In Tang Sanzang's heart, Huang'er and Zhang Xiaoshun, who can ride clouds, are gods.

"Is that right? Sanzang, you are doing your best for the country. We must not let you have any accidents."

Zhang Xiaoshun nodded in satisfaction, as long as Tang Sanzang took the bait.

There are 81 difficulties in Journey to the West, each of which has great merits and virtues in it, Zhang Xiaoshun didn't want to get involved, but who made Guanyin want to trick him.

If the other party is unkind, he will be unrighteous, and he will rob if it is necessary.

Anyway, with the backing of Master Tongtian, no one else would shoot him to death.

"The poor monk will live up to the entrustment of the emperor and the people, and fetch the Mahayana scriptures!"

Tang Sanzang, who was deeply moved, nodded heavily, with a serious expression on his face.

Zhang Xiaoshun waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "It doesn't matter whether the scriptures are true or not, the important thing is the process of taking it."

"I made a fortune for you. You will encounter 81 difficulties along the way. All you encounter are demons and ghosts. They are by no means invincible to mere mortals like you."

"You have to remember that whenever you go to a place, you must contact me as soon as possible so that I can help you."

Demons and monsters?

Tang Sanzang was stunned, it was so scary.

But since he promised the emperor to go to the scriptures, he just let go of his rhetoric, so he can't give up now.

And now that he has the mobile phone given by the gods, he will ask for help when he encounters difficulties, and nothing will happen.

"Remember, poor monk, you must ask the gods for help." Tang Sanzang took a deep breath and said seriously.

Zhang Xiaoshun smiled, taught Tang Sanzang how to use VV, and also recommended two books from the book city.

"It's a long way to go. Sanzang, if you are bored, you can read the novel I wrote in Shucheng. It's very good."

After exhorting Tang Sanzang, Zhang Xiaoshun turned to Li Shimin and followed Tang Sanzang's two followers.

In the original book, when these two attendants were in Shuangchaling, they were eaten by three monsters, General Yin, Xiong Shanjun and Special Officer.

"You two, you don't need to follow the holy monk, go back to the city!"

Zhang Xiaoshun looked at the two and said in a commanding tone.

The two attendants were stunned, and one of them hesitated: "Immortal, we dare not disobey your order, but we are following the emperor's order, how can we return halfway."

"I told you to go back, just go back, just say that I told you to go back, I am the inventor of the mobile phone, let your emperor find me."

Impatiently waving his hand, Zhang Xiaoshun showed a hint of displeasure on his face.

The two attendants were a little afraid, looked at each other, clasped their fists together and saluted each other, then bid farewell to Tang Sanzang and returned to Chang'an City.

"Benefactor, poor monk..."

Tang Sanzang's expression froze, how could he go to learn the scriptures after driving everyone away.

When there were people, at least I had a companion, and I could chat on the road, but the result is good, now he is the only one left.

"Do you want them to feed demons? They are different from you, pure mortals, following you will only lead to disaster."

Zhang Xiaoshun interrupted Tang Sanzang, not in a good mood.

"Amitabha, it's the poor monk who didn't care enough, thank you God for awakening."

Tang Sanzang forced a smile, even a poor monk would feed a demon!

Although Zhang Xiaoshun said that he would come to help as long as he asked for help, he was still a little scared.

"Okay, okay, I promise you will never be eaten by monsters, just hurry up and get on the road!"

"By the way, when passing through various countries along the way, or when you are captured by monsters, don't forget to promote your mobile phone. If someone wants to buy it, tell me, and I will give you a commission if you sell it."

Not wanting to talk nonsense with Tang Sanzang, a long-winded guy, Zhang Xiaoshun bid farewell.

On the road?

The monster catches it?

Tang Sanzang wants to cry but has no tears. It is really dangerous to obtain the scriptures. Is the poor monk now repenting?

Seeing Tang Sanzang go away, Zhang Xiaoshun asked Huang'er to take him to the sky again.

"Go west, go to Wuxing Mountain, that is, Liangjie Mountain, and find that monkey!"

Chapter 69

When Zhang Xiaoshun and Huang'er were rushing to the Five Elements Mountain.

Western Lingshan, the treasure temple of Daleiyin Temple.

Sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, Tathagata looked a little gloomy.

Just now when Zhang Xiaoshun found out what happened to Tang Sanzang, he saw everything in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Zhang Xiaoshun would also want a piece of the action.

"Did he mean it?"

Tathagata's eyes flickered slightly. Originally, he had allocated all the merits and virtues along the way, but now Zhang Xiaoshun's variable appeared.

And hearing what Zhang Xiaoshun meant, it seemed that he still wanted to take it all by himself.

"Although there was a teacher-student relationship, if you want to monopolize the merits of my Buddhist journey to the west, then don't blame me for not showing affection."

His eyes flickered for a moment, and Tathagata made up his mind.

The westward journey involves the great prosperity of Buddhism, but the merits along the way are also a fortune.

If he uses it well, the overall strength of his Buddhism will rise to another level.

At that time, it is not impossible to completely suppress the Taoist sect.

