A report call from Ye Lingxin, the assistant of Zhonghai Junior.

I originally planned to go back to the Twin Towers and make some specific arrangements, but now, forget it.

The scientific breakthrough of the original force weapon is more important than other things.

On the same day, Wei Xia returned directly to the Anti-Sand Fighting Association in Zhonghai.

On the seventh floor underground, the research team of the original magnetic gun project.

"This is the original magnetic cannon you developed?" Wei Xia gently stroked the smooth cannon body with both hands.

A big guy!

It is more than five meters in length, from the cannon body to the base, all glowing with a faint blue metallic luster, and the cold feeling makes people shudder.

Especially the muzzle of that black hole, with a diameter of up to half a meter, even an adult man can get in.

The leader of the research team is from the military. He Dongli, a beautiful engineer under 30 years old and an artillery expert, is generally called the chief engineer.

Mr. He introduced proudly:

"The current original railgun belongs to the 'origin version' of high-energy laser weapons, but due to the special nature of the original force, the penetration and attack distance of the original railgun are stronger than ordinary laser weapons."

Wei Xia nodded lightly in agreement.

The outside world only knows that He Dongli is an artillery expert, but what she really studies is laser weapons!The head of research and development of Huaguo Laser Weapons!

"How about destructiveness? How many experiments have you conducted?" Wei Xia is most concerned about this.

"We can test it on the spot!" Mr. He said confidently.

The site is where the power of the original magnetic gun is tested. The entire team has conducted hundreds of tests and is extremely proficient in this process.

The staff immediately began to prepare. Ten meters away from the muzzle, a solid steel block was erected. The length, width, and thickness were all one meter.

Behind the steel block is a special protective plate, which has the function of absorbing and buffering energy.

With Wei Xia's instruction, Mr. He pressed the control switch.

A "zilazila" sound, which only occurs when a mechanical short circuit fails, came from the barrel of the gun.

The process of gathering energy!

The naked eye couldn't see it, because Wei Xia was standing behind the muzzle of the gun, but through his spiritual sense, he sensed that the transformed force energy gathered in the gun body and merged into a core similar to a light source.

In about ten seconds, the energy-gathering process of the original railgun ended, and it launched an attack without a sound like a laser weapon.

I saw a beam of light shooting straight on the steel plate, passing through, until it was intercepted by the special protective plate behind.

Looking at the steel block again, a hollow with a diameter of ten centimeters was formed in the center, penetrating!

"The research and development of laser weapons has a history of decades, and many countries have invested heavily. However, the particularity of the light source makes it inevitably greatly affected by the weather.

The original magnetic gun does not have this problem at all, and it is more powerful! "Mr. He said proudly.

Wei Xia closed his eyes, contemplating

After a while, he looked at Mr. He:

"Have you read the atlas of life in other worlds?"

Mr. He was slightly taken aback.

She felt that there was something wrong with Wei Xia's tone, as if...

Not so satisfied!

"Chairman, our entire team has studied it very carefully. Especially the parameters, the values ​​of various indicators of life forms from other worlds, have made a lot of comparisons." Mr. He replied truthfully.

"The parameters are dead and can only be used for reference!" Wei Xia moved his feet while talking, and then blocked his body in front of the steel block, facing the muzzle of the gun.

"Dangerous! President! Can't stand there!"

Everyone was a little dazed just now, not knowing what Wei Xia was going to do, but now seeing that he was within the attack range of the original magnetic cannon, they hurried forward to stop him.

After taking two steps, they all stopped again.

That look, the look that Wei Xia looked at them, was too cold and sharp, making people stop involuntarily, not daring to approach them.

"Fire." Wei Xia said to Mr. He.

"Open... fire the cannon?"

Mr. He raised his hand in the air. Just now, she wanted to pull Wei Xia back, but she froze there after seeing Wei Xia's eyes. Hearing what Wei Xia said, even her tongue froze this time.

And she is still doubting her hearing...

"Fire at me, I'll personally test the power of the original railgun." Wei Xia said more carefully.

All stupid.

The members of the research team seemed to be collectively deaf, as if they didn't hear.

"That's not clear enough? Press the control switch, aim at me, and fire! Try the threat of the original magnetic cannon to the living body." Wei Xia frowned and said it again.

Everyone understood, but still no one dared to attack Wei Xia.

"How can that work! President, don't be joking!"

"Steel material with a thickness of one meter can be pierced. Do you still need to do this kind of thing?"

"Flesh and blood can't resist the power of the original railgun anyway, and can only get a certain death result."

"The original magnetic gun technology is absolutely unique in the world, and it will even trigger a new round of armament replacement in the future. President, we have succeeded, there is no doubt."

"President, we can't do it, this is murder!"



