"The Heavens series is urgently recruiting writers, the five insurances and one housing fund are favorable, and you can write your own adventure stories in other worlds! There is even a chance to run on IP, and develop together in multiple fields such as animation, TV and movies! Submission mailbox 852978174qqc."

"The official public beta of the game "The Small Realms of the Heavens" allows you who cannot enter the heavens and myriad realms of the gods to enjoy the humanities in other worlds in advance, experience what a second life is, and adapt to life in another world in advance. He is the next Floating Cloud!"

Logically speaking, Jiang Ping didn't manage this forum, it should be very chaotic, but in fact, the official personnel are watching day and night. Although they can't check the address through IP, they can still do it with a little management of the forum.

A small ecological chain appeared in the forum section, and the most important thing was the precious information revealed by players from other worlds, especially the appearance of the Hill-entraining method back then was a sensation and shocked the world!

Similar to what was advertised before, the business activities surrounding other world games are all in the black market plane. Now the "Heaven and Myriad Worlds" forum can be called the world's most popular community, and it is popular every day. All kinds of ghosts and snakes are staring at this little Plate, in an attempt to obtain first-hand information from players.

The information of the players who are still in the other world is kept very confidential. A bunch of eliminated first and second testers are very casual, and they appear on the stage with great fanfare, turning their legendary experiences into money. They are all useless materials for playing games. , Now that I have this opportunity, I naturally have to find a way to make money, and the best of them is Game Zhang.

In the words of the players: "Entering the game of "The Heavens and Myriad Worlds", I can play this b for the rest of my life!"

There were also people who sneered and ridiculed secretly, they were still complacent after missing the secret, this is a great opportunity to change their destiny and become a god!

Today's forum is as noisy as ever.

Jiang Ping withdrew his gaze, took out the Genesis and began to flip through it. At this moment, a new record appeared.

On the fourth page, Hill's calendar, during the Warring States Period, a generation of conquerors summoned the Longchidon army to march eastward, and fought a decisive battle with the holy army of the Kingdom of Dawn in the ancient battlefield of the federal fortress 200 years ago.

The Holy Army of Dawn was defeated, and the goddess of Dawn appeared in person. When the King of Conquerors wanted to challenge the goddess, Hill was the strongest existence in the world, and the king of the gods descended on the ancient battlefield!

The God King suppressed it with one palm, and Nelson turned into a great spear in the world, gathering the spear intent on the battlefield and stabbing out brazenly, but failed, the mantis turned into flying ashes.

The King of Conquerors straddles the epic red dragon, holds up the king's sword in his hand, condenses the will of the heroic spirits that will never fade on the battlefield from ancient times to the present, and the sword in his hand blooms with brilliance and turns into a golden holy sword.

The indelible will on the eternal battlefield was gathered by the conquering king, and he attacked the palm of the god king together with him, and the king died.

The palm of the god king wiped out the king of conquest and his army. The once-mighty Longkiton Kingdom fell apart in a day like a flash in the pan. carve up.

The God King discovered the mysterious Luo Er who was waiting and watching on the battlefield, and brazenly stretched out the right hand of God in an attempt to suppress this mysterious strongman. On the huge shiny arm.

The king of gods was furious, and waved the scepter made of the most precious god in Hill's world, mobilized the origin of the gods, borrowed the laws of the gods, and suppressed the mysterious Luo Er with the power of the gods!

The carriage driven by Luo Er derived the Nine-Colored Heavenly Road, and the Tongtian Avenue was unimpeded directly surrounded by the gods. The wheels rolled and shuttled between the two worlds, and the suppression of the gods had no effect.


Jiang Ping found something strange. He saw a blurry picture in the chapter that originally recorded the text. Looking closely, it turned out to be the picture of Changhong penetrating the sun with his horse galloping.

"It seems that Genesis has reached a critical point. If it is upgraded, it is estimated that it will be able to engrave and reproduce the epic chapter of the small world."

In the atrium world, the impact of that battle was far-reaching. The gods had stricter control over the human city-states. The newborn humans with excellent talents were sent to the church for "baptism". He planted a seed in his heart, and took it as his life to be loyal to the gods and defend the God Realm.

After all, no matter how good the talent is, no matter how strong the strength is, if you don't control it and make yourself an enemy, it will be rebellion!

It's better to choose to brainwash since childhood and turn into the sharpest spear in your own hands!Stab at any foe who challenges you!

Gradually, the people were amazed to find out that when a child was born, he would be baptized by the priest of the church. If the child was born with excellent talent, he would be sent to the church for unified training, to fight for the glory of the true God, and to fight with other divine armies to compete for faith and territory.

