"Nagini, why don't you take advantage of this holiday to go out for a walk, there should be many old friends alive now."

"Yes, I will follow you wherever you go."

"Then go see Newt and Tina first. I don't know if Queenie and Jacob are still alive."

Some time ago, Chen Yi had seen information about Newt in the newspaper. This guy is now a well-known magizoologist.


Nagini did not turn into a human form, just put the huge snake head at Chen Yi's feet, the two chatted one after another, enjoying the leisure time, for her, being able to stay by Chen Yi's side Already very happy.

The two chatted for a while, and Chen Yi glanced at his watch.

"Hmm...is it already this time? Sister Nagini...let's try that move tonight!"

Hearing Chen Yi's words, Nagini quickly turned into a Snake Princess form, and a rosy blush appeared on her glamorous face, making her look extraordinarily attractive...

Silent all night.

The next day, the students of Hogwarts had already left, and Chen Yi and Nagini also embarked on a trip to visit old friends.


"It should be here..."

Chen Yi compared the address in his hand, looked at the house in front of him, and walked forward after making sure he found the right one.

knock knock knock...

"Who is it?" An old female voice came out, and soon the door was opened, and a gray-haired old lady who looked very energetic poked her head out.

"Tina?" Chen Yi asked with a smile.

Tina looked at the two people standing outside the door in shock.

"You...you are Chen Yi? And Nagini! Some time ago Newt said that you are back, I still don't believe it, I didn't expect it to be true!"

Tina said incredulously, and then quickly opened the door to greet the two of them.

"Come in, Newt must be happy to see you!"

Chen Yi walked into the room with a smile, and even Nagini smiled when he saw his old friend.

"Old man, come out quickly and see who is coming!"

Tina poured tea for the two of them, then went into the back room to call Newt.

Holding the tea, Chen Yi suddenly saw an open letter not far away from the corner of his eye, which seemed to have his name on it, so he beckoned, and the letter automatically flew into his hand.

Chen Yi took a closer look and found that it was a letter written by Dumbledore to New. He found the section where his name was written, with a strange expression on his face.

"Newt, Chen Yi and Nagini are back! And they look very young... By the way, there is another interesting thing, you must not spread it, you know? Chen Yi is actually here now Falling in love with a little girl in the first grade! Merlin's beard, he's old enough to be someone's grandfather!"

Seeing this, Chen Yi balled up the letter paper with a blank face, and then a flame rose from his hand and burned it to pieces...

"Very good! Dumbledore, I really underestimated you! Very good..." Chen Yi gritted his teeth in his heart.

This scene happened to be seen by Newt who came out, he smiled awkwardly, and repeatedly said that this matter had nothing to do with him, it was all said by that old man Dumbledore, and he was not ashamed at all for betraying his teacher.

Chen Yi rolled his eyes at him angrily.

"Chew your tongue behind your back every day, and settle accounts with him when you get back!"

What else can Newt say about this, I can only hope that Dumbledore asks for blessings~

Chapter 103 The old cow eats the tender grass?

Seeing Chen Yi, an old friend whom they hadn't seen for many years, the old couple prepared a sumptuous dinner for Chen Yi and Queenie and Jacob. My sister lives very close.

After eating this meal for a long time, the six of them chatted about a lot of things. Newt and the others sighed when they talked about the past of these years, feeling the passing of time...

After the meal, Chen Yi said calmly to the four of them: "Have you ever thought about immortality? I have a way to get the Philosopher's Stone for you."

But hearing Chen Yi's words, the four of Newt didn't fluctuate too much, but looked at each other with a smile full of happiness.

"No need, this life is enough for us to live contentedly..." The four of them replied in unison.

"Is that so? I really envy you..."

Seeing this, Chen Yi also smiled, with a sense of freedom in his smile, although he still couldn't be so indifferent to the four of them, but since they feel happy...

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Jacob started talking again, laughing and laughing away the slight sadness.

