And with the appearance of a terrifying specter that seemed to be bigger than the sky, on the Zixiao Palace, the highest futon also had streamers of light, and the laws of the heavens were condensed, and the noble purple energy was dense, and an indifferent figure of a Taoist gradually emerged.


On top of his head, there is another jade plate of good fortune that he sacrificed himself to make up, and it is recorded on it that there are three thousand ways, and the prehistoric creatures can prove the way and become holy once they get one.

At this time, the master of the immortal way, the supreme being who created the prosperous age of the immortal way and taught all living beings, suddenly opened his eyes and looked directly at the uninvited enemy of his life!

"Devil Lord, you have crossed the line!"

Tian Dao Hongjun opened his mouth, and strands of the prehistoric Dao of Heaven appeared, locked to the black shadow at the door like a jade chain of the Dao of Heaven.

"Now that you're not staying in the Demon Realm, you're fused with the Demon Dao, what's the purpose of coming to my Zixiao Palace?"

"Ha ha"

The demon lord Luohu laughed and made two humane voices, causing Hongjun on the futon to flash a strange light. This lifelong enemy seemed to have gone one step further, walking faster than himself!

"In the last calamity measurement, I abided by the dao agreement and never took a step out of the demon world. How can I not participate in the calamity measurement this time!

Qi refiners all over the world become immortals, but they will also give birth to a heavenly demon in the demon world.

Heaven and earth also have pros and cons, this calamity is measured without the participation of the demon world, but half of the sky is missing, and it cannot be completed! "

Facing the sudden appearance of the demon lord, the expressions of the six saints were all different at this time. Let alone Nuwa, she is a small head at this time, and she can only be a melon-eating saint.

When the demon lord appeared, the second sage of the West felt the futon was hot and couldn't sit still.

This is the first time they have seen the real body of the demon lord, but they have been deeply involved in karma with him before, but the teaching they respect is that karma is the foundation, not to mention other things, and now the Sumeru Mountain Dojo was originally left by the demon lord .

Yuan Shi frowned, feeling that things were out of his calculation and control, as if the development of the situation had deviated from the track of the avenue.

Laozi still looked indifferent, his eyebrows drooped, and those who didn't know thought he had fallen asleep.

Master Tongtian had a smile on his face, as if he felt that he was accidentally involved, which relieved his danger of terminating the teaching, or was he not surprised by the appearance of the devil?


Tiandao Hongjun seemed very interesting, a strange color flashed in his eyes: "Do you want to enter the game?"

"No, you and I are both chess watchers, we can't take sides, we can only be neutral, the chess players should be the protagonists of their generation, and my disciple Wutian will also become the chess master!"

Hongjun cast his eyes on Wutian, noncommittal. He was very interested in Luo Hu's sudden proposal. Now that he has joined the Dao, all kinds of past and future events are in front of him, like looking at lines on the palm of his hand, which is much more boring.

Now that this unexpected number has occurred, his heart that has been silent for a long time is full of curiosity:

"Where's the one underground?"

Hongjun continued to ask, and Luo Hui said, "He's lying on the ground and doesn't want to move. He won't participate in this round, and he will make a move in the next round!"

Hongjun nodded indifferently: "Since this is the case, the two of us supervised and restrained the calamity this time. How do you want to arrange the situation?"

Following the question and answer of the two supreme beings of the heavenly level, the six saints frowned, and Wutian was also amazed.

With the prehistoric world as the chess game, and all living beings as the chess pieces, immortals, gods, demons, demons, and humans are turned into soldiers and chariots, and the sages of heaven and earth are the spokespersons of the chess, but these two are the real masters behind the scenes.

"Since this calamity was caused by the conferring of gods in the heavenly court, all immortals are needed to fill the positions of gods. Naturally, my demonic way cannot be neglected. As the saying goes, the height of the Tao is one foot, and the height of the devil is one foot.

