His left hand slowly stretched out, a light blue brilliance lingered on that slender palm, and gently stroked the wall from the air, from top to bottom.

Silently, with solid reinforced concrete and ceramic tiles, that's it...

A large piece was dented in!

The edge is natural, without the slightest break or gap, as if there is a groove naturally there, and it has never been artificially modified.

"This, this, what's going on? Chairman, you?" Ye Lingxin's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief, and her mouth was tongue-tied.

The scene in front of her was completely beyond her cognition.

"As expected of the president! You really have extraordinary skills!" Ye Yuanming took a deep look at the groove on the wall, clapped his hands and praised, but his expression was inexplicably shocked.

He is acting like a guide now, and he also doesn't understand the mysterious president beside him.

It was the Great Elder who made a special phone call, explained a lot of things, and asked him to make a special trip to pick up the president into Zhong Hai and guide him to familiarize himself with the environment.

The uncle and nephew were in shock, and the president made another move!

I saw that the bare metal plaque was stuffed into the groove, it fit perfectly, and there was no sign of instability at all, and that's not the end.

The president stretched out his right hand, and pressed his index finger on the upper part of the plaque, which acted as a "pen", and wrote thirteen big characters like a flying phoenix:

Anti-Sandstorm Disaster Research and Implementation Association.

Meng, shocked!

One is the minister of commerce who is used to seeing big scenes, and the other is the full-time secretary of the elders group who assists in handling various state affairs, but the two uncles and nephews cannot believe their eyes.

So incredible!

Practicing calligraphy on metal, using fingers, is this still a human being?

Obviously that hand, slender and well-proportioned, should be most suitable for elegant things like playing the piano, and it is also very suitable for writing calligraphy.

Of course, the handwriting is beautiful.

It is both neat and elegant, and at the same time powerful, giving people a visual impact and resonance in the soul. Those words seem to be alive.

It should be said that he has profound attainments in calligraphy and is at the national level.

The key is that others are on paper, but this chairman is on a metal plaque!

In addition to the handwriting, the literal meaning of the thirteen characters is also very puzzling.

Anti-sandstorm?Disaster research?Executive meeting?

The huge state banquet venue seemed to change instantly

As a disaster relief site office~

Bring the disaster relief site to Zhonghai, and it is a special instruction jointly made by the Great Elder and the Elder Group!

There is always a sense of unreality.

In addition, the instruction Ye Lingxin received was even more puzzling:

Fully assist the person in charge, whatever he wants to do, carry it out!

What kind of organization is this newly established general meeting?What kind of power does it have?

do not know.

When I found Ye Lingxin, the explanation was too simple, there were no substantive work instructions, it was very vague, and the little girl is still dizzy.

Inexplicably changed a job~

Regardless of her young age, being able to serve as a full-time secretary in the elders' group, her own ability is beyond doubt, and she is definitely not as simple as a sweet-looking vase.

Ye Yuanming's niece, this status has nothing to do with her work in Zhonghai.

In fact, her usual job is pretty tough!She is responsible for the communication and coordination between the elders' group and important departments at all levels, which is a link between the past and the future.

No mistakes are allowed!


A piece of paper appeared in front of Ye Lingxin.

"Your name is Ye Lingxin, right? There's no time to be dazed! The workload is very high, I hope you can keep up." The president left a sentence coldly, and a piece of paper, and walked into the venue alone.

"Anti-Sandstorm Disaster Research and Implementation Association, organizational structure description?" Ye Yuanming leaned over and muttered in a low voice, staring at the paper intently.

1 minute, quick view.

The uncle and nephew are not calm again!

Where is the organizational structure description?It's basically a "letter of appointment" with a huge relationship!

Such an anti-sand anti-sand association was temporarily built, and even the venue was a state banquet venue, but the authority was unimaginably large, beyond people's imagination.

Especially the wording in the "Letter of Appointment", there are many ambiguous places, which seem to be just a big framework without precise authority positioning.

In other words, the real authority of the Anti-Sand Federation, the area in which it can exercise power, is likely to be more than what is understood literally!

At the bottom of the "Letter of Appointment", headed by the Great Elder, the signatures of all the elders of the elders group will not be left.

All passed without any objection.


The president of the anti-sand association is naturally Wei Xia.

With the recovery of the original force and martial arts stepping into the master realm, it is very simple for Wei Xia to change his appearance, even without makeup.

The image of a 20-year-old young man is too immature, which is not conducive to the development of preliminary work.

He has a great reputation and high prestige, but for the time being, he will not be able to play a positive role in confronting Sha.

Any little impact must be eliminated or minimized!

So he turned into a middle-aged man, which was also part of the secret agreement of the Twin Towers.

"The most important thing right now is to combine modern technology with force technology first! Create more perfect and effective weapons, and increase the country's force to deal with foreign invasions!"

Wei Xia sat in the arena thinking alone.

