"This gun is indescribable, and it shocks me even more than the Deviant Sword!"

"The color style seems to be the most common spear in the atrium world, but it is because of this that I am shocked! Even if there is no spear complex, I still deeply feel Nelson's indomitable spirit!"

"It's a pity! It's destined to be the blow of moths to the flame. It is as bright as fireworks and blooms like fireworks. Although it is only for a moment, it will be engraved in time forever."

Compared with the more vast and boundless God's Palm, the netizens on the earth appreciate the Nelson's gun that soars into the sky, knowing that it can't be done.

The palm of the gods is too high, so high that people can't reach it if they try to look up, but this gray and white spear looks like an ordinary spear that can be seen everywhere, but it has a sense of indomitableness.

It's like everyone's waist, but most people choose to bend their waists for five buckets of rice, and a few people don't choose to kneel even if they are crushed!

"Beauty Yaoyao, hurry up and post the next photo! I want to see if Nelson succeeds! Is there a chance of escape!"

Many people urged Ri Xiayao to continue posting. In fact, they all knew in their hearts that the reality is cruel, and it is not because of personal efforts that they can defy the sky!

But even so, I was still lucky and hoped that a miracle would happen!

"Photo, photo."

The fragmented photos of the big guns in the world appeared on the forum. The photos are very beautiful, and the background of the colorful rays of light is very dazzling, but everyone feels heavy in their hearts.

The king of the gods is not talking about it, he is the strongest in the world of Hill in charge of the supreme god realm!

In the last photo, the great gun in the world was completely destroyed, turned into thousands of pieces, burned and annihilated, and disappeared into the void forever with the unyielding gun intent.

The tip of the silver-white spear rolled up a violent hurricane, constantly breaking through the supreme law, shuttled through the void, and stabbed at the God's Palm that replaced the sky, and finally everyone found out.

Nelson was smashed to pieces, his soul was scattered, he failed to stop the speed of God's Palm, but finally left a little white mark on it!

Even if he knew such a little strangeness, it would have no effect on the terrifying God's Shrouding Palm, let alone cause any harm to the God King himself.

But there are still netizens with wet eyes. Inexplicably, they are moved by Nelson's sacrifice and it is not in vain!

The Divine Palm that Shrouds the Heavens is still pressing down, and the Divine King glances coldly at the godless Longqidun army and the King of Conquerors below!

The act of crushing the first shot in the atrium just now was no different to him than crushing an ant!

"Ha ha!"

The epic red dragon fluttered its flaming wings, and its ferocious body, which was already scorching red, was now like a high-temperature iron deposit. The lava dragon's blood boiled, puffing, and two high-temperature white air spewed out from its nostrils.

Shok's entire ten-meter body turned into a bright red glaze color, at this moment it is no longer ugly, the whole dragon body looks extraordinarily beautiful!

The King of Conquerors held up the king's sword in his right hand, and the pressure of the divine palm made the bright red cloak rattle, making the human king even more heroic.

Facing the blow of the mortal god king, Daer, the conqueror king, did not change his face, and he shouted loudly:

"Brother Longqidun! Let's have a final charge with this king!"

"Kill kill kill!"

On the battlefield below, Longkitonian warriors roared, their red eyes were covered by the palm of the gods, the attack of the god king not only obliterated the king of conquest, but also slaughtered hundreds of thousands of dragonkitten warriors in one fell swoop!

"Long live the King of Conquerors!!" A general in black armor, his veins bulging in his arms, held up the Longkiton banner that was blown down by the strong wind!


The wind was howling, and the giant dragon on the banner was about to flap its wings and fly, soaring in the boundless sky!

The general waved the Longchidun flag vigorously with both hands to help Wang Wei, and the wounded soldiers below stood up tremblingly, fists rattling, fists clenched and roaring!

"Long live the conqueror! Long live mankind!!"


The giant dragon, whose soul was about to be burned, desperately flapped its wings of flames, and the huge dragon body turned into flames and soared into the sky!

Passing along the way, the void was rippling with high temperature, and the scorching red light illuminated the entire sky, like the most beautiful and regrettable sunset.

"Absolute king domain! The power of thousands of troops!"

As the wind raged, the King of Conquerors on the red dragon shouted his real name, and the red aura of killing on the battlefield turned into fearless shock waves that shook away the bound rules around him!


The King of Conquerors knew that he had only one chance to strike. He was a moth to the flame. Even if he tried his best to burn his soul, it might only delay the speed of the palm of the god king a little.

But Dar the Conqueror must swing this sword!Sitting and waiting to die, or burning all the deaths, he chose the latter!