I will set up the "Demon Sealing List" and hand it over to the eldest disciple Wutian. The God Killing Spear will be the magic weapon for sealing demons, and set 108 magic stars for the prehistoric world! "

As Luo Hu's words fell, he stretched out his hand, only to see a sheet of demonic energy billowing, and it seemed that thousands of demon heads appeared on the black demon list that roared ferociously, opposing and contending with the golden sapphire list above.

There is also a murderous gun that is so murderous that even the six saints frown at the side.

"Sealing Demon List?"

Except for the leader of Tongtian, the other five saints all frowned and talked to themselves.

Chapter 214

The Zixiao Palace meeting in the depths of the chaos decided the calamity, but most of the creatures in the prehistoric world didn't know everything, and most of them just followed the crowd.

At this time, the co-lord of the human race in Nanzhan Buzhou, in the palace of the Yin Shang Dynasty, a generation of hero Emperor Yi passed away, and he was entrusted to Gu Wenzhong when he was dying, just as the young King Zhou was succeeding to the throne.

He has just succeeded to the throne, but he has worked hard to govern, and his military strength is amazing, and the world still does not show signs of weakness.

However, this is a prehistoric world after all, and many qi refiners practiced Taoism to look forward to qi, but they often said in King Zhou's ears:

"The days of Yin and Shang have come to an end, and he is the last king."

In a fit of anger, he deported many people from outside the country, or arrested them and imprisoned them in prison.

One night, King Zhou slept tiredly on the dragon couch after correcting the memorials. Suddenly he woke up suddenly, with drops of hot sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Where is the evildoer, dare to offend the king of heaven? Aren't you afraid that the fate of the human race will backfire?!"

Facing the darkness, King Zhou yelled without fear, and at the same time he was secretly holding the sword on the bedside with his right hand.

Although it is said that since the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the human race has been determined by the sages of heaven and earth to have no eternal king, and the sons of heaven and the kings of heaven are directly restricted from cultivation on the road, and they cannot comprehend the world with their souls.

Although King Zhou was born with supernatural powers, he also secretly practiced the techniques of immortality and qi refining like his predecessors, but it didn't work, and he became stronger and stronger.

"Jie Jie! You don't know when your death is imminent. It's really sad." A strange voice came from the darkness.


King Zhou let out a cold snort, and drew his sword directly to cut down the darkness in front of him, "I am the Son of Heaven, and the barbarians surrender, and the guests from all directions are subdued! Now that the country is peaceful and the people are safe, I will get you, a demon, talking nonsense!"

"Idiots, now that the six sages of the Dao of Heaven are discussing with each other, it has already been decided that you will end up in ruins!

It is also because they left the prehistoric world that I can show up to meet you. If you don't want life and death to be destroyed, you'd better listen to me! "

I don't know where this mysterious visitor came from, but he was not afraid of human luck, and was able to break into the palace of the emperor. King Zhou walked like a dragon and pointed at the emperor's dragon and phoenix sword:

"The evildoer, who doesn't know how to live or die, still hasn't retreated! Could it be that he has to wait until his soul is gone?!"

Now that King Zhou has just ascended the throne, the fortunes of the country are booming, and the world is safe and peaceful. Although there are some rumors, no matter what era the rumors are, King Zhou never believes that he will be the last king!

The mysterious visitor wanted to say something, but at this moment, birds were singing all over his body, and ripples appeared in the darkness.

"Damn black bird."

There was a curse in the darkness, and with a bang, a piece of black jade fell into the animal blanket in the palace.

"When you figure it out in the future, you can use blood to drip into the black jade, and you will naturally understand then!"

As soon as the words fell, a guard suddenly asked cautiously outside the door:

"My lord, were you the one who made the noise just now?"

King Zhou shook his head and came back to his senses, wondering if it was just a hallucination that he had just woken up from sleep.

But when his eyes swept away inadvertently, he suddenly found that there was indeed a piece of black jade dyed black with ink on the precious animal blanket on the ground.

"Hmph, something of a demon heretic."

King Zhou bent down to pick up the black jade, and was just about to throw it into the brazier, but accidentally put it on the bedside

Inadvertently, the departure of the six prehistoric sages caused many demons and ghosts to show their tracks.

