"However, we can consider waiting for the Conferred Gods to end, and the world of Hill can also gain a wave of energy points. At that time, creating a third world should come in handy."

Jiang Ping has been thinking about computing power for a long time, and has long wanted to build Skynet, quantum computers and other similar products to assist him.

After all, all laws and laws in the world can be analyzed clearly with calculations. With the assistance of supercomputers, it is much more convenient to analyze the different laws of the heavens and myriad worlds by yourself.

"Then this time the two worlds will harvest together in the catastrophe, how much can we harvest in the end?" A smile appeared from the corner of Jiang Ping's mouth.

The sky is the pasture, and all living beings are lambs.

But thinking about it this way, why do you feel like a big villain?And it seems to be a world boss who will be overthrown by the chosen one?

Shaking his head, Jiang Ping didn't think about these messes, but instead accelerated the flow of the two worlds. He wanted to see the harvest soon. How long has it been since he cut leeks? !

"Damn it! The flow of time in the two worlds has accelerated again!" A player screamed and quickly uploaded the latest recorded video.

"The speed of the prehistoric world has changed, what happened to Hill's world?"

Dreaming into Shenji summons Yaoyao sisters, and they, players from the heavens, will occasionally contact each other to exchange information.

"My place has also changed. I can feel the difference in the speed of time almost every time I go online and offline, which almost confuses me." Yaoyao replied.

Many people have guessed that from time to time, something big happened somewhere they don't know?Or that Chuangshi Company has no revenue for a long time, and wants to cut off the leeks?

No matter what happens, the catastrophe of the world is still going on. In the prehistoric world, King Zhou and Daji are content with pleasure, and the national teacher Shenji manipulates the world's soldiers and horses to fight the rebel army to the death!

On the way, the sons of Dongbohou and Nanbohou rebelled, but Shenji ignored them.

"Although Huang Feihu, the king of Wucheng, has been loyal and good for generations, I think he is rebellious by nature, but it is inconvenient to use it, so he wants to take the opportunity to transfer away from the center."

Mengrui Shenji ordered Huang Feihu to go to Youhun Pass to fight against Jiang Wenhuan, Dong Bohou. Jiang Wenhuan was brave but not scheming. If Huang Feihu sincerely protects the merchants and joins forces with Dou Rong, the general soldier of Youhun Pass, he will be able to get rid of this rebel army.


Huang Feihu rode on the five-colored bull and led his family out of Chaoge City. He finally saw the Chengtang Dynasty who had been loyal to him for decades, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Brother, why are you sighing and sighing when you lead the army to attack the rebels?" Huang Feibiao, the younger brother, was puzzled.

"We are loyal and good, but your majesty listens to the words of people outside the party, and there are gossips saying that all three generations of me will rebel. This deployment of troops is to test our loyalty."

Leaving aside Huang Feihu jumping out of the center to support Youhun Pass, at this time Yuanshi Tianzun on Kunlun Mountain also started to play chess.

He ordered Bai He Tongzi to call Jiang Ziya, who had practiced Taoism for [-] years. He was so happy that his beard and hair turned white when he heard the call from the master and saint.

It's a pity that when meeting the master, Yuanshi Tianzun said directly: "I have no destiny in the way of immortality, and the way of humanity is rich and noble, let's go down the mountain."

Jiang Ziya suddenly turned into a bitter face, wanting to plead with shame, but the sage said that the world is hard to change, there is no way, Jiang Ziya can only pack his luggage and prepare to go down the mountain.

He was devoted to cultivating immortals, but unexpectedly, his master drove him away. Jiang Ziya was downcast, while Shen Gongbao on the other side sneered.

"Master is so eccentric, let the blunt Jiang Ziya become a marquis and worship general, become the protagonist of the murder, and become a god for the sky, I am not as good as Jiang Ziya?" Shen Gongbao went down the mountain in anger, intending to find some trouble for Jiang Ziya.

"Master, Junior Brother Shen Gongbao seems to have a different heart and is not convinced." Said the Nanji fairy holding a peach stick.

"It's okay."

Yuanshi Tianzun said with a smile, how can they figure out the saint's mind?Without Shen Gongbao to disrupt the situation, how could Jiejiao Wanxian be slowly drawn into the killing robbery?

The two protagonists of the catastrophe went down the mountain, and Wutian, who had been watching for a long time, finally came out.

