Alice looked down, and the bright red flowers on both sides seemed to welcome her arrival, swaying gently, and a gust of wind blew from the River Styx, disturbing Alice's white hair.

Her pair of heterochromatic pupils became more and more majestic, but at this moment she stared blankly at the back of the young man driving the car in front of her.


At this moment, Mr. White Rabbit stopped in his tracks, his horse roared, and he stood uncomfortably surrounded by the sea of ​​red flowers.

The three people in the carriage looked ahead curiously. There was no road ahead. The river of death, the Styx, washed with endless resentful spirits, lay ahead. A blurry shadow of a boat gradually approached from the upper reaches, as if someone was coming to welcome them with oars.

After calming down, after careful clues, Vivienne was still amazed,

"Is it precisely because it grows on the most dangerous and sinful soil in Hill that such a beautiful flower of stunning evil can be grown?"

Vaguely, she seemed to see fat caterpillars twisting their bodies and stealing flowers. It seems that there are bugs stealing flowers in any world. Vivienne smiled:

"I don't know what the flower name of this flower of death is?"

"Flowers on the other side"

Haruka Haruka Haruka suddenly opened her mouth, and after she finished speaking, she murmured, "In Hill's world, it should be called Manjushahua more appropriately."

"No, I think Bianhuahua is very appropriate."

A voice came from above the Styx River, and the thick fog condensed by the obsessive and resentful spirits dissipated, and everyone saw clearly who was welcoming them.

On the dark river Styx, a young man in dark clothes and a dignified hat slowly slid his oars, and the boat under his feet slowly approached the shore.

On the boat was not only him, but also another beautiful and coquettish woman in white clothes holding a water ladle.

A man and a woman all had deathly pale faces, and the breath of death leaked from their bodies, without a trace of vitality, but they were no different from ordinary people.

Vivienne carefully looked at the hat on the man's head, and then at Mr. White Rabbit's tall hat. After confirming his eyes, it was the hat made by this man.

"Are the dead in the underworld so free?" Vivian thought to herself.

"The flowers on the other shore bloom on the other shore, what a good name." The young man rowing the oar said with a smile, his face was handsome, but he was too white.

"cough cough"

Suddenly he coughed twice, and a trace of blood appeared from the corner of his mouth, which turned his lips red. The woman in white beside him said worriedly:

"It's okay, the last time Yule attacked, you confronted him head-on, and you suffered the most serious injuries."

"rest assured"

The black-clothed ferry man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth indifferently, "Hill has rules, you can't let him act recklessly, just take a few Bianhua flowers and you'll be fine."

As the boat approached the shore, the woman in white gently scooped out the river water from the dark Styx with a ladle, and watered the bright red Bana flowers on both banks.

Seemingly aware of something, the beautiful woman in white suddenly asked coldly:

"Peter, you actually came to steal it again!"

There was a rustling sound from the shore, and the unusually fat caterpillar hurriedly shuttled among the sea of ​​bright red flowers, as if it was afraid of the woman, the caterpillar carefully poked its head out from a Bana flower:

"I'm not looking at your highness coming down, presenting her with a beautiful flower of death, oh, it's called Bianhua now."

The caterpillar quibbled as always, and the woman didn't believe its nonsense at all. She carefully glanced at Alice who got out of the car slowly, "I didn't see you presenting flowers to His Highness, I only saw you stealing them."

After all, it is a sophistry, the caterpillar knew it was wrong, and did not dare to be greedy, so it quickly twisted its fat body and disappeared into the sea of ​​bright red flowers.


Finally, the Styx boat stopped. The young man in black put down his oars, took off his hat gently, and bowed down to salute Alice with a standard aristocratic salute. The woman in white also bent down gently with her chest on her hand, and also bowed to Alice. pay tribute.

"Welcome to your return, Your Highness."

"Your Highness?"

The unanimous voices contained puzzlement. Although Vivian and Haruka knew that Alice was mysterious, they didn't know who she was.

