"It's Nezha's voice!"

The sound of long roars shocked the world, and even the sea outside the pass began to boil, and raging waves slammed on the shore.

"Is nothing wrong with Nezha?" Ao Bing asked worriedly.

"Could it be that if the number of days has changed, the final outcome will not change?" Long Shao's face was gloomy, and his speed accelerated again, and he had reached his destination in an instant.

But now that the two dragons have arrived at Chentang Pass, the demon-slaying artifacts and demon mirrors on the high wall are also causing headaches for the dragon. Young Master Long can only take Ao Bing Tengyun and hide in the sky to observe what is going on in the pass. when.

"That's the General Military Mansion? Why was it demolished?"

Ao Bing saw the messy General Army Mansion in the center of Chentang Pass at a glance. After all, it was the power next to his home, so he naturally knew a lot.

"Shh, let's see what happened first."

Long can be big or small, can rise or hide, and Long Shao takes Ao Bing to hide beside him.


The flames on Nezha's body became more and more frightening, seeping into people like blood stained red, and a pair of hateful eyes stared directly at Li Jing, who was called "Father" on the tall building.

"Huhu..." Under the pressure of this astonishing momentum, Li Jing couldn't help exhaling. After shooting three cloud-piercing arrows, his body was empty and weak. He shouted fiercely:

"Your mother's body is still cold, you are going to violate her last words?!"

Nezha's menacing footsteps suddenly stopped, and the blood flames all over his body were no longer burning.

"Third brother!"

Jin Zha burst into tears and said tremblingly, "Mother has already left! He is our father after all, and blood is thicker than water."

"Yes, third prince."

The fortune teller just now boldly came to persuade him, "Master Li and you are connected by blood after all, if you really killed him today, it would be too much for the heavens, how can you gain a foothold on the earth?

My child, I don't want you to be betrayed by others, it is hard to tolerate in the world, now it is better to bury Mrs. Yin as soon as possible, and let her rest in peace. "

"Yes, yes, after all, you are the son of General Li, and the blood of the Li family flows through your body. Although you can't become a father and son without hatred, you can't really kill General Li."

Gradually, people came from all around, and they all tried to persuade him.

This is righteousness!This is the morality of heaven and earth, and this is the Tao and reason in people's hearts!


Nezha clenched his fists, his bones creaking, "Blood of the Li family? I am destined to listen to Li Jing's words in my life? Not to be disobedient? Isn't that just a dog?"

Nezha muttered to himself, and then laughed at himself.

"Naughty beast, hurry up and kneel down!"

On the high wall, Li Jing scolded with angry eyes. In his mind, the king of heaven and earth, his father, his son, should obey him completely, and he is not allowed to go west when he says east.

He said stand, he can't lie down!

Today, Nezha, the evil animal, has made him lose face, and even caused the tragic death of his married couple. If he is not taught a lesson, how can the other two sons listen to him?

How can the people of Chentangguan be convinced?What do people in the world think of Li Jing? !

"One word at a time, one word at a time, you keep saying that the blood of your Li family is flowing on my body, and you Li Jing is my father by nature, so you can make me kneel obediently."

Nezha's deep head came out with words that pierced his heart.

The fortune teller who originally wanted to go forward to persuade him also had to stop. He only felt that he was in an iceberg from his soul to his body!

"I don't care about the blood of your Li family!"

Nezha raised his head in vain, with blood and tears streaming from his eyes, and said bitterly, "In that case, I will eviscerate the bones and return the father today, and cut the flesh back to the mother!

I, Nezha, was born to be raised, born to be free, let me see who dares to make me kneel down! "


The blood flames on Nezha's body surged and forced everyone to retreat, even burning up the space.

"What else does this bastard want to do?"

Li Jing watched with cold eyes, wishing that this rebellious son would lose his soul and never be freed from it!Now he only blames himself for not killing the fetus completely with a sword!

Dangdang Dangdang!

The golden circle of heaven and earth skyrocketed and suddenly became larger and smaller, wisps of destructive divine light overflowed, like a round of the sun.

Huntian Ling was psychic, and seemed to have expected something, regardless of spiritual damage, desperately struggling to wrap around the burning blood flame master, trying to pull him away.

"Third brother, don't do stupid things! Mother has already left, our family can no longer kill each other!" Mu Zha got up anxiously, already seeing that something was wrong with Nezha.


