Obi retracted his bow and looked at his blackened arrow with satisfaction. It was given to him by Locke, and he no longer needed such a sharp weapon.


After recording from a distance, Nisaka Yao praised, and other people who watched her video on the forum also marveled at Obi's skills.

"A sharpshooter is a sharpshooter. Obi is now the well-deserved No. [-] arrow on the earth. He borrows poisonous blood to defeat him. This is usually something that can only be done by the protagonist of the era. Even a [hero] cannot accomplish such a feat."

"Not necessarily, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the courtyard. I don't know how many masters have been hidden for so many years. Look at the other corner of the video, and there is another strange scene of the death of a god."

That night, the atrium was completely ignited by the flames of war, the gods descended from the realm, and the angel army slaughtered. long.

Of course, there are more unknown masters who have been completely crushed by the true gods, but if the base is large enough, enough children of the era can appear. On this day, the gods have suffered from underestimating human beings.

The largest family in the atrium shocked the God Realm. They were not "meat pigs" raised and trained by the gods, but living, conscious people.

Especially the mysterious Locke, who claims to be the "King of Humanity", made the main gods furious, but there was nothing he could do. The God Realm Council was held overnight to discuss the means of destroying the atrium and human beings.

In the raging flames of war at this time, an elderly historian tremblingly took out a quill and recorded in the new "Hill's Calendar":

"Hill's calendar: The age of the gods ends, and a new era begins. I don't know how future generations will call this era, but I would like to call it "The Battle of the Three Realms".

Maybe our human destiny and history will disappear in this unprecedented war, but I don't think anyone will regret it. It is time for the bitter history of 500 years of oppression to come to an end. "

After writing this, his nib stopped for a while, and after a while of meditation, he continued to write:

"Taking the opportunity of the first ancient god who died of old age, human beings rose up overnight, revolutionary leaders and heroes led the people to overthrow the church's rule, and the gods led an army of angels to suppress it.

At the end of the atrium, there is a human king who destroys the gate of the world, and he is not weak in the battle against the main gods. He is the leader who resists the gods and contacts all parties. He is the strongest human being who surpasses all, and he is hope. "

Chapter 283 Gundam Standing on the Ground

"Human Locke, who is so sacred? How can he be so powerful? This is a strange number. If I hadn't come into contact with it personally, I would doubt that he was an ancient creature born in ancient times."

There are ancient gods whispering in the God Realm, and the gods frowned. There are no strong people in the world for no reason, but there must be weak feet.

The God of Light caught the Atrium brand and wanted to check Locke's past, but unfortunately found nothing, it was a mess.

"The matter has come to this point, we can only do our best to extinguish the flames of resistance. This time, the rebellion of all races is no small matter. The entire army of the God Realm Guards is attacking, and we don't need to hide the holy army hidden in God's country.

This time, I still need to ask the Lord God King for instructions. In the end, it is estimated that he will kill Human Hope and the King of Giants, and suppress all rebellions in one fell swoop. "God of War said sideways.

"Although the King of God is retreating to a higher realm, he also understands the changes in the outside world. He made me feel relieved to take action. After he leaves the customs, the atrium will be overturned and the world will be completely destroyed!" God Queen Belinda replied confidently .

It seems that the king of gods has long been prepared, after all, such a big event, each of the main gods nodded.

"Then start the "World Destroyer Plan". Since the humans in the central courtyard unite with other ethnic groups to rebel together, there is no need for them to continue to survive in the world.

This time I dared to subvert the atrium. It seems that my previous methods were too gentle, making them forget my iron-blooded methods. "

The gods reached a consensus, and one god asked, "What about the priests and others who were under my command?"

"It is inevitable that there will be traitors lurking and killing them together. Only a very small number of people with our blood can be qualified to escape this catastrophe and become the seeds of the new era."

With the end of the God Realm Council, another glorious Holy Army flew down from the kingdom of the gods. This is the foundation accumulated by the gods over the long years.

"The gods are old, and humans should stand up!"

In the lower realm, a single spark can start a prairie fire.Overnight, the earth changed its master.

The ancient city-states ruled by the church were overthrown one after another. Even with the help of the angel army to suppress them, the power of the church near the lower realm was still retreating steadily, and they kept retreating to the rear.

Human beings unite with other strong races to build bases close to the giant kingdom, and the world has been divided into two.

However, everyone knew that this situation was temporary. As the gods sent down the holy army again, they even issued a killing order to destroy all resistance forces, and the human forces were suppressed again for a while.

But soon, something that shocked the God Realm happened.

Bang bang bang.


The hideous god-level machine guns roared at the angel army, and the cannons made of god-iron fired ten shots a second, each of which reached the level of a god-level forbidden curse.

Even though the Angel Holy Army is fearless, fearless, and incapable of feeling hurt, they are still smashed to pieces by these artifacts. The braver they charge, the faster they die!