In his eyes, the Jade Emperor was just a flag he used.

Zhang Xiaoshun didn't know that Tathagata planned to deal with him, and now he and Huang'er had arrived at the Five Elements Mountain.

As soon as the two appeared above, five figures appeared from the void and stood in front of them.

These five people were tall, dressed in cassocks, with Buddhist beads hanging around their necks, and holding vajra pestles, all of them were vicious.

"Third Princess? What are you doing here?" At this moment, the person who seemed to be the leader asked.

"Go down and have a look at the Great Sage, you go about your business!"

Huang'er waved her hand, and pulled Zhang Xiaoshun to fly down.

In the process of falling, she told Zhang Xiaoshun the identities of the five people, and the five directions revealed the truth.

Regarding the identities of the five people, Zhang Xiaoshun had guessed for a long time, so he was not too surprised.

For a long time, they and the mountain god of the earth have guarded Monkey King together.

As soon as the two of them fell down the mountain, Jiedi from five directions behind him had already chased them down, following closely every step of the way.

Huang'er was a little displeased, turned around and said with a cold face: "Why are you following us?"

"Princess, don't get me wrong, we are protecting you in case you have an accident." The leader Jintou Jiedi explained.

"No need, maybe there are monsters here." Huang'er said unhappily, what an excuse.

Ignoring the five people, Huang'er led Zhang Xiaoshun forward, and soon found Monkey King who was suppressed at the foot of the mountain.

At the moment, Sun Wukong was lying there bored, staring at a few ants passing by with great interest.

On his head, there were a few tattered blades of grass, which made people inexplicably sad.

The famous Monkey King Monkey King, Monkey King, has come to such an end.

"Brother Monkey, I'm here to see you."

Zhang Xiaoshun rubbed his eyes, squeezed out a smile and walked over.

"Huh?" Hearing someone calling him, Sun Wukong raised his head and took a few glances, his eyes were full of bewilderment.

Who is this?I don't seem to be impressed?

"Stop, don't get close to the monster monkey!"

Suddenly, there was a loud roar from behind that shook the eardrums, and Wufang Jiedi strode over.

Zhang Xiaoshun frowned slightly, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"The five directions reveal the truth, why are you still following?"

Huang'er was a little angry, her face was covered with frost.

The five directions revealing the truth, dare not give her the face of the princess of the heaven.

Jiedi of the five directions is originally the guardian Hercules of the five directions of Buddhism, but at the same time, they also serve in the heavenly court.

In other words, Huang'er's identity is useful in front of them.

But now, the five of them clearly committed the following crimes, and meant not to put Huang'er, the princess, in their eyes.

"Third Princess, it is our duty to guard the monster monkey. Please forgive us for our disrespect."

Jintou Jiedi opened his mouth, turned to Zhang Xiaoshun, and asked coldly, "Who are you? Get out of here quickly."

"I'm you. Uncle, I've endured you for a long time, the princess's face is not good, is it?"

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoshun exploded, and scolded him right away.

Wufang Jiedi was stunned, and after reacting, their faces quickly became gloomy, their bodies gushed out, and the killing intent in their eyes was not concealed at all.

"Looking for death!" Jintou Jiedi let out a low growl, took a step forward, and hit Zhang Xiaoshun on the head.

Chapter 70


A sound of gold and iron intertwined sounded, and Jintou Jiedi was knocked back by a powerful counter-shock force.

Zhang Xiaoshun was holding the Zhuxian Sword with its sheath, and the blow just now was blocked by the Zhuxian Sword.

Otherwise, with Zhang Xiaoshun's strength, he would be killed on the spot with a single punch.

The strength of Jiedi in the five directions, each of which is in the Golden Immortal Realm, is far from comparable to that of Zhang Xiaoshun.

"Which fool woke me up, who is it, stand up for me!"

A childish voice came out from the Jade Immortal Sword, and the tone was very angry.

Zhang Xiaoshun let go of his hand, the Zhuxian sword flew up automatically, hanging in the air, the tip of the sword pointed to Jiedi in five directions, as if he was watching.

From the sword body, a faint murderous aura was released, making people feel panic through the scabbard.

"This, this is?"

Jintou Jiedi was shocked, he was actually blocked by a sword.

The key is the evil spirit on the sword, how many people have to be killed to form it, it is definitely not easy.

"Look at the two words on the scabbard, this, this seems to be that Zhu Xian sword."

Suddenly, Maha Jiedi exclaimed, his tone was a little trembling, as if he had discovered something terrifying.

The rest of Jiedi heard the words, and looked quickly. After discovering those two words, all of them couldn't help but gasped.

Didn't it mean that the sword has been in the hands of Guang Chengzi, the head of the Twelve Golden Immortals, since the first battle of Conferring the Gods? How could it appear here?

And looking at this situation, the sealed weapon spirit seems to have awakened.

"You want to kill me? You're here, trash!"

Looking at Jintou Jiedi with a sneer, Zhang Xiaoshun sneered.

He can't use the full power of Zhu Xianjian, but if these people want to kill him, Zhu Xianjian can fight back.

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