The corners of Jiang Ping's mouth raised. The Conqueror King was very clear-headed, and he was not arrogant because he had just succeeded in killing the gods.

"I'm just watching from the sidelines, bringing these two girls to see the world."

Jiang Ping spoke calmly, his face was the same relaxed posture from the beginning of the conflict to the present, neither happy with things nor sad with himself, in the eyes of the King of Conquerors, it seemed that no matter what response he made, his expression would still not change.


The two girls in the back breathed a sigh of relief in vain, it would be best if they could shake hands and make peace!

Although the silver gun youth was unwilling, he still suppressed his murderous intent.

A terrifying battle ended before it even started.

Chapter 154 Respective paths【Seeking subscription monthly pass】

In the boundless desert, the starry sky is extraordinarily dazzling, and strands of starlight shoot down from the sky, shining a tranquility in everyone's heart.

The minds of the chaotic and surging army were much more stable, and the bonfires spread across the vast desert like stars dotted in the Milky Way starry sky.

One after another simple tents also appeared in the desert, and there was a restless big horse in the middle.

"Haha! It seems that you are called the god of joy and mischief for no reason!" The Conqueror laughed and picked up the flagon. He was also a greedy drinker.

Jiang Ping smiled, touched lightly, and the two poured wine into their mouths at the same time.

The thigh of a desert wind wolf is being grilled on the bonfire. This territory is originally the territory of the Kingdom of Wind. There are many wind monsters, and their meat is especially tender.

The one-meter-long wolf legs were placed on the flames, and crackling sounds could be heard from time to time. The mouth-watering tender wolf meat was roasted red, and drops of tempting fat dripped on the flames, making the aroma even more tangy.

The two girls were salivating at this moment, they carefully glanced at the two "Killing Gods" opposite, but they didn't have the guts to take it.

The King of Conquerors and this young man named Nelson are so fierce that they dare not approach them!

Hungry, they used the ultimate secret technique to open their big teary eyes, and looked at the uncle who was drinking with an expression that was about to cry in the next second.

Jiang Ping:

Soon Vivienne and Alice ignored the ladylike demeanor and ate the barbecue cut by Jiang Ping together.

The King of Conquerors glanced at the two girls and asked:

"Are these the two little girls who were abducted by you in the legend?"

Jiang Ping's head was full of black lines, and he pointed at Vivian: "Thanks to her, I have now become a negative example for the parents in the courtyard to educate their children."

Seeing Jiang Ping blaming herself, Vivienne grimaced in the midst of eating.

"Ha ha"

There was another burst of hearty laughter. I have to say that the King of Conquerors is indeed a very attractive person. He had fought against Jiang Ping before, but now he has no grievances.

Compared with him, Nelson was much more silent. He drank alone, obviously still not convinced, and was brooding over the previous fiasco.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should not have advanced to the realm of the gods." Not long after, the King of Conquerors finally couldn't help asking out his doubts.

Hearing his question, Nelson also looked at Jiang Ping with piercing eyes. He himself is considered a top player under God, but he lost so badly today!

It's fine if the opponent is in the realm of gods, but if not, I'm afraid it will shatter his cultivation concept since childhood.

Jiang Ping is very frank and fearless, "Strictly speaking, I'm still in the legendary realm."

As soon as this remark came out, the two girls who gnawed on the wolf meat gave two more rollicking eyes. They also asked Jiang Ping about his strength before.

But looking at today's battle, the two powerhouses were completely suppressed, who would believe his nonsense!

King Conqueror stopped pouring the wine instantly, and Nelson was no longer drinking, and both of them looked at Jiang Ping with complex and profound eyes.

The two wanted to know how it was possible!Is there such a strong legendary creature in the world?

However, rationality restrained the thirst for knowledge after all, and he could only lament that the world is very big, and there are also odd numbers beyond his imagination.

The King of Conquerors said with emotion: "I have seen countless strong people in my life, but someone as mysterious and powerful as Your Excellency belongs to the world alone!"

Nelson couldn't help but nodded in agreement. The two fought north and south. They had never seen any monsters and ghosts before, but they were troubled by this god of pranks that has been circulating in recent years!Puzzled!Shocked!

"Your domain is very strong! It's beyond my imagination! It's stronger than the suppression of the Kingdom of God!" Nelson said in a deep voice.

It seems that the power of the terrifying domain still frightens him even now.

"Not bad!" The King of Conquerors put down the jug and agreed, "The strongest domain recorded in the history books is probably not as scary as you!"