Could it be that she is the supreme being reincarnated from the underworld?So born miraculous?The cheeks are so weird, so the death of her biological parents was not an accident?

"I'm not some highness, I'm just an ordinary human being." Alice said puzzledly, and turned her gaze to the uncle beside her.

The young man in black smiled: "Your Highness, please get on the boat first, and you will naturally know everything when you arrive at your destination."

As he spoke, he waved his hands and respectfully invited Alice to board the boat. Although she was puzzled, Alice still stepped forward, and there were two other girls following her. Naturally, they couldn't miss it when the mystery was revealed.

Even in the dark, Haruka Kusaka has secretly taken pictures and recorded the journey of death, and he should be the only human on earth who has walked through it.

Seeing more and more people boarding the boat, even the strong horse started to hop restlessly with a growl. The young man in black frowned slightly, and said to the driver with a calm face:

"Your Excellency, I'm afraid my small boat can't carry so many people. The ship of the underworld carries people from the underworld. I hope you will drive the carriage to take the two of them home. There will be a generous gift in return for you at the entrance of the underworld."

As soon as these words came out, Vivian and Ri Xiayao suddenly stopped in their tracks. After boarding this ship, would they be creatures from the underworld?Isn't that a standard thief ship?

Jiang Ping patted the restless steed, "Don't worry, it's fine."

I don't know whether to talk to the horse or answer the young man in black.

The woman in white quietly tugged at the corner of the man's black clothes, and the young man in black nodded helplessly:

"Come on board."

A group of people uploaded one after another, but Mr. White Rabbit, who guided them along the way, bowed and jumped into the distance.

And the poor brown-red horse was frightened like a nine-hundred-jin child at this time, its limbs were weak, and the horse stayed beside this dark underworld, wouldn't this kill it?

It seemed that he had a bad premonition, and felt that it would be too late if he did not speak, so the steed roared loudly:

"God give me a ride!!!"


The three girls who just boarded the boat all opened their eyes wide and looked at the restless horse on the bank in disbelief. They have been together for ten years and have carried them through the Three Realms. It turns out that this horse can talk!

In the end, the brown-red horse stayed on the shore. After all, it was a small boat, and it couldn't carry it. It was unprecedented to have so many passengers on board today, and it made the brows of the young man in black darken.

As the four people in the carriage boarded the boat, the boat sank slightly, as if it had carried a weight it shouldn't have carried. The young man in black took the oars and paddled into the River Styx again.

The black water was moored, and sinful human faces flashed out on the Styx, which had sunk everything. The young man rowed slowly, as if the river was extremely heavy, as if he was entangled by hundreds of millions of ghosts in the world of Hill.

The boat moved slowly, gradually moving away from the shore.At this time, the woman in white looked curiously at the three unexpected visitors, and finally turned her attention to the mysterious Luo Er standing at the bow.

"It seems that the three distinguished guests are all kind-hearted." Looking at the depth of the boat's immersion, the beautiful and coquettish woman in white said softly:

"If it is a person who is deeply sinful, even with the help of the only ferry boat that can cross the Styx, he will sink into the dark Styx, and he will never be able to escape."

Vivienne and Ri Xiayao couldn't help shrinking their bodies into the boat, carefully peeking at the terrifying Styx below the boat, and could even faintly hear the wailing of hundreds of millions of wraiths.

"This river of the underworld flows all the malice and ominousness of Hill's world, and no creature is willing to be soaked in it. The last time King Hill attacked, it played a big role."

As if to warn them, the woman in white spoke slowly. In fact, no one is not in awe of this river of death, and ignorant creatures will feel their legs go weak when they see it.

"However, you seem to have no weight?"

Gently shaking the oars, the young man in black who rowed the ferry boat spoke. He seemed to be able to sense the depth of the boat's immersion in the River Styx, and judge the crimes committed by the passengers in the world of Hill.