The fire unicorn, the big poisonous snake, the red dragon, the golden ak, and the dragon's roar cannon, each of which was made by Ning Tianjiao, has become famous all over the world.


A human epic master blew on the burnt red muzzle, and said with lingering fear:

"Such a terrifying artifact has such low requirements for users that it is unimaginable. An ordinary person holding a fire unicorn has a chance to snipe us."

"But because of their existence, the army of angels can resist it, otherwise the endless angels will flood in, no matter how strong they are, they will die."

Another companion holding the bloody Gatling named "Slayer" sighed, they kept walking, wiped out the army here, and rushed to another place immediately.

There is no way, the background of the God Realm is too deep, if it is not for the common enemy, and the continuous support and siege of other powerful people, the human rebel force would have been destroyed long ago.

"Tianjiao is mighty, and the many artifacts he created have changed the world, allowing the gods to taste the power of the iron fist of technology!"

"Smelting iron and copper underground for such a long time is not wasted, keyboard man, who was the one who despised Tianjiao at the beginning?

He also said that you can do it, you can do it!I want to fuck you! "Seeing Tianjiao's fame spread in the courtyard, someone summoned those who despised him at the beginning.

Hehe, at this time, I don't see those people who ridicule and despise people who are arrogant anymore. They are the best at bragging and belittling others. If they play by themselves, they are guaranteed to die uglier than anyone else.

Anyway, no one punishes people who say hello online, so they can criticize casually, after all, standing up and talking doesn't hurt your back.

"Sure enough, I saw you right. You are indeed a late player. You have been dormant for so long, and finally it's your shining moment."

clap clap.

Jiang Ping clapped his hands to encourage, some people made great progress all the way, and some people were late bloomers.As long as the road is right and the heart is firm, there will always be a day of harvest.

"What kind of artifact is that? Why is the lethality so terrifying? More importantly, the time required to attack is so short? It is simply made for killing!" An ancient god in the God Realm was furious.

"I personally hunted and killed a human with a weapon." A true god took out a fire unicorn.

The gods hurriedly took a closer look, and scanned the gun body carefully with their spiritual sense, trying to find the principle of this divine weapon.

But after careful study, the gods frowned even more. The forging of this kind of artifact is quite different from the mainstream way of casting artifacts. There are basically two paths.

"Vulcan, you are the strongest foundry in the world, what do you think of this new artifact, can we also forge it?" God of War asked.

With piercing eyes, Vulcan carefully picked up the red fire unicorn, studied it carefully, and praised:

"I don't know who built such an artifact, and it's in such a large batch. It's a genius. It can't be done overnight, it must go through thousands of research experiments.

It seems that my title of "No. [-] Foundry Master" is about to be given to others. I can copy and build this new artifact if I have time. "

"Then facing such a weird artifact, how can we avoid casualties?" Sea God asked.

"It's very simple, just disperse. The previous army gathers together, which naturally makes these artifacts shine."

As the army of angels became smarter and divided into small teams to fight, the record of various artifacts was no longer as brilliant as before, but it also greatly reduced the death rate of the rebels.

Chi Chi.

A snow-white angel radiates holy light, but what he does makes everyone terrified. Anyone who appears in their sights will be massacred!

In the name of an angel, do the deeds of the devil.

"No, I believe in the God of Light, and I am the most loyal believer. You can't kill me."

"I am the Bishop of Green Church, how dare you"

Despite the begging of the crowd, the angels faithfully carried out the massacre orders issued by the gods. With a wave of the divine sword, the sword was full of energy, blood splattered, heads flew all over the sky, and the massacre was indiscriminate.

The ten angels attacked together, gathering energy to destroy city-states, not wanting to leave any living things behind.

"Crazy! Crazy! The gods want to destroy all living beings, so frenzied."

A hero holding a God Eater was furious. He slaughtered his colleagues in such a way that there was no trace of humanity at all. He was furious and roared wildly at the angels.

Bang bang bang!

The God Devourer's artifact blasted the angels into pieces, but this did not change the overall situation. In places he could not take care of, the people cried out in grief and were slaughtered one after another. Blood flowed across the oars and corpses littered the fields. This is the cruelty of war.

"Oh, the most ordinary ordinary people suffer."

Sun Xiayao passed by a city, and instantly drew his sword, drawing sword shadows across the sky, instantly killing the ten angels who were slaughtering in the city.

She looked down and saw that the originally prosperous city-state was engulfed by the flames of war, and broken corpses fell among the ruins, and the endless blood stained the ground.


The sad cries are heartbreaking, thank you for saving us. "A little girl with two braids cried and thanked her.

Rixia Yao bent down to comfort her, and she looked around, seeing farmers whose homes had been destroyed knelt down and cried bitterly.

"You should take this opportunity to take refuge in a remote place. Now that the atrium is raging with flames, the more inaccessible places are, the safer it will be."