Hearing this, Wei Xia's face completely darkened.

Something is missing in the tone!

It also shows that the research and development team composed of top scientific research experts has little change in their thinking.


It seemed that there was a gust of cold wind blowing, which dropped the temperature of the scene a few degrees. It was the chill emanating from Wei Xia's body, and his voice was even colder:


Mr. He shuddered, shuddering, and subconsciously chose to obey.


She pressed the control switch.

Zira Zira...

The people around were stunned, and they looked terrified when they heard the sound of the original magnetic cannon gathering energy, but they couldn't make any body movements to stop it.

Ten seconds, a beam of light.

Like the replica of the previous launch process, it went smoothly without any failures.

the difference is:

This time, the energy beam of the original railgun did not hit the steel plate, but was intercepted halfway by an ordinary human body.

No hair was damaged, and even the clothes on his body remained in their original state.

"No, it's impossible." Mr. He murmured.

Seeing clearly that the original magnetic cannon hit the president, at that moment, He Dongli's eyes were closed, but when she opened her eyes, it was as if nothing had happened.

The middle-aged president stood steadily, without changing his face; his slightly thin body was neither opened a big hole nor directly gasified~

"What's going on? Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?"

"Illusion, it must be an illusion! I have too little rest time recently, and I am too tired."

"Thank you! Gods and Buddhas bless you, the Holy Mother favors you, and the Queen favors you, President! You must have made offerings to many gods at home, right?"

"Could it be that the original magnetic gun can only penetrate metal and is ineffective against life? Our basic research is wrong?"

"President, tell me something, are you still...alive? Everyone, don't move around, and don't cause a large air flow. I'm afraid that the president will be blown away."

Events beyond cognition really happened, which made everyone become incoherent while they couldn't believe it.

At this moment, Wei Xia moved. He turned his neck and stared at the faces of everyone in the research team for a few seconds.

"Wake up, everyone, this is not an illusion." Wei Xia used a spiritual technique in his voice.

The people in the research team woke up from their bewilderment, but their hearts were even more astonished and shocked.


After being hit by the original magnetic cannon head-on, the president is still the same president, a living person!

Can move and talk~

Is it human?What material is it made of?How can a normal person's body be so built?

Wei Xia ignored the others, stared at Mr. He, and continued:

"The power of the original magnetic gun is too small, and it can't hurt me now. Apart from this, have you considered another problem?"

"What's the problem?" Mr. He asked dryly.

The research and development breakthrough of the bragging is considered to lead a new round of armament replacement. When it comes to the president, it's like playing with it, and it has no effect.

Attacks and defeats linger in Mr. He's mind.

"Another question is... no matter how powerful the original magnetic cannon is, how can it hit the target?" While speaking, Wei Xia had teleported across a distance of ten meters and came to Mr. He.

The four eyes are facing each other, and each can see themselves clearly in the other's eyes.

too suddenly.

He Dongli was frightened and backed away again and again, like a ghost.

Wei Xia walked around the original magnetic cannon a few times with his hands behind his back, but he didn't look at it again.

When he stopped, he rested his arms casually on the cannon:

"Everyone, the research and development results are worthy of recognition, and they can be regarded as scientific research breakthroughs.

But why are you still comparing it with the military equipment and military technology of other countries?Um?

Who is our opponent?Is it country M? Country O? Country D?

Do not!

It's another world!

Don't use common sense to judge the strength of alien life forms!

Ordinary firearms can't hurt them, just like the current magnetic cannon can't hurt me, the power is still too small.

Your sense of crisis is not enough, and you don't realize what it means to invade from another world.

That is a disaster, a disaster for all mankind, a catastrophe for genocide!

You can think of otherworldly beings as anything, but there is no doubt that they are intelligent.

The energy storage time is as long as ten seconds, who do you want to hit?Standing there waiting for you to take aim? "

What really made Wei Xia dissatisfied was not that the power of the original railgun was too small, but the sense of crisis that the R&D team was extremely lacking in!

### Chapter 351 Deployment ###

One year is too short to tolerate the slow progress of scientific research work.

As far as there is no advantage in the first place, if you continue to maintain that mentality of horizontal comparison, Huaguo and Earth may really have no chance at all.

"If everyone really pays enough attention to the invasion of alien worlds, and really considers the relevant data seriously, instead of taking it for granted and making judgments based on common sense,

I believe that you will not regard this level of scientific research breakthrough as a success, you will not be complacent about it, and you will not report it to me confidently! "

After Wei Xia finished speaking, everyone in the research and development team blushed and lowered their heads in shame.

All that needs to be said has been said, and the goal has been achieved, Wei Xia turned and left without stopping.

Not much time, the little assistant Ye Lingxin quietly came to the original magnetic gun research and development team:

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