No matter how powerful and holy beings are, they will sink the ferry boat a little bit, but this time there are only four passengers on board, but they only weigh the weight of two passengers. He has never encountered such a strange thing.

"People who don't belong to this world?" The alluring woman in white whispered to herself, only this can explain it.

The boat sailed slowly on the River Styx, and Alice was surrounded in the middle. She looked curiously at the bright flowers on both banks.

At this time, the sea of ​​bright red flowers was swaying slightly, as if it was welcoming the return of a certain existence, wisps of red pollen permeated both sides, Vivian and Haruka Haruka also noticed, the two looked curiously, and seemed to be able to vaguely see through themselves past and present.

Vivienne's life experience from childhood to adulthood was played back from her mother's womb, just like watching flowers on horseback. Vivienne reviewed her life again, and every trivial prank was recalled.

The final scene was fixed in the childhood, when she met the mysterious uncle, gritted her teeth and stepped on her feet, and climbed boldly into the carriage. This is the scene she remembers most deeply, and it is also the scene that changed the trajectory of her life.

Rixia Haruka also closed his eyes curiously. Strictly speaking, his soul does not belong to this world. At this time, he also recalled the hundred years of memory until his birth. Underworld rules?"

Rixia Yao was thinking wildly in her mind, of course she wanted to record such a beautiful scene, this should be the most beautiful sea of ​​red flowers she has seen so far.

Bright red like blood, coquettish yet deadly and dangerous, it grows on both sides of the most dangerous Styx River, awakening the past and present of passers-by, it can only be described in two words:


The Styx was rippling, but Alice was not affected by the flowers on the other side. On the contrary, the petals fluttered as if to welcome her, and she looked to both banks.

As the ferry boat was driving, I vaguely saw a fat, flightless blue-gray bird with a long beak leaping and walking on the shore, as if seeing a boat coming, and flapping its wings happily , Unfortunately, still can not fly.

In addition to this stupid bird, there were also the figure of the Gryphon and the March Hare, which made Alice feel that she might not be too lonely.


From the shoulder of the woman in white, a Dormouse seemed to have just woken up. The Dormouse opened its dim eyes and looked at the curious Alice in surprise.

"Oh, nice to meet you."

The Dormouse saluted Alice like a noble gentleman. Alice blinked, feeling that since she came to the underworld, there have been many strange things.

These magical beasts seem to be alive before they were alive, with clear consciousness, no different from living people, or they are another existence of death attribute, just like the world has light and darkness, there are bright creatures, and there are naturally dead beasts.

Most of the death beasts have a chaotic consciousness and only know how to fight and devour them instinctively, but these few ugly death beasts standing at the top are obviously no worse than the gods of the gods.

The ferry boat on the Styx River picked up the lost souls and slowly sailed to the deepest part of the underworld. On the forum, Yaoyao took the time to continue reporting, and she uploaded photos of cute animals one by one.

Yaoyao: "These are all the underworld creatures we met on the road just now, or to be precise, dead things? After all, they have no life. According to the biological category, they are dead beasts and undead."

The underworld live post, most of the netizens on the forum are always paying attention, look at the dark photos posted by Yaoyao, one by one, the hideous bone beasts whose heights are unknown, the dragons can't see the head and the tail are walking slowly in the underworld.

In the dark world, there are also ghostly blue will-o'-the-wisps floating, and ghosts with illusory bodies shuttle constantly, wandering forever in confusion.

The painting style here is still normal, and this kind of world is in line with everyone's imagination of the underworld.

But gradually seeing the colorful little lizards and the fat cat with a cracked mouth and a close-up shot of the sudden appearance, the monks who were a little over two feet were confused.

"These animals are the same as living creatures. Does it mean that they have passed from death to life, and they can be guessed with their toes. They must be the top existence of the food chain in the underworld?"

Someone boldly guessed that after all, apart from these few, the other ghost beasts looked confused at first glance, they only knew about killing and devouring, and they couldn't even maintain themselves.