At this moment, the Longchidon warriors below looked at the Conqueror enthusiastically in mid-air, riding the flaming red dragon. The bright red cloak behind him was dripping like blood. The sound collapsed, but there was still no return.

The vast palm of God contains the truth of the world, and it is not something that ordinary people can resist. It is common sense that the famous strong man Nelson in the courtyard has no effect at all, but it still makes many legends and epics who watch it feel inexplicably bitter.

Perhaps for the God Realm, all the strong in the atrium are dolls in their hands. 200 years ago, the hero king surprised the world, which made the gods stumble, and made them vigilant at the atrium. In this era, the gods appear holy in the world, and no second person is allowed The King of Classes, the King of the Atrium Appears!

The shining and supreme rain of light is condensed by the laws of the gods. There is a mantra of the gods. They speak the truth, and their every move represents the rules of the world. The gods promote the rules of the world. They are the truth!

Under the holy light of truth, Shok, who turned into a sky-reaching red pillar, was constantly suppressed, as if being cut into pieces by a thousand knives!

In an instant, the huge dragon's body was dripping with blood. Before the dragon's blood splattered everywhere, it was annihilated by the omnipresent Xeon Law. The scorching red glazed dragon's body was like white paper, unable to defend at all!

hold head high!

The giant dragon roared, the scales on the dragon's head were shining brightly, the King of Conquerors looked up at the palm of God Shrouding God who was getting closer and closer, and he could easily see through the lines on the palm.

In this palm print, he saw that all things are derived, laws are running, and the gods are sitting cross-legged on the highest position in the world, looking down on all living beings below.

And the king of the gods itself represents a part of the heaven and the earth, and the god king Dar is in charge of the god realm!With the help of a great world, who can resist?

Chapter 171 "Army of the King·Invincible Will"! !


Under the pressure of God's palm, the red dragon scales of the red dragon Shock engraved with the dragon pattern of talent disintegrated piece by piece, and it also felt infinite pressure inside its dragon body.

The King of Conquerors clenched his sword tightly with both hands, and the soldiers of Longkiton below were continuously pouring their magical power towards him. This was only possible because of the close relationship between him and the soldiers!

This is the momentum of thousands of troops, gather millions of soldiers, and forge an invincible momentum!

Ants kill elephants, as long as fearless soldiers continue to challenge, even the true god in the sky will be pulled down from the shrine!

"Long live the King of Conquerors!"

The soldiers of Longchidun roared, from top to bottom, this country has never believed in God!


Wisps of breeze blew the old battlefield of Qin Aihai, and the three of Alice, who were outsiders, could see the whole situation more clearly.

At a glance, the entire vast battlefield is divided into two halves, one side is the sacred golden legion, they all knelt down, put down their weapons, hugged their hands in front of their chests, closed their eyes tightly, and kept chanting Glory to the gods, praise the splendor of the God Realm.

On the other side was the messy black legion. Wounded soldiers stood up tremblingly, shouting the king's name, contributing their insignificant strength.

The country treats scholars with courtesy, and scholars serve the country with death.

Even if some people were lucky enough to look up at the God's Palm that covered the entire battlefield, they gave up their thoughts. The God King obviously wanted to show his prestige and destroy Long Qidun in one fell swoop!Warn other powerhouses in the atrium!

Countless strands of magic power flew from the ground below, rushing towards the King Sword in the hands of the King Conqueror, and the Tiger King of Conqueror stared at the huge monster in front of him, and the aura on the King Sword became more and more terrifying!


The red battlefield military spirit was concentrated to the extreme, and the shouts of soldiers rang out around him, some of them swore oaths before going to battle, and some roared during battle!

There is also a cry of unwillingness before dying!Various forms of the battlefield emerge around the King of Conquerors.


The singularity of Dahl's body is like the super big bang at the beginning of the universe!This is the beginning of the beginning and the source of the end!

The singularity exploded, and the King of Conquerors completely disregarded his own body and broke the foundation of the king. If he couldn't escape this move, what future would there be!

The King of Conquerors chose to grasp the moment, the violent power of the small world carrying the mysterious law crazily impacted his limbs and bones, the King of Conquerors' veins bulged, and a dazzling flash erupted from his body!

This ray of light contains hope, contains the unyielding fighting spirit of each soldier, the distant ideal in the hearts of countless people who died in the battlefield, this is the dawn before dawn!


The king is invincible. At this moment, the flaming red dragon desperately flapped its fiery red wings, and the aura of the conquering king on its back soared into the sky, and the depressive aura brought by the palm of God was washed away.

