Does it seem to be because of the same power?Chen Yi thought to himself.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi directly handed the crystal to Nagini.

"Try to see if you can use it."

Nagini took the crystal and tried to communicate with magic, but got no response.

"Try to follow your own instincts!" Seeing that Nagini tried for a long time, but the crystal did not move, Chen Yi thought for a while and said.

Hearing Chen Yi's words, Nagini nodded, and under Chen Yi's surprised gaze, he swallowed the crystal in one gulp.


After Chen Yi and Nagini stared and stared in silence for a while, seeing that Nagini hadn't responded, Chen Yi couldn't help asking: "How do you feel?"

Nagini: (_) It's tasteless.

"I'm not asking how it tastes like! I'm talking about whether there is anything unusual about your body!" Chen Yi said a little madly.

At this time, Nagini's cold and beautiful face looked a little cute in Chen Yi's eyes, but she didn't expect her to have such a contrasting side...

"Eyes... a little hot."

Hot eyes?

Chen Yi leaned closer to Nagini's face, carefully observed her eyes, and found that there was a kind of energy converging towards her eyes, and her pupils gradually turned into vertical pupils.

Those energies gathered faster and faster, and finally Nagini couldn't help closing his eyes.

Chen Yi caressed her face worriedly. If it wasn't for Nagini's blood bar not dropping, Chen Yi couldn't help but put a layer of slow healing on her......

Finally, the energy subsided gradually, and Nagini slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes had returned to their normal appearance at this time.

"How are your eyes? Do you feel any discomfort?" Chen Yi asked with concern.

Nagini shook her head slightly. She carefully felt the energy gathered in her eyes, and when she opened her eyes again, her eyes had turned into pale yellow pupils of snakes.

Immediately afterwards, she used magic to capture a big fish in the black lake.

A magical scene happened!

Under Nagini's gaze, the big fish quickly petrified, and it turned into a fish-shaped stone in the blink of an eye!

Nagini got the petrification ability belonging to the basilisk!

"Is there a way to get this fish back?"

Chen Yi's voice was a little excited, as if he had acquired a new ability.

Hearing this, Nagini's eyes moved slightly, and the petrified fish quickly regained its flesh color, and after a while it started to flop again.

"Sister Nagini, try to use this ability on me!"

Chen Yi wanted to experience the power of this ability for himself, so as to judge how strong it was.

But Nagini was a little hesitant. She was afraid of hurting Chen Yi, and she was even more afraid that an accident would cause Chen Yi to petrify and be unable to recover.

However, Chen Yi had absolute confidence in himself, and in the end he couldn't hold back Chen Yi. Nagini had no choice but to use the petrification skill on him...

Chapter 133 I'm Your Dad

When Nagini stared at him, Chen Yi felt as if his body was suddenly fixed by something, and even his movements began to slow down...

"Ding! Adventurers are affected by petrification and deceleration!"

Chen Yi felt the intensity of this energy, and compared it, he found that even the original Corrupt King Kong couldn't last long under Nagini's eyes.

You must know that the Fallen King Kong is an existence that has completed the sublimation of this life!One can imagine the horror of this ability.

However, Nagini's appearance did not look relaxed. At this time, tiny beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Okay, let's take a rest! It's enough."

As he said that, Chen Yi directly used the purification skill, and the sense of restraint on his body disappeared instantly.

After Nagini rested for a while, the two studied this ability for a while.

In the end, the two called this ability "Petrified Pupil", which can not only petrify the enemy, but also create stone spikes on the ground to attack.

Of course, this ability also has limitations, that is, if you want to petrify an enemy stronger than yourself, you need to consume several times more energy than usual, and you cannot petrify inanimate objects...

But even so, Nagini can still occupy a place among the powerhouses by virtue of the 'Petrochemical Pupil'!

In order to celebrate Nagini Xiti's powerful ability, Chen Yi had a 'carnival' with her all night, until the sun rose again, and Chen Yi was released back to the castle.

