"Little mortals dare to speak wild words! No matter in the past, the present, or even the future, this king will always be the king of the gods, the master of the world of Hill, and there is no way any creature can defeat me!"


God's palm that covered the sky was completely suppressed. After the gathering of Nelson and the King of Conquerors, the lines of God's palm did not disappear, nor was it disordered, and the momentum was still destroyed.

He looked radiant, and the giant golden palm didn't show any wounds, and not a single thread of blood slipped out.

Even if the world's big guns sacrificed their lives for a blow, the king of conquerors condensed the indomitable will of the eternal battlefield, and the king of gods was still unscathed!

The gap between God and man is so big!In the past, the hero king tried his best to compete with the main god, but the last arrow was too unexpected.

The God King felt that rather than saying that the Hero King was unexpected, it would be better to say that the artifact in his hand surpassed the imagination of the gods!

No matter how strong the King of Conquerors is, can he be stronger than the King of Heroes?This is his own shot to kill!

Yul even felt that the King of Conquerors would be honored to die at his hands!


The cold eyes of the God King scanned the chaotic old battlefield below, and these blasphemous warriors don't need to stay!

The Goddess of Dawn behind her moved her lips slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't dare to speak out.

After all, this is the king of the gods!It stands to reason that I can't even meet him directly, I can only kneel down and worship him at the Gathering of All Gods!

This is the strongest man in the world that even his boss, God of War, bows down to!

On the peak, with the fall of the King of Conquerors, there is a change!

"Uncle, I beg you to take action!" Alice twisted the corner of Jiang Ping's clothes and begged him with tears in her eyes.

"In my heart, you are the most powerful, mysterious and kind. The God King is about to destroy hundreds of thousands of Longkiton warriors. I beg you to rescue them! You will definitely be able to do it!"

Chapter 174 Five-Finger Palm Print

Vivienne stared blankly at Alice, who kept begging for mercy. Alice was born with a strange appearance, with a combination of light and dark all over her body.

She was spurned by her relatives from birth, and suffered a lot from childhood, which is completely different from her who was born rich and prosperous, even after being adopted by Uncle Luo.

Occasionally, when I go to the village to rest, there are always passers-by who look at her strange face and point.

At the beginning, Alice was very inferior and always kept her head down without saying a word, thinking that she might really be the so-called unlucky child.

Even apart from the occasional conversation with Uncle Luo, even her companion of the same age stayed away at first, protecting Alice like a hedgehog from the outside world.

At that time, the uncle bent down slightly and looked directly into her eyes.

"Alice, remember, never humble yourself because of other people's prejudice, don't live in the mouth of others, people can only live for themselves."

Vivienne has a deep memory of the scene at that time. For some reason, she felt a little jealous at the time, and since then, Vivienne has completely burned out her little thoughts of looking down on Alice.

Alice has been more sunny since then, she doesn't worry about other people's words, and always acts according to her heart, neither humble nor overbearing.

The world is cruel to her, but she is gentle to the world.

Alice's pleading made the other two women turn their heads and stare blankly.

Although he knew that this "God of Joy" was very mysterious, it would be nice if he could not attract the attention of the God King. How could he save the hundreds of thousands of Longchidon warriors on the battlefield?

Jiang Ping glanced sideways at Alice who was begging for mercy.

"It's not up to me to deal with the King of God, or in other words, it's impossible for me to confront the King of God head-on."

Alice's two-color eyes couldn't hide her sadness. In her heart, Uncle is Hill's strongest.

Even though she knew that the king of the gods was terrible and worried about her uncle's safety, she still couldn't bear to let her see hundreds of thousands of human beings wiped out before her eyes!

Vivienne and Haruka Kusaka also had expressions of impatience, they turned their heads and didn't want to watch the next scene.

Jiang Ping also started to lead the horse, and the horse stood upright on the peak rock, staring at the old battlefield not far away with a pair of horse eyes.

This is the lower realm of the God King, the strongest in Hill's world!As soon as he made a move, he was really swift and resolute, turning all resistance into ashes!


After watching the lessons learned on the battlefield, Da Ma seemed to have learned some lessons and became much better. Instead of always chasing Jiang Ping, Da Ma put the frame on his back strangely.


An earth-shattering explosion sounded from the battlefield!Alice couldn't help but look back, and stagnated when she saw it.

The extremely chaotic battlefield was completely moved to the ground, a hand of God covering the sky was pressed down directly, all the soldiers were turned into nothingness, and every weapon of war was instantly destroyed and turned into nothing.

