A simple word, extremely crisp.

Wei Xia also nodded, turned around again, and walked straight towards a small door in the reception room. The Great Elder followed closely behind, and the two entered the small room successively.


The door is closed.


"You're not Xiao Xia, who are you?" The first sentence after closing the door came from the First Elder's question.

"Since you don't believe me, why did you come in with me? Are you not afraid of any accidents?" Wei Xia smiled casually, but did not answer directly.

Afraid?It's never something the old man thinks about.

He shook his head:

"Whether you are Wei Xia or not, I can't believe it easily. I came here in person to prove my sincerity, so...I want an answer and proof!"

It should be said that the old man concealed very important details from the elders.

That's what he found. During the phone call, Wei Xia's state changed and his tone was completely different.

If the human beings on the earth are really facing a catastrophe of genocide, wouldn't it be ridiculous if he still cares about the source of the news and magnifies it to the height of affecting travel?

So he chose to hide it.

In addition, he also concealed the gust of wind in the microphone.

Can't explain!

No one would believe it, not even himself.

"If you want to prove it, then sit still and don't move, close your eyes, and I will prove it to you. Then, I will tell you the answer." Wei Xia pointed to the chair in the small room.

After a slight pause, he smiled again:

"The burden is too heavy, you should pay more attention to your body!"

The old man was full of suspicion, but looking at Wei Xia's face, there was no trace of malice. Putting aside his doubts, he sat on the chair calmly.

Excluding the power in his hands, he is just an ordinary old man. If Wei Xia wants to harm him at this time, there is really nothing he can do~

Sit down, close your eyes, and immediately two cool breaths flow from your temples into your brain.

That was Wei Xia pointing his hands on the old man's temples.

Obsessed with getting the exact answer, the old man ignored his surroundings.

In this ordinary small room, the blue is even deeper!

That is to say, the force concentration in the small room is stronger than that in the meeting room.

Wei Xia stood behind the old man, his eyes closed tightly, and his consciousness was fully activated.

The pure yang energy of the guru realm is constantly flowing

It poured into the old man's body, and with it, the original force in the room began to flow, washing the old man's body.

The original force is a kind of positive energy, which contains spirituality, activity, and vigorous vitality. It has a very powerful nourishing effect on the living body. The effect of pure yang zhenqi is more pure and the effect is more obvious.

With the combination of the two, the old man seems to be enjoying a "medicine bath"!

Pure Yang Qi is "medicine" and is responsible for regulating the body; the original force is pure "clear water" and is responsible for taking away impurities and dirt in the human body.

Moreover, both of them have the effect of improving the activity of living organisms.

A full hour.

When Wei Xia withdrew his arm, the face of the old man on the chair was at least ten years younger!

This is only superficial.

The changes in the body of the elderly are fundamental.

An old man who is nearly seventy years old, his body is completely activated, the accumulated impurities are removed, and the muscles, bones, internal organs, nerves, etc. are rejuvenated.

20 year old body!

"Okay, it's done, you can open your eyes." Wei Xia smiled lightly, and as the old man opened his eyes, he asked again with a smile:

"How does it feel?"

The moment he opened his eyes, the old man quickly closed them again.

Just now, what did you see?

He couldn't believe his eyes.

That's a...

Such a clear world!

With his eyes still closed, the old man stood up from the chair, twisted his neck, moved his shoulders with his arms, turned back and forth a few times, and kicked his legs along the way.

How does it feel?

How should I describe this feeling?Is it an illusion?

After an absence of 50 years, the body of the peak period at the age of 20!

There is a strong heartbeat in the body, the discomfort in the lungs and throat all disappears, breathing becomes extremely smooth, the sense of smell in the nose is restored, and I can smell fresh air.

What's more, the power constantly gushing out from the body is too exciting and nostalgic.

Everything is so beautiful.

Finally, the old man tried to open his eyes again, slowly, very slowly.What he saw was still an extremely clear world, not blurred at all.

After adjusting his gaze, the old man looked at Wei Xia sharply.

A covetous, domineering look!

"How did you do it? Legendary magic? Or, some kind of miraculous drug? Temporarily? Or, go back in time?" The old man's words were powerful.

Wei Xia smiled with satisfaction:

"This is the proof I gave you, proving the real existence of the original force. It would not be easy to achieve a similar effect without the original force."

indeed so.