On Penglai Island, the Jiejiao Immortals who had adjourned the meeting also waited eagerly for the return of the leader. Among them, Zhao Gongming, the great disciple of the outer sect, kept in touch with the brothers and sisters with the dream girl.

The visiting Mengrui Shenji had a toothache, and even wandered into the sky several times, going to the Tiantian Forum to check other information, and suddenly Mengrui Shenji's eyes lit up in a daze.

"Uncle Zhao, is this your favorite student? Was he specially selected by the master?" Penglai Island Yiqi Xian Yu Yuan asked his apprentice curiously.

"Haha" Zhao Gongming also boasted as before, and by the way, he further rendered the dangerous scene when he was recruiting apprentices.

But behind him, the vision of the dreaming princess fell on the bloody magic knife behind Yu Hua, Yu Yuan's apprentice, and his big heart was beating at this moment.

"Blood Transforming Sword!"

Mengrui Shenji thought excitedly in her heart, in order to prevent the same mistakes of "there is rain in the north", every player who entered the prehistoric world made up some myths and legends, and Mengrui Shenji was no exception.

And in the sea of ​​mythological materials, there are many contradictions among them. Dreaming into Shenji once read in a partial book, it is said that the blood-transforming magic knife behind Yu Hua contains a big secret!

It seems to be related to the Twelve Ancestral Witches who fell in the last era. It is said that it is related to the opportunity to prove the Tao!

Thinking of this anecdote, Dreaming into Shenji's heart skipped a beat, and she felt that her future was bright, and becoming a saint against the sky was no longer a dream!

Seeing that the master was still babbling, Meng Ruo Shen Ji couldn't help pulling down the corner of his clothes, Zhao Gongming looked puzzled.

Dreaming into Shenji has pulled him aside, whispering secretly.

"What? You've taken a fancy to the blood-turning saber that Nephew Yu Yuan bestowed on his disciple?" Zhao Gongming was puzzled, and by the way, turned his attention to the bloody saber on Yu Hua's back.

The imposing manner is good, and the appearance is also very good, but from the outside, it seems to be a strange and poisonous weapon, not an authentic and majestic weapon. My apprentice likes this kind of weapon?

Seeing that Yu Yuan's master and apprentice were about to go far away, worried that after meeting this time, there would be no chance next time, Dreaming into Shenji urged:

"Master, you can ask Senior Brother Yu Yuan if he can bear the pain to give up his love, this magic knife disciple likes it very much!"

Seeing that his apprentice liked this blood knife so much, Zhao Gongming couldn't help but catch up with Yu Yuan master and apprentice, he couldn't help it, who told him how to love his apprentice.

"Martial nephew Yu Yuan stay here for now."

Immediately, Yu Yuan and Yu Hua stopped and turned their heads. Zhao Gongming coughed twice, looked at the blood-transforming sword behind Yu Hua and said:

"To be honest, Shen Ji told me just now that he fell in love with his nephew's blood-transforming magic knife at first sight, just like a senior brother, sometimes he has a special love for a certain magic weapon."

Speaking of this, "Yibo Yuntian Zhao Gongming" blushed slightly in embarrassment, he was famous for his loyalty, and it was the first time that he had the cheek to ask the younger generation for a magic weapon.

"Of course I won't make it difficult for my nephew. This is a low-grade innate spiritual treasure "Spiritual Cudgel"." Zhao Gongming took out a black big stick that was not slick.

"Ha ha"

Yu Yuan laughed out loud, and his apprentice Yu Hua was also surprised. I don't know why this senior's apprentice is interested in the Blood Transforming Sword. Could it be that he likes to play with poison?

"Uncle Zhao is serious, but it's just an unexpected magic weapon, Yu Hua." Yu Yuan smiled indifferently.

Apprentice Yu Hua is also smart, knowing that being able to buy favors for senior Zhao is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Speaking of which, he is only a fourth-generation disciple, and even Meng Ruo Shen Ji is his elder.