After the dinner, Chen Yi bid farewell to Nagini and left. Now he has one important thing to do, which is to settle accounts with Dumbledore!

What does it mean to fall in love with a little girl in the first grade!He is caring for the physical and mental health of the students!You are still old enough to be a grandfather. Have you ever seen such a tender grandfather?

He didn't even bother to look at the scenery along the way, so Chen Yi took Nagini and teleported back to Hogwarts, otherwise he was afraid that Dumbledore would run away early after receiving a message from Newt!

Back at Hogwarts Castle, Chen Yi hurriedly walked to the principal's office, and met McGonagall on the way.

Seeing Chen Yi's expression, Mag felt something was wrong, and quickly followed him, fearing that something might happen to Dumbledore.

“Iced lemonade!”

Chen Yi impatiently said the password of Dumbledore's office, but there was no response after waiting for a long time.

"No? A pile of cockroaches?"

"Zizi honey candy?"

Chen Yi tried several passwords in a row, but none of them were correct. He turned his head and stared at Mag behind him and asked, "What is the password? I think you must know it."

Professor McGonagall hesitated, but still bit the bullet and said the new password for Dumbledore's office.

"Old cows eat young grass..."

Chen Yi: (_)

Chen Yi waved his hand expressionlessly, and the violent magic power gushed out like a huge wave...


The entrance of Bullido's office was blasted open by Chen Yi abruptly, and the gravel was scattered all over the place...

The violent explosion made the corner of Professor McGonagall's mouth twitch, but she didn't dare to stop the furious Chen Yi at all, and could only watch him walk into Dumbledore's office.

After a while...

"Dumbledore! You old bastard has the ability to hide from Hogwarts for the rest of your life!"

Dumbledore ran away ahead of time. He may have foreseen Chen Yi's reaction, and left a letter on the table explaining that he ran away overnight after going out to visit his old friends.

Even the past principals hanging on the wall don't know where to hide, leaving only an empty background.

There was no other way, Chen Yi could only smash it in Dumbledore's office, collecting some interest first, and then left angrily.

Professor McGonagall hid aside and carefully watched Chen Yi walk away before he quietly pulled out his wand and started repairing Dumbledore's office...

With no one to take revenge on, Chen Yi walked towards the library.

Anyway, Dumbledore can run away from the monk but not the temple, and he will return to Hogwarts sooner or later.

Recently, he likes to study some ancient books in the restricted area. Although the content is evil, Chen Yi can find some ancient civilization materials in it. Some time ago, he also saw the content about splitting his soul and offering sacrifices to evil gods.

Looking at the contents of the book, it seems that evil gods really existed in that era.

Leisurely time flies quickly, and half of the holiday has passed in the blink of an eye.During this time, Chen Yi received letters from Hermione almost every week, and the little girl seemed to never get tired of this method of communication.

Chen Yi also patiently responded to her one by one.

On this day, he saw Hermione's letter asking about Hagrid's young dragon, and he remembered that there was a Norwegian Ridgeback in the Forbidden Forest...

With nothing else to do, Chen Yi asked Haige to enter the Forbidden Forest together, and was going to see how the little dragon was doing.

The dragon in the world of Harry Potter grows very fast, it can grow to twice its original size in one to two weeks, and now it has been more than half a semester since it was born......

When Chen Yi saw this little dragon, it was fighting with a dead prey. Seeing Chen Yi and the two coming, he immediately put on a posture to be on guard.

At this time, the Norwegian Ridgeback was already more than two meters tall, and the length of its tail and body could reach five or six meters. This size could already be called a top predator in the Forbidden Forest.

The Norwegian Ridgeback is the most aggressive dragon species in the world of Harry Potter, and any creature that dares to appear during its meal will be violently attacked by it.....

But it quickly recognized Chen Yi, and immediately prostrated itself on the ground, and pushed the charred and blackened prey forward with its nose, indicating that Chen Yi could enjoy it as he wished.