"Yaoyao, what are the origins of these animals?" Obi asked curiously. He was still in the great world of Hill, and as the years passed, he might still encounter existences in the underworld.

"The underworld is too mysterious, and since I've been gone for so long, I have no clue about the existence of these strange underworld."

Xianyu, who always pays attention to the dynamics of Hill's world, is also very curious. The underworld was born after his fall. Strictly speaking, Xianyu also contributed to its birth!

"I heard from Luo Er that this lizard crawling on the small tree by the roadside seems to be the embodiment of the "venomous" in Hill's world. The poisonous saliva on its body seems to be fatal to the main god!"

"And the fat cat in our carriage that suddenly appeared can be blurred at any time, which feels a bit similar to Luo Er's nine-color field.

I feel that this grinning Chai Qun cat is definitely not as talkative as it appears on the surface. Other undead are in awe of Alice, only it dares to come forward to talk to Alice. I even think that the strength of this fat cat may be among the top The top three in the underworld!

With its own talent, the god king should be helpless, I think its strength is enough to compete head-on with any main god! "

"Hiss! It's so terrifying!"

Although we know that these little animals in the depths of the underworld are extraordinary, who would have thought that each of them has such a terrifying origin!The more terrifying something is, the more ordinary it is. Is this a return to basics?

"Is this big fat cat that keeps grinning so scary? I really can't see it."

Some netizens licked their little fat cat, looked down at the innocent eyes of the fat cat, and said tentatively: "Change for me!"

Naturally, his own fat cat meowed in confusion, and struggled to jump out of the shit-shoveling officer's embrace.

"The underworld is really scary, what else have you encountered?"

Some people urged Yaoyao to continue posting. This is the kingdom of death. If it is on the earth, it will be the destination of all spirits. Some people think that they can refer to the underworld of another world and guess whether there will be such a dark world belonging to the dead on the real earth.

Even the official agencies are paying attention at any time, and the printed images and photos of Hill's underworld materials are piled up in several rooms.

The bright Bana flowers covering both sides of the river, the river of Styx flowing with endless souls of the undead, and the caterpillars that are stealing food.

Everyone knew that they had arrived at the Styx River, and the black river flowed endlessly. Just looking at the photos, they already felt the endless malice through the screen.

"The flowers on the other bank bloom on the other bank, and the flowers bloom and the leaves fall forever. I finally arrived at the Styx River. It's getting late, and it's time for Yaoyao to get on the boat."

Someone said that, although it is an ordinary statement, it makes people feel full of malice, like a black Styx.

Yaoyao lived up to everyone's expectations and immediately dispatched the underworld ferry boat to welcome them. The man in black and the woman in white, one was in charge of rowing the boat, and the other was in charge of watering the flowers on both sides of the river.

Finally, everyone saw that the four people in the carriage boarded the boat one after another, leaving the helpless steed restlessly on the shore, the surroundings were gloomy, and there were vaguely fierce behemoths rubbing their teeth.

"Let us swing our oars, the boat pushes away the waves, the lake reflects the beautiful sea of ​​flowers, surrounded by monsters and ghosts, the boat floats gently in the water, and the cool wind blows head-on."

Someone started composing a song, unconsciously adding bg to Yaoyao.

"Hey, you just left your mounts by the River Styx like this? I think surrounded by so many undead, I guess you can only see a pile of horse bones when you come back, maybe even the bones were swallowed by them along with the meat .”

Some people think it is too pitiful to treat a horse like this. This is not crossing a river to tear down a bridge, but crossing a river to abandon a horse.

"( ̄︶ ̄)↗There is no other way, you have seen this boat too, how can such a strong horse pull it up, you can only put it on the shore.

I hope it will not run around and eat the bright red flowers on both sides of the strait. After all, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are. "

Yaoyao continued to post photos of the banks of the river. Both sides of the river were deep and deep, hiding powerful and ferocious white-boned giant beasts. Occasionally, the very few animals that were no different from living creatures were the most powerful among them.

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