The former site of the invincible fortress that the Federation painstakingly built 200 years ago has been completely deformed, and the palm of the god king has completely changed the landscape!

clap clap!

The torrential sea water hits in the distance, and the waves wash this vaguely five-fingered terrain one by one, as if to wash away the dark dirt.


The underground shock wave shook the sky and the earth, and the palm of the god king completely crushed the location of Longchidun's army into a concave shape of the palm, and the surrounding land also protruded accordingly!

"God king! I hope you will calm down, please forgive the sinful lamb!"

The soldiers of Chenxi at the other end stumbled, the ground kept shaking, and the battlefield in front of them sank into a huge five-fingered palm, which made the soldiers of Chenxi tremble when they saw this scene.

This is the power of the god king!This is the power of the gods!This is the power of the God Realm!Destroy a great kingdom with one blow, level mountains and rivers, and turn endless seas upside down!

They knelt down on their knees, kowtowed their heads heavily, and shouted the glory of the true God, trying to gain God's forgiveness.

Hill's calendar records: During the Warring States Period, the king of conquest, Dar, summoned millions of soldiers to fight against the Kingdom of Dawn at the former site of the Qin Aihai Federal Fortress.

When Chenxi's army lost to Longqidun's army and retreated steadily, the goddess of Chenxi came, and the king of conquerors reprimanded the goddess for not keeping the covenant and wanted to challenge the goddess.

The King of the God Realm has come in person!After the arrival, stretch out your hand to suppress the blasphemer with the giant palm covering the sky!

On the coast of Qin Aihai, the situation changed, the wave of magic power rose, and a generation of legendary silver gun Nelson soared into the sky.

Gather thousands of spears on the battlefield, causing the spears in the city-states in the atrium to scream uncomfortably, and condense the most powerful spears in the world.

The great spear in the world stabbed into the sky, attacking the vast and infinite palm of the god king.

Failed, Nelson fell.

According to an unknown epic master, if Nelson hadn't fallen, he would have blazed a new path and would eventually become a gun god!

This deduction was recognized by many strong people, who only lamented his untimely death, but some people said that if there was no challenge with a gun, Nelson would not have made it this far.

After Nelson's fall, Daer, the conqueror of Longchidon, pulled out his sword and rode a red dragon to challenge the God King.

The power of the myriad armies shakes the heavens and the earth, condensing the ambitions of the heroes from ancient times to the present. The King of Conquerors holds up the golden holy sword of the heroes, and gathers the dawn of the hearts of countless dead heroes on the battlefield.

He blasted a powerful blow to the palm of the god king, but failed, and the king of conquest and the red dragon mount fell.

The Conqueror King asserted before the soul flew away: One day, there will always be someone who will defeat the God King, and he will usher in a new era!

The God King was displeased, and completely destroyed any brand of vitality of the King of Conquerors, and with the last palm completely pressed down on the ground, hundreds of thousands of Longqidun's army were wiped out.

The fortress base that existed for three hundred years was completely destroyed, and five-finger concave landforms appeared on the coast of Qinaihai.

Since then, the gods have become more and more aggressive in competing for believers in the atrium, driving the city-states to fight each other, vying for territory, or asking the major city-states to contribute beauties, etc., and the humans in the atrium have entered the century of the gods.

On a small peak at the seaside of Qin Ai, Jiang Ping said in a deep voice, facing Alice who was still heartbroken:

"It's not up to me to defeat the king of the gods. I'm just an outsider after all. If I were to defeat the king of gods and the realm of gods, in the end it would be just another mountain on the heads of the humans in the courtyard."

The three of them looked at him with puzzled expressions, "The last words of the King of Conquerors are right. One day, a human from the courtyard will stand up. He will change the world, completely destroy the order of the old era, and create a new era. "

Jiang Ping's words are extremely firm, not assuming, not guessing, but talking about something that will happen in the future!It's the same as the last tone of the King of Conquerors before he died, 100% sure!

"The protagonist in this atrium will surpass the King of Conquerors, the King of Heroes, the Lord of Ancient Gods, and the Titans, and will finally challenge Yura, the strongest God King in the old era! The duel between them will determine the future direction of this great world!"


It seems that whether it is King Conqueror or Jiang Ping, they are so confident in their affirmation, Vivienne, Alice, and Rixia Yao are puzzled.

