An unfathomable huge pit appeared on the central battlefield.

The diameter of the huge pit is a hundred meters long, and the depth is even more unfathomable, with hot magma emerging from time to time.

"Where's the Ant King?" the strong human race asked.

"To live is to see ants, to die is to see corpses!"

Many powerful people from all races who came here did not have time to feel sad about the tragedy of the onlookers, and immediately began to look for traces of the Ant King.

Even if an unrivaled powerhouse like the Ant King dies, he will leave behind a wreckage!Impossible to leave no trace at all.

In the depths of the ocean, the black ants also began to counterattack, and they also came to look for the king's traces!

Fighting broke out on the battlefield in vain, the warriors of all races and the ant army began to fight, and everyone wanted to find the remains of the ant king first.

Has the Ant King fallen?This determines the fate of all races!

Jiang Ping looked anxiously from the outside, so he quickly cheated to see the truth, it didn't matter if he didn't look at it, Jiang Ping secretly thought it was bad.

"The human race is finished."


The sharp claws pierced into the hot rock formation, and a short figure crawled out of the deep pit and jumped out.

Deathly silence!

Needles can be heard in the noisy battlefield. The ant king's body is only 50 centimeters. I don't know how much body was destroyed by the blow just now.The not tall figure made everyone tremble.

The Ant King is now too weak to fly!

This idea suddenly appeared in Wanzu's mind, and dozens of powerful warriors attacked the newborn ant king in an instant.

The ant king glanced coldly, and continued to draw out attacks in the void with his hands, and the attacking warriors were already broken into pieces on the way.

"This king is temporarily weak, but it does not mean that you are strong!"

His bloody eyes swept across the chaotic battlefield, "Ant warriors, attack with the whole army, devour all tribes, and destroy everything! This farce should end!"

Countless black tides surged from behind, and the warriors of all races despaired. They looked up at the sky blankly, this time the miracle did not come

The original world has entered a new chapter.

Jiang Ping sighed, looked away, and opened Genesis in his hand.

On the second page, the original calendar, in the new century, the ant king leads the devouring ants to sweep the world. Gai Feng, the strongest man in the history of the human race, holds the spear of destiny, a lost artifact, and fights against the unrivaled ant king in the central ancestral land.

The two fought three moves, Gai Feng fell, the slate of truth collapsed, and the fragments scattered in the corners of the world. The Ant King was seriously injured by the secret killer of the human race, the "Light of Salvation".

The devouring ants invaded the central ancestral land and began a bloody massacre of Sha, the darling of the Creator God. The human race was extinct, all races were extinct, all things withered, and there would be no more races in the world.

Looking at the creation log, Jiang Ping sincerely sighed: "The devouring ants are really against the sky!"

I obviously had high hopes for the human race and bestowed three treasures, but in ancient times, the slate of truth was stolen by the queen ant, which established the success or failure of this century war.

"Such a combative little fellow, the world has already crawled under your feet, all races have been slaughtered, what should you do next?"

The corner of Jiang Ping's mouth couldn't help but twitched, he closed the book with a snap, got up and stretched.

This battle finally came to an end, the original world entered the chapter of devouring ants, and it was time for him to eat.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ping had already gone out to look for food, and when he left, the devouring ant of the original world roared proudly.

The last piece of pure land of the ten thousand races was breached, and blood flowed into rivers and oars were not enough to describe the tragedy of the battlefield. After a long time, there was no more life in this continent.

Except for the black ant warriors, who cruelly dragged the corpses of thousands of races, the entire largest continent in the world is not a single exception.

After the battle, the ant king immediately announced his retreat, and the queens knew that in the final battle, the ant king Beiou was seriously injured.

Even the slate of truth was smashed, he was not as relaxed as it appeared!

Before the ant king went into seclusion, he ordered to die, and went to Qiongbi and fell to Huangquan. He must find all the fragments of the slate of truth!

After that, he took the Spear of Destiny to close the death gate.

No one thought that the ant king's retreat would be so long this time. Over the years, every corner of the original world has been filled with devouring ants, and the devouring ant group has exceeded [-] billion!

Above the nine heavens, in the depths of the earth, in the endless trenches, every living thing left was killed!

Devouring ants are the well-deserved number one group in the world!

Because all other alien races were killed!

The continents are no longer green and full of vitality, and one after another dead deserts appear in the world.

The source of life, the endless ocean, is also defiled by devouring ants. The living matter in the ocean is devoured, and the world cycle collapses!

The ocean gradually emits an unpleasant stench, and even the devouring ants feel sick!

The ocean that surrounds the world is stained black and smells worse than the stinking sewers.

The offshore area is even more disgusting and poisonous green, and poisonous bubbles are erupted from time to time on the sea surface, which even kills a large number of ant colonies in the coastal area.

The sky is no longer blue, except for flying ants passing by from time to time, there are no birds, and the sky is gray.

A queen ant looked at the world worriedly. Over the years, devouring ants devoured everything in the world. She could already feel the world making unbearable noises, and the entire world cycle was broken!

Over the years, after destroying and devouring everything, the ethnic group began to stagnate, and even couldn't suppress their nature, and some ethnic groups began to self-mutilate!

Fight each other, then devour each other.

Finally, the Ant King, who had been in seclusion for a hundred years, came out. After a hundred years, the broken truth fragments were found by the ant tribe from all corners. The Ant King re-fused the truth slate and completely refined the Spear of Destiny!

Now, the silver spear had turned into a black spear of death, and the ant king had completely recovered from all his injuries, and his two-meter-high body looked extraordinarily burly.