Farmers thanked each other and dug out their only belongings from the ruins to escape to a distant place.

"War, how terrible, we should be grateful to live in peacetime, otherwise we are no different from the refugees in the courtyard."

There are people on the forum with complicated emotions, happy people, and people suffering.death, the people suffer.

People who used to eat potato chips and drink Coke while watching a big movie also felt that potato chips were no longer delicious, and they only saw the birth of glamorous heroes one after another, attacking the true gods.

But I didn't see more people dying at the hands of angels. These are not cold digital NPCs, but real people.

"The gods seem to be planning to destroy the world!"

A heroic commander named Clive said angrily that he had defected from the Church of the Gods a hundred years ago and had been training in the vast mountains. This battle made him go one step further and reach the limit of human beings.

"Let the human king hurry up to counterattack and save the city-state humans that are still under the control of the gods." Another companion said anxiously.

Clive raised his hand to stop it. Since Locke chose not to make a move at this time, there is a reason for it.

A bloody tug-of-war began, and the rebels occupied only a fifth of the territory of the atrium, at most, but with the appearance of new artifacts, they were suppressed again.

As a result, the occupied city-state land has reached two-fifths, but the rule of the gods is deeply rooted, and the means behind it are endless, and millions of human beings are slaughtered every day.

This is not a crop plant, but a living person!

The howls echoed in the sky, and the endless blood stained the world red. Such a terrifying bloody massacre made the bishops and knights under the gods terrified, and some people became dissatisfied.

That is to say, the ruthless army of angels cruelly fulfilled the orders of the gods, but they did not know whether their fanatical hearts filled with faith would cry silently because they slaughtered their own kind?

At the edge of the world, Locke, who had been sitting for a long time, suddenly got up, causing the main god who watched him to frown. Locke looked back and seemed to see the gods peeping from the sky.

He stretched out his cloak and went to the kingdom of giants, awow~~, giant titans roared, this place has become a mountain fortress with no peak, even if the main god led the true god to attack in person, it would be a big fall.

Speeding all the way, Locke passed through a series of strictly guarded checkpoints, and finally saw the tired Ning Tianjiao again.

Locke stretched out his hand and patted Ning Tianjiao's shoulder, "Thanks for your hard work, you saved a ray of life for us human beings, because of you, we saved hundreds of millions of compatriots, dealt a severe blow to the gods, and I represent the world!" Thank you."

Speaking of Locke clasping his fists, he solemnly thanked Ning Tianjiao for what he did silently in the rear, which affected the world structure.

"Although I am a foreigner, I am also a human being, and I know the righteousness of the world."

Ning Tianjiao said solemnly, "The gods are crazy, and they are desperately slaughtering humans and even other ethnic groups. If the sky wants them to perish, they will be driven mad. The end of the gods is coming soon."

Ning Tianjiao pointed with his right hand to the tall and mighty Giant Soldier lying down behind him, glowing with icy metal luster, and cheered up:

"Human King Locke, your exclusive super artifact is complete! With its help, you will no longer have to worry about it. Whether it is the main artifact or the suppression of the kingdom of God, you can't suppress it.

The God King has the God King scepter made by the essence of all worlds, and even the endless power of faith that has been accumulated for hundreds of years to help. I always thought about how to offset his huge advantage, but now its appearance will pave everything for you ! "

Ning Tianjiao said solemnly, this is the highest masterpiece of his life, with the right time, place, people and possessions, even in the process of casting, he felt that with the help of fate, all difficulties were overcome.

Ning Tianjiao felt that forging such a super artifact in his life was enough to comfort his life, and he would never be able to create a second giant weapon in this life.

Artifacts are made naturally, and they can be obtained by chance.

This is a super artifact made under the guidance of fate.

Locke approached the mighty humanoid mech, stretched out his hand to gently stroke the perfect luster on it, and he felt a faint spiritual connection.

Ning Tianjiao smiled and said, "Locke, this is your exclusive artifact. Give it a new name. He will fight with you to the end of the world."

"A new name?"

Locke raised his head and carefully noticed this tall and mighty body, which was made of thousands of kinds of divine iron, combined with the invulnerable Nemea lion skin, and the giant heart of the primordial land, water, wind, fire, and fire.

The aura it exudes while still sleeping makes the gods tremble, and it is the only one in the world, surpassing all previous super artifacts.

The deviant sword, the scepter of the king of the gods, etc. may be stronger than this giant weapon in some aspects, but overall, it is the well-deserved No. [-] artifact for the user's support!

Locke closed his eyes and used his mind to comprehend. He heard the pain of his companions wailing in his ears, the cries of animals and plants, and the sound of mourning from the source of the atrium world.

The current situation is so cruel that it is unimaginable. Every day, millions of humans are slaughtered. The gods have gone crazy and want to completely destroy the humans of this era.

In such a time of crisis, it appeared.

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