The strength of the first-generation human race mainly lies in the powerhouses with high-level force.But now, the recovery of the original force is limited, and there is no way to carry out the cultivation of the original force on a large scale.

However, the research and development of weapons can be carried out immediately. For example, weapons such as the Arrow of Force can be completely transformed into guns, and the lethality will be greatly improved.

"The first batch, are you here?" Wei Xia frowned.

In his consciousness, he sensed a large group of people walking towards the anti-sand association in the distance.

### Chapter 339 is about to mark an epoch again###

A large number of people, to be precise, a large number of top scientific researchers in Huaguo.

A group of nearly a hundred people, aged from 20s to 80s, with a span of 60 years, led by a special soldier to the Anti-Sand Fighting Federation.

"Ms. Liang? You were also invited here? Didn't you say that the school is conducting research on an important topic? It's been a long time since I visited you!"

"Look over there. The beauty walking in the second row seems to be Chief Engineer He, right? I heard that she is less than [-] years old and has officially become an artillery expert. She is currently developing sixth-generation artillery. How can she have time? "

"Old Zhang from Longxin Heavy Industry! Inventor of the new ultra-pure silicon technology, and an authority in the field of materials science! I remember that he just published a paper, and thirteen nines of ultra-pure silicon made a breakthrough."



In the field of scientific research, many people are familiar with each other. There are many relationships between classmates, teachers and students, and even more have cooperated.

But they don't know the reason for coming here, so they can't even guess.

In particular, there are such a large number of top scientific research experts in almost every field, such as ordnance, materials, biological engineering and so on.

Time is running out, the place is here.


"Sandstorm Disaster Resist Research and Implementation Association? What department is this? Could it be a mistake?"

"I've been here before. It seems to be a state banquet venue. There is no such organization as the General Assembly."

"By the way, sandstorms have little to do with the scientific research projects of most of us here, right?"

With all kinds of doubts in their hearts, everyone entered the venue one after another.

Except for a neatly arranged chair, there are no other facilities inside the venue.

Even more inexplicable.

Obviously, this is not a meeting place, nor is it a recognition ceremony.

There is no joy at all.

The little girl who arranged for everyone to be seated seemed to be equally unaware.

But the people inside the stadium quieted down very tacitly, and the behavior of whispering and whispering stopped the moment they entered the stadium.

Very naturally, his mouth was sewn shut by an invisible atmosphere.

There seemed to be needlework trails that kept shuttling back and forth in the air, with perfect precision and without any redundant steps, bows were neatly sewn on everyone's mouths.

The source of all this, the strange atmosphere, is just a single person.Standing at the forefront, standing by the window, everyone could only see the thin figure on the side.

I don't know who he is, I just feel that that person stands there casually, with special effects, making people feel that it is inappropriate to speak indiscriminately on this occasion.

The atmosphere is cold.

It feels like the temperature suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees.

After about half an hour or so.

The second batch is also close to a hundred people.

The atmosphere outside the venue was quite lively, talking and laughing, once passing through the revolving door and entering the venue of the Anti-Sand Fighting Association, all the laughter and laughter came to an abrupt end.

Then, the third batch, the fourth batch, and the fifth batch.

The total number of people is close to 500, and there are no vacant chairs inside the venue.

Finally, the figure standing directly in front of the window, who had been standing in the same posture for a long time, turned around and faced the 500 scientific researchers below, revealing the true face of Lushan Mountain.

With a serious expression and a cold face, he said in a deep voice:

"Welcome everyone! Everyone treats me

Not so familiar, let me briefly introduce.

Everyone has seen the plaque at the door.That's right, this is the Anti-Sand Association, and I am the president of the Anti-Sand Association.At the same time, within the next year, you will also be your direct leaders and direct responsible persons. "


Fry the pan!

In an instant, the atmosphere inside the entire venue changed, and more than half of the people didn't know the specific situation at all.

"What's the matter? No one told me about the job transfer! My unit pays super well, even if I die, I won't change jobs! Is this being sold?"

"Are you kidding! If you leave me, all the investment of hundreds of millions of Chinese coins in the early stage will be in vain! I don't believe it!"

"Environmental protection is the right thing to do, but at least you have to choose the right person? Controlling sandstorms, I can't play a role in this field."

"The official is really, it's just nonsense! No matter how urgent you are, you can't rush for quick success! It's a waste of talents to gather scientific researchers from various fields."

clap clap~~

The sound of continuous clapping shook the audience, the sound was not loud, but it covered the hustle and bustle of the scene.

The crowd calmed down.

Wei Xia spoke again:

"Don't worry, just sit down and listen to me.

From the moment you step here, you have already belonged to the anti-desert association, and within a year, you are not allowed to contact the outside world, including your family members.

All matters related to external communication must be approved by me. "


It is more "hot" than the last reverse.

It's fine to be forced to change jobs. How can this restrict personal freedom?At least talk to your family, right?How could there be such a sudden attack?

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