In the nameless forest, the bloody palm had already grabbed Mary. That little girl was protected by the leaf of life, and the God of Judgment couldn't handle it.

"This is the clue you found? Is it a gift from the Goddess of Life? Maybe it came from the King of Humans. Could it be that the Tree of Life is behind everything? Is she the teacher of the King of Humans?"

The tall and brilliant God of War said from the side, he never expected that the most honest Mother Tree of Life would have such terrible ambitions.

"This human woman was killed, and I personally brought this little girl back to the God Realm. What about the gift of life? It's not that the goddess of life is here in person."

The God of War suddenly made a move, and suddenly threw out an imprisoned divine soldier composed of ferocious killer weapons, completely covering Susan who was guarded by the green light curtain. He planned to imprison her first, and bring it back to the God Realm to solve it naturally.

"You, what are you going to do to my mother?"

Little Susan shouted anxiously in the light curtain. At this time, above, her mother was tightly grasped by the terrifying bloody palm, her body was crushed and creaked, and her pretty face was in agony.

"Quick, run away"

Mary said to her daughter with a face full of pain. The next moment, the bloody palm of the God of Judgment tightened, and endless blood poured into Mary's body. With a bang, Mary was blown to pieces, her soul was pinched into light spots by the law of judgment, and even reincarnated into the underworld. can't do it.


Suddenly, there was only a cry of mourning that resounded throughout the world, like the mournful cry of a beast king when he saw his wife's tragic death, and a blood-colored sky pillar killed him instantly from a very far away.

At this moment, everyone on the ground knelt down and covered their ears in pain, their minds were shocked wildly, and the entire atrium trembled from the painful roar.

"Oops, it's the human king, he's gone crazy, run away!"

In the forest, God of War's expression changed drastically in an instant, and before he could take back the imprisoning artifact, the space burst with a click, and he stepped into the space crack, trying to escape back to the God Realm.


As soon as the God of Judgment replied, a blood-red, crazy and irresistible giant metal screen appeared in his eyes.

Chapter 286 Crush Ling Xiao and Reach the Peak

This blood-colored sky is the metal feet of the savior. Now the savior armor seems to be mutated by the owner, and the already terrifying blood-colored armor has completely turned into scarlet, as if it was poured with blood.

Irresistible smashed the mountains and rivers with one foot, and it was useless to cut the space despite the laws. Locke struck with anger and directly forced the God of War back from the depths of the void.

And the God of Judgment, who was the first and second, watched helplessly, watching the irresistible metal sky descend in despair.

Ka Ka collapse!

In an instant, the terrifying power directly crushed the god of justice, the supreme god among the gods, into minced flesh. His godhood and divine fire were destroyed in an instant, and the screams were completely drowned out.

"Why?! Why! Why do you want to kill her even though I chose this path!"


The continuous loud sound of trampling continued to resound, like a blood-colored savior made of blood stamped crazily, and the flesh of the God of Judgment under his feet was crushed to pieces by the violent force.

Not to mention the remnants of the law of judgment, those who returned to the God Realm were directly crushed into the humblest mote along the causal line of fate.

Laws of judgment were crushed into nothingness, and those who judged the gods could not die again. The first atoms that made up the body and soul were crushed by the furious savior, and could never return to the world tree.

Susan, who was wrapped in the green light of life, was sent to the subspace of the ends of the earth by Locke's divine power. The god of war who failed to escape bears all the anger of Locke at this time!

The mighty God of War was continuously pressed down like an ant, and the space collapsed completely. The earth was turned into lava from hell, and the violent force seemed to be pressed down by the sky, and the God of War spurted golden blood from his whole body.


He spat out a mouthful of blood heavily, and shouted anxiously with bloodshot eyes:

"Sea God! God of Light, help me! I can't hold on anymore!"

"The human king is crazy, his aura is violent and crazy, and the energy in his body is completely violent. First save the God of War and return to the God Realm! Don't fight him head-on at this time!"

A bright light shot down, and the God of Light arrived first. His face changed drastically, and he felt that something was wrong. Could it be that the God of War really found Locke's weakness?Or did he kill his wife and children?Otherwise, how could the human king be so furious and even demonized.

"I'll stop him first."

A round of brilliant sun shot from the sky, slamming on the savior who was constantly trampled on the god of war, the earth tightened in vain, the god of the earth also came to support, and the god of the sea and the sky came to rescue him.

The Scarlet Savior suddenly looked back, and the hearts of all the main gods thumped. It turned out to be a mech with blood and tears, and its eyes were completely blood red.

"Since this is the case, I have nothing to worry about, and I have fallen into the Asura Way."

Crashing, a tsunami-like sound came from inside the mech, it was the sound of the ancestor's blood fully awakened and boiling.

Pounding, a series of violent heartbeats resounded in the hearts of all the creatures in the atrium. At this moment, Locke's pulse was completely integrated with the atrium.

A violent fluctuation centered on this messy battlefield continued to spread far away.

The endless sea of ​​blood dyed the sky of the atrium red, and the smell of blood descended from the sky, and the world was filled with murderous aura.

