Gou, living is the kingly way, living has all hope, dead, everything is empty.

Haruka Haruka naturally found out that such a big event happened to her companion, and she stood out weakly:

"Now there are only three of us in the Hill world. Both of you are going to join the next world war. Do you want me to join in?"

"Don't, don't, miss, you are the hope of our world now, you must not be as impulsive as these two men whose blood has not faded, sometimes you win if you live."

What Haruka Rixia said would scare everyone. If she also participated in the battle and died, hehe, the entire world of Hill would be cut off from the earth, and the loss of the earth would be enormous.

Not to mention other things, the most popular exercise trend in the world now is the Qi-entraining method originated from Hill.

A big boss and even a well-known figure in reality showed up to speak out, earnestly persuading Hixia Haruka to protect his useful body and never get involved in this dangerous world war.

"Actually, it's not bad to be a witness of the times." Some netizens said so, unable to bear the weight of "the hope of people all over the world", Haruka Kusaka finally let go of his mind.

"Risks and benefits exist."

Ning Tianjiao explained to everyone the reason why he and Obi chose to join the battle, "Maybe you don't know, as time goes by, our game lifespan continues to decline, but the practice becomes more and more difficult in the later stages.

I don't think I can wait until the next level, so why not take advantage of my youth and make a last effort, if I succeed, I will be the one in the new order.

You can think of it as the simplest main line of the game. Although it is dangerous, it also has great rewards. "

Only then did everyone know that not only local creatures, but players are also suppressed by the limit of the world. Obi's cultivation talent is better than Tianjiao's, but he probably hasn't broken through the god-level realm, and he also has a lifespan limit.

"One wave of unrest and another wave, the prehistoric world's Conferred God War is in full swing, both sides are killing each other, and the dream girl has fallen. Unexpectedly, the world of Hill also kicked off the curtain of a world war."

Someone said sadly, what a magnificent second life journey this is, fighting for immortality, fighting for the heart, without complaints or regrets.

Obi left a message and said: "A generation of geniuses, then we will see each other in the atrium. I think this day is not far away. At that time, we must have a long talk all night, and we will not return when we are not drunk."

The two have never met each other, one went to the giant country early, and the other is in the strange world, but they have known each other for a long time on the forum, and they are no strangers to each other.

"Okay, see you soon, when the time comes, I will personally create for you a god-killing arrow that is most suitable for your Green Jade Meteor Art!" Ning Tianjiao responded, feeling sorry for each other.

On the edge of the strange world, Obi suddenly stopped and looked back, saying goodbye to the strange world that was longer than the earth, and there was reluctance in his eyes.

Because he really likes this free fantasy world, and there is an elf friend who has known each other for hundreds of years in the elf forest, Obi feels that if he wants to choose a burial place for himself, it should be this world.

"Why are you a bit reluctant?"

Locke said with a smile in front, and Obi simply nodded, "It's a bit."

While the two were talking, there was a sudden rustling sound from the nearby bushes. Suddenly, Obi vigilantly set his arrow and bent his bow, aiming the arrow at the bushes.

Locke suddenly raised his hand to stop it, and said with a strange expression: "It's not an enemy, but a slime?"


Obi put away his divine bow with a strange face. Is that the squishy little monster most popular among players in all major games?

Soon, a cute blue slime popped up from the bushes. Obi looked closely and felt an inexplicable familiarity, as if he had seen it there before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

A big "?" suddenly appeared on the blue slime's head, and it said in a low voice:

"You two humans smell so weird."

It looked at Obi bouncingly again, and said in doubt: "A long time ago, I seem to have met a human with a strange breath like you."

Locke and Obi looked weird, and this weird slime even said that they were weird, but it didn't know that it was even more amazing.

"The breath is the same?"

A flash of lightning flashed through Obi's mind, and he finally knew where he had seen this slime. When the Hill world first opened, a player "Feng Tian Qingyu" who entered Hill at the same time as him died. In the hand of this blue slime!

Thanks to it, that player is known as a global joke, and it is still circulating today, enduring for a long time.

Unexpectedly, it has been so long, hundreds of years, after the age of city-states, the age of hero kings, the age of warring states, and the age of gods, this little slime is still alive!


Suddenly, Locke's eyes burst into divine light, and he carefully looked at the mutant slime in amazement. He said suspiciously:

"Fate void? There are such strange creatures? Just like foreigners, they haven't left their mark on the tree of fate."

