Chen Yi opened the entrance, turned to Harry and said, "Please, Mr. Savior?"

Harry swallowed, looking at the dark hole below, hesitating to go forward.

"Why, isn't Mr. Potter afraid? Didn't he just ask him to go in first? Wait a little longer and the Philosopher's Stone will be stolen by Snape!"

Chen Yi said mockingly, and specially added an accent to the word 'Snape'.

"Jump and jump!"

Harry couldn't bear Chen Yi's provocation, and jumped down as soon as he closed his eyes, and soon Harry shouted: "I'm fine! There are many plants below that can catch you!"

Hearing Harry's voice, Ron glanced at Chen Yi triumphantly, as if to say: "Jump first, so what, nothing happened!"

"It's your turn, Mr. Weasley." Chen Yi said with a smile, as if he didn't see Ron's provocation. This appearance made Ron even more proud. He felt that Chen Yi was deliberately ignoring himself out of fear of losing face.

With Harry leading the charge, the cowardly Ron was no longer afraid, and jumped directly down the hole.

Hermione followed behind him, but was stopped by Chen Yi just as she was about to jump.

"Let's go down together and take my hand."

Although she was surprised by Chen Yi's request, Hermione trusted Chen Yi very much and put her hand on Chen Yi's without hesitation.

Chen Yi jumped down with Hermione, and when he was about to fall into the devil's net, he suddenly used magic power to stop the two of them from falling, and stood above Harry in the air.

Hermione looked at her feet in amazement, feeling that an invisible force was supporting her. She had never seen such a magical magic. Just when she was curious to ask, Harry and Ron below suddenly panicked cry.

"Help, these plants are trying to strangle me!"

Ron struggled to pull the vines on his body, but the more he struggled, the tighter the vines on his body became, and he seemed to be out of breath.

"Don't move! These are devil's nets, the more you move them, the tighter they will be!"

Hermione recognized the devil's net at a glance, and reminded Ron and Harry.

Harry immediately relaxed his body when he heard Hermione's words, and was quickly put down by the devil's net, but Ron completely ignored Hermione's prompts, and only knew how to yell and crazily pull the vines on his body.

"What to do! Professor Chen Yi, save him quickly~"

At a loss, Hermione suddenly remembered Chen Yi beside her, and hurriedly asked him for help.

Seeing Hermione opened his mouth, Chen Yi waved his hand casually, and a flash of fluorescent light shone on the devil's net. These vines that were afraid of light retracted one after another, and Ron was saved because of this.

Ron sat on the ground gasping for breath with lingering fear. At this moment, Chen Yi and Hermione fell from the sky leisurely.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Ron was so angry that he pointed at Chen Yi and shouted, "You did it on purpose!"

"Enough! Ron! Professor Chen Yi just saved you!"

Hermione couldn't help complaining for Chen Yi. She couldn't understand why Professor Chen Yi saved Ron's life, but he still blamed Chen Yi.

"Okay! You're with him too! Let's go, Harry!"

Hearing Hermione's words, Ron became even angrier, called Harry and the two walked forward together.

Seeing this scene, Hermione almost cried, she didn't understand why these two people were so unreasonable!

"Alright, Hermione, they might have been frightened just now, that's why they said such things, maybe they will regret it later and apologize to you~"

Chen Yi secretly laughed in his heart, the more trouble Hermione and Harry made him the happier he was, but on the surface he still pretended to comfort him.

"Ugh~ I'm still not used to the green tea style!" After speaking, Chen Yi retched in his heart.

Sure enough, after hearing Chen Yi's green tea talk, Hermione became even more resentful towards Harry and Ron.

"Professor, you don't have to defend them! I've had enough of them!"

Professor Mingming cares so much about you and came here to protect you, but you still blame him!

At this time, Hermione had already regarded Chen Yi as an innocent victim, and she felt a little embarrassed because she invited Chen Yi here, and in the end she would be accused for no reason...