He sat cross-legged on top of the Mieshi Black Lotus, traveled through the void and turned into a black shadow, and finally chased after a sneaky and wretched figure in front of him. A strong one came and spoke first:

"Fellow Daoist, please stay."

The sudden appearance of the voice startled Shen Gongbao, who had a guilty conscience, and he hurriedly looked back, only to find that it was not his senior brother, so he let out a long sigh of relief.

However, when he saw the appearance of the visitor and the magic weapon under his seat, Shen Gongbao broke out in a cold sweat. After all, Shen Gongbao was very courageous, otherwise he would not be obedient at the feet of the saint. He still stubbornly said:

"Is your Excellency the Demon Ancestor Wutian? Immortals and demons have different paths, why do you follow the poor way? The majestic master of the demon world, it is impossible to deal with me, an immortal who is not good at teaching, and do it yourself?"


Facing the No. [-] Crow's mouth in the wild, Wutian smiled. This matter was of great importance, so he took action himself.

At this time, the killing and calamity is coming, and the secrets are chaotic, and he is not afraid that the saint will find out, not to mention that he also has the backing of his master to disrupt the secrets.

"Shen Gongbao, when you go down the mountain this time, do you want to contact the Immortal Jiejiao to make things difficult for the younger brother?"

Shen Gongbao's complexion changed, and his already wretched and dark face turned livid. He really wanted to deny Sanlian: "I'm not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!"

But thinking back on the legend about Long Han's catastrophe, and his current tone of conviction, Shen Gongbao knew that he couldn't hide his thoughts from this man.

"Yes, it's me."

After Shen Gongbao figured it out, he confessed directly.

Wutian smiled and said: "Shen Gongbao, do you know that your words and deeds are all in the scheme of your master?"

"What do you mean?" Shen Gongbao's face changed drastically. Facing Yuanshi Tianzun who had always been eccentric, Shen Gongbao was really scared.

"Your going down the mountain without permission, contacting the immortals of Jiejiao, and obstructing Jiang Ziya's conferment of the gods are all in Tianzun's calculations! Without you, how could you pull the golden immortals of Jiejiao out of the cave?

To Jiang Ziya, your revenge is nothing more than putting out the fire with your salary!

This is not the most frightening thing, the most frightening thing is that at the end of the catastrophe, no matter whether your actions have helped explain the teachings or not, they will be thrown away by the saint leader like a rag after wiping the table.

In the future, he will be suppressed in Beihai Haiyan forever, and he will never be detached! "

Wutian's words were shocking, even Shen Gongbao, who was always eloquent, good at rhetoric, and bewitching others, had a cloudy expression.

"Devil! Is this your demonic bewitching technique? It's really terrifying, and I almost fell into the demonic way."

Shen Gongbao still refused to believe it, mainly because the reputation of the demon world is too bad. As long as it is a normal immortal, who would betray him just by a few words from the demon?

"Ha ha."

Wutian chuckled twice, and didn't expect that just a few words would change the mind of the number one monster in the wilderness. He stretched out his finger, and a black light flew out from his fingertip instantly. Shen Gongbao couldn't dodge it in time, and the black light entered quickly In his Niwan Palace

The phantom bewitchment that was originally expected in my mind did not appear, but a series of phantom-like fragments, and the protagonist in it was myself!

Shen Gongbao held his breath and watched quietly. The more he watched, the more frightened he became. What happened in this paragraph turned out to be what he planned to do next!

Even for many strategies and measures, I have some ideas now, but now the phantom presents my future life!

"Could it be that the ancestor of the devil intercepted a long river of time in the future, and now it reappears in my heart? But he should not be so powerful, let alone there are several saints here!"

Naturally, this is not the future opportunity intercepted by Wutian, but the image he simulated with his power based on the existing data, but to Shen Gongbao, this is no different from a heavenly opportunity.

After a while, Shen Gongbao opened his eyes, and Wutian smiled and said, "Are you awake? How do you feel now?"

Shen Gongbao's complexion was complicated, thinking of his tragic end when Haiyan was suppressed, he gritted his teeth and said, "I believe you are right, Mozu, what do you want the poor to do?"

Chapter 236 You said you were in a hurry

The white-bearded Jiang Ziya went down the mountain, and the people eating melons on the forum became lively. This is the one who should be robbed.

Some people began to make sassy remarks: "Huang Zhong was 60 years old and mixed with Liu Bei; Jiang Ziya was 80 years old and became prime minister; Monkey King was 500 years old to learn Buddhist scriptures; Bai Suzhen came down to fall in love at 1000 years old; you say you are in a hurry!"