Of course, after the child is taken away, the church will still give a large amount of compensation, which is enough for ordinary parents to spend their lives in peace. This makes many people feel that giving birth to a child with good talent and taking the initiative to send it to the church to dedicate their lives to the gods is not enough. is the best choice!

There are also outstanding people with lofty ideals, unwilling to be brainwashed by the coercive rule of the church, and resolutely raised their arms to rebel. These people are called: unbelievers.

The unbelievers are under the joint siege of the gods, the church is powerful, and there are countless strong ones who borrow divine magic. In addition, they discredit the unbelievers to the people at the bottom, saying that they are devils from the underworld, trying to tarnish the glory of the gods and pull the atrium into eternity. in the darkness.

Therefore, unbelievers are like rats crossing the street, constantly being wanted, and reported by ordinary people who are greedy for rewards from time to time. After suffering heavy losses, a group of powerful human masters have already lived in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests. Facing the great power of the gods, I can only let out a long sigh.

"Hey, the minds of the people at the bottom have been suppressed into slavery, and they are proud to serve the true god for life. They all aim to become devout believers. They intend to enter the gods' realm with their souls after death, enjoy the light they have, and worship the gods as if their souls live forever."

A master who fled in hiding in the city-state sighed, and another beautiful red-haired woman beside him also sighed.

"It's a pity that most human beings don't know that they have been infected by the laws of the gods all year round. Even if they die, their souls will turn into cornerstones to supplement the kingdom of God.

However, under the rule of the gods, the Holy See spreads all over the atrium, and the influence of the gods has never been greater. Word of mouth, chanting every day, even lies come true. hunt! "

She clenched her left hand tightly. It was because a bishop saw that she was beautiful and talented, so she wanted to "incorporate" herself forcibly, so she chose to brazenly draw the sword and kill the bishop, and chose to defect.

Thinking of the past, she bit her lips tightly. The pretty girls, even if they were talented, would be forcibly pulled away by the church, saying that they were going to worship the true God and become girls serving the gods, but in fact they were all taken away by the strong men of the church. enjoy!

"Hmph, what saintess, I think she is more like a prostitute! A group of shameless thieves! With the help of the power of the gods, they bully their own people!" The young and beautiful woman said fiercely.

"Hey!" The companion sighed, "The gods are in charge of the power themselves, but it is a minority who influence the world. These servants of the gods are the ones who oppress the common people the most! No wonder they say traitors are the most hated!"

"Before, there was finally a King of Conquerors. I thought I would end this troubled world in one fell swoop and let the people in the courtyard be unified, but I didn't expect such a supreme existence to be wiped out by myself!" With an angry look.

The eyes of the young beauty rolled, "I heard that on the ancient battlefield, a mysterious "God of Joy and Mischief" appeared. It seems that even this existence was teased by the mysterious Rolle and made a prank!"

"Do you think that the God Realm is not an invincible existence? There are also people in the world of Hill who can compete with the strongest existence?" The man glanced at the beauty,

"This mysterious Luo Er has a weird temper, and he acts according to his mood. What's more, his whereabouts are erratic, and no one knows what his purpose is. We still can't put our minds on him!"

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend, maybe it can open up a new situation."

The beauty is still not reconciled, but the man persuades:

"Recently, the stories and books about this mysterious strong man in the city-state have been looted and burned, and the major churches have also prohibited the public from discussing the God of Joy. It seems that the true gods are very afraid of this mysterious existence and intend to eliminate his image in people's hearts! "

"That's right, even the shocking battle in the ancient battlefield was downplayed and eliminated by the gods. It seems that the strongest existence of Hill didn't want the world to know his gaffe. Hehe" the beauty sneered, seeing such a powerful god The king was deflated, this was the first time in the world.

"In any case, the control of the gods is getting stricter and the church is all over the atrium. We can't stay in the major human city-states, and we can only go to places that are inaccessible!"

It was too dangerous for the two of them to go together and avoid being hunted continuously in the gathering place of human beings. They trembled all day long, fearing that they would be reported by the people and be dragged to the pyre field by the Holy Army and burned.

This scene is a microcosm. Many people with lofty ideals began to leave the human city-state controlled by the gods and choose another habitat.

Humans in the major city-states were also surprised to find that with the end of the First World War on the ancient battlefield, the church began to rummage through books about the God of Joy and burned them.

Rolle traveled around the world before, leaving behind fantastic stories, many of which were collected and written in books and printed. Now that the will of the gods has been issued, the church clergy are constantly erasing the existence of the "God of Joy and Mischief".

"Could it be that Lord True God feels that the famed God of Joy threatens their status?"