The slime bounced and jumped, the blue liquid changed, and a blue dull-haired tentacles stood up, transforming into a handsome young human.

"This appearance is convenient for you to communicate with. My name is Limulu. Because I have a premonition that the atrium is starting to be turbulent, I scouted the strange world in advance and plan to take my people to migrate to the strange world for refuge."

"Simulation?" Locke frowned and exclaimed:

"You should be the strongest slime in history. Ordinary high gods are no match for you. From the weakest monster to the present, I don't know how many strong people you have swallowed along the way. It's unbelievable. Maybe this is fate. Wonderful."

Blue Limulu shook her head, "It's not that I want to eat them, they always want to bully me or my people.

As for my legendary path, it seems to have started from devouring a foreigner who has the same aura as your companion. "

The tentacles on Lim's exposed head trembled, "A powerful human being, I have never seen a human like you, the power contained in your body even makes me tremble all over and dare not approach.

It seems that you are the child of destiny, the protagonist who will start the next battle of the worlds, human, what is your name. "

"Locke, Rock Fergus." Locke replied.

Limulu's tentacles trembled, and she turned her head to look at the stranger beside her. It collapsed and turned into a blue round body again, bouncing towards the strange world, continuing to complete her duties.

"Lock, if you can survive, you can come to the strange world to find me in the future. Do you want to know the truth of the world?"

Leaving behind these inexplicable words, the slime disappeared into the lush bushes.

"The truth of the world? What a strange slime, but I'm not in the mood to delve into this esoteric question right now, let's go."

Locke said suspiciously, this is just an insignificant episode, Hill's world is very big, naturally there are many strange creatures.

Obi followed Locke to the lower world with a strange expression on his face, "Could it be that this slime has undergone an unimaginable super mutation after devouring the player?"

He guessed in his heart, after all, this is not the real game world, it is probably just another realm of different dimensions, naturally all kinds of unimaginable accidents will appear, and it is not an npc controlled by a fixed program.

"What a wonderful world of Hill."

Obi shook his head with a smile and sighed, and followed Locke's footsteps.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The sky was full of heat, dwarves were running around, and the violent flames of the super volcano were attracted by the magic lines, casting forging tables one after another.

Countless radiant magic materials were pulled out from the warehouse of the giant titan, blinding the eyes of the underground dwarves, and even making the elders of the dwarves tremble. When had they seen such magic materials that they could ask for?

Normally, a piece of magic material can be regarded as the treasure of a powerful dwarf clan, and has been passed down forever. Only the Titans that appeared before the world was born have so many magic materials.

Under the leadership of Ning Tianjiao, tens of thousands of dwarves wielded sledgehammers to forge pieces of artifacts. One of the great advantages of the new artifacts he designed was that they could be disassembled and replaced by each other.

A titan next to him said with emotion: "I didn't expect that this human being is really capable. After a nap, he made a piece of artifact."

At his feet, one after another, artillery-like and machine-gun-like resplendent artifacts were being stacked, with cold lights flashing from the muzzles of their ferocious guns, dormantly waiting for the day when they would announce their existence to the world.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Pass me the heart-refining glazed iron."

Ning Tianjiao, naked to the waist, swung the sledgehammer heavily.

In front of him, a metal giant as tall as a mountain stood on the ground. The metal giant already had a general appearance, no different from the most ordinary human beings, with hands and feet, and a head on two shoulders.

This is the super artifact that Ning Tianjiao personally built - the Giant God Weapon.

"The project must be speeded up! The hidden world master in the atrium called me secretly the day before yesterday, and the gods have already noticed something strange, and the search and arrest of the church is getting more and more serious."

Ning Tianjiao, who was sweating profusely, said solemnly. After shaking off his sweat, he slammed on the Shentie again, and his movements became a little faster.

His talent lies in manufacturing from the rear. To be honest, front-line combat is not his strong point. He was powerless and missed participating in the last catastrophe. This time he will use his blood to pour out a new path.

"Is Hill's catastrophe coming?"

An old dwarf patriarch who had lived from the last era stared blankly at the mountain-like artifacts.

The great help of the Titans, the endless magical materials being forged into artifacts day and night, and the God Realm began to test and attack the kingdom of giants frequently, all these foreshadowed something.

"Come on, come on, God King Yule, are you ready to accept this challenge from acquired humans?"

Inside the giant king's palace, a frost giant murmured.

Chapter 279

"Hey, have you heard that we humans seem to have a son of destiny born, he is the king of kings, the emperor of emperors, and he will rise up soon and lead us to resist the rule of the bullshit church."