The eyes of the three pairs of clear water turned. I don't know why these two are so sure. Could it be that they have not reached the realm and have not seen the inevitable direction of the future?


Jiang Ping sat on the big horse and began to drive the carriage around, beckoning the three of them to come up quickly and leave this place of right and wrong.

Soon the three of them sat in the carriage carefully, and the atmosphere was heavy for a while, Vivienne and Alice frowned, and couldn't believe that the army of millions that was in front of them not long ago had now disappeared.

The sorrow of the death of the rabbit and the fox rose in his heart, Haruka Haruka sighed, closed his eyes, and was about to report the results on the forum, but at this moment a grand divine voice sounded suddenly!

"After waiting for so long, it's time to show up! Let me see who you really are!"

Chapter 175 God's Right Hand


The right hand of God who wiped out Longkiton's hundreds of thousands of troops and destroyed a powerful kingdom appeared again!

"What? Is there an enemy spying in the dark? Who is so bold?"

The Goddess of Dawn's expression changed when she saw the God King making a move. She was also an ancient goddess after all, and she was born to carry the light of the dawn of the world. Someone was spying on the side of the battlefield, but she didn't even notice it!

Borrowing a legendary magic circle by a strong man in the distance is completely different from peeping at the scene in person!

As long as it is a strong person, the soul is very sensitive, unless it is a great god who is several realms beyond her!


The space was fragmented, where the right hand of God passed, the law retreated, the force of nature was divided into two halves abruptly, and a tide of magic power rolled to both sides.

The right hand of God, which is shining brightly, is like a pillar of the sky. It is so tall and supreme, it makes people look up at a mountain. Although they don't know how high it is, it smells majestic!


The right hand of the god was obviously stretched down from the sky, but it made the earth blow in all directions, and the leaked divine power alone had already plowed out unfathomable dark chasms on the ground!

"Ah! God King calm down!"

The Kneeling Dawn Warriors were trembling from the sudden change, and continued to pray tremblingly, as if the disaster scene in front of them did not happen around them.

Many believers who were praying were smashed to pieces by the aftermath. To the God King, this was insignificant and did not attract his attention.


An earth-shattering sound resounded in a space that seemed consistent with the surroundings, as if some kind of thick space barrier had been broken.

The radiant right hand of God directly breaks through the barrier of space, and the sky is full of light and rain. It is extremely beautiful, but it also carries destructive supreme divine power and laws!

The faces of the three people in the carriage were pale, they never expected that the God King would notice them!Although he knew that the young man driving was extremely mysterious, he had nothing to say just now.

He can't deal with the God King!


The big horse roared, its four hooves beat restlessly, causing dust to fly everywhere, and it was also frightened by the mutation!

Now it's proud to lie down on the ground without any weakness in its limbs!

It is the king of the gods who is attacking it now!Treating common people like nothing, just wiped out hundreds of thousands of creatures in the first 2 minutes!

At this time, the three people in the carriage did not see Jiang Ping's expression. The corners of Jiang Ping's mouth were slightly raised, and his dark eyes were as deep as the endless chaotic sea. He glanced up at the right hand of God that destroyed everything.

The radiant light rain descends with supreme power and law, binding this piece of time and space, blocking all ways of survival and resistance.

Kaka Kaka!

The space of Xiaofeng is like a mirror that has been hit hard, and it is shattered in an instant. It is only then that outsiders notice this place that has been ignored for some reason.

It is still as neat and clean as before the war. This space seems to be separated from the world before, wandering in the long river of time, unaffected by the war of gods!

No matter how violent the wind blows, the magic riots, or Qin Aihai turns over, it will not affect it at all!

The location of the small peak is obviously not far from the battlefield, but everyone in the field instinctively ignores it!As if it didn't exist!

"This is this!"

Seeing the appearance of the person observing in the dark, Commander Chenxi stretched out his fingers tremblingly. He thought of the legends that have been circulating in recent years!

"This carriage?! This man!"

Standing behind the God King, the Goddess of Chenxi shot out two rays of morning light from her eyes, and she stared blankly at the people driving on the peak!

"In recent years, there has always been a god of joy and mischief in the courtyard! It also puzzled the gods. The rules of the world did not give birth to this god!"

"I didn't expect to be bumped into by the Lord God King today! Now, no matter what monster you are, you will definitely reveal your original form!"

The god of joy and mischief spread in the world naturally attracted the attention of the gods preaching in the atrium, but the unknown god appeared and disappeared, and the gods were also depressed and puzzled.

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