"Professor, let's go too." Hermione calmed down and said to Chen Yi.

"Don't bother, let's go inside and wait for them!"

As he said that, Chen Yi put his hand on Hermione's shoulder, and led her to teleport away.

Hermione was taken aback by the sudden change in front of her eyes, and after realizing it, she looked at Chen Yi in surprise.

"Professor! You used Apparition just now? But isn't it impossible to use this magic in Hogwarts?"

Unexpectedly, the little girl knew quite a lot, Chen Yi smiled and said to her: "I don't use Apparition, it's much more advanced than Apparation, this is my unique magic, no one can learn it except me Gotta do it!"

Chen Yi had to say this, he had to vaccinate Hermione in advance, otherwise the little girl wanted to learn everything she saw, and it would be strange if she could learn the skills in the system!

Seeing what Chen Yi said, Hermione gave up the idea of ​​learning from Chen Yi in the future, but she still looked at him with admiration, her eyes seemed to be full of little stars.

What appeared in front of Chen Yi and Chen Yi was a staircase leading to the bottom. Chen Yi knew that the end of the stairs was the Demon Realm, so Dumbledore hid the Sorcerer's Stone in the Demon Realm, and Professor Quirrell should be below.

Although he could go straight down and kill Voldemort, but that would be a lot less fun in the future, so he and Hermione waited here for Harry, wondering if he could pass through the front without Hermione's help. Those levels...

After waiting for a while, when Chen Yi got impatient and was about to go down and kill Quirrell directly, Harry finally passed through the flame door. It seemed that the protagonist's aura had worked, and he chose the correct potion.

"Mr. Potter, you are a bit late, we have been waiting here for a long time!"

Harry, covered in injuries, raised his head in disbelief when he heard the voice.

"How could you!?"

"We found a secret passage, and we wanted to ask you to join us, but you disappeared in a blink of an eye."

Chen Yi said with a smile while winking at Hermione.

Hermione also knew that Chen Yi didn't want Harry to know his amazing magic, so she nodded and said nothing.

"Okay... okay!"

Harry admitted in distress, looking at the stairs leading down.

"Have you ever gone down, is the Philosopher's Stone still there?"

"I don't know if the Philosopher's Stone is here, but I know there is a surprise waiting for you below!"

"Is that Snape? Is he down there?" Harry demanded.

"You'll know when you go down and see for yourself~ Don't worry, Hermione and I will use the Disillusionment Charm to enter the invisible state and help secretly!"

With that said, Chen Yi used the camouflage skill on himself and Hermione.

Seeing the two of them disappear suddenly, Harry asked nervously, "Are you still there?"

"Yes, hurry down!" Chen Yi's impatient voice came from the deserted corridor.

Seeing this, Harry had no choice but to pluck up his courage and walk down the stairs, while Chen Yi led Hermione and followed behind...

Chapter 100 Killing Quirrell

The three of them walked down the stairs, and what they saw was a hall. There was a mirror in the center of the hall. At this time, a figure was standing in front of the mirror with its back to the three of them.

Harry saw the man's appearance and said in disbelief: "This is impossible! Shouldn't it be Snape..."

"That's right! Snape looks like the bad guy..."

Hearing Harry's words, the person standing in front of the mirror turned around, and it was Quirrell.

"With him here, who would doubt poor Knot...knot...stuttering Professor Quilo" he sneered and said like he stammered.

"But that day in the Quidditch match Snape clearly..." Harry still couldn't believe it.

"Ah, yes! Quidditch! If Snape hadn't been reciting the countercurse that day, I would have let you fall to your death!"

Quirrell looked angry, obviously still brooding over Snape's actions.

"You're saying Snape was saving me that day? That's impossible..."

Harry felt his face hurt a bit, especially since Chen Yi and Hermione were still watching...

Quirrell didn't have the patience to continue entangled with a little ghost, and shouted at Harry directly: "Come here! Stand in front of the devil's realm, and then tell me what you can see!"