In the dark night, there are toiling farmers whispering.

"Be careful, the raids in the church are getting more and more serious, and even some gods personally descended to investigate. This level of strength has never been seen before. This just means that the God Realm is also afraid."

The companion looked around and said carefully, with excitement on his face.


"Have you contacted the Kingdom of Giants? Let them not worry about our situation, and step up the preparation of supplies in the rear, just make artifacts."

Surrounded by mountains, in an ancient remote village, an epic powerhouse said that his daughter took off the strange communicator on her ear and said happily:

"Father, two hundred artifacts have been forged in the kingdom of giants, and we will be able to join the titans and dwarves in the kingdom of giants when our uprising breaks through the gate of the atrium.

After accepting these new artifacts, we humans will no longer be overwhelmed in the face of [God's Servant Army]! "

The more the girl talked, the more excited she became. How long, how long, from her ancestors avoiding the persecution of the gods to seeing the dawn of victory now. This time, they are not only human beings fighting alone, but also groups of people who are oppressed by the gods.

"Father, when will we formally revolt, attack the city-state controlled by the church, and save our compatriots?" the girl couldn't help asking.

The middle-aged man was silent, and said slowly:

"Wait, wait for the right opportunity. We have been waiting for hundreds of years. It's not too late. When our king starts sending us messages, the world will be turned upside down on that day, and the flames of war will burn throughout the atrium."

"Daddy, tell me about "Strong King" again. Is he really that powerful? He has surpassed the King of Conquerors and even the King of Heroes. Can he beat the ancient Lord God now?"

The girl worshiped her eyes and chased her father to ask about the mysterious "King". The center of all resistance forces was the mysterious King Hercules.


clap clap clap!

Under the majestic Holy See, in the dark and bloody basement, steel whips lashed the bare-fruited man who was tied to the enchantment stake.

"Would you like to tell me, who is the king who leads you?! Where did you come from, and what talents do you have?"

A church judge savagely swung his steel whip, and tortured the most powerful legendary traitor caught so far.

"Hahaha, you lackeys of the gods, your doomsday is here. There is no eternal rule in the world. You have oppressed the Atrium for hundreds of years. It's time to pay the price."

The bloody man laughed maniacally, he didn't even think about getting out alive.

"Tell me what you know, and I can personally promise to make you the lord of a country." A true god descended from the mortal world walked outside the door.

"Hahaha, wishful thinking, you"

Before the man finished speaking, the true god stretched out his hand into his brain with a frosty face, and the divine power poured into the man's head in an instant, trying to capture the soul information.

However, as expected, with a bang, the man's head exploded, and all the important information in the soul fragments disappeared.

This is exactly the implied self-destruction curse that they themselves cast.

The God of Judgment, who was in charge of investigating this matter, shook his hands and frowned.

"Organize another large-scale hunt, whether it's a trench rat in the city-state or a wild man in the forest, I'd rather kill the wrong one than let it go!

So far, you have only found out that the mysterious person is called "Strong King", who is suspected to be born with supernatural power. You have disappointed me so much!How can I explain this to Master Toss! ?

This time no important person was caught again, it seems that a new group of people can be changed. "

The words of the God of Judgment chilled all the knights and bishops present, and there were countless people below them coveting power.

Once they fall to a high position, not only their status, but also their own gods will decline, and their strength will plummet, and sudden sudden death is very likely.

The knight commander and the bishop looked at each other and decided to set off a "bloody massacre" tomorrow. Anyway, this is not the first time this kind of thing has been done.


"Lock, when do you plan to do it? I see that the church's raids are getting more and more crazy, and they are killing innocent people indiscriminately, causing panic.

They probably think that this group is not good enough, so they will kill them all. At worst, the new generation will be brainwashed again in the future, and all the smudges about them will be destroyed. Anyway, they don’t do this kind of thing once or twice. "

On a high mountain, Obi's piercing eyes were like eagle eyes, and he saw the Church's Judgment Army thousands of miles away hunting them down without restraint.

"It's almost time, fate is intertwined and boiling, and the gods have also noticed that there is only one opportunity left now."

Locke said with deep eyes, "You first contact other people in advance, and I will do some private matters."

Speaking of Locke's figure disappeared in vain, I don't know if it was through the void, or what.

"Susan, stop running around, it's dangerous outside."

In a small village close to the city-state, a young woman was looking for her naughty daughter. Although she was not very old, she seemed to be very talented and naughty by nature.

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