Of course, Chen Yi had no interest in the black unknown object, but walked up to Xiaolong and patted its head, and it also gently rubbed against Chen Yi's palm to express its intimacy.

"Merlin's beard, it's really close to you!" Hagrid said enviously.

Chen Yi smiled noncommittally.

"It may be dissatisfied with the name you gave it. Do you still call it a carrot?"

"Yeah, I feel like it likes this name very much, radish~radish~"

Hagrid didn't think there was a problem with his naming skills, so he teased him twice.

However, what responded to him was a large cloud of dragon flames. Fortunately, Hagrid avoided it at a critical moment, otherwise his hair would be burnt to the ground.

"Well... well, it seems that it doesn't like this name, so what name do you want to give it?"

Hagrid turned to Chen Yi and asked.

Chen Yi rolled his eyes: "Why don't we call it...Bakar, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar~!"

As for whether this name will be heard by the real Bakar, it is none of Chen Yi's business...

Anyway, from now on, Chen Yi's mount will be called Tyrannosaurus King Bakar!

Xiaolong obviously liked the name very much, and couldn't help but let out a dragon cry and hovered in the sky, as if announcing the existence of the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar to the world.

Seeing this scene, Hagrid murmured: "But I still think carrots sound good..."

Looking at Bakar who kept hovering in the sky, Chen Yi's heart skipped a beat, and the figure instantly appeared on its back.

"Go, take me to fly around the Forbidden Forest!"


Bacal let out a dragon cry, and led Chen Yi to fly deeper into the Forbidden Forest. The coercion of the top predator scared the creatures in the forest to flee, while Hagrid could only stand on the ground and watch enviously.

Bacal is now the size to carry Hagrid...

Feeling the gust of wind blowing towards his face, Chen Yi felt a heroic feeling in his heart, but unfortunately the dragon under his feet was too small...

"It seems that we need to find a time to prepare some potion for Bakar so that it can grow faster." Chen Yi thought in his heart.

Although there is a faster way, that is to sign the contract directly with Bacal, but after hesitating for a moment, Chen Yi decided not to die. Who knows if the information of the contract will be leaked, since Igabela is real, then What about the twelve apostles?

Although Bacal was already dead in the game plot, Chen Yi didn't dare to gamble with his own life.

Chapter 104 Let Your Skin Go!

Bakar's flying speed was very fast, and it took Chen Yi back to the original place after a while.

"Good job, I'll bring you something good in two days!"

Chen Yi patted Bakar's head in praise, and said with a smile.

After instructing Bakar to only move in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, Chen Yi returned first, while Hagrid insisted on staying here to 'cultivate a relationship' with Bakar.

After returning to Hogwarts, Chen Yi slipped into Snape's potion room again. He wanted to find some materials to make potions that could make dragons grow quickly.

As soon as Chen Yi came in, he picked out things with ease, as if he was at his own home, which shows how many times he came here.After selecting the materials, Chen Yi thoughtfully helped Snape close the door.

Although there are all the materials Chen Yi needs in the Forbidden Forest, since there are ready-made Chen Yi, why bother himself? If you want to blame, Snape has collected too many materials...

Snape, who was buying rare medicinal materials in Knockturn Alley, suddenly sneezed, and a bad feeling came to his heart.

Could it be that the potions room was stolen again...

During this period of time, he changed several high-level spells for the door of the potion room, but whether to throw away the materials or not, this once made him doubt his magic level...

Because normally speaking of that level of counter-curse, even Dumbledore would have difficulty cracking it silently. Is there anyone in Hogwarts who is more powerful than Dumbledore?

Snape quickly dismissed this ridiculous idea, let alone Hogwarts, even in the entire wizarding world, there was no one who was more powerful than Dumbledore.

It looks like I have to hide the potion in another place in the future...

When Snape felt sorry for his potion, Chen Yi had successfully brewed the potion.Except for the Felicity Elixir, Chen Yi can completely achieve a [-]% success rate for other potions.

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