

After listening to Wei Xia's answer, Liu Shishi had some ideas in her mind, and instead of clinging to many technical fields, she brought the topic to the spirit of craftsman:

"Mr. Wei, the spirit of craftsmanship has always been popular, and it has been mentioned in the industry for many years. What do you think of the spirit of craftsmanship?"

It seems that this topic is a bit heavy, and it hit Wei Xia's pain point, only to hear him say bitterly:

"It doesn't matter how many years you mention it, but whether you pay attention to it fundamentally is the key!

Many companies are speculating on this matter as a gimmick, and the standard for real implementation is still very low.

Our products are still not as good as those in country D, and not as humanized as those in country D.

The consequences are extremely serious!

According to data, in the past few years, the total amount of goods purchased by Chinese people in country D has exceeded 20 trillion yuan!So much so that our own businesses are losing money or going bankrupt.

The reason is still the lack of craftsmanship. Many of our products are indeed inferior to country D! "

During the show, the hearts of Mu Qingyu and Liu Shishi tensed at the same time.

"Our products are indeed inferior to country D!"

If this sentence alone is used by someone with a heart to label Wei Xia as a "smart D element", the consequences will be unimaginable.

Even Wei Xia's good image for a long time will be ruined!

Fortunately, for the time being, no one is messing with the rhythm, and the live broadcast room fell into an extremely strange calm, and people deliberately avoided their views on this.

can only say……

This is Wei Xia!

Liu Shishi didn't dare to delay for a moment, and quickly ended the topic:

"So, Mr. Wei and Mr. Mu, since we are recruiting talents, can you talk about the salary?"

Mu Qingyu understood, and immediately took over the conversation:

"The question of treatment, um! I can answer this!

As long as it is a top talent, there is absolutely no need to worry about the salary, it will definitely be far beyond your imagination.

Xiawen Group's treatment can be said to be famous!

Let me reveal here that the treatment of top talents may exceed that of me as the general manager.

There is one more point that I need to explain.

Xiawen Group's official platform has now opened a talent recommendation channel.You are welcome to recommend top talents in various fields that you know to our group.

You just recommend it, and I will do the poaching, ha ha! "



This is the end of the premiere special of "Looking for".

Mu Qingyu suffered from insomnia all night, and was always worried that Wei Xia would poke something in the basket, which made her really nervous.If Wei Xia's remarks are used maliciously, it will be quite difficult to public relations.

Don't be led by others!

The next day, Wei Xia's remarks really fermented.

The one with the rhythm is actually the "Citizen Daily"!

The headline on the front page of "Citizen Daily" directly published Wei Xia's pictures and content in the program.


Wei Xia, a good domestic businessman, and the spirit of craftsmanship, it is time for us to wake up!


I believe everyone knows the name Wei Xia, and even more knows that he is the pride of our country and the representative of conscientious entrepreneurs.

There is no doubt that no one can doubt Wei Xia's patriotic heart.

He said bluntly in the talk show: Our products are indeed inferior to country D.

What happened to make this conscientious entrepreneur heartbroken?

According to incomplete statistics, the total consumption of Chinese people on country D's goods in recent years has reached more than 20 trillion yuan, which is equivalent to the annual gross domestic product of country D.



Mu Qingyu was completely relieved.

There is "Citizen Daily" washing Wei Xia's land, this strength is really speechless~

###1 Ninety Chapters Different GDP###

The time for the premiere special is very short, which is equivalent to an advertisement.Seven days later, the official first episode of "Xun Mi" started broadcasting.

Through various channels, Wei Xia invited five authoritative economists from Huaguo:

Jiao Jinpu, director of the Financial Research Institute of Huashang Bank; Zheng Guoqiang, a special first-level doctoral supervisor in macroeconomics; Liu Yiming, an expert in regional economics at Citizen University; Hu Yifu, the dean of the Kyoto Economic Development Research Institute.

There is even Taishan Beidou in the field of economics in Huaguo, Professor He Yining.

The host is also Liu Shishi, and there is only one topic in this issue——

Different GDP!


After a few simple words of courtesy, the program officially began.

It was still Liu Shishi who started:

"The term GDP has been in our sights for many years, and it stands for Gross Domestic Product.

So what is the same GDP, but what does the different GDP mean?Director Jiao, could you please explain to us? "

Jiao Jinpu nodded and said:

"In layman's terms, the gross domestic product, that is, the total value of the products produced by a country in a year, how much is it worth.

The clothes we wear, the microphones we take, the cars we drive, and the houses we live in may all be part of GDP.

The so-called different GDP refers to the difference in its composition structure and the difference in the proportion of commodities in each. "

Sitting next to Jiao Yuanpu was Zheng Guoqiang, a mentor who gave a further example:

"GDP usually measures a country's market size and economic aggregate. In fact, the composition of our country's GDP has undergone great changes.

In the early years, agriculture and agricultural products accounted for a large proportion, but now they are more diversified. Industry and commerce, service industries, and emerging industries have gradually reduced the proportion of agriculture to a very low level.

We can think of this as a different GDP. "

Wei Xia chuckled and stood up:

"As a sophomore at Shanghai University of Economics, I am very grateful to the two seniors for their easy-to-understand explanations.

However, I would like to explain GDP from the perspective of purely ordinary people.

Putting aside the theories of economics, including the definition of markets, commodities, and value, etc., this GDP is how much money a country earns in a year. "

Economics expert Liu Yiming clapped his palms twice and agreed:

"That's true, Mr. Wei's statement is very apt."

Wei Xia quickly cupped his fists to express his humility, and then said:

"I know that the GDP structure of China is undergoing great changes, but today, we are going to compare it with country D.

How is the GDP of country D different from our Hua country!

Professor He, how do you view the difference between the two? "

He Yining, who is like a big dipper in the economic world of Huaguo, faced this question, a trace of helplessness flashed across his old face, and sighed:

"Hua's GDP is three times that of country D, but in terms of structure, it is much worse than country D.

Our real estate still occupies a large proportion, and country D, a large part of their GDP is reflected in the export of cutting-edge technology commodities. "

After saying this, the other four economists all looked sad.

The overall situation is good and optimistic, and the growth of GDP is stable and high-speed. However, the irrational structure is also a real problem.

The scene was a little depressed, and Wei Xia immediately stepped forward to ease it:

"Let me explain roughly what a cutting-edge technology product is, taking the mobile phone that everyone uses every day as an example.

We all know that Lowcom's chips do a good job, and even play a decisive role in the performance of mobile phones.As a result, mobile phone manufacturers are often willing to spend a lot of money to buy chips in order to improve performance.

In the end, the profit of a mobile phone is not even worth the profit of a chip sold by Lowcom.

This chip is a kind of cutting-edge technology product. "

Director Jiao Jinpu echoed:

"That's the truth! Many export products of country D fall into this category.

In the early years, home appliances in country D were popular all over the world, but now there are only a few left, and the scale is small.

But in fact, they did not withdraw from these fields!

LCD panels, lithium-ion batteries, cameras, etc., many of the country's cutting-edge components are contained in those home appliances or smart devices.

The reason why they disappeared from the public's field of vision is actually because they changed the mode of directly facing consumers to facing enterprises.

The cost is smaller and the profit is higher. In addition, they are at the most upstream of the industrial chain, and they have an advantage in technology, and their voice has become greater. "

"In the final analysis, the technical strength is not strong enough!" Zheng Yiming said while recalling the color TV industry he had studied in detail.

A color TV with an average selling price of more than 20 yuan has a profit of only [-] yuan...

At that time, Huaguo's color TV industry had already occupied the global market and sold well in many countries, but the real money it earned was too little.

On the other hand, those manufacturers with leading technology, they simply don't do it!

It is not too easy to directly carry out technology transfer and patent authorization, and make money while lying at home~

At this time, the host Liu Shishi suddenly interjected:

"About GDP, I remember hearing a particularly exaggerated statement before, saying that the GDP energy efficiency ratio of country D is more than 100 times that of Hua country!

Is there really such a big gap? "

Instructor Zheng Guoqiang frowned and replied:

"Energy efficiency ratio, this word is not very accurate, but it is almost less, that's what it means.

In simple terms, country D only needs to consume 100 liter of oil to create a GDP of 1 yuan, while our country Hua needs more than 100 liters of oil.

There is indeed such a statement. "

After being confirmed by the experts, Liu Shishi quickly patted her small chest, which was really unbelievable.

Seeing her like this, Wei Xia couldn't help explaining with a smile:

"Sister Shishi, don't worry, it's normal! How much energy does it consume to produce a camera? How much energy do we consume to produce a mobile phone?

But the profits of the two are almost the same, and the energy consumption ratio is naturally different. "

Liu Shishi suddenly realized.

The gap in the energy consumption ratio turned out to be such a situation. I thought Huaguo was really wasting energy~

He Yining also slowed down at this time, and said slowly:

"This is the benefit of having cutting-edge technology! We all earn the same money, others can do clever work, and we can only do hard work.

No way, it's too late to start!There are too many constraints! "

"This is the reason why I invite all seniors!" Wei Xia threw out such a sentence suddenly.

Several people at the scene seemed very puzzled, staring at Wei Xia, waiting for his next words.

Wei Xia had already stood up, swaying back and forth in front of the camera, first gave a weird smile, then reached out and pointed to the five experts behind, with his face still facing the camera:

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