"It's a black magic item!"

McGonagall's words caused Snape and Flitwick to step forward quickly, looking at the damaged diary with ugly faces, how did this evil item appear in Hogwarts...

Ignoring the three of them, Chen Yi asked Hermione with a concerned look: "How is it? Are you not injured?"

Hermione shook her head.

"I'm fine, but there's a monster in the wall! That thing just hid in the wall and stared at me!"

Hermione's words changed the faces of Mag and the three of them, and they all looked warily at the wall Hermione pointed to. Chen Yi also walked to the wall and observed it for a while.

"There is a lot of space in the wall, and now the monster is no longer here. Hermione, describe in detail what you just saw."

Hearing this, Hermione nodded and began to narrate what just happened

"Professor Lockhart just asked me to look at the wall, and then I found a huge eye staring at me in the wall..."

"What kind of eyes? Can you describe it specifically?" Chen Yi asked.

"The pupils are vertical, kind of like..."

Hermione didn't know how to describe it, so Chen Yi gave her a hint.


"That's right! It's a snake! And when I was stared at by this eye, I felt my body stiffen, as if I was going to be petrified!"

Under Chen Yi's deliberate guidance, Hermione quickly gave the answer Chen Yi needed.

"A gigantic snake-like creature with petrifying eyes..."

"Basilisk!" Chen Yi and the three professors said in unison!

Of course, Chen Yi is pretending...

"Go and gather all the students together and take them to the open space outside. After Lockhart died, the basilisk lost control, and the castle is no longer safe!"

Chen Yi ordered lightly.

The three of Professor McGonagall nodded. At this moment, they felt that Chen Yi had an involuntarily convincing aura.

"Professor, what about you?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Me? Of course I'm going to deal with the basilisk!"

As he said that, Chen Yi waved his hand, and surging magic power gushed out, slamming fiercely on the wall in front of him!


Following a burst of violent explosions, Chen Yi forcibly blasted a big hole in the wall of the castle, revealing the secret passage inside, and then Chen Yi walked in leisurely along the hole.

The three professors looked at each other and could see horror in each other's eyes.

This kind of power is already very surprising. The key point is that Chen Yi neither chanted a spell nor used a magic wand, but just waved it casually!

McGonagall patted Hermione on the shoulder.

"Let's go, don't worry about Professor Chen Yi, he will not be in danger."

Hermione nodded, followed McGonagall and Flitwick to evacuate the students in the castle, and Snape was in charge of handling Lockhart's body.

The passages in the castle are intricate, and there are many animal bones on the ground, and a decaying smell fills the entire space.

Chen Yi supported his body with magic power, and floated forward. The complicated maze-like passages did not have the slightest influence on Chen Yi, because in the perception of Nian Qi, the breath of the basilisk was like a bright light in the dark Just as dazzling.

Walking, Chen Yi found a huge snake slough on the ground, with a diameter of one meter. Of course, this size is much worse than that of Nagini.

The appearance of the snake slough meant that Chen Yi was not far from the secret room.

Suddenly, the basilisk seemed to be aware of Chen Yi's aura, and it was quickly approaching Chen Yi in the perception of Nian Qi.

Seeing this, Chen Yi became a little more serious, and soon, the figure of the basilisk appeared at the end of the passage, confronting Chen Yi from afar.

It has the same shape as the basilisk in the movie, with a body nearly 20 meters long and a flat head that looks like a moray eel. A pair of cold eyes are staring at Chen Yi viciously.

The basilisk could vaguely detect a hint of danger from Chen Yi, but its patience was very limited, and soon it couldn't suppress the bloodthirsty nature in its heart, and rushed towards Chen Yi roaring.

"Good come!"

There was a glint of excitement in Chen Yi's eyes, and the Shadowless Sword appeared in his hand, looking at the basilisk rushing towards him full of fighting spirit.

As if feeling Chen Yi's provocation, the basilisk's eyes flashed fiercely, and the speed was a bit faster!

Chapter 114 Me too!

The distance of [-] meters is fleeting, and the basilisk is close at hand!

Facing the behemoth in front of him, Chen Yiyi was not afraid, but instead showed a hint of arrogant smile.

The hand holding the Shadowless Sword tightened slightly...

"Phantom Sword Dance!"

As he spoke, Chen Yi slashed the Shadowless Sword forward.

One sword, two swords...

The speed of Chen Yi's slashing was instantly increased to the extreme, and several arcs of sword energy appeared in front of Chen Yi in a staggered manner.

The basilisk went head-on!

"Ang hiss~!"

The moment the basilisk crashed into the attack range of Phantom Sword Dance, it let out a painful hiss!

Even the teachers and students outside the castle could hear the neighing. Many students were taken aback. It was already strange enough to call everyone out in the middle of the night, but now there was a terrifying noise coming from the castle. There was a commotion at the scene.

"Don't panic, stay where you are and don't move around! We will protect everyone. Professor Chen Yi has already dealt with that monster! The castle will be safe soon!" Professor McGonagall shouted.

Harry's eyes flickered in the crowd. He had already learned the secret of the Chamber of Secrets from the acromantula, so he knew that the monster Professor McGonagall was talking about was the basilisk.

That giant snake that he and Ron saw on the edge of the black lake that night must be the basilisk, but now Professor McGonagall said that Chen Yi was dealing with it in the castle. Aren't they in the same group?

"No! I want to go into the castle!"

Thinking of this, Harry quietly slipped away from the edge of the crowd...