Suddenly, the circle of heaven and earth skyrocketed, and the golden color completely turned into blood, forcing everyone to retreat. At this moment, it was like the most terrifying treasure wheel of heaven, covering the top of Nezha's head, exuding a trembling aura of destruction!

"Uncle, Nezha seems to have no choice but to commit suicide. Let's go down and break through the restriction and rescue Nezha back to the palace first."

Ao Bing in the sky was so anxious that he wanted to turn into a human body and rush into Chentang Pass to save people.

But Young Master Long stopped him with a serious expression at the moment, "Don't act rashly, didn't you forget the human-dragon agreement? We wait for the sea dragons and the human races to keep their well waters in check, so we are not allowed to enter the pass!"

Your action now is almost tearing up the agreement, and it will bring great disaster to your father and the Dragon Clan!What's more, this is their Li family's family affairs, how can we outsiders interfere! "

"But, but Nezha is my friend, I can't leave him alone!" Ao Bing was extremely anxious, and wanted to rescue Nezha the next moment.

However, Long Shao's dragon claws exerted force and firmly trapped Ao Bing. In the bottom of his heart, Long Shao also sighed. If he had a choice, why wouldn't he save people, and why would he just watch the tragedy happen.

But Young Master Long looked up at the sky. This seemed to be a tragedy of human relations, but how many calculations were there behind the scenes?Real Taiyi?Yuanshi Tianzun?No one can tell for sure.

Suddenly there was a scream from the crowd below, and the blood-red circle of heaven and earth was continuously hanging and spinning above Nezha, and dreadful blood-colored blades hung down, like the sharpest blades, smashing Nezha inch by inch, piece by piece. split!

All the besieging people turned pale with fright for a while, women and even strong men were frightened by this scene, and even fainted.

Drenched with blood, Nezha lost his human form in an instant. Under such torture, the small figure sitting cross-legged safely below did not let out a scream, but looked at Li Jing not far away with hatred in his eyes.

"Li Jing, after today, I will owe you nothing!"

Chi Chi!

The blood-colored universe turned more and more violently, and thousands of blades fell from the sky, beheading Nezha's flesh and blood, and he was inhuman shape. In just one breath, Nezha fell to the ground, and there was no more breath!

"Hmph, evil animal, I finally know how to kill myself, so I won't get my hands dirty!"

Li Jing's angry expression finally relaxed a little, this thorn in the eye, the thorn in his flesh was finally pulled out today!

Although his wife's death was a little unexpected, but wives and concubines can remarry, so naturally such a life-threatening beast cannot be kept for a day!


Following Nezha's act of eviscerating his father, it seemed that even God was shocked and angry. A huge dark cloud gathered over Chentangguan. .

Nezha died miserably in a human form, the world was moved and changed color, and even the heavens wept for it.

However, despite Nezha's death, the circle of heaven and earth is still rotating independently, and Huntianling entangles the old body of its master like a mournful cry, and its red color becomes more and more bloody and permeating.


Blood returns to blood, bones return to bones. Under the witness of the people of Chentangguan, Nezha deboned and returned his father, and cut his flesh back to his mother. This life has nothing to do with the Li family!


And with the completion of the task of killing the master, the bloody universe circled itself, as if screaming sutras to its former master, its blood color became more and more terrifying, and in the call of this artifact, a terrifying ghost of revenge suddenly appeared amidst the bloodstains !

"Ah! It's Nezha, the soul is demanding his life, this is the most terrifying bloody ghost! Bloodthirsty, the gods can't save it! Everyone run away!"

The moment he saw this bloody ghost, the fortune teller yelled in horror, and he ran away trembling. Looking carefully, his legs were trembling unconsciously!

Hearing such a horrifying reminder from the old man, the people immediately dispersed, thinking that their parents had lost two legs!

For a while, Chentangguan, which was already under heavy rain, seemed even more chaotic.

"Hmph! An evil animal is an evil animal, and you have to do such a rebellious act even after you die!"

Seeing Nezha's bloody ghost rushing toward the sky, Li Jing's expression changed drastically, and then he calmly took out the magic mirror, subduing magic pestle and other purification artifacts, and killed Nezha again and again!


Obviously the magic weapon seems to have some effect, but Nezha's wronged soul seems to be unaffected, rushing towards the high wall Li Jing crazily, passing through a terrible wind along the way, crying ghosts and gods howling, very penetrating!