The atrium rebels, giant dragons, treants, and even the angel army all looked at the terrifying vision in a daze. For some reason, everyone felt a terrible depression in their hearts.As if it is about to die.

"It's not good, this time the deity may really fall."

Falling into the realm of the savior, the crazily ravaged god of war, his armor was cracked, his body was continuously spurting blood under the pressure of terrifying force, and his originally brilliant and mighty face became extremely embarrassed.

Fortunately, the other main gods had already been killed at this time, but the berserk energy overflowing from the armor of the savior made the war god below tremble even more.

As soon as the God of War gritted his teeth, a series of war gods accumulated for thousands of years appeared, bloodthirsty swords, overlord halberds and other artifacts suddenly appeared around, a burst of light flashed like the sun, and with a bang, the god of war artifacts exploded.

Only in this way did he break the shackles of the mecha, and God of War escaped from the lower realm in a panic, but the next moment his heart skipped a beat, and he saw the terrifying blood-colored mecha teleporting in front of him.

The sun and light intercepted by the cross attack could not capture his strange trajectory. The attack route of the savior armor at this time was not what the gods could have imagined and predicted.

In an instant, the savior attacked at a speed that God of War couldn't catch at all. God of War's eyes were full of light, as if he knew that he had reached the most dangerous moment in his life.

The god of war in his brow shook, and countless fighting spirits erupted from the realm of the gods. From ancient times to the present, all the fighting figures of Hill appeared in front of his eyes. At this moment, he turned into the concept of "battle" itself.

"It's not that easy to kill me!!"

The God of War roared, spewing blood from his heart. His bloodshot eyes kept borrowing the true meaning of the battle to deduce the offensive to capture Locke, trying to avoid his lore move.


A brilliant battle world erupted from the body of God of War Toss, endless warriors waved their weapons to defeat Locke together, and remnants emerged in the battle world.

At the end and even the most distant time, the ancient battle between the ancestor giant and the ancestor god, the crown of the sky, the first, the first battle, kicked off the prelude to the bright future, and at this time the god of war appeared again.

All the main gods were shocked by this attack of the God of War. This is a terrifying move that breaks through the limit of the main god and is enough to reach the "king" level.

However, this time, the blood savior blasted into the real world of battle with a roar, and a sea of ​​blood fell from the sky. Locke went berserk completely.

He danced wildly, tearing apart a fighting figure who was blocking the way, and even killed so frantically that he opened his bloody mouth, biting a god who was composed of fighting rules into bloody pieces.

"Crazy, berserker, the human king Locke is the first berserker in Hill's history?"

In the corner of the atrium where the sea of ​​blood was overwhelming, Haruka Haruka looked at the furious battlefield in the far distance with a pale face.

"Today, I am afraid that the twelve main gods will be slaughtered by one person."

Haruka Haruka said to himself, a berserker, who fills his soul with the flames of vengeance, lives and dies for battle.

In the real world of battle, God of War burst out with blood all over his body, but he watched Locke wear a savior to kill a bloody road. Countless battle rules accumulated through the ages were crushed by him, which means that he has already surpassed all warriors throughout the ages.

"Also, there are the ancestor giants and ancestor gods!"

The God of War, whose mind was shocked, tremblingly expressed his last hope. As he was approaching, the blood mecha blasted through the real world with endless violent and murderous aura, and killed him in front of the God of War Toss.

At this time, the ancient giants and ancestor gods who fought in the oldest battle seemed to come back to life, and they rushed to both sides of Locke, as if they wanted to hold him back.

"【Ninth Talent: Tearing the Sky】"

Locke paused suddenly, and the next moment the savior was demonized, and a series of bloody and complicated lines were activated. His hands ignored all the rules of confinement, like two bloody thunderbolts directly catching the God of War.

The ancestral giant and the phantom of the ancestral god couldn't stop it for a moment, and the captured God of War's eyes froze. The human king's current strength has surpassed the two ancestral creatures. Otherwise, how could it be so easy? !

At this time, the ninth talent was activated, and endless blood bloomed from the hands of the savior, and terrifying power poured into the body of the God of War.


The God of War screamed, and in the next moment, under the eyes of the main gods who were about to tear apart, the God of War was torn into two halves by the human king!

The armor of the savior was glowing with blood, biting the head and body of the god of war alive, creaking and creaking, and the terrible chewing sound made all the viewers shudder.

Only the screams of the God of War are constantly echoing, and he who was torn in two went crazy

Struggling, the body exploded according to the law, and wanted to escape and ascend to heaven.

However, Locke was crazy, his hands exploded with heavenly power to tear everything apart, the mutilated body of the God of War was torn into countless pieces, the blood of the God of War splashed in the sky, and the violent law of battle broke out.

But he was swallowed bloody by Locke, engulfed in the God of War Godhead!

"Master God King!!!!"

The God of War Toss before his fall finally let out a tragic roar.


The world of the atrium was full of blood and light, and all sentient beings knew that another main god had fallen, and he was also the war god among the gods.