Not long ago, King Conqueror fought in the projection of Fengshen Shenguo, and personally experienced the suppression of Shenguo, but it was far inferior to his battle with Jiang Ping!

It might not even count as a battle with the mysterious Roll!After all, the other party didn't even move his butt!

His strength is estimated to have only revealed the tip of the iceberg, and the King of Conquerors and Nelson are more willing to believe that he is unwilling to disclose the real information.

Shaking his head, the King of Conquerors is not thinking about it, thinking about it is terrifying!It's too much for confidence!His king chart hegemony has just begun!

Outside the central bonfire, the soldiers cheered happily. The King of Conquerors soon visited his brothers with a flagon. Laughter kept ringing in the bonfire. Nelson was obviously not a humorous person.

The atmosphere was awkward for a while, but luckily there were still two rabbits jumping up and down.

The crackling of the red bonfire was reflected on the smiling faces of the soldiers.

Jiang Ping glanced at all this with a flat smile, his eyes fell on the smiles celebrating the victory, and finally turned to the battlefield not far away.

I saw the new man laugh, but the old man cried.

The victor is celebrating, the loser is lying on the ground forever.

"The birth of a new legend depends on how far you can go." Jiang Ping said to himself with a smile, and drank to the world of mortals alone.

Nelson's ears twitched, but he didn't say anything in the end. He just turned his attention to the King of Conquerors who had just succeeded in killing the gods and was celebrating with the soldiers.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Ping had already woken up Da Ma. Da Ma sprayed out two white dragon air to express his dissatisfaction, and finally got up, and the wheels rolled out two marks on the yellow sand.

The King of Conquerors stood on the desert, watching the mysterious god of mischief go away, the bright red cloak rattled behind him due to the strong wind.

The King of Conquerors remembered the last Q&A with the God of Mischief.

"Can mortals really rely on their own strength, without any external objects, to fully stimulate their potential and break through to the same level as the realm of gods?"


This is an affirmative answer without any doubts!

The King of Conquerors turned his head to look at the soldiers who emerged from the tent one after another. He raised his mouth and said to himself:

"This king's way is here!"

"Uncle! The King of Conquerors is really powerful! Even Fengshen was defeated by him! He can be called the strongest hero in the Warring States Period!"

After leaving the army, Vivian, who had been depressed, finally broke out.

"It's just that the evil spirit is too strong!" Thinking of the King of Conquerors' order to massacre hundreds of thousands of warriors from the Kingdom of Wind, she trembled when she thought about it.


Alice sighed, "Everyone kills each other for their own interests, but in the end they cannot escape death, even the gods are no exception."

The scene yesterday was too shocking for the two of them!It is simply a scene that affects a lifetime!

Vivian looked at Jiang Ping flatteringly:

"But uncle, you are really powerful! The domineering King of Conquerors actually succumbed to you when he met you! You still say you are a legend.

I think you should be the son of the great Rahir!Only in this way can he explain why he is still so powerful without being a god! "

Jiang Ping smiled, and he glanced at the excited Vivian, thinking:

"I am not the son of Rahil, I am the father of Rahil!"

"The King of Conquerors succeeded in killing the gods. This will definitely become an epic chapter in future generations! I didn't expect that we would be sung by poets of later generations!" Vivian's small face was full of excitement.

After the King of Heroes, mortals killed gods again. After more than 200 years, a miracle was born again, and the Kingdom of Wind was destroyed. This is destined to become a major event that will affect the entire atrium.

Add fire to an already complicated situation!

But the atrium is already chaotic enough, and he is not afraid of worse, Jiang Ping continued to drive the horse with a smile.

"Uncle Luo, what exactly is this new world you want to show me? Isn't the time ripe yet?"

"Uncle! This time I met the Queen of Conquest, I am looking forward to the King of Heroes! Although we can't travel through time and space and see him in person, we can go to Yongwang Mountain to see the statue! It is said that there are still amazing achievements left by the King of Heroes back then. !"

Jiang Ping drove the horse with black lines all over his head

Chapter 155 Stone Carvings 200 Years Ago【Subscription】

The [-]-meter-high Yongwang Mountain is full of hustle and bustle all year round. Young people who have read Gilga's epic came from all over the courtyard to pay tribute to the King of Heroes.

Yongwang Mountain, which goes straight to the sky, has one end intact, but the other end seems to have been slashed by the sword of God, and has been painstakingly carved by countless skilled craftsmen. A solemn and solemn statue looks down on all living beings like God, and everyone who sees this People in the background feel deeply that they are small.