The king sword held high in both hands gradually turned into the golden color of glory, and the golden brilliance represented not only the sacred glory, but also the indestructible golden spirit!

The three armies can win the commander-in-chief, but no one can win the will!

The King of Conquerors can allow himself to fail and die in battle, but he will never allow himself to live on his knees!

There will be a heart to die, and the scholar will not be greedy for life!

At this moment, Longchidon's thousands of warriors agreed with the King of Conquerors, and the king's sword in his hand was completely transformed into a golden holy sword!Strands of bright golden light shine on Qin Aihai!

The King of Conquerors suddenly laughed in such a tense battle.

"The Power of Ten Thousand Armies!"


The Absolute King Domain collapsed and turned into strands of the most original laws. The first and final world rules were integrated into the Conqueror King. The Conqueror King Dar's momentum soared, and the surrounding laws retreated, and the void collapsed!

"Conquer the land, rule the atrium! This is definitely not by invincible force!" The King of Conquerors uttered each word clearly, and his face was extremely solemn and sacred at this time.

"God King Yule! You are destined not to be the real master of the world!"

Conquering King Dar's way is the way of conquering, ruling the vast territory, this is not ambition, but his dream!A dream more precious than life and spirit!

However, the King of Conquerors who stepped into the inexplicable realm at this time seems to have rejected the first half of his life!Because he used force to capture the Atrium city-state before!

After the unprecedented connection with the soldiers below, he seemed to understand some truth. Although he had not reached the final point of his path at this moment, he had already seen what the final point was!

"Hmph! This deity acts, it's not your turn to wait for the ants to evaluate!"

It was like a grand divine sound coming from the nine heavens. As the divine sound vibrated, a multicolored light wave continued to press down from above. It was like the will of God, and no resistance was allowed!

"I am in charge of the Supreme God Realm, overlook the eternal life, and even possess the power of a titan. I am the strongest existence in the world! No matter in the past, present or future, no living beings can surpass me!"


As the King of God's words fell, the speed of the God's God's Palm suddenly accelerated, and the King of God seemed to be really angry. The words of the King of Conquerors reminded him of the holy sword of original sin flying away a long time ago.

It also reminded him of the King of Heroes more than 200 years ago. The temperament and laws of the two are completely different, but Yule feels that there is a very important similarity between the two!

He was careless last time, this time he will not repeat the same mistakes!

The divine palm that replaces the sky is even more desperate than the tall Yongwang Mountain. The supreme aura permeating it even makes the law of the atrium retreat, and I am the only one.

In the center of God's Palm is the inescapable King of Conquerors!

"All the heroic spirits who have fallen on the battlefield throughout the ages!"

The King of Conquerors looked solemn, and instead of looking at the divine palm that would descend next, he started the last sacred chant in his life!

"You are fearless and fearless,"

"Across the battlefield with a weapon in hand."

"Even if he died in battle for a thousand years, his real name will not be known or sung by the world."

"But Dar, my conqueror, knows that the will of your heroic spirits will last forever in the courtyard!"

Seeing that the King of Conquerors is going to fight desperately, even if he knows that he is a mantis, it is not a worry, but the King of Heroes 200 years ago left a deep impression on the King of Gods!

Gilga turned the God Realm upside down and fell from under the crown of the sky!Many ancient gods fell in the last blow!


The God's Palm that Shrouds the Sky is burning blazingly. What burns is the law of the king of gods, and what is ignited is the truth of the world!

At this moment, thousands of brilliant visions appeared, and the phantoms of gods such as the god of light, the god of darkness, the god of the forest, and the god of fire emerged.

A huge golden temple appeared in the burning god's palm, increasing its power constantly, and all resistance must be completely destroyed!

Don't leave a trace of life, don't let go of a way out!

As if the vast God Realm was pressing down, at this moment, the Zhetian Divine Palm broke through the concept of time and space. It does not stand in this world, but exists with the laws and coexists with the rules.

The violent black hole in space was smoothed out, the destructive chaotic sea water was evaporated, and only a mighty palace of the king of gods was suppressed in the world!

In the magnificent Palace of the Kings of the Gods, the laws of the gods coexist and worship the strongest existence in the world together!Lord of heaven and earth!

All gods respect the king of gods!The world respects the king of gods!

The God King quickly suppressed it, trying to completely destroy the final attack of the King of Conquerors, but this time it was singing at the speed of light, which could not be broken by any weapon attack.

In other words, when the sound of singing sounded, this big move of complete liberation was released in an unstoppable way!

"Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds.

The lower part is Heyue, and the upper part is the sun star.

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