Looking at the back of Chen Yi leaving with his back, Nagini had a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth...


When Chen Yi passed the main gate of the castle, he found that the third-year Gryffindor wizards were gathering here, and the excited expressions on their faces were clearly discussing something interesting.

And they didn't wear the school's standard wizard robes, but changed into their own clothes.

As soon as he saw their outfits, Chen Yi knew where these little wizards were going.


A pure wizarding village, Hogwarts stipulates that only students in the third grade and above can go there on specific Saturdays, and must have the guardian's signature permission.

It seems that today is the day when the little wizards of the third grade go to Hogsmeade village for the first time.

"Is it Saturday again?"

Chen Yi murmured that recently he had mixed up the days, and only remembered that today is Saturday when he saw the little wizards dressed up.

At a glance, Chen Yi saw Professor McGonagall, who was organizing the students out in front of the crowd, and Harry Potter, who was constantly pestering her.

"Professor McGonagall, please, as long as you sign for me, I can go to Hogsmeade village!"

Harry pleaded to McGonagall that although he was affected by Voldemort's remnant soul and his personality began to change a bit darkly, he was still only a teenager after all. For Hogsmeade, which only existed in the mouths of senior students He has always longed for the magical village.

It's a pity that Professor McGonagall did not agree to Harry's request. Although she couldn't bear to see Harry stay in school alone, she couldn't break the school's rules.

After saying sorry to Harry, Professor McGonagall was going to take the other young wizards to set off. The first time you go to Hogsmeade Village, you must have a teacher to lead you.

Seeing this, a gloomy look flashed in Harry's eyes, but he hid it well and was not discovered by McGonagall or other little wizards.

Suddenly, Harry felt that someone had snatched the application form from his hand. He was startled, thinking that someone had discovered what he had just done, but when he turned around, he found that the person standing behind him was actually the person he least expected to see. Man... Chen Yi!

Chen Yi took out a pen, swished a few big characters on Harry's application form, and then smiled at Harry.

"Professor McGonagall! I've already signed Harry's application form, let him go with you!"

Although these words were addressed to Professor McGonagall, Chen Yi kept staring at Harry with a half-smile, as if saying that I had discovered all your performance just now!

"Thank you! Professor Chen Yi!"

A flash of panic flashed in Harry's eyes, but he immediately thanked Chen Yi with an excited expression, for fear that Chen Yi would find out his guilty conscience.

Now that Chen Yi had spoken, of course Professor McGonagall would not disgrace him, and immediately agreed to let Harry join the team.But when she took the application form, the expression on her face became a little strange, because what Chen Yi wrote was: Harry's father, Chen Yi!

If Harry, the kid, knew that Chen Yi had signed him like this, he might be so angry...

So she put the watch away calmly.

"Great, Harry, we can go to Hogsmeade village together!"

"Professor Chen Yi is so kind to you!"


Several young wizards who had a good relationship with Harry surrounded him and said happily.

Hearing what they said, the corners of Harry's mouth twitched imperceptibly, but he still nodded his head pretending to be happy, and said a few nice things about Chen Yi against his will.

Chen Yi didn't mind expressing his 'goodwill' to Harry in front of the little wizards, this would benefit his bright and positive image.

The things that induce Harry to blacken must be done in the dark, so that he can stand on the moral high ground and eliminate Harry in the future.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if things come to light in the end, but in that case, Chen Yi may not be able to resist killing all those who dare to jump out and criticize him, and the final result is that the world is completely ruined by him...

After saying hello to Hermione, Chen Yi turned and walked into the castle, while Professor McGonagall also rushed to Hogsmeade Village with the excited little wizards.

Chen Yi has also been to Hogsmeade Village many times, and every time he goes, he will have a drink or two at the Three Broomsticks.

