule in the world, and the old ones would always occupy the supreme position of power if they were not dead.

Even if one can keep one's original mind for a short period of time, under the corrosion of endless years, one will definitely change one's mind. This is human nature.

And if the stagnant water does not circulate like before, under the backlog, there will always be new protagonists rebelling, and I am afraid that they will not be so lucky next time.

Locke's body is constantly blooming with great power and opening up the world, but he is thinking about the future in his heart. Now that nothing exists and the rules are under control, this is the time when the rules can be changed the most.

"The king of gods wanted to devour the thoughts of all beings in the dark, so as to become the real king of the world. Now that I have fallen, can I use this to create a truly great "king" who is impartial and selfless in the hearts of all beings?"


Xintiandi was shaken, and the creation of the world has reached the most critical moment. Although the prototype of the world has emerged, it is more difficult for Locke to maintain it from collapsing and maintain it than the opening of the sky.

Locke's body became infinitely huge, turning into a Pangu giant standing upright, and his mind kept the world from collapsing.

This new world center is five times larger than the previous God Realm. The original rules of the four worlds are connected to the new world, suppressed by it, clarify the rules, and unblock the energy.

"Congratulations on the birth of the New Territory, the four realms of Hill still exist, and may they exist until the eternity of time."

On the forum, some gods sent out rocket coins to celebrate that the world of Hill was not destroyed.

At this time, in the video recorded by Rixiayao, the human king turned into a tall giant supporting Xintiandi.

"Is it safe? Are we saved? The world is not destroyed."

The humans, dwarves, and dragons who survived the catastrophe looked around the vast ocean. The tide receded, and the baptized land was purified and rejuvenated.

There are ordinary people hiding on the high mountains sticking their heads out to look at the earth that is not shaking. They account for the largest number in the world, and they don't know why such a catastrophe happened before.

They only know that there are strong human beings raising their flags against the rule of the gods, which may have been caused by the aftermath of the war just now.

"The world has just opened, and the rules have never been easier to change at this moment. This is my chance to change the fate of the world."

Locke's indomitable head shoots out a light of soul, which contains his thoughts and ideas and shoots into the origin of heaven and earth in the New Territory.

This is not something that can be accomplished in an instant, just like he is supporting the world now, not overnight.


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