If there is no force, Wei Xia's master realm of pure yang and true qi will not be realized when and when; without the force to wash the body and restore vitality, hemodialysis is needed only to remove impurities.

Wei Xia had also treated people before, and the effect was good, but it was far worse than this time.

Except for the appearance of the skin and hair, which takes time to slowly recover, the old man's entire body function has completely recovered to that of a 20-year-old, which is not temporary at all.

"The real force is even more amazing! I believe in you and the existence of the force!" The old man nodded in affirmation.

As soon as the subject changed, his gaze became sharp again:

"You proved the existence of the Force, so what's the answer I want? Is the alien invasion of the earth true or false? Also, who are you!"

Wei Xia raised his eyebrows, and said with some uncertainty:

"Who the hell...

I should, still be Wei Xia!That's a long story~"

### Chapter 337 Obligation and Mercy###

In the reception room, the mood of a dozen members of the elders group could not be calmed down for a long time.

Even though, three hours have passed.

The light sea blue color turned the ordinary reception room into an extraordinary place. After waiting for three hours, I didn't feel unbearable at all.

On the contrary, they can't wait to stay here forever.

"This is the original force, it's really amazing! I feel more energetic, breathing the air here, and my whole body becomes lighter."

"Are the beautiful times coming soon? Thinking that future human beings can live on the earth full of force is really a blessing. I really want to go back to my youth, it must be even more wonderful."

"I remember a pair of couplets during the Spring Festival. The four characters on the banner are very memorable, adding blessings and longevity! Hehe, when you are an old person, you will inevitably think of something about longevity."

"In the future, the average life expectancy of human beings will definitely not be difficult to break through to a hundred years old."



Sister Mu Qingyu stayed in the reception room to entertain these old people, and naturally answered many questions, and briefly talked about the original force.

That's the reaction above~

In fact, the old people are very passive in absorbing the Force. They are not warriors and do not know how to use the Force to practice. They just let the Force pass through their bodies through breathing.

Another thing is that the skin will be in direct contact with the force, which can also play some role.

Just in this natural way, the benefits are great, and the body does show many good signs.

On the other side, the conversation in the reception room also came to an end.

"So, you are Xiao Xia, the wise man from the first generation of humans, reincarnated, right?" The old man frowned and asked.

Wei Xia shook his head:

"Not sure, I only have some brief memories, and the rest of the information comes from those systems."

The old man understood why Wei Xia took him to the inner room alone.

It's a secret!

The fewer people who know, the better.

At this moment, the old man has completely believed in Wei Xia. The original force and the invasion of the six alien worlds are not stories, but real existence.

Moreover, in the distant ancient times, before the emergence of the new second-generation human race, there was already the civilization of the first-generation human race!

The time span, most likely billions of years.

"Understood! I'd better...continue to call you Xiaoxia, ha ha! Today's matter is limited to you and me." The old man smiled slightly.

"Then please!" Wei Xia stretched out his arms, towards the door.

The old man stood up and walked out with a heavy heart.

Open the door.

keep going.


The members of the elders group who heard the sound regained consciousness from their intoxicated expressions, opened their eyes, and looked at the great elder who was walking towards him.

"What happened? What's the situation? Is it my illusion?"

"Big, big, big elder, have you become younger?"

"Ten years old! At least ten years younger! Great Elder, what happened? In just three hours, you are ten years younger!"

"No, more than ten years old! The Great Elder himself looks very young, and his appearance is only over 50 years old, and now he is at most 40 years old!"

"Is this also related to the Force? Rejuvenation? It's incredible! The Force is amazing!"

All the old men who were usually steady and unattractive were now as restless as young men, unable to suppress the shock in their hearts.


Made them ignore the expression on the face of the great elder,

So heavy!

Followed by Wei Xia, Wei Xia walked out with a blank face, and went straight to the main seat in the conference room, ignoring others.

The Great Elder sat in the guest seat opposite and gave up the host seat. What he cares most about now is not how young he is.

Alien invasion is today's theme!

The person who presides over the meeting can only be Wei Xia, there is no dispute.

bang bang bang~~~

The sound of slapping the conference table continuously.

"Okay, everyone, we should get to the point!" Wei Xia said lightly.

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