There is a bishop in white who ponders the holy will like this, a dog also depends on its master!After all, there are many people who want to be dogs!Whoever is the best at licking, the most beautiful one can secure the position of slave!

Under the practice of the adults of the church, with the principle that they would rather kill their mistakes than let them go, they kept their braids but not their heads, no, they kept their books but not their heads. Suddenly, a scene of burning books and burying scholars in another world appeared.

Many precious ancient books were implicated and were collected by the church and burned. This campaign to destroy the "God of Joy and Mischief" finally intensified, even involving many precious books from the people and burning them.

"Why do human beings read the ancient books of miscellaneous talks? Isn't it enough to recite my sacred greatness?" A true god thought so, and under the command of the gods, a destruction campaign added to the fire!

The fire became more and more intense, and the scope of its involvement became wider and wider, from the original fable about the "God of Joy and Mischief" to ancient books that recorded the defilements of the gods in the god world, such as the description of King Hero 200 years ago. Gilga launched a rebellious war against the God Realm.

The fire was raging, countless classics and ancient books were burned, human works were completely destroyed, and the spiritual food of ordinary people disappeared.

The famous handed down classic "Epic of Gilga" was also collected and burned in piles. According to the news from the bold people watching secretly from a distance, the "Epic of Gilga" collected from one city-state alone has been piled up into a five-meter-high building. hill.

"Oh, what a pity!"

An old man with white beard and hair sighed in tears, this is the crystallization of culture accumulated over thousands of years!

In addition to a large number of "Gilga Epics" that were sealed and burned, the guide who opened this era and the works of the salted fish sage known as the god of culture suffered the heaviest loss, and all the fantasy stories familiar to young and old in the atrium were all burned

The first object of focus, many deeds of the God of Joy and Mischief are completely forbidden to spread, writing a book about this mysterious Rolle is listed, and even conversations have to be reported. People shut their doors tightly for fear of being reported by neighbors.

Gradually, the God of joy who often gave gifts to poor children and brought laughter to children was blurred, but in the middle of the night, in their dreams, many people still talked about him.

As the years passed, the specific appearance of the God of Joy was completely blurred. In addition, the original ancient books that recorded this mysterious god were burned.

Because the people automatically choose a harmless image that will not threaten children or give people a sense of oppression, the God of Joy is gradually imagined as a kind old man with a white beard and a snow-white pointed hat.

He always drives a carriage that symbolizes auspiciousness and laughter, gallops across the sky, leaving behind beautiful rainbows, and quietly sends various exquisite gifts to sensible children in the middle of the night, and finally drives with a big smile. Drive the carriage and disappear into the sweet sleep of the children.

There are also parents from poor families who will tell the legend about this kind old man in the face of their children's expecting eyes during the New Year and holidays to appease the children to sleep early. After sleeping soundly, the parents carefully take out The small toys carefully made by myself are quietly placed under the pillows of the sleeping children, looking forward to the joy of the children's faces the next day

Chapter 187 This is a hearse, jump out of it! [want to subscribe]


An unusually strong brown-red steed is pulling a carriage leisurely. The driver is wearing a straw hat, which is so high that it covers half of his face. You can vaguely see the leisurely carriage with a bag in his mouth. root grass.

However, unlike his tranquility, there were bursts of girlish laughter from the rear compartment.

"Uncle, I heard that talking about your deeds seems to be forbidden now, and all the books that recorded interesting stories about you were burned." A dazzling blond head emerged from the carriage.

After a cold war, Vivienne finally became one with several people again, but the plastic sisterhood with Alice seemed to be mixed with strands of different things, and for no reason, Haruka Kusaka felt that the two seemed to be in harmony with each other. It was pretty much the same before, but something seems to have changed.

Haruka Haruka Haruka, who is not in the world of mortals, cuts off many troubles with the sword of wisdom in her heart, is naturally puzzled by the girl's feelings. When she posted the weird atmosphere in the car on the forum, she tried to get help from netizens, try to understand the reason, and mediate between the two people who are in the midst of life. The girlhood of the most beautiful period.

Thousands of netizens staged werewolf legends on the forum. As the two girls grow up and become more succulent, many people now regard them as pure goddesses.

The blond-haired Vivienne has a gorgeous and noble temperament, and her gestures make people look up to her. This is not noble on the surface, but confident and calm from the inside.

Coupled with her beautiful and delicate face, she has now become the second generation of national idols after Aphra, and infatuated netizens even pester Yaoyao, asking her to take pictures to record Vivienne's every frown and smile.

Over the years, for some reason, Alice's bright blond hair, which was originally as bright as Vivienne's, began to change color, turning into crystal clear white hair.