Next to the unseen heroic statue, the epic poem of Gilga is written in letters drawn with silver hooks and irons, praising the life achievements of this legendary king.

Let future generations be deeply in awe of this peerless king who ruled the entire atrium of mankind more than 200 years ago, established the first unified dynasty in history, and is also the only unified dynasty so far.

"Is this the King of Heroes? It really deserves to be able to shoot down the God Realm! Let the gods feel chilled! The strongest human being in history who led to the birth of the Underworld!"

A young man looked up at the statue of Gilga, who was surrounded by high-altitude clouds and mist, but could not see his true face.

No matter how many times I watch it, I am always shocked by his stalwart!

See its image, watch its god!

"As expected of the king I admire the most! But looking at this statue, you can see its demeanor!"

A lively female voice rang out from the foot of Mount Everest. Vivian looked up excitedly, and finally noticed the epic poem of Gilga carved on the cliff beside it.

The more she read, the more excited she became, "It's a pity that I was born more than 200 years late! Otherwise, I would have met this hero king!" Vivienne regretted, hating that she was born late.

"Ha ha."

Jiang Ping smiled, "If you meet the King of Heroes, your dreams will probably be shattered. His strength is indeed good, but his personality is really bad. Otherwise, the word "tyrant" would not be described in the history books."

"It's as if you've seen the King of Heroes before!" Vivienne gave him a blank look.

Although this uncle is mysterious and makes the conquering king feel ashamed, his deeds have been circulated in the recent Warring States Period.

It is still far from the Sumerian prosperity more than 200 years ago!

Unlike Vivienne who marveled at the magnificence of the statue and the great miracle of the project, Alice frowned instead. Her strange-colored pupils glanced at this man-made miracle and sighed deeply.

"How much manpower and material resources will be consumed for such a huge terrorist project? No wonder the history books comment on the King of Heroes!" Alice lamented.

People in later generations only marvel at the magnificence of the statues and the vastness of the project, but who would have thought that there were skeletons behind the miracle?

"Little sister, you are right. Back then, in order to open up the location of the statue, tens of thousands of skilled craftsmen fell from the cliff and turned into flesh!" A woman in a strange black dress.

Her age does not seem to be very old, she still maintains the peak period of eighteen, a pair of clear eyes has gone through the world of mortals for a hundred years, and finally cut off many troubles with the sword of wisdom, and still maintains a pure heart.

Her eyes were not clouded by the passage of time, they were still as clear as a clear spring.

Hearing this beauty's voice, Vivienne was surprised, "So, have you ever seen the scene of the construction of this [-]-meter-high statue of the King of Heroes?"

In the Warring States period of more than 200 years, how many powerful people were buried. The number of strong human beings surviving from the Sumerian Dynasty to this day is really rare.

The three looked at the girl, and Jiang Ping was a little surprised when he saw this.

"Isn't this the player Rixia Haruka? It seems that she broke the limit and broke through the shackles. Is she here to pay her respects today?"

Jiang Ping thought to himself that the players he selected were talents, and those who have survived to this day must be the best among them. It is common sense to have achievements.

Rixia smiled, and she said softly: "Yes, I did see the huge project of Yongwang Mountain back then, but today I just happened to pass by, and I came to pay tribute to my old friend."

Haruka Kusaka noticed Alice's strange face, and was a little surprised, but didn't have any abnormal reaction.

Hearing her utter these words, Vivienne immediately knew that this young-looking woman must be an "old antique" who had lived for more than 200 years.

"Who are you paying homage to?" Alice asked softly.

Rixia Haruka looked into the distance, and her eyes revealed deep regret.

"Which old person I pay tribute to is now slandered in the history books as a beauty, spurned by the gods, and cursed by the gods! Some people even say that the collapse of the Sumerian Dynasty is all due to her alone!"

"However, what's ridiculous is that future generations will never know that if she hadn't spoken out righteously, the death toll during the construction of this statue would have doubled!"

Rixia Haruka didn't say the name of the ancient person whom he cared about. Vivienne and Alice looked at each other and already knew who it was.

That is the woman known as the witch, also known as the shame of the gods!

Vivian moved her lips, "I believe what you said, there are indeed many prejudices in the history books, and the truth will always be buried in the long river of time!"

Alice squatted down, gently touching the red ground, she seemed to be able to perceive the bloody price paid for this miracle of construction 200 years ago, and the cries of tragic death echoed here forever.

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