"Sun Quan occupied Jiangdong at the age of 19; Nezha went to the sea to kill dragons at the age of 7, and Calabash Baby beat monsters as soon as he was born; do you think I am in a hurry?" Someone retorted.

"But having said so much, we still need to use our talents in the right place. Look at Jiang Ziya who has been doing nothing for most of his life. Isn't he doing miserable in Chaoge City now?"

At this time, "The Adventures of Ziya Chaoge" screened by Mengshenji is on the homepage of the forum, and he did not expect to kill Jiang Ziya in Chaoge City. Being resurrected by Yuanshi Tianzun is the same as before.

At this time, Jiang Ziya went down the mountain and went up the mountain for 40 years. His parents and relatives in the world have all died, so he can only rely on his elder brother Song Yiren in Chaoge. This sworn brother, set up property, and paid for him to do business.

I also found a matchmaker to arrange Jiang Ziya's lifelong event, and helped him find a 68-year-old "Huanghua big girl" Ma Shi. In this era, she is so old and unmarried, and no one wants it. You can think about the appearance of this Ma Shi conduct.

When he saw her for the first time, Jiang Ziya's heart skipped a beat. After confirming the look in his eyes, it was not the person he wanted.

But there is no way, he, a 72-year-old bad old man, has no right to talk about others, he can only hold his nose, put on a big red robe, and marry a wife.

A 70-year-old groom and a 60-year-old bride, this strange event made many people in Chaoge laugh and eat melons curiously, and some people came to watch the excitement.

"Quack, I didn't expect the Shang Dynasty to be so fashionable." At the forum, everyone enjoyed watching it.

Not to mention them, Jiang Ping also laughed at it. It was obviously a big happy event, but it made people laugh and cry.

But people are unlucky enough to drink cold water and their teeth will be stuffed. After getting married, Song Yiren paid Jiang Ziya to turn his career around.

The business didn't work out, but instead they lost all their capital, and the mother-in-law Ma scolded her so angry, it was the eldest brother Song Yiren who was rich and powerful to reconcile.

"Who would have thought that such a down-and-out old man, who eats soft food from his brothers, will be able to become a marquis and a minister in the future, laying the foundation for the Western Zhou Dynasty for 800 years?"

Wutian on the side also smiled: "Sometimes direction is more important than hard work, how is Wucheng Wang Huang Feihu?"

Dreaming into Shenji: "It seems that there is no accident and he will be instigated. You want to kill him in advance? Include him in the list of demons?"

Wutian continued: "Huang Feihu is a talent. In the future, he will become Emperor Dongyue, the head of the Five Sacred Mountains. I want to take him under my command."

At this time, at Dongfang Youhun Pass, Dong Bohou Jiang Wenhuan was defeated by Huang Feihu and the general Dou Rong, and he was in a stalemate, unable to break through Youhun Pass.

With the world-famous Queen Wucheng, she was completely suppressed. Just when Dong Bohou was in danger, a fairy came down the mountain.

Inside the camp, Huang Feihu looked at the visitor with a serious face, and the other person promised him the position of Dongyue Great Emperor in the future, which moved him. How can the glory and wealth in the world be like a god?What's more, such a great god!

Immediately after Taiyi Daoist personally promised, explained and endorsed, Huang Feihu led a thousand generals to rebel, and directly rebelled against Youhunguan, first to Dongbohou, and then to Xiqi!

In Chaoge, upon hearing the news, King Zhou's face changed drastically, and he threw a cup in court to change his expression. However, this was also the root of the disaster he planted by killing the Queen of the West Palace first, and disasters never come singly. people rescued.

King Zhou was furious, and directly let the war in Beihai be quelled with great difficulty. Two days after returning to the court, Wen Taishi sent troops to join forces with Beibohou Chonghouhu to crusade against Xiqi!

So far, the situation in the world has become clear. Today, the world is co-ruled by King Zhou, Bei Bohou, and hundreds of other minor princes. In addition, there is a rebel army headed by Xiqi, and the coalition forces of Dong Bohou and Nan Bohou.

This is the power of the world. In the eyes of the immortals, it is the Jiejiao who supports Chengtang, and the Chan and Renjiao who support Xiqi. However, in the eyes of the top supernatural beings in the prehistoric world, the situation in the world is on the other side.