And her completely different faces on both sides seem to have been perfectly integrated. The scar on the left face is no longer ferocious, but has an awe-inspiring, evil and solemn look. The angel and the devil are fused into one body. Silk's evaluation.

"Alice definitely has a secret!"

Some netizens are so sure that Kusaka Haruka has already revealed on the forum that Alice was found by the mysterious Rohr himself. Although they don’t know where he originated from and what purpose he has, netizens can be sure that the very different Alice is hidden deep inside. secret!

Regarding the puzzled questions of Haruka Nisaka, one netizen turned into a ten thousand year elementary school monk detective at this moment.

"There is only one answer!"

A professional global emotional master came out. He pushed his high-height glasses, looked at the two girls with very different temperaments and completely different temperaments in the picture, and laughed.

"Yaoyao, have you found out what age these two are?"

In the carriage, Yaoyao came back to her senses, and looked curiously at Alice and Vivienne who were sitting on both sides of her. At this time, the two girls were both in their twenties and eighties, and it was the best time of their life. She seemed to understand in a trance. what.

Haven't eaten pork, haven't seen a pig run yet?

"Hehe! There is always only one truth of the matter!"

This master of emotions obviously has a good hand at exaggerating emotions. He quickly uploaded a photo of the two women, which happened to be a confrontation photo of glaring at each other.

"Vivienne and Alice have reached their age, and they are beginning to awaken their feelings for the opposite sex!" The emotional master said firmly, and then warned Haruka Risaka.

"Yaoyao, you are in a very dangerous situation now! Be careful with your words and deeds, and protect yourself!!"


The big question mark in the small head, not only Haruka Hikaka, but also other people don't understand?

"Master, what danger is Yaoyao in? She won't snatch men, what are you afraid of?"

Some netizens answered very directly, the virtual space is much more free than the real one, and everyone speaks freely. After all, if you say a wrong sentence, you can still smash him along the network cable?

"As the saying goes, the boss fights with the second child, but the third child is killed. I think Yaoyao is really in danger! Being caught in the Shura field is the most uncomfortable!"

A love master who has watched many love dramas spoke up and advised Yaoyao to hurry up and run away, but he has never had any love affairs.

"Bah, bah, watching a show is the most exciting thing, not to mention such a mysterious and powerful man, isn't it our goal? (Tongue licking jpg)" This is the speech of a carnivorous female.

"Do you think that Yaoyao, who is devoted to kendo, is just like you, a nymphomaniac?"

Gradually, the style of the forum began to turn crooked again, from the initial analysis of the cracks in the friendship boat between Vivienne and Alice, to now worrying about Yaoyao's marriage.

Rixia Yao went online resolutely. She doesn't have any heart for love now. After a hundred years of vicissitudes in the world of Hill, although she uses the sword of wisdom in her heart to cut three thousand troubles and maintain her heart as a girl, she is now devoted to Taoism!

Back in the car, after listening to the analysis of the previous forum, even Haruka Kusaka, who is very nervous, felt something strange.

I don't know if I don't look at it. I was shocked when I saw it. Since Vivienne lost her composure last time, she directly revealed the long-buried estrangement between the two. Now the two have unconsciously separated a little distance.

Rixia sat in the middle, and the two girls sat across from her. If Yaoyao couldn't get up, the two would never sit together.


For some reason, Haruka Kusaka felt that the atmosphere in the carriage was so stuffy as always, and even made her sweat coldly.

"Soudie Sinei, this is the legendary Shura field, it really is a huge psychological pressure."

Yaoyao bit her lips lightly, and sat upright with a serious face. She regarded this as an extremely dangerous experience.

Jiang Ping, who was wearing a gray straw hat, turned his head. He glanced at the slim and gorgeous girl, and said helplessly:

"Burn it, just burn it. No matter whether all living beings praise me or spurn me, it has no meaning to me. My existence will not change a bit due to the will of all living beings."


Vivienne's silver bell-like laughter was very pleasant, she seemed very satisfied with Jiang Ping's answer, her golden pupils rolled, and she continued to ask:

"It's precisely because of this that the divine king used the power of sentient beings' beliefs to suppress the uncle before, so it didn't work at all? Because you don't use the power of sentient beings, so naturally you won't be implicated by the world of mortals."

"However, once a person is born, stands on the earth, and consumes the magic power of heaven and earth, how can it be possible that he has no connection with everything in the world?"

Vivienne stretched out her white and fine fingers, and began to poke Jiang Ping's back again. She said in a girly and soft voice:

"Uncle~~, I am more and more curious about your origin~~, can you tell me where you originated from, where you came from, and where you are going?"

A black line crossed the brows, the routine came, and it was another coquettish tactic!

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