"Congratulations to the most revered and holy king in the world"

After a bunch of sycophants, the ant queen remonstrated: "My lord, my family has dominated the world these years, but with the destruction of all things, the world cycle has collapsed, and the world environment has never been the same in recent years.

My family has already started self-mutilation!If it goes on like this for a long time, I'm afraid it will go to the road of extinction! "

The ant king sat on the throne of bones, caressing the spear in his hand, noncommittal, let the ant queen continue to speak.

"In my opinion, our family should set up an area in captivity, borrowing human gene technology, to specialize in stocking various creatures, so as to maintain the survival of all things and the balance of the world."

The ant king said: "Now that the population has reached hundreds of billions, wouldn't it be good to kill each other? The strong will become stronger, and the weak will be wiped out! Only the stronger will survive!"

The ant queen suffocated, she never expected that the ant king would be so cruel to her own group!

With this order, tens of billions of clansmen will die from cannibalism again!

She hastened to persuade her: "Wang, this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. The balance of the world has been broken. This is just a delay!"


The ant king was displeased, and the air suddenly dropped to zero, and the hairs of all the ant queens in the field stood on end.

He pointed to the artifact in his hand

"Do you know what this is?"

ps: Please recommend tickets, the original world is almost done.

Chapter 33 Temple of Heaven

"Um, this is of course a god-given treasure, the Spear of Destiny."

Dou Da cold sweat flowed from the head of the queen ant.

She was afraid that if the answer was not good, the overlord would kill him with one move.

"Then do you know what kind of material it is?"

The ant queen recalled the many ancient books she had read,

"According to the historical records of the human race, the material of the Spear of Destiny is the same as that of the slate of truth, they are both unknown, and the human race has been studying them for millions of years.

It was found that there is no substance in the world that is similar to an artifact, and even various mixed metals have no similarities. "

"What's on our heads?"

The ant king pointed his spear at the sky and asked again.

Many ant queens looked up to the sky, passed through the splendid palace, and all they could see was the brilliant sun and many stars that could not be observed during the day.

The queen ant was so blessed that she opened her mouth and replied, "Stars! Starry sky!"


The Ant King nodded, "You are not so stupid."

Another ant queen said: "Dear king, I once ordered the strongest flying ant hero to fly high into the sky with all his strength, but according to him,

When he reaches a height of about [-] meters from the ground, he is like encountering a world barrier in the depths of the ocean. He can no longer move forward. Although he can observe the starry sky, he may not be able to enter it! "

"Yes", another queen ant said:

"I checked the ancient books of various races, and some wise men speculated that although the stars exist, they are probably the projections of another higher world.

Just as the Creator God is not in every corner of the world, I am afraid that He is in the God Realm with the stars! "

The ant king tapped his fingers, "Our journey is the sea of ​​stars! Pass my order, and the fighters of the various ethnic groups will fight each other, so that stronger fighters will be born.

At the same time, send the strongest ant heroes to the four poles of the world, as well as the depths of the ocean and high altitudes, to explore the limits of the world, draw the most complete map of the world, and depict the barriers of the world! "



The ant queens were excited when they heard it, and the ant king was very ambitious, obviously wanting to break through the barriers of the world and reach other worlds!

The turmoil in the devouring ants has risen again, and the butcher's knives that cannot be restrained have slashed at the same clan,

At the same time, the most powerful group of ant heroes rushed to every corner of the world

Jiang Ping, who came back after dinner, looked at it and smiled, "You, you can always come up with new tricks for me."

He had already vaguely guessed what the Ant King was thinking. This really daring devil king seemed to want to make trouble for himself!

"Hehe, the world has been swallowed up by you, and now you are looking for stars outside the domain, do you feel that the world has trapped you?"

Jiang Ping looked at the busy ant colony and smiled.

The devouring ants seem to want to develop towards the interstellar Zerg, trying to break the dimension of space, and come to trouble themselves!

"Genesis, do you think the Ant King is inflated now?"

Jiang Ping asked Genesis with a smile, he doesn't hate such variables.

Genesis said: "The birth of the Ant King is against the sky. According to common sense, a creature like him that transcends the world's conventional combat power should not be born.

His strength is not at the same level as other creatures at all, breaking the balance of the world, so that the thriving world development that was originally a struggle for hegemony among all races was broken, and entered the era of domination by one race.

In the final battle, I thought you would make a secret move, let the devouring ants and the ten thousand races confront each other, stimulate each other's potential,

This is the best way for you to benefit. "

Jiang Ping raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything.

In the original world, a huge map showing the barriers of the complete world was gradually drawn out by the queens.

The world was originally a round place, but at the end of the last century, wars raged, the supercontinent collapsed, and continent fragments were scattered in every corner of the world.

Over the years, the Ant King has been walking around the barriers of the world with a black spear in his hand, trying to find the gap in the space. The Ant King has tried his best several times.

The divine light shines on the world, so dazzling that the queen ant can't look directly at it, but there are ripples in the barrier, but there is still no sign of breaking through.

In fact, this kind of space ripple has never appeared in history.

The hardness of the barriers of the world makes the mighty ant king silent, and he cannot take the first step in the journey of thousands of miles!

In addition, the ants kill each other. Although many elite heroes emerge, the resources are exhausted, and no new troops can be produced in the future. The strength of the devouring ants is actually regressing!

It's like the time when the devouring ants were at their strongest when they had just wiped out all races!

"Could it be that my family is really going to end?"

A queen ant said worriedly. At this moment, she suddenly thought of the words of the wise man of the human race before he died.

The devouring ants kill in this way without leaving a trace of life. Even if everything is wiped out in the end, they are only digging their own graves!

This time the ant king did not kill the queen.

"I can not be reconciled!"

In the middle of the night, an ant queen heard this voice coming from the central palace.

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