A blood-red saber flashed past, Yu Hua had expelled the Primordial Spirit imprint on the blood-transforming saber, and he respectfully held the saber to Senior Zhao with both hands:

"Senior, you have to be careful not to be cut by the magic knife. This weapon is extremely fierce and extremely poisonous." Saying this, Yu Yuan took out three pills and handed them to Zhao Gongming.

Dreaming into Shenji behind her was jealous, even his big heart was trembling slightly at this moment, this is the magic blood-melting sword, which is related to the secret of proving the innate sage in the legend!

Zhao Gongming took over the blood-transforming knife, and he also used his spiritual sense to sweep the blood knife in his hand. Except that he felt that it was very poisonous, he didn't find any abnormalities in it, but if the apprentice likes it, he can give it to him.

Afterwards, Zhao Gongming insisted on giving Yu Hua the Dementor Rod, saying that he couldn't take advantage of the younger generation. After some refusals, both parties left with laughter.

"No, apprentice."

Zhao Gongming casually threw the blood-transforming knife to his apprentice, and the dreaming Ji immediately caught it with great care, fearing that if it was accidentally scratched, it would be fatal.

After getting the magic knife, Meng Ruo Shen Ji was so anxious that she didn't care to get acquainted with the people who were about to die, so she urged her master to rush back to Mount Emei.

Zhao Gongming was so impatient with being entangled, he waved his long sleeves, and the black tiger on his mount appeared, letting it carry Meng Ruo Shen Ji back to the cave first, and he also had a gathering with his seniors to brag, it was a gathering to discuss the truth.

Not to mention holding on to the blood-transforming magic knife all the way, everyone is a treasure hunter, and Dreaming into Shenji is worried about gains and losses and keeps tense all the way. He never thought that such a magic weapon could be obtained in this way!

"Could it be that this is my Shenji's tool to prove the Tao?" Dreaming into Shenji's daydreams, she even wondered if she was the chosen one in the prehistoric world!

Back at the thatched hut on Mount Emei, dreaming that the god Ji Liaohuoliao opened the mountain protection array, and immediately studied this blood-transforming magic knife, but for the next few days, no matter what methods he tried.

Blood refinement, fire refinement, ice refinement, etc. have not worked, except to prove that this magic knife is indeed very poisonous, it will hurt you when touched, and you will die if you rub it. Dreaming into Shenji still has no connection with Zuwu?

"Could it be that the secret is not here?" Meng Ruo Shen Ji, who was so anxious that she was about to spurt out real fire, suddenly thought so.

However, what he didn't know was that on the other side, on Penglai Island, Yu Yuan was smiling and saying to his apprentice:

"Apprentice, it seems that the way of refining weapons as a teacher is very strong, even Master Zhao praised him very much."

Yu Hua replied with a smile: "Master has learned all the true teachings of the patriarch, and is proficient in all eighteen unique skills."

"Ha ha"

Yu Yuan laughed and took out a blood-transforming magic knife from behind, "Disciple, another accident happened for the master's crafting, so I will give you this freshly baked blood-transforming knife. Be careful to scratch yourself."

Yu Hua bowed down in great joy, and turned his head to look at the corner of the palace. He saw that there were pieces of failed blood knives with the same shape but with wrong lines.

Chapter 215 The Nuwa Who Wants to Eat Melons with Peace of Mind

Honghuang does not remember the years, and no one except the people at the time at the Zixiao Palace meeting knew what the six leaders of Honghuang talked about.

Although the players knew that Wutian was also involved, they didn't know what he changed. Some players asked him, but he kept smiling and didn't answer, just said:

"When the catastrophe begins, you will know."

On this day, Empress Nuwa's birthday has come. In Chaoge King's palace, a minister reminded King Zhou that King Zhou has been suspicious since the black shadow's instigation last time.

After a court meeting, all civil and military officials had accompanied the emperor out of the palace. Along the way, everyone in Chaoge lived and worked in peace and contentment. They also burned incense in front of the door and set up a case, where they visited melons, fruits and bananas.

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