"Chaoge 36's attack on Xiqi ruined most of the world's energy, especially after the death of the grand master, it made Chengtang's energy go downhill, and your master's disaster is coming soon." Wutian reminded.

Mengrui Shenji nodded, her face was a little dark, her master Zhao Gongming was a Daluo Jinxian who had already attained enlightenment during the Emperor's time.

The treasures and money in this catastrophe have been obtained by myself, but the other two rivals, Ran Deng and Lu Ya, are no less powerful than their masters!

"The catastrophe is unavoidable, you need to face it yourself."

Xiqi, the Xibohou who has gone through all kinds of hardships and dangers, finally managed to sneak back to China with the help of the great immortals. However, there was no joy on his face. He knew that after the prison, his fate had come.

Ji Chang began to arrange the funeral affairs early. First, he wrote the "Book of Changes" overnight, so that his son's disciples would study hard, and then he looked for famous people in the mountains to assist his son in his great cause.

At this time, after some adventures, Jiang Ziya had escaped from Chaoge and was fishing outside Xiqi City.

Under the guidance of the hermit Zhuge, Ji Chang saved a lot of steps, burned incense and bathed in advance, and asked Jiang Ziya to come out of the mountain to assist him, and personally took Jiang Ziya's 800 steps to establish the [-]-year foundation of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Looking at Ji Chang who was almost unable to kick him out of breath, Zhuge Shi secretly sighed.

"Ji Chang is like Cao Cao. Although he has not become king, he has already laid all the foundations. Without these two former kings, how can the younger generations become king in one dynasty?"

Freezing three feet is not a day's cold.

Just at this time, when he heard that the grand master had led an army to attack menacingly, Jiang Ziya was ordered in danger and sent Huang Feihu to lead the army to challenge.

Not to mention that Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu confronted each other in front of the formation, and Bei Bohou Chonghou Hu came from behind. , might as well outflank them together!


Beibo Hou Chonghou Huping had long been unhappy with Ji Chang, who was also a great prince, this time he relied on force, and under the protection of his entourage, pointed at Ji Chang of the Chinese army. He planned to come and catch the thief first. king!

"Father, you retreat for now! General Nangong and I stand up first!" Ji Fa's expression changed drastically, and he said hastily.

Unexpectedly, Ji Chang shook his head with a smile, and he looked up at Wuxian Xiaohan.

"My son, the four princes who ruled the town of [-] princes back then left me and Bei Bohou alone.

My generation is about to retire, and it will be your young people's world in the future. "

The Chonghou Tiger came in menacingly, but Ji Chang was calm and calm, which made the others no longer flustered.

General Xiqi led troops to stop him, but things happened suddenly. Bei Bohou had planned for a long time, and the Xiqi army was killed in a hurry. Chonghou Hu went straight to kill Jichang!

At this critical moment, the sound of gongs and drums sounded from a distance, and Chonghouhu's face changed drastically. Unexpectedly, there was another army lurking and plotting. Looking closely, it turned out that Li Jing of Chentangguan had conspired against him!

Chonghouhu's complexion changed drastically, he wanted to kill Ji Chang unwillingly, but was caught in the neck by a fiery red steel hoop from the sky, before he could react, the circle of heaven and earth tightened, like the sharpest torture instrument in the world, he suddenly pulled Chonghou Tiger's head was cut off.

At this time, a black soul flew out of the entity and floated towards the Demon Sealing Platform in the direction of Chaoge.


Blood gushed out from the headless corpse like a fountain, and splashed onto Ji Chang, who was close at hand. Ji Chang's face was pale, and he was also frightened when he saw Bei Bohou, who was at the same level as him and had known him for decades, be decapitated. The three souls and seven souls are about to be scattered.

Ji Chang fell down at the sound, and Ji Fa was so frightened that he hurriedly called Jin to withdraw his troops. After a commotion, the two sides withdrew their troops respectively, waiving the battle card.

In Xiqi City, in the palace, before his bed, Xibo Hou Jichang began to entrust his orphans on his deathbed. Under his witness, Ji Fa worshiped Jiang Ziya as his father-in-law, and finally everyone retreated, leaving only the father and son to answer the final question.

Looking at the formerly majestic, wise father who hid the world in his chest, now his eyes were blank and his face was sallow, Ji Fa felt sore in his heart, and hurriedly said:

"Father, do you have anything else to say to your son?"

Xibo Hou Jichang stretched out his hand tremblingly, Ji Fa hurriedly held it, and Ji Chang tremblingly said:

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