At this time, the battle in the castle was coming to an end.

In the blink of an eye, several deep cut marks appeared on the basilisk's body!It struggled to escape, but it was too late now......

Under the desperate eyes of the basilisk, Chen Yi made the final blow!

Several condensed sword glows pushed the basilisk's body to the distance, plowing out several deep marks on the ground!

"Ding! Kill the basilisk lv36 and get 70000 experience points."

Due to the large difference in levels, killing the basilisk did not bring much experience gain to Chen Yi, and the low-level equipment that broke out was of no use to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi stepped forward and looked at the corpse of the basilisk.Although the system has given a kill prompt, the basilisk's nerves haven't completely died yet, so it keeps pulling out.

Suddenly, Chen Yi sensed a surge of energy in the basilisk's head, and out of curiosity, he poked it into its head with the Shadowless Sword.Under the sharpness of the Shadowless Sword, Chen Yi didn't feel the slightest hindrance. He easily pierced the basilisk's head, and then picked it up lightly. Chen Yi picked out a pitch-black irregular crystal from the basilisk's head. .

What is this?

Chen Yi strangely held this black crystal in his hand, and tried to input energy into it, but he didn't get any response. Putting it into his backpack only showed that it was an unknown energy body.

Could it be the inner alchemy of the basilisk?Chen Yi had a wild idea, after all, the basilisk was raised in Hogwarts by Salazar Slytherin. He is one of the founders of Hogwarts, and Hogwarts has been around for thousands of years. In other words, the basilisk has lived for thousands of years.

In this way, the basilisk is still a thousand-year-old snake spirit......

Not knowing the function of this thing for the time being, Chen Yi casually put it in his pocket.

Let's go out first, Chen Yi wrapped the body of the basilisk with magic power, and dragged it behind him.

When he came out of the gap in the wall, Chen Yi also released a repair spell to restore the castle wall to its original shape.

Harry, who was hiding around the corner, saw the huge snake corpse floating behind Chen Yi from a distance, and while shocked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of doubt in his heart.

wrong!This is not a basilisk!The giant snake I saw by the Black Lake that night was much bigger than the one in front of me.

Which means.....the real basilisk is alive!

Harry was so nervous that he didn't dare to make any noise. He suppressed the fear in his heart and slowly backed away. If Chen Yi found out now, he would definitely be killed!

"We can't just let him get away with it, we must expose him!"

But Harry didn't know that Chen Yi, who had his back turned to him, had a mocking smile on his face...

Outside the gate of the castle, all the teachers and students looked nervously.

"Look! Professor Chen Yi is out!"

Someone spotted Chen Yi's figure and hurriedly reminded him loudly.

"It's out! It's really out!"

"Professor Chen Yi is not injured?"

Several professors also looked at the gate of the castle after hearing the words, as if they didn't expect Chen Yi to come out so soon.


The little wizards stretched their necks to look in the direction of the castle gate, and they saw Chen Yi walking out with leisurely steps, with a calm and composed look, completely unable to tell that he had just experienced a life-and-death duel, and even his hair was not messy.

"Why does Professor Chen Yi seem to be fine?"

A little wizard asked with some doubts.

"I think there must be no monsters in the castle, he directed and acted them all!" Ron said sourly from the side.

"But the cry just now?"

"he himself......."

Suddenly Ron stopped, because following Chen Yi's pace, the corpse of the basilisk behind him also appeared in everyone's sight.

"What monster is that!"

"What a big snake!"

The little wizards were stunned, they couldn't imagine that such a terrifying creature was hidden in the castle!Feeling scared thinking about it now...

"No...not right...this is not a real basilisk..." Ron murmured, but his voice was quickly drowned out in deafening cheers.

"Professor Chen Yi! Professor Chen Yi!"

The little wizards shouted Chen Yi's name loudly. At this moment, Chen Yicheng became the hero of Hogwarts!

For the cheers from the little wizards, although Chen Yi was very grateful in his heart, he still maintained a calm appearance on the surface.

He came to several professors and threw the body of the basilisk aside.

"Now that the castle is safe, the students can go back to class! I will leave the body of the basilisk to you."

Mag looked at the corpse of the basilisk, and nodded blankly.Snape on the side also looked at the corpse of the basilisk in shock. One can imagine how terrifying it would be if this thing was alive...

But after all, they are also people who have experienced storms, and they quickly calmed down and began to organize the students to return to the castle in an orderly manner.

When the little wizards passed by the corpse of the basilisk, they all exclaimed in amazement, and at the same time they admired Chen Yi even more in their hearts.

Such a powerful monster, Chen Yi, can deal with it, and it doesn't seem to take much effort!Some senior girls gave Chen Yi all the looks when they passed by him.

Chen Yi nodded slightly to them, but secretly remembered their appearance one by one. What if these girls encounter some difficulties in study one day and need him to answer them?

Mag not far away saw this scene but chose to ignore it.A person who has thoughts about girls in the first grade, McGonagall said that this is nothing...

But when she saw several precocious junior girls looking at Chen Yi affectionately, she couldn't help saying: "Professor Chen Yi, they are still children!"

Chen Yi turned his head and smiled at her.

"me too......."

Chapter 115 Threatening Ron

The corner of Professor McGonagall's mouth twitched, and he simply turned around to look out of sight.

She had never seen such a brazen person!

Because Ron had something on his mind, he hung at the end of the line. When he passed by Chen Yi, Chen Yi stopped him.

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