Drops of cold sweat flowed from Li Jing's pale face, he stooped in vain and threw Fang Tian's trident to kill Nezha's resentful soul.

"Naughty animal, it seems that I, Li Jing, will smash your soul into pieces today! You will not be at peace even if you die!"


Fang Tian's trident erupted with immortal light, and was shrouded in a halo of transcendence unique to the Western religion. Li Jing turned out to be a three-cultivator of immortality, Buddha, and martial arts!


Fang Tian's trident pierced towards the bloody Nezha like a thunderbolt, but under Li Jing's horrified gaze, Nezha opened his bloody mouth suddenly, and swallowed the divine halberd with a grunt.

Li Jing was so frightened that he leaned against the city wall. Nezha's bloody eyes were vivid in front of him. His bloody mouth covered the sky and the sun, and he wanted to swallow him whole.

"Li Jing, take your life."

He even heard the sound of resentful spirits demanding their lives. At this most critical moment, Li Jing suddenly shouted: "Master, help me!"

The moment Nezha was about to devour Li Jing, a long voice came, "Fool, fool, don't seek revenge."

Suddenly, an old Taoist priest with white hair and childlike face appeared in the sky holding floating dust in his hand and sitting on a snow-white crane.

"Fool, let's go back to the Golden Cave with the teacher."

This fairy waved the floating dust, and a fire artifact that was forged by nine dragons was instantly sacrificed by him.

The Kowloon Divine Fire Mask appeared on Nezha's resentful soul in an instant, completely covering him with just a turn of the wheel, and the Immortal waved his sleeves, and the Nezha Divine Fire Mask turned into a fiery red streamer and disappeared into his sleeve robe.

The crane screamed, and spread its wings away. The immortal sat on his back safely, and looked at the corner of the sky with deep meaning, "Dragon clan? Sure enough, it was you who intervened."

In an instant, the fairy riding a crane disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds and the sky, leaving only a mess in Chentangguan. People knelt down and shouted under the heavy rain:

"Master Immortal, let's go!"

Chapter 224

"Master, you are offline."

The old butler in a suit kindly handed out the towel, Long Shao took it with a heavy face, and wiped the cold sweat off his body.

"Master, did something happen in the prehistoric world?"

People are old and mature, not to mention the young master was taken care of by him since he was a child, the old housekeeper asked cautiously.


Long Shao sighed, recalling the tragedy he had witnessed before, he shook his head slightly sadly.

"No matter the world, there are moving truths."

Waving his hand, Young Master Long had already stepped out full of complicated thoughts.

The old man immediately sat down on the sofa, and he carefully watched the fairy tale blockbuster shown on the TV screen without blinking.

"Sure enough, it's my good grandson. Look at this golden dragon that soars across the world. It's so domineering. It doesn't even need special effects. It just needs to be cut and connected."

The old man couldn't help applauding, celebrating his grandson's hard work.

"However, why is there a branch of the heroine's younger brother interspersed here? If I guessed correctly, this naughty kid in a red bellyband is the famous Nezha, right?"

Long Shao bent his waist and folded his fists and sat facing his grandfather, smiling wryly: "It is indeed Nezha, this is a beautiful accident."

Long Shao turned his head and looked at the mischievous and mischievous child on the 108-inch LCD screen with deep eyes. He knew that he might never see this lawless and more tempered Nezha again.

Even if he can be reborn as a lotus root in the future, he will not be him anymore.

"Okay, then I'll take the disc and let the best editor in the country cut it, and start promoting it by the way."

Grandpa got up satisfied, and couldn't wait to see the finished movie.

"Grandpa, the country asked me to make a movie in the prehistoric world, and they plan to spare no effort to promote it nationwide and plan to release it nationwide. What do they mean?" Long Shao asked curiously.


Grandpa laughed twice, "When people are old, they are always afraid that they will never be able to wake up when they close their eyes. In reality, although the environment of the earth is special, there are always people who want to try various methods.

Last time, the belief in the world of Hill inspired many scientists. In the extraordinary dawn of the earth, which is similar to the legendary environment of the end of the law, some people want to test whether the power of belief of the people on earth is useful. "

It turned out that this is the case, Long Shao suddenly realized, but he immediately frowned and asked:

"But in the long history of human beings on the earth, there are several world-renowned saints? Doesn't that mean that beliefs on earth are useless?"

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