The God of War fell in the hands of the human king, and this was just the beginning.

Locke, who was glowing with bloodthirsty light, rushed towards the oncoming Sun God, and a halo of demonized blood-colored talents bloomed. He exerted strength on his right arm, and the endless blood-colored talent patterns merged into his right arm.

The right arm turned into a sky knife, slashing heavily towards Xiri, puffing, the scorching sun was raging, thousands of real fires erupted but could not stop it, and was split in half by the force!

The God of Light rushed madly with his eyes tearing open, the savior's armor opened its mouth, and the violent devouring power swallowed Hill's first light.

The yellow earth god turned into the body in vain, and the rules of the earth pressed on Locke, trying to restrain him and save the sun god and the light god.

Hula la.

The chaotic sea was berserk, and the sea god came from the sea. Half of his body merged into the sea, half of him stood on the waves, and he raised the sea god's trident with both hands to stab the human king.

After being berserk, Locke is only born for battle, he has no scruples, regardless of his own constraints, he stomps heavily, and Bloody's first talent is blessed by berserk.

Locke also has the talent of the earth, boom, the original earth is cracked like a spider web, and the rules of the earth are annihilated.

When the Chaos Sea came, Locke stepped onto the sea with the Sun God in one hand and the Light God in the other. The violent sea water couldn't force him to the ground, and Locke rushed towards the Sea God with one step.

The sea god held a trident and was covered in hairs. He was really frightened by such a ferocious human king. He gritted his teeth, and his whole body burst into flames, and the power of faith that the fishermen prayed for bloomed.

Poseidon held the trident tightly and thrust hard, unexpectedly broke through the defense of the Savior's armor and stabbed inside, before he could be lucky.

The terrifying force brought the sun with it, and the sun god roared and evaporated the chaotic sea.

"Oops, not good!"

Poseidon's expression changed when he was offset by the Sun God's rules. He was about to pull out his trident and escape, but his eyes darkened, and he couldn't pull out the trident at all. He was imprisoned by the human king!

"The power of the earth, a hundred strikes in an instant, the power of a titan, blessings of nine colors"

One after another talents are activated like lines, and eventually they all become auxiliary, revolving around Scarlet's ninth talent.

【Tear the sky】!

This is the revenge of the human king, and this is Locke's madness!

Locke displayed the ninth talent with a raging sun on his right hand. At this moment, the sun and the moon are gone, the sky and the earth are turned upside down, the chaos is smoothed, and the endless sea of ​​chaos is evaporated by the savior.

The Sea God screamed, and repeated the same mistakes as the God of War. He was torn into countless pieces by the human king's right hand, and the godhead was crushed by the bloody machine directly in the air, which seemed to be the same as Mary's death just now.

The Sea God experienced what is meant by the torture of crushing the gods into bones. Every part of his body, every strand of rules, was crushed into ashes.

Locke flicked his right arm with icy eyes, and the extinguished dim sun fell into the silent sea of ​​chaos with a plop.

The Sun God and Sea God fell, and the rules they represented were completely rioted and chaotic. Eternal night fell, not only the God Realm, but also the strange world and the atrium were completely plunged into darkness, and the sun was gone.

"Did you hear anything?"

Someone on the earth suddenly asked, and everyone who was plunged into darkness was puzzled. The next moment, the violent sea swept over and engulfed all the land. The out-of-control sea seemed to want to turn the whole world into a realm of water.

"The human king is extremely brave. He killed three main gods in one day. Everyone, the day of counterattack has come. Today is to retake the atrium and overthrow the gods of the gods!"

In the dark era, the tsunami was raging, and the leader of the human rebel army raised his sword and flag, and commanded the army to start a counterattack.

One after another, titans and mythical beasts rioted and joined in this super war at the end of the century. This night, the battle of the Three Realms completely broke out to its most intense moment.

One after another, the true gods faced the uprising army of ten thousand races in rage, but fear. Above the tsunami, in the dark era, ten thousand races fought against the gods.

A series of roars and screams broke the tranquility of the night, bang bang bang, the roar of the artifact, the curse of the gods destroyed the world, and the light of war tore through the darkness.

The peak and fiercest battlefield of the main god turned into chaos, the space was shattered, the law was gone, and the chaotic sea outside the world could even be seen.

The three main gods were beheaded, and the rest of the sky and space gods were also crazy. Today, he died or I died. The human king is already crazy. If he doesn't do anything, the armor of the savior is bleeding, and there are drops on his chest pierced by the sea god's trident. A drop of black red blood flowed out.

The Lord God of Space, Lord God of Ten Thousand Beasts, etc. burned their divine power to attack Locke. Locke, glowing with maddened blood, imprisoned the God of Light, and turned the brilliant Hill's first light into the most terrifying light whip artifact to hit other Lord Gods.

"Human King, I will help you!"

Three ancient giants rushed to attack a main god and spread the pressure on Locke.

Locke wore the savior, and his whole body was completely unconventional. He waved the whip of light and cracked the Lord God of Space.

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