Harry hesitated for a moment, but thinking that there were still Chen Yi and Hermione hiding in the dark, he boldly walked over.

"Say! What did you see!"

Quirrell urged that since the kid Harry could find him, I believe other professors in the school would come soon.

Harry looked at himself in the mirror and stuffed the Philosopher's Stone into his trouser pocket, and then he felt his trouser pocket sink, knowing in his heart that it was the Philosopher's Stone.

Of course he wouldn't tell Qi Luo all this, his eyes turned to think, why didn't he think of a way to make Chen Yi and Qi Luo fight?He doesn't like either of them anyway...

"I see...Professor Chen Yi is standing behind you!"

Harry resolutely chose to sell Chen Yi, and then ran to the side to sit back and watch.

Chen Yi looked at Harry with a sneer, and thought clearly about his carelessness. Want to play snipe and clam with him?Think beautifully!Not only did he not show up, but he took a few steps back.

Hermione also looked at Harry angrily, wasn't this deliberately exposing the two of them?

Hearing Harry's words, Quirrell became tense for a moment, and turned around cautiously after pulling out his wand, but he didn't see anything wrong after a while.

"He lied... There is no one else here..." Suddenly, a cold voice came from Quirrell's hat.

Hearing this voice, Quirrell's expression immediately became angry, as if Harry made him make a fool of himself in front of his master.

"You dare to play with me!"

"No! I didn't trick you! Professor Chen Yi is really here, and Hermione, come out quickly!"

Startled by Quirrell's horrifying gaze, Harry yelled as he stepped back.

Chen Yi squeezed Hermione's hand, signaling her not to act rashly, and then looked at the scene in front of him with great interest.And Hermione also heard the cold voice, knowing that there were other enemies present, so she silently observed.

"What are you going to do next? Mr. Potter..." Chen Yi secretly smiled.

"Let me tell him..." The cold voice came out again.

"Obey! My master!" Quirrell immediately untied his hat as he heard the voice.

As the cloth strips of the hat were untied in circles, a terrifying face was revealed...

What kind of face was that, pale and gray, with underdeveloped facial features, at this moment that face was staring at Harry through the mirror with staring eyes.

Seeing this terrifying scene, Harry was already petrified.

"Harry... Potter! We meet again..."

The face spoke, and Harry finally knew where the cold voice came from, and he subconsciously said the name of the face.


"That's right...look at what I have become now in order to survive? I can only parasitize on others and become a parasite...It's all thanks to you!"

Voldemort's tone gradually fluctuated, and the last sentence was even shouted out.

Harry was so scared that he sat down on the ground.

"Professor Chen Yi... Hermione... Come out quickly!"

The surroundings were still quiet, but Voldemort was completely enraged by Harry.

"You still want to lie to me! Qi Luo, it seems that you won't be honest if you don't let you suffer some hardships... Qi Luo, give him some strength!"

"Obey, my master... Cruciatus!"

Quirrell didn't hesitate, and the shot was a vicious Unforgivable Curse. He was quite displeased with Harry, and he would certainly not be merciful if he had the opportunity to teach him a lesson.


Harry rolled all over the floor in pain, feeling as if several blunt knives were constantly sawing in his heart, it was a severe pain that could make one's spirit collapse...

"My God, Harry!"

Hermione couldn't help screaming, so Chen Yi had no choice but to make a move.

"Except your weapons!"

Chen Yi took out a magic wand and shouted pretendingly that he did not work hard.He didn't want to be too terrified of the world, if he frightened Voldemort all of a sudden, where would he go for fun in the future...

As Hermione's cry made Quirrell ready, he blocked Chen Yi's attack with a wave of his wand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Quirrell would not be polite to Chen Yi, a shot would be a death curse.

Of course, Chen Yi would not stand there foolishly and be beaten. Although he was sure to pass Avada Kedavra's verdict of immediate death, he still had to leave a glimmer of hope for others.

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