Of course, he was not for the owner of the bar, Ms. Rosmerta, even though she had a curvaceous figure and a very iconic appearance, she was a beautiful woman who still had a charm.

At most, while drinking, she would cast a few glances at the gullies where she leaked out...  

Since most of the senior students had gone to Hogsmeade, the castle was quite deserted.

From afar, Chen Yi saw Professor Lu Ping standing in the corridor, as if he was waiting for someone, and opposite him was Chen Yi's office.

Who he's waiting for is already obvious...

"Professor Chen Yi, I have something to talk to you about!"

Seeing Chen Yi coming back, Lu Ping stepped forward to stop him.

There was a sneer on the corner of Chen Yi's mouth. Lu Ping's actions just now were very rude. Under normal circumstances, Lu Ping would never have made such a rude move.

Moreover, Chen Yi could still see the faint anger on his face, the reason why he did this, Chen Yi knew without guessing, it must be what Harry had said to him.

Since the other party came to find fault, of course Chen Yi would not be polite, but with his city, of course he would not directly attack.

So there was a 'friendly' smile on Chen Yi's face again. Anyone who was familiar with him, such as Hermione, would definitely know that whenever Chen Yi had such a smile on his face, it was the most dangerous time.

He walked around Lupine, opened the door to the office, and gestured to him please.

"Come in, Professor Lupine!"

Lu Ping was not polite to him either, and went straight into Chen Yi's office...

Chapter 134 Lesson to Lupine

After entering the room, Chen Yi snapped his fingers, and a cup of coffee automatically flew to Lu Ping.

But Lupine didn't even look at the cup of coffee, but stared into Chen Yi's eyes, and asked angrily, "You were there when Harry was hit by the Cruciatus Curse! Why didn't you stop the mysterious man?"

Hearing Lu Ping's words, Chen Yi sneered.

"Mysterious man? You dare not even say Voldemort's name, so what gave you the courage to make noise in front of me?"


Lupine choked.

"Now everyone will not call out that person's name, this is the rule! And the question now is why did you watch Harry being tortured?"

Lu Ping forcefully argued that he had found a way for himself.

"Hehe, since you are all afraid of Voldemort, can I be afraid too? So I was looking for an opportunity to sneak attack on him, and the result is obvious, I succeeded~!"

Chen Yi said lightly, although he said he was afraid, but there was no trace of fear on his face.

Chen Yi's indifferent look made Lu Ping tightly clenched his fists. He and Harry's parents are very good friends. He was full of guilt for their deaths, but now their only child is tortured by the Cruciatus Curse , How could he not be angry?

"Did you do it on purpose!?" Lupine asked word by word.

"You can eat indiscriminately, but don't talk indiscriminately!"

Chen Yi put on an innocent look and shook his hands repeatedly, as if he had been wronged by the heavens.

"I deeply regret what happened to Harry, but compared with the safety of the entire magic world, a small sacrifice of one person is worth it, isn't it?" Chen Yi said angrily.

"Worth it? He's still a kid! You let an 11-year-old be your bait!?" Lupine yelled angrily.

"So what? Everyone is equal before righteousness!"

Chen Yi looked at his palm, as if there was a source of magic on it.

Suddenly, his tone changed, and he said coldly: "Besides, even if I did it on purpose, that kid exudes a cold aura all over his body. Who knows if Voldemort did anything to him when he died? The breath on your body is as disgusting as the stench of wolfsbane potion on your body!"


Lu Ping did not expect that Chen Yi would reveal his biggest secret in one word. It stands to reason that only Dumbledore and Snape, who prepared the potion for him, knew this secret of his own!

Seeing Lu Ping staring at him blankly, Chen Yi lowered his chin with both hands, and said calmly: "It's best not to let me find out that you attacked students at Hogwarts, otherwise I will pull your skin off and hang it on the At the gates of Hogwarts!"

Chen Yi's threatening tone and contemptuous eyes stimulated Lu Ping